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US Capitol breached

Well, Jeb didn't gain the nomination so that really doesn't matter as he isn't part of the conversation. Never wanted him to win at that time anyway.

The Republicans had all 3 in 2016 to 2018 and then lost the house, so Trump didn't keep it from happening sooner. There are a lot of reasons Republicans are losing control, and it starts with their strategy on reaching out to the people......or should I say their lack of strategy in that area as they continue to ignore urban centers and young voters. Their constant stale messaging, as well as their lack of having policies that counter the left's policies.........they just keep trying to own the libs by saying the policies are bad, but put nothing else up in place to counter it.......see Healthcare. Oh, and don't get me started on their stale talking points that keep getting thrown out there. None of that builds their voting base, but hey, they should keep doing the same **** and expecting different results......bravo!!!

I also did NOT say it was him and only him that incited things........I said, quite a bit of it was incited by him, and that would be true. Other factors were the overly dramatic media and the ongoing govt overreach during the pandemic. People are at their wits end and it really wouldn't take much to incite people, and he did help fan those flames with his staunch supporters who think he does nothing wrong

Jeb was an example. It was the one guy I could think of on the spur of the moment that ran in 2016. Or Cruz. Put any of them in there. They would have lost, and quite possibly all three branches go sooner. They didn't get all three in 2018, or at least the 2 they could in 2018, which was your premise.

The healthcare debate. The real truth is it needs to stop being demonized. We have the best health care system in the world, bar none. It reminds me of my ex-wife. She wanted to redo the kitchen, but instead of just improving on the good of it, well, we had to gut it, move the sink to the other side and on and on. That's what is going on with healthcare. It's kind of hard to counter a desire to blow something up, nobody seems to want to hear common sense solutions.
This is from Zuckerberg on Facebook...remind me again why they are afforded Section 230 protections again? Communism 101, state controlled media.

The shocking events of the last 24 hours clearly demonstrate that President Donald Trump intends to use his remaining time in office to undermine the peaceful and lawful transition of power to his elected successor, Joe Biden.
His decision to use his platform to condone rather than condemn the actions of his supporters at the Capitol building has rightly disturbed people in the US and around the world. We removed these statements yesterday because we judged that their effect -- and likely their intent -- would be to provoke further violence.
Following the certification of the election results by Congress, the priority for the whole country must now be to ensure that the remaining 13 days and the days after inauguration pass peacefully and in accordance with established democratic norms.
Over the last several years, we have allowed President Trump to use our platform consistent with our own rules, at times removing content or labeling his posts when they violate our policies. We did this because we believe that the public has a right to the broadest possible access to political speech, even controversial speech. But the current context is now fundamentally different, involving use of our platform to incite violent insurrection against a democratically elected government.
We believe the risks of allowing the President to continue to use our service during this period are simply too great. Therefore, we are extending the block we have placed on his Facebook and Instagram accounts indefinitely and for at least the next two weeks until the peaceful transition of power is complete.
This is from Zuckerberg on Facebook...remind me again why they are afforded Section 230 protections again? Communism 101, state controlled media.

The shocking events of the last 24 hours clearly demonstrate that President Donald Trump intends to use his remaining time in office to undermine the peaceful and lawful transition of power to his elected successor, Joe Biden.
His decision to use his platform to condone rather than condemn the actions of his supporters at the Capitol building has rightly disturbed people in the US and around the world. We removed these statements yesterday because we judged that their effect -- and likely their intent -- would be to provoke further violence.
Following the certification of the election results by Congress, the priority for the whole country must now be to ensure that the remaining 13 days and the days after inauguration pass peacefully and in accordance with established democratic norms.
Over the last several years, we have allowed President Trump to use our platform consistent with our own rules, at times removing content or labeling his posts when they violate our policies. We did this because we believe that the public has a right to the broadest possible access to political speech, even controversial speech. But the current context is now fundamentally different, involving use of our platform to incite violent insurrection against a democratically elected government.
We believe the risks of allowing the President to continue to use our service during this period are simply too great. Therefore, we are extending the block we have placed on his Facebook and Instagram accounts indefinitely and for at least the next two weeks until the peaceful transition of power is complete.

Screw him and screw facebook. Commie piece of ****.
Jeb was an example. It was the one guy I could think of on the spur of the moment that ran in 2016. Or Cruz. Put any of them in there. They would have lost, and quite possibly all three branches go sooner. They didn't get all three in 2018, or at least the 2 they could in 2018, which was your premise.

The healthcare debate. The real truth is it needs to stop being demonized. We have the best health care system in the world, bar none. It reminds me of my ex-wife. She wanted to redo the kitchen, but instead of just improving on the good of it, well, we had to gut it, move the sink to the other side and on and on. That's what is going on with healthcare. It's kind of hard to counter a desire to blow something up, nobody seems to want to hear common sense solutions.

I understand you were presenting an example, but no one can possibly know what would have happened if......... I just see it as, yeah, that didn't happen so we don't know how that all would have played out, just guessing games.

My premise on the house and senate is that Trump alone didn't stave anything off. Republicans lost the house in 2018 under his presidency, and now have lost the Senate. Now one could possibly say "Yeah, but we didn't lose the senate in 2018!" Sure, bravo, we have now. Not saying Trump is fully to blame on it, but he is definitely part of the issue on that.

The reason I brought up healthcare is because Republicans have been saying for years they are going to end it and put their so much better plan in place. Still waiting on that better plan of theirs. It's a shell game and both sides are playing.
I understand you were presenting an example, but no one can possibly know what would have happened if......... I just see it as, yeah, that didn't happen so we don't know how that all would have played out, just guessing games.

My premise on the house and senate is that Trump alone didn't stave anything off. Republicans lost the house in 2018 under his presidency, and now have lost the Senate. Now one could possibly say "Yeah, but we didn't lose the senate in 2018!" Sure, bravo, we have now. Not saying Trump is fully to blame on it, but he is definitely part of the issue on that.

The reason I brought up healthcare is because Republicans have been saying for years they are going to end it and put their so much better plan in place. Still waiting on that better plan of theirs. It's a shell game and both sides are playing.

Maybe you are right. My opinion is that too many of the other options were and are people who may talk a good game, but when it comes time to vote will lay up. You are correct with healthcare in that the Repubs have done nothing...so much nothing that they didn't even challenge Obamacare. And that is one of the litany of reasons people are so pissed off. When it comes time, these other options have not stayed true to what they say. Because if that, my feeling is that many people would just remove themselves from politics, wouldn't vote because why bother, and Dems would have all those branches well before now. Trump, for whatever you think about him, certainly brought people into the political arena, for him and against him.
I agree with NCSteeler.

What frustrates the most is not that I supported Trump or voted for him.

But the idiocy of so many here not to get off that bandwagon once the ship started to sink. He LOST. There was no changing it. Nothing in the courts. Nothing in congress.

The more Trump talked since the election, the worse he got and EVERYONE HERE seemed to support and embolden him. He single handedly lost the Senate for Republicans. No one else is to blame but him. The democrats did everything right to get out the vote and make it "against Trump" and Trump did EVERYTHING wrong by making it all about him. His selfishness cost us the Senate.

And I STILL hear support for Trump on this board. Trump is now PAST HISTORY. He is irrelevant. He means nothing in politics. UNLESS you embolden him, which many here still are and continue to do.

And why? Why do you want Trump to stick around? He is toxic. He can't win an election. Now or ever again.

Your best move forward is to completely disavow him. Cut him off from your support. Ignore him. Don't put any credence in anything he says. For all intents and purposes, he is NOT OUR PRESIDENT anymore. Let it go. Sure, while he was President I supported him. I wanted him to pass conservative legislation and do conservative things with executive orders. I wanted him to do as much as he could. I wanted him to put conservative judges on courts. And for the most part he did all those things.

Except these last 8 weeks. Nothing about these last 8 weeks had anything to do with conservativism or policy or standing up to anything.

I guess I shouldn't have been surprised by how Trump acted. But what I AM surprised about is how many followed him down that rabbit hole so willingly. Support is one thing. BLIND support of a toxic loser is another thing. The election was NOT STOLEN. He was defeated. Just like the two senators were defeated on Tuesday. By the simple method of getting more votes. Period.

Let it go and cut bait from Trump as fast as you can. I'm imploring you to start thinking about what you really want the future to be and HOW to get there. If you really think you have enough support for a revolution, you guys are nuts. And if you DON'T want a revolution, sticking with Trump in any semblance of a democratic republic is a losing proposition. You can not get the votes supporting Trump anymore. The ship has sailed.
I agree with NCSteeler.

What frustrates the most is not that I supported Trump or voted for him.

But the idiocy of so many here not to get off that bandwagon once the ship started to sink. He LOST. There was no changing it. Nothing in the courts. Nothing in congress.

The more Trump talked since the election, the worse he got and EVERYONE HERE seemed to support and embolden him. He single handedly lost the Senate for Republicans. No one else is to blame but him. The democrats did everything right to get out the vote and make it "against Trump" and Trump did EVERYTHING wrong by making it all about him. His selfishness cost us the Senate.

And I STILL hear support for Trump on this board. Trump is now PAST HISTORY. He is irrelevant. He means nothing in politics. UNLESS you embolden him, which many here still are and continue to do.

And why? Why do you want Trump to stick around? He is toxic. He can't win an election. Now or ever again.

Your best move forward is to completely disavow him. Cut him off from your support. Ignore him. Don't put any credence in anything he says. For all intents and purposes, he is NOT OUR PRESIDENT anymore. Let it go. Sure, while he was President I supported him. I wanted him to pass conservative legislation and do conservative things with executive orders. I wanted him to do as much as he could. I wanted him to put conservative judges on courts. And for the most part he did all those things.

Except these last 8 weeks. Nothing about these last 8 weeks had anything to do with conservativism or policy or standing up to anything.

I guess I shouldn't have been surprised by how Trump acted. But what I AM surprised about is how many followed him down that rabbit hole so willingly. Support is one thing. BLIND support of a toxic loser is another thing. The election was NOT STOLEN. He was defeated. Just like the two senators were defeated on Tuesday. By the simple method of getting more votes. Period.

Let it go and cut bait from Trump as fast as you can. I'm imploring you to start thinking about what you really want the future to be and HOW to get there. If you really think you have enough support for a revolution, you guys are nuts. And if you DON'T want a revolution, sticking with Trump in any semblance of a democratic republic is a losing proposition. You can not get the votes supporting Trump anymore. The ship has sailed.

I will respectfully disagree. This election in my and millions and millions of others opinions was absolutely stolen and it isn't about Trump as it is about saving any semblance of the voting process.
I will respectfully disagree. This election in my and millions and millions of others opinions was absolutely stolen and it isn't about Trump as it is about saving any semblance of the voting process.


But that ship has sailed I fear. We will never see another fair and honest election in this nation again. And if the Dems get their way, open the borders, make Guam, Puerto Rico and DC states and change the Electoral College and pack the Supreme Court, if the media stays as is, a propaganda arm for the Left, we will have one party rule.

I have no confidence I'll see another Conservative in the White House in my lifetime.

We will become Venezuela.

Nirvana -- "Load up your guns, bring your friends..."
The ironic thing here is that if Trump was impeached (not saying it would of been justified)....

Pence could be getting inaugurated in 13 days... and the repubs might still be holding Senate majority while gaining House seats...
I agree with NCSteeler.

What frustrates the most is not that I supported Trump or voted for him.

But the idiocy of so many here not to get off that bandwagon once the ship started to sink. He LOST. There was no changing it. Nothing in the courts. Nothing in congress.

The more Trump talked since the election, the worse he got and EVERYONE HERE seemed to support and embolden him. He single handedly lost the Senate for Republicans. No one else is to blame but him. The democrats did everything right to get out the vote and make it "against Trump" and Trump did EVERYTHING wrong by making it all about him. His selfishness cost us the Senate.

And I STILL hear support for Trump on this board. Trump is now PAST HISTORY. He is irrelevant. He means nothing in politics. UNLESS you embolden him, which many here still are and continue to do.

And why? Why do you want Trump to stick around? He is toxic. He can't win an election. Now or ever again.

Your best move forward is to completely disavow him. Cut him off from your support. Ignore him. Don't put any credence in anything he says. For all intents and purposes, he is NOT OUR PRESIDENT anymore. Let it go. Sure, while he was President I supported him. I wanted him to pass conservative legislation and do conservative things with executive orders. I wanted him to do as much as he could. I wanted him to put conservative judges on courts. And for the most part he did all those things.

Except these last 8 weeks. Nothing about these last 8 weeks had anything to do with conservativism or policy or standing up to anything.

I guess I shouldn't have been surprised by how Trump acted. But what I AM surprised about is how many followed him down that rabbit hole so willingly. Support is one thing. BLIND support of a toxic loser is another thing. The election was NOT STOLEN. He was defeated. Just like the two senators were defeated on Tuesday. By the simple method of getting more votes. Period.

Let it go and cut bait from Trump as fast as you can. I'm imploring you to start thinking about what you really want the future to be and HOW to get there. If you really think you have enough support for a revolution, you guys are nuts. And if you DON'T want a revolution, sticking with Trump in any semblance of a democratic republic is a losing proposition. You can not get the votes supporting Trump anymore. The ship has sailed.

You seem to fit this meme to a tee Del. Give up if you want but there are millions of voters out here that will always believe that this election was a farce, completely illegal and the people who should care...don't cause they would rather cover their *****.

You seem to fit this meme to a tee Del. Give up if you want but there are millions of voters out here that will always believe that this election was a farce, completely illegal and the people who should care...don't cause they would rather cover their *****.


Let me add to that BLOAT.
You seem to fit this meme to a tee Del. Give up if you want but there are millions of voters out here that will always believe that this election was a farce, completely illegal and the people who should care...don't cause they would rather cover their *****.


I''m sorry I should have exited with Bus like I said I was..y'all worry about this ****. Just send me my share of the Biden stash and any extra ammo ya got.

Love yinz forever

Chip Out
I agree with NCSteeler.

What frustrates the most is not that I supported Trump or voted for him.

But the idiocy of so many here not to get off that bandwagon once the ship started to sink. He LOST. There was no changing it. Nothing in the courts. Nothing in congress.

The more Trump talked since the election, the worse he got and EVERYONE HERE seemed to support and embolden him. He single handedly lost the Senate for Republicans. No one else is to blame but him. The democrats did everything right to get out the vote and make it "against Trump" and Trump did EVERYTHING wrong by making it all about him. His selfishness cost us the Senate.

And I STILL hear support for Trump on this board. Trump is now PAST HISTORY. He is irrelevant. He means nothing in politics. UNLESS you embolden him, which many here still are and continue to do.

And why? Why do you want Trump to stick around? He is toxic. He can't win an election. Now or ever again.

Your best move forward is to completely disavow him. Cut him off from your support. Ignore him. Don't put any credence in anything he says. For all intents and purposes, he is NOT OUR PRESIDENT anymore. Let it go. Sure, while he was President I supported him. I wanted him to pass conservative legislation and do conservative things with executive orders. I wanted him to do as much as he could. I wanted him to put conservative judges on courts. And for the most part he did all those things.

Except these last 8 weeks. Nothing about these last 8 weeks had anything to do with conservativism or policy or standing up to anything.

I guess I shouldn't have been surprised by how Trump acted. But what I AM surprised about is how many followed him down that rabbit hole so willingly. Support is one thing. BLIND support of a toxic loser is another thing. The election was NOT STOLEN. He was defeated. Just like the two senators were defeated on Tuesday. By the simple method of getting more votes. Period.

Let it go and cut bait from Trump as fast as you can. I'm imploring you to start thinking about what you really want the future to be and HOW to get there. If you really think you have enough support for a revolution, you guys are nuts. And if you DON'T want a revolution, sticking with Trump in any semblance of a democratic republic is a losing proposition. You can not get the votes supporting Trump anymore. The ship has sailed.

No he did not. He did not help, but he certainly did not single handedly lose anything. The die was already cast.

Loeffler was a Karen. Perdue was a white Republican. That is all the other side needed to demonize them in the mind of many. You are a smart guy and I am surprised you do not see this. It happens every election cycle, the Republican running will be demonized as they are the worst thing ever. This is why I object to this idea that Trump ruined this or that. It was ruined before Trump by people who called themselves conservative and were not, and by a completely dishonest press that will aid in tearing down any Republican who runs.
That said, it is time to move on and send Trump on his way. This I agree with. So let's look to the future. The question is...is there any Republican that is electable as President, anyway. Is there one that you see that can bring into the Republican party the people that Trump was able to? Because if not, we might as well just piss into the wind for all the good it is gonna do.

Right now I do not see any.
Loeffler was a Karen. Perdue was a white Republican. That is all the other side needed to demonize them in the mind of many. You are a smart guy and I am surprised you do not see this.

They lost because while Dems were busy making sure they got their voters to the polls, Trump spent the last several weeks whining about baseless election fraud claims and demonizing Georgia Republicans who wouldn't indulge him.


Across conservative North Georgia, the state region where only about seven percent of people are Black, Republican David Perdue, whose Senate term expired Sunday, won by 48 percentage points, the same as in November. But it was a weaker showing in votes because turnout dropped, by more than any other region the state.

Just to the south in the most heavily Democratic heart of the Atlanta metro area, where Blacks are a majority, turnout dropped the least, and so Atlanta gained influence in this runoff. Democratic challenger Jon Ossoff’s 55-point win in these three counties amounted to a half-million vote lead that resulted in a razor-thin victory.
Baseless election fraud claims? That phrase is so lame to hear over and over again. Just curious but did you watch any of the hearings? Liz Harris in AZ's efforts?
They lost because while Dems were busy making sure they got their voters to the polls, Trump spent the last several weeks whining about baseless election fraud claims and demonizing Georgia Republicans who wouldn't indulge him.


Across conservative North Georgia, the state region where only about seven percent of people are Black, Republican David Perdue, whose Senate term expired Sunday, won by 48 percentage points, the same as in November. But it was a weaker showing in votes because turnout dropped, by more than any other region the state.

Just to the south in the most heavily Democratic heart of the Atlanta metro area, where Blacks are a majority, turnout dropped the least, and so Atlanta gained influence in this runoff. Democratic challenger Jon Ossoff’s 55-point win in these three counties amounted to a half-million vote lead that resulted in a razor-thin victory.

I am not arguing with what you are saying, and I acknowledge Trump is partly to blame. However, not entirely. To do so without understanding or acknowledging the litany of other reasons is going to cause continuous losses for the Republican party. At some point the party is going to have to realize that if they governed as they campaigned, Trump is never the President. Never. They need to start there before they can go anywhere else.
This is BS to blindly support the party leader makes you a lemming. Just because i choose not to support a raving egomaniac man baby has nothing to do with my core beliefs. The country needs a stable leader not a raving psychopath.

If YOU don’t believe in following and supporting the duly elected representative of your party, then WHY do you want to be a member of the party?
Ha ha ha. Listen to yourself. You sound like a Hitler youth.

And by the way I voted for Trump because the alternative is so much worse. That doesn’t mean I have to condone every idiotic or illegal thing he does. It’s called having integrity. Try it some time.

I in no way suggested that you were required to blindly follow anyone, just questioned why you claim to associate with a party when you are unwilling to support the elected head. I would think you would consider yourself an INDEPENDENT.
That said, it is time to move on and send Trump on his way. This I agree with. So let's look to the future. The question is...is there any Republican that is electable as President, anyway. Is there one that you see that can bring into the Republican party the people that Trump was able to? Because if not, we might as well just piss into the wind for all the good it is gonna do.

Right now I do not see any.

My friend, I will repeat...we could nominate Jesus himself, Ghandi, Mother Theresa....you take your pick. We will not win another election.

I'll repeat...mail in balloting, no voter IDs, electronically-controlled voting, allowing no supervision of elections processes, adding 3 more democratic strongholds as states, packing the Supreme Court, opening the borders to unfettered illegal immigration, and a Pravda-like media sewn together means....forget it.

Anyone believing we have a shot at winning another election given the current state is a fool.
There's a vast difference Berm...

Start with the premise that nothing Trump said was inciteful. He encouraged a protest.

Now make an analogy.

I'm Molson/Coors Brewing. Bill Johnson in Virginia gets drunk, drives his Ford Explorer, kills Marrietta Pennywise on a highway. Your logic - Molson/Coors is to blame. Or Ford is to blame.

Trump no more killed that Air Force veteran than Ford killed Marrietta.

Using that logic, Obama should be brought in front of a court for anyone who died in St. Louis after the Michael Brown incident. Talk about inciteful rhetoric by a President...

Fair enough. I just wanted to get some different view points...
My friend, I will repeat...we could nominate Jesus himself, Ghandi, Mother Theresa....you take your pick. We will not win another election.

I'll repeat...mail in balloting, no voter IDs, electronically-controlled voting, allowing no supervision of elections processes, adding 3 more democratic strongholds as states, packing the Supreme Court, opening the borders to unfettered illegal immigration, and a Pravda-like media sewn together means....forget it.

Anyone believing we have a shot at winning another election given the current state is a fool.

On the packing the court, with a 50/50 split and Joe Manchin having previously stating he would not vote for those type shenanigan's we might be safe. Joe should just come over to the Right it is where his State is.