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US Capitol breached


Trump Trump Trump OrangeMan Bad Bad OrangeMan Bad
Trump Trump Trump
OrangeMan Bad Bad OrangeMan Bad
Trump Trump Trump OrangeMan Bad Bad OrangeMan Bad
Trump Trump Trump OrangeMan Bad Bad OrangeMan Bad


This thread is really turning hilarious.


Decaf says, "You're welcome" as well:


Okay, he doesn't stick around long enough to say it, but I'm sure he thinks it ...

In between terrible nightmares about hordes of white supremacists kicking in the door to his rent-controlled studio apartment, with shared bathroom.
Barista Boy when he gets triggered about anything involving Orange Man Bad:

Oh, you people poked the Decaf. You are IN for it now! Decaf unleashes hell:


Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump ...
Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump

Here, Decaf employs something he likes to call "Trumpingjacks":

From someone who's seen the MAGA stench & rot from the within, Liz Cheney is 100% correct. The threat from former guy and his flock of batshit crazy, unhinged lunatics may just be getting started.

Trump critic Liz Cheney cautions Jan. 6 riot could happen again​

WASHINGTON — Rep. Liz Cheney, newly ousted from House Republican leadership for challenging former President Donald Trump, criticized GOP colleagues Sunday for downplaying the Jan. 6 riot and condoning Trump’s lies that the 2020 election was stolen, saying they were “complicit” in undermining democracy.

In television interviews, the Wyoming Republican said there was “no question” an attack like Jan. 6 could happen again if Trump’s claims go unchecked.

“I think it’s dangerous,” Cheney said. “I think that we have to recognize how quickly things can unravel. We have to recognize what it means for the nation to have a former president who has not conceded and who continues to suggest that our electoral system cannot function, cannot do the will of the people.”

“We’ve seen not only his provocation of the attack, but his refusal to send help when it was needed, his refusal to immediately say, ‘Stop,’” she added.

Asked in a separate interview if she believes House Republican leader Kevin McCarthy of California and Rep. Elise Stefanik, who replaced Cheney in the No. 3 leadership job, are complicit by embracing Trump, Cheney responded: “They are.”

“I’m not willing to do that,” she said. “We all have an obligation to stand up against that.”
Liz is one of the RINOs I mentioned that would get tarred and feathered.
Liz is one of the RINOs I mentioned that would get tarred and feathered.
you said that on Fascistbook and caused quite a turmoil
Liz is one of the RINOs I mentioned that would get tarred and feathered.

Commander Barista responds:


"From hell's heart, I stab at thee; For hate's sake, I spit my last breath at thee
with my royal incantation ..."


Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump ...
Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump
Trumpingjacks, lmao. This is going to be fun.
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The insurrection is a farce. It's a joke. A set up. The reaction by the demoncrats on it is a bigger farce. They're a big fat ******* joke. Deplorable describes them to the very essence and meaning of the word. I will cheer their demise if this country gets smart enough to call for a convention of the states. It's long overdue
The "insurrection" was a total farce. It was a set up. The reaction by the demoncrats was also totally planned. I will cheer their demise if this country gets smart enough to identify the smokescreen that is portrayed as reality by the "establishment" which includes a huge faction of DC and many state and local governments, the media, the entertainment industry and academia.

Sorry I had to edit that a little.
Sorry I had to edit that a little.

Got to put in term limits or we are done. This congress has run its course. We are not voting our way out of this.

This evil runs too deep.
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Got to put in term limits or we are done. This congress has run its course. We are not voting our way out of this.

This evil runs too deep.
I agree but it will never happen. Would be the same as asking a guy about to be hung to go ahead and put the noose around his neck. The only reason most politicians are in office is to make big bucks or they are too dumb to make an honest living and they peg out the bullshit-o-meter....Its either sell used cars or run for office... I guess you have to use your talents somewhere...
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I agree but it will never happen. Would be the same as asking a guy about to be hung to go ahead and put the noose around his neck. The only reason most politicians are in office is to make big bucks or they are too dumb to make an honest living and they peg out the bullshit-o-meter....Its either sell used cars or run for office... I guess you have to use your talents somewhere...

They don't have any choice. This is above congress. I do absolutely believe we can get enough states to sign on. It's over halfway done. This is part of the trouble in that people actually think nothing can be done. It's sitting right on the table.
Got to put in term limits or we are done. This congress has run its course. We are not voting our way out of this.

This evil runs too deep.
Term limits are a start. But universal suffrage MUST end. Only net taxpayers should vote, as long as the leach class can vote themselves OPM term limits won’t mean much because the rampant spending on the dole will continue just under a different Pol every 8 years.
Term limits are a start. But universal suffrage MUST end. Only net taxpayers should vote, as long as the leach class can vote themselves OPM term limits won’t mean much because the rampant spending on the dole will continue just under a different Pol every 8 years.

True. That's just one of the things high up with term limits. Balanced budget Ammendment, a serious draw back on executive power, in fact the federal government needs throttled way the **** back. Expanded states rights. If California wants to **** itself into a massive hole, the rest of the states shouldn't have to bail them out. They're ******* morons who are heading for massive failure quick.

There's a lot of smaller things like voter id, becoming a sovereign nation by you know controlling who the hell comes here. The border has always been a

no brainer. It's national security and protection of citizens. What they're doing now is a big fat **** you to us.

Anyhow. A convention must be done or we will be left with one option only. If it got to that point we're probably in really really bad shape.

We're actually pretty ****** up now,but we're still eating and we haven't been invaded yet. That would come on the west coast
Jan 6th was an inside job. McCarthy and the rest of the MAGA/Qanon GOP seditionists must be held accountable or this country will never return to normalcy.

I would debate that....

The United States has been invaded at its southern border for many years now.

Well that is one type of invasion, but that one is ALL political as they expect them to vote demoncrat. I'm sure the objective is to get them into districts around the country they do not win in.

We've never been invaded by a standing army yet. Which considering how much China makes from us,it wouldn't be optimal. If they formed an alliance with other enemies of ours,it would still be almost impossible for them to conquer us conventionally. We'd probably have to nuke them and all sides lose.
Tells you everything you need to know, that McCarthy is opposed to a bipartisan Commission to investigate the events of Jan 6th.

Let's break this down.

1. There was an attack on America to overturn the election.
2. Ds and Rs negotiated the terms of the Commission to uncover what happened and how so to prevent it from happening again.
3. Ds and Rs will have equal representation and power.

But GOP is now saying they're against it. Why?

The same people who investigated Fast & Furious, alleged voter fraud, supposed IRS targeting, Hillary Clinton's email server, purported pizza parlor pedophile ring, birth certificates, and Benghazi so many times it became a joke...

...now want to move on from Jan 6th without any scrutiny.

Only the truly dumbest of the dumb will wonder why that is.

The answer is plain as day. The GOP is complicit in the attack on the Capitol.
Good information, gents. Re: a war, even though China and Russia are up there, I still don't think anybody really comes close to America's true firepower and advanced military technology. The nuclear, stealth aircraft, supercarriers & UAVs are unmatched. That's why they've all entered the realm of biological & cyber warfare IMO - and they're certainly showing they have the upper hand there.

Oh, and we have spineless schoolchildren running things.
Tells you everything you need to know, that McCarthy is opposed to a bipartisan Commission to investigate the events of Jan 6th.

Let's break this down.

1. There was an attack on America to overturn the election.
2. Ds and Rs negotiated the terms of the Commission to uncover what happened and how so to prevent it from happening again.
3. Ds and Rs will have equal representation and power.

But GOP is now saying they're against it. Why?

The same people who investigated Fast & Furious, alleged voter fraud, supposed IRS targeting, Hillary Clinton's email server, purported pizza parlor pedophile ring, birth certificates, and Benghazi so many times it became a joke...

...now want to move on from Jan 6th without any scrutiny.

Only the truly dumbest of the dumb will wonder why that is.

The answer is plain as day. The GOP is complicit in the attack on the Capitol.

if this was so horrible, seems strange all those arrested have been charged with things like trespassing and vandalism. Where are the weapons charges? The murder charges? The charges of insurrection or treason?

have you seen the recently released video of the cops telling the people inside the Capital that they were OK so long as they remained peaceful? Probably not.