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US Capitol breached

Trump supporters scrambling to find ways to blame anyone and everyone but him. You don't say.

I dunno OFTB...he was blamed for Portland. Minneapolis. New York City. St. Louis. Seattle. Chicago. His rhetoric killed George Floyd. He personally killed 300K+ Americans with COVID because of what he said or didn't say in March or April. All those children in Obama's cages were actually DJT's fault. May as well blame him for this too. It's the easy thing to do. Everything that goes bad in this country is Mango Man Bad.

Or perhaps today showed Americans are fed up with being lied to and cheated, fed up with seeing a billion dollar relief package that funded gender studies in the middle east while not helping Americans, or any of countless other things Americans are seeing that are nefarious in our Government, seated in Congress. Nah...those issues couldn't possibly be real reasons. Trump incited this violence and he alone is to blame. Roger that.
At the risk of breaking out the tin foil hats I must say today seemed a little weird in the sense that with a million protestors expected to show up for days now the security was pretty damn lax....

I wouldn't put it past some to want the outcome we had today and maybe not arrange it, but not go out of their way to prevent it either.

Just ended up a little more extreme than they expected.

Have you ever been through security at the Capitol? Just like the airport, with armed officers doing the searches. Where did the security go today, and why did they get overwhelmed without a fight?

Global terrorists probably had a hopeful day today.

Great work by many in DC!

Sent from my SM-N950W using Tapatalk

Have you ever been through security at the Capitol? Just like the airport, with armed officers doing the searches. Where did the security go today, and why did they get overwhelmed without a fight?

Global terrorists probably had a hopeful day today.

Great work by many in DC!

Sent from my SM-N950W using Tapatalk

One of the videos on Twitter showed one police officer at one entrance. One. He grabbed tail and ran and the protesters just walked right in. "Mom I'm home."

Something's just not right about today.
I dunno OFTB...he was blamed for Portland. Minneapolis. New York City. St. Louis. Seattle. Chicago. His rhetoric killed George Floyd. He personally killed 300K+ Americans with COVID because of what he said or didn't say in March or April. All those children in Obama's cages were actually DJT's fault. May as well blame him for this too. It's the easy thing to do. Everything that goes bad in this country is Mango Man Bad.

Or perhaps today showed Americans are fed up with being lied to and cheated, fed up with seeing a billion dollar relief package that funded gender studies in the middle east while not helping Americans, or any of countless other things Americans are seeing that are nefarious in our Government, seated in Congress. Nah...those issues couldn't possibly be real reasons. Trump incited this violence and he alone is to blame. Roger that.

Wow sounds like you're justifying domestic terrorism Tim.

Not the country I want to live in.

There are legal processes to deal with things like election fraud. IF you have any actual evidence of it. The courts threw these cases out because there was no evidence. I know some of you don't want to accept that but your desire to not accept that isn't more important than the peaceful transfer of power is to our democracy.

To undermine that without evidence is incredibly dangerous and irresponsible. And we will be paying the price for it for a long, long time.
Oh brother. A new day, a new ****-up by Trump, a new conspiracy theory. Lather, rinse, repeat.

Your emperor has no clothes folks.

Have a good night.
Wow sounds like you're justifying domestic terrorism Tim.

Not the country I want to live in.

There are legal processes to deal with things like election fraud. IF you have any actual evidence of it. The courts threw these cases out because there was no evidence. I know some of you don't want to accept that but your desire to not accept that isn't more important than the peaceful transfer of power is to our democracy.

To undermine that without evidence is incredibly dangerous and irresponsible. And we will be paying the price for it for a long, long time.

No, I don't support domestic terrorism and I previously condemned what happened today.

I'm just calling out what I think is lazy by many and that is to blame Trump for everything. You appear to be their new convert. The point of the post was the man has literally been blamed for, or accused of everything for four years, that vast majority of which was well beyond his control. Like blaming Bush for Katrina. Convenient, and lazy and it worked. We heard "Booooshhhh" for 8 years under Obama. Now it's Trump. Something goes bad? Just say Trump. It's your get out of jail free card.

I've been honest about accusing the man of his many, many faults. While supporting the policies he supported. He's an incredibly imperfect President.

But to blame him for today is lazy. Period.

There's quite a lot that led to today. What underlies that is what we should be focused on, not pointing lazily to a scapegoat.
Some of the stuff Trump had been blamed for is certainly wrong and ridiculous, but most of the blame for the capital goes to him. From pushing conspiracy theories to telling people to show up and just the rhetoric he uses gets people fired up. Some would jump off a bridge if he told them to
Some of the stuff Trump had been blamed for is certainly wrong and ridiculous, but most of the blame for the capital goes to him. From pushing conspiracy theories to telling people to show up and just the rhetoric he uses gets people fired up. Some would jump off a bridge if he told them to

Trump asked people to show up to march and demonstrate and stand for their rights. Nothing more.

You act as if the words he used were like Maxine Waters. THAT is rhetoric, imploring your supporters directly to conduct violence.

Please point us to where Trump asked for violence today? He implored the crowd to march to Congress and protest. Vast difference.
Thanks Trump now we're lost the high ground on looting and rioting too.

Your destruction of conservatism is complete.

No what he has done is show us who real conservatives are and who calls themselves conservatives but in actuality will happily become serfs of the new socialist overlords.
Thanks Trump now we're lost the high ground on looting and rioting too.

Your destruction of conservatism is complete.

**** that high ground bullshit. **** that turn the other cheek bullshit.

The ONLY thing evil respects is violence done against evil. For the past number of years these hard working individuals have tried to take the high road, and turn the other cheek. They are FED UP, and tired of being IGNORED. I for one agree with them, and will donate to any LEGITIMATE legal defense fund for them. These people have been ridiculed, slandered, categorized as everything under the sun. The day of reckoning is quickly approaching, and the only ones to blame are the media, Democrats, King Barack the Racist, and his evil Queen Hitlery.
Yeah well your gut is wrong and guess who you have to thank for the Dem run country? Trump.

Actually, NEVER Trumpers like yourself are to blame. When you REFUSE to support the duly elected leader of your party, and they lose, that is on you. You have the right to NOT SUPPORT the elected representative of the party, but you can not then claim to be a party supporter.
The courts have failed us. John Roberts is not very Supreme. We have a multi-tiered justice system that hasn't been fair for a long time. Nope, thats not a tinder pot at all.
What does media bias have to do with this? Yeah the media is biased and yeah he played right into their hands better than they could have ever imagined. Especially today. The damage he’s done to the party and to conservatism in generally is immeasurable and will be long lasting.

I disagree with this completely. It has been prior "conservatives" who have done immeasurable and long lasting damage to conservatism. They are what caused Donald Trump. If they had followed through on what got them elected instead of laying up every time, Donald Trump is still this loudmouth real estate/TV guy who gets in the gossip pages here and again.
Actually, NEVER Trumpers like yourself are to blame. When you REFUSE to support the duly elected leader of your party, and they lose, that is on you. You have the right to NOT SUPPORT the elected representative of the party, but you can not then claim to be a party supporter.

This is BS to blindly support the party leader makes you a lemming. Just because i choose not to support a raving egomaniac man baby has nothing to do with my core beliefs. The country needs a stable leader not a raving psychopath.
All I have to say is this:

If you thought the BLM violence was OK but that what happened yesterday was not, **** off.
If you thought what happened yesterday was OK but the BLM violence was not, **** off.
If you don’t see media bias in all of this, **** off.
If you don’t realize we have a low-information society who gets most of its news from social media, **** off.
If you blame all of this on Trump, **** off.
If you think that what happened yesterday was NOT associated with AnTiFa in some way, **** off and eat a bag of dicks.
If you think that Biden and the Dems won fairly, **** off, **** yourself, and eat dicks.
If you feel the Republicans fought for election integrity this whole time, **** off, **** yourselves, and eat dicks.

That is all.
Last edited:
RINO used to actually mean something. Now it’s just a term kooks like you use for anyone who doesn’t worship your idiot hero and swallow all of his bullshit without question. It’s amazing how many people he’s turned “RINO”. It’s real easy. You just tell the whiny baby no about anything and suddenly you’re the enemy. Pence will be the next loyal soldier to fall. Soon there will be no one left.

It's sheep like you who are fine with the status quo, who sit by idly while the Left tries to turn us into Venezuela with socialism. You're simply blind with TDS.
All I have to say is this:

If you thought the BLM violence was OK but that what happened yesterday was not, **** off.
If you thought what happened yesterday was OK but the BLM violence was not, **** off.
If you don’t see media bias in all of this, **** off.
If you don’t realize we have a low-information society who gets most of its news from social media, **** off.
If you blame all of this on Trump, **** off.
If you think that what happened yesterday was NOT associated with AnTiFa in some way, **** off and eat a bag of dicks.
If you think that Biden and the Dems won fairly, **** off, **** yourself, and eat dicks.
If you feel the Republicans fought for election integrity this whole time, **** off, **** yourselves, and eat dicks.

That is all.



Sent from my iPhone using Steeler Nation mobile app
All I have to say is this:

If you thought the BLM violence was OK but that what happened yesterday was not, **** off.
If you thought what happened yesterday was OK but the BLM violence was not, **** off.
If you don’t see media bias in all of this, **** off.
If you don’t realize we have a low-information society who gets most of its news from social media, **** off.
If you blame all of this on Trump, **** off.
If you think that what happened yesterday was NOT associated with AnTiFa in some way, **** off and eat a bag of dicks.
If you think that Biden and the Dems won fairly, **** off, **** yourself, and eat dicks.
If you feel the Republicans fought for election integrity this whole time, **** off, **** yourselves, and eat dicks.

That is all.

voice of reason.

Thank you!
Thoroughly debunked? Just how ******* stupid are you? It wasn't even investigated.


That being said- I am disgusted with how things went down yesterday. I’m disgusted with the media. I’m disgusted with the Dems committing fraud so blatantly. I’m disgusted with how Trump has handled himself as of late. I’m disgusted with society. I am just disgusted.
This is BS to blindly support the party leader makes you a lemming. Just because i choose not to support a raving egomaniac man baby has nothing to do with my core beliefs. The country needs a stable leader not a raving psychopath.

People are not blindly loyal to Trump. I know that is going to be the talking point, but it just is not true. I voted for Ted Cruz in the 2016 PA primary, because I felt Cruz, more than any of them, stood up for my rights as a gun owner. So, I somewhat begrudgingly supported Trump. Anyway, it is the issues that Trump stood for that people are passionate about. For people to just unthinkingly make that assertion of blind loyalty means there continues to be an unwillingness to try to understand the underlying reasons that caused Trump.

Those reasons can be seen in the spending bills of the last two weeks. $300 million to the Sudan to open business while our businesses here are being shuttered. $200 million for the Jordan to build a border wall and border security, while reducing our spending here for it. Apparently border security if fine anywhere but the USA. Gender studies in Pakistan. It is a disgrace from both parties.

I will now be told every day how we need "common sense" gun laws, laws in which the only people that will follow them are those with common sense. All the while I am told this, DAs like the idiot in Los Angeles will take murderers who, in the interest of getting them out of jail earlier, will strip of the federal gun charges that were added to their sentences.

The mistake too many of us have made is never being able to convince people this is not about Donald Trump for us. If there had been or is someone else who stood strong for our concerns and values, that person will get our vote and Donald Trump will be a memory. We just do not see that person anywhere.
America has one more licensed gun owner soon. Today settled it.

Set my appointment today to get finger printed, licensed, and take the necessary courses Friday afternoon. Get to train with a Glock17. Haven't settled on a weapon I'll purchase, but it may be the Glock 17. Or a ****** lawyer advised I get a Walther PPQ. I live in the People's Republic of Marylandistan, so I have to wait 30 days after. Also have a Sig Sauer P232 a family member wants to give to me.

I've spent my life owning rifles and shotguns. I have opposed hand guns. They are people-killers. But now that a party is in power that supports, enables, and forgives roving packs of violent mobs that attack suburbs, cities, innocents...I feel it is simply necessary. Like buying an insurance policy.

As I said to someone today, I'm not happy about it. I never wanted to own a hand gun. Just feel it is time.

****of course I'll lose my weapons in a tragic boating accident 60 days later ****

I would suggest the Ruger LCRx snub to carry. I love mine.