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US Capitol breached

Seems like there was enough proof for someone to open an investigation. Guess it depends on how big the blinders are which determines where the horse is going to go. Hope you enjoy pure socialism, OFTB. I have a gut feeling you will.

I have two questions.

1. What did they find?
2. Should President Trump be held liable for the death of the young lady that was shot and killed yesterday (since his tweet incited the crowd)?

These questions are me 'just seeking your opinions' - I am not trying to cause divide...
I have two questions.

1. What did they find?
2. Should President Trump be held liable for the death of the young lady that was shot and killed yesterday (since his tweet incited the crowd)?

These questions are me 'just seeking your opinions' - I am not trying to cause divide...

1. They didn't find **** because they never even looked.
2. The cop shot her, not Trump. She was unarmed. She didn't even get a knee on the neck first.

That being said- I am disgusted with how things went down yesterday. I’m disgusted with the media. I’m disgusted with the Dems committing fraud so blatantly. I’m disgusted with how Trump has handled himself as of late. I’m disgusted with society. I am just disgusted.

It's all a clusterf*ck! I hate that the Dems act like they are angels and do no wrong and the media covers for them. All you have to do is look at DC in the summer and yesterday to see how it was covered. I hate it that the Reps have no backbone and are willing to go along with the shitshow that took place the past month. They will get away with GA, too. Who can we trust? Is there anyone for the people anymore? Biden is that white horse? I don't believe he is for a second. Kamala? No f'n way! It seems their personal pet projects and keeping their buddies happy is more of a priority. Take away the rhetoric and Tweets, I feel Trump was trying to good things. As I said before, he's not perfect, far from it, but I would have liked to see what he could have accomplished without the constant pushback from the Dems to make him look incompetent and unstable.
Actually, NEVER Trumpers like yourself are to blame. When you REFUSE to support the duly elected leader of your party, and they lose, that is on you. You have the right to NOT SUPPORT the elected representative of the party, but you can not then claim to be a party supporter.

Ha ha ha. Listen to yourself. You sound like a Hitler youth.

And by the way I voted for Trump because the alternative is so much worse. That doesn’t mean I have to condone every idiotic or illegal thing he does. It’s called having integrity. Try it some time.
I have two questions.

1. What did they find?
2. Should President Trump be held liable for the death of the young lady that was shot and killed yesterday (since his tweet incited the crowd)?

These questions are me 'just seeking your opinions' - I am not trying to cause divide...

If it comes out that Antifa/Agitators broke the windows and stormed the Capitol and there's strong evidence they did, is it still Trump's fault? I try not to jump to conclusions until I hear all the evidence. Breaching the Capitol is not goood, obviously, but until I hear who actually did it, I will refrain from judgement and not blame the wrong people/person. If it looks and smells like a skunk. . .
People are not blindly loyal to Trump. I know that is going to be the talking point, but it just is not true. I voted for Ted Cruz in the 2016 PA primary, because I felt Cruz, more than any of them, stood up for my rights as a gun owner. So, I somewhat begrudgingly supported Trump. Anyway, it is the issues that Trump stood for that people are passionate about. For people to just unthinkingly make that assertion of blind loyalty means there continues to be an unwillingness to try to understand the underlying reasons that caused Trump.

Those reasons can be seen in the spending bills of the last two weeks. $300 million to the Sudan to open business while our businesses here are being shuttered. $200 million for the Jordan to build a border wall and border security, while reducing our spending here for it. Apparently border security if fine anywhere but the USA. Gender studies in Pakistan. It is a disgrace from both parties.

I will now be told every day how we need "common sense" gun laws, laws in which the only people that will follow them are those with common sense. All the while I am told this, DAs like the idiot in Los Angeles will take murderers who, in the interest of getting them out of jail earlier, will strip of the federal gun charges that were added to their sentences.

The mistake too many of us have made is never being able to convince people this is not about Donald Trump for us. If there had been or is someone else who stood strong for our concerns and values, that person will get our vote and Donald Trump will be a memory. We just do not see that person anywhere.

I agree with most of this. I did vote for Trump based on policies in 2016 and my hope was he would turn down the rhetoric and what not. Of course that did not happen. I feel Trump could have really been special if he stayed focused strictly on issues. His tweets, attitude demeanor etc etc handed over the election to the dems. I wish some one else would step up. Hopefully the next 4 years will be a wake up call and some conservative will rise up who is a normal human being
Thoroughly debunked? Just how ******* stupid are you? It wasn't even investigated.

Trump’s a billionaire. Millions have been raised to investigate this. Elections aren’t run by James Bond. They are run by local grandmas. If there is so much proof of intentional fraud why hasn’t anyone been able to find any of it yet? LET’S SEE IT! Put up or shut up. Tweeting that you won over and over isn’t proof except to deranged cultists.
It's sheep like you who are fine with the status quo, who sit by idly while the Left tries to turn us into Venezuela with socialism. You're simply blind with TDS.

Yeah what did you brave patriots accomplish? A Dem run Congress, fewer GOP objectors, Trump agreeing to step down, bipartisan condemnation from every corner of the country, and WAY more fuel for Dems to portray conservatives as confederate flag waving violent right wing extremists.

Yay you!
Its about damn time...... But man do I pity you Marylander's.

Best of luck finding ammo!

www.ammoseek.com The Prices are obviously higher right now, but they still carry and can find most ammo you should need
I dunno OFTB...he was blamed for Portland. Minneapolis. New York City. St. Louis. Seattle. Chicago. His rhetoric killed George Floyd. He personally killed 300K+ Americans with COVID because of what he said or didn't say in March or April. All those children in Obama's cages were actually DJT's fault. May as well blame him for this too. It's the easy thing to do. Everything that goes bad in this country is Mango Man Bad.

Or perhaps today showed Americans are fed up with being lied to and cheated, fed up with seeing a billion dollar relief package that funded gender studies in the middle east while not helping Americans, or any of countless other things Americans are seeing that are nefarious in our Government, seated in Congress. Nah...those issues couldn't possibly be real reasons. Trump incited this violence and he alone is to blame. Roger that.

Interesting take - some say that the HC of the Steelers is to blame for everything that goes wrong in the organization. Is there a difference???
Interesting take - some say that the HC of the Steelers is to blame for everything that goes wrong in the organization. Is there a difference???

No, it's the same thing. People thinking everything has simple answers
**** that high ground bullshit. **** that turn the other cheek bullshit.

The ONLY thing evil respects is violence done against evil. For the past number of years these hard working individuals have tried to take the high road, and turn the other cheek. They are FED UP, and tired of being IGNORED. I for one agree with them, and will donate to any LEGITIMATE legal defense fund for them. These people have been ridiculed, slandered, categorized as everything under the sun. The day of reckoning is quickly approaching, and the only ones to blame are the media, Democrats, King Barack the Racist, and his evil Queen Hitlery.

Yeah what did you brave patriots accomplish? A Dem run Congress, fewer GOP objectors, Trump agreeing to step down, bipartisan condemnation from every corner of the country, and WAY more fuel for Dems to portray conservatives as confederate flag waving violent right wing extremists.

Yay you!

My disagreement with you is not that you are wrong, but this would have happened if Mr. Rogers was a Republican and President.
All I have to say is this:

If you thought the BLM violence was OK but that what happened yesterday was not, **** off.
If you thought what happened yesterday was OK but the BLM violence was not, **** off.
If you don’t see media bias in all of this, **** off.
If you don’t realize we have a low-information society who gets most of its news from social media, **** off.
If you blame all of this on Trump, **** off.
If you think that what happened yesterday was NOT associated with AnTiFa in some way, **** off and eat a bag of dicks.
If you think that Biden and the Dems won fairly, **** off, **** yourself, and eat dicks.
If you feel the Republicans fought for election integrity this whole time, **** off, **** yourselves, and eat dicks.

That is all.

First, a joke...

You're doing a lot of ******* in this rant - you've GOT TO BE tired.

Second and finally - your points are valid (even though they're a bit blunt). 2020 proved one thing to me (and others---I hope): America, the home of the free and brave, is not America of yesteryear. There are so many reasons we can point at and say "this is why we're here" - but, they are all speculative and in this age of information overload - YOU MUST STUDY/RESEARCH ON YOUR OWN and hopefully you'll derive an answer to your queries, if you dig deep enough.

Fam, this age old argument is based on one thing and one thing only - the marriage of church and state. I challenge each of you to look at this holistically and let's continue the discussion...
Well, I know quite a few of you don't want to admit that Trump did in fact incite quite a bit of this, but he did. His messaging prior to this was calling everyone out to DC for some "Yuuuugggeeee". On social media a lot of people were chomping it to bits thinking this would be the tell finally............people were going to be arrested (LOL), and Trump was going to be the president moving forward. Then came his rambling speech given to the people in DC and him saying he would march with them to the Capitol (he in fact did not do this). Videos showing police opening up gates letting people on the grounds and these same police are stating that was at Trump's request.

Look, I hate our corrupt govt as a whole, and would love to see these ************* all tossed out on their collective *****, but this was about one man's large ego egging on his staunch supporters. He loved the **** and was sitting back eating up......."Hey, they are doing it for me because I am the greatest president ever in the history of the country and they love me........only me" Trump has continuously overshadowed any good he did with his ******* mouth and need to have his ego fed. Yes the media was way overboard with their continuous hatred of Trump, and he did nothing but feed it with his childish antics and bullshit. He couldn't even stay on point at the GA rallies for the senate run-off without spewing on and on about the election being stolen from HIM.

.......and no, I am not for Biden, can't stand that dumb ************. I voted for Trump 11/3, even though I was more inclined to vote 3rd party I put it aside to try and keep Biden from the presidency. Now they will have all 3 (presidency, house and senate) ........hope everyone is happy.
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If it comes out that Antifa/Agitators broke the windows and stormed the Capitol and there's strong evidence they did, is it still Trump's fault? I try not to jump to conclusions until I hear all the evidence. Breaching the Capitol is not goood, obviously, but until I hear who actually did it, I will refrain from judgement and not blame the wrong people/person. If it looks and smells like a skunk. . .

I appreciate your candor, many thanks OFTB...
Well, I know quite a few of you don't want to admit that Trump did in fact incite quite a bit of this, but he did. His messaging prior to this was calling everyone out to DC for some "Yuuuugggeeee". On social media a lot of people were chomping it to bits thinking this would be the tell finally............people were going to be arrested (LOL), and Trump was going to be the president moving forward. Then came his rambling speech given to the people in DC and him saying he would march with them to the Capitol (he in fact did not do this). Videos showing police opening up gates letting people on the grounds and these same police are stating that was at Trump's request.

Look, I hate our corrupt govt as a whole, and would love to see these ************* all tossed out on their collective *****, but this was about one man's large ego egging on his staunch supporters. He loved the **** and was sitting back eating up......."Hey, they are doing it for me because I am the greatest president ever in the history of the country and they love me........only me" Trump has continuously overshadowed any good he did with his ******* mouth and need to have his ego fed. Yes the media was way overboard with their continuous hatred of Trump, and he did nothing but feed it with his childish antics and bullshit. He couldn't even stay on point at the GA rallies for the senate run-off without spewing on and on about the election being stolen from HIM.

.......and no, I am not for Biden, can't stand that dumb ************. I voted for Trump 11/3, even though I was more inclined to vote 3rd party I put it aside to try and keep Biden from the presidency. Now they will have all 3 (presidency, house and senate) ........hope everyone is happy.

And the Dems would not have this, if say, Jeb Bush had won the nomination in 2016?

See, this is the problem with your assertion. I agree with a lot of what you say on Trump. However, to assert he is the reason and his supporters are the reason that all 3 branches are Dem controlled...one could make the argument that it was Trump and only Trump that kept it from happening sooner.

One of Trump's problems is his ego never let him realize it isn't all about him. I'm sorry, I just do not believe in this day and age one man is going to incite that by himself. There are many underlying issues that incited what we saw yesterday. Trump should have understood that and toned things down. No doubt he was a factor, but to dismiss the other things and blame only him is shortsighted and will not fix anything.
You know, I keep hearing from our leaders that we need to be better than this. Agreed.

Maybe they should take that to heart. They need to be better leaders, because what we are getting right now is pathetic. It is gotcha politics. It has to stop, and we need to put the interests of the nation as a whole before anything else.
Interesting take - some say that the HC of the Steelers is to blame for everything that goes wrong in the organization. Is there a difference???

There's a vast difference Berm...

Start with the premise that nothing Trump said was inciteful. He encouraged a protest.

Now make an analogy.

I'm Molson/Coors Brewing. Bill Johnson in Virginia gets drunk, drives his Ford Explorer, kills Marrietta Pennywise on a highway. Your logic - Molson/Coors is to blame. Or Ford is to blame.

Trump no more killed that Air Force veteran than Ford killed Marrietta.

Using that logic, Obama should be brought in front of a court for anyone who died in St. Louis after the Michael Brown incident. Talk about inciteful rhetoric by a President...
First, a joke...

You're doing a lot of ******* in this rant - you've GOT TO BE tired.

Second and finally - your points are valid (even though they're a bit blunt). 2020 proved one thing to me (and others---I hope): America, the home of the free and brave, is not America of yesteryear. There are so many reasons we can point at and say "this is why we're here" - but, they are all speculative and in this age of information overload - YOU MUST STUDY/RESEARCH ON YOUR OWN and hopefully you'll derive an answer to your queries, if you dig deep enough.

Fam, this age old argument is based on one thing and one thing only - the marriage of church and state. I challenge each of you to look at this holistically and let's continue the discussion...

I feel blunt. I’m tired of being nice. Had to speak my mind.
You know, I keep hearing from our leaders that we need to be better than this. Agreed.

Maybe they should take that to heart. They need to be better leaders, because what we are getting right now is pathetic. It is gotcha politics. It has to stop, and we need to put the interests of the nation as a whole before anything else.

Yep. I'm tired of being lectured by those ******* asshats who rape the American public through taxes, who develop $140Million net worths on $175K salaries, who lie, cheat, steal on a daily basis, who lecture us about mandates they won't follow, who treat their political opponents with immense disrespect, and who in general act far worse than most middle schoolers who at least have hearts.

**** them for pointing any finger at all at me trying to blame me for the **** they have created.

They get to spend 4 years trying to impeach a president while LITERALLY doing no governing, they get to behave as they did during Kavanaugh's hearings, they get to behave as they did during Bill Barr's Congressional testimony, etc, etc, and so on, then pretend their actions have no impact on where we are?

Yeah, they can take a flying **** off with those deflections.

And the Dems would not have this, if say, Jeb Bush had won the nomination in 2016?

See, this is the problem with your assertion. I agree with a lot of what you say on Trump. However, to assert he is the reason and his supporters are the reason that all 3 branches are Dem controlled...one could make the argument that it was Trump and only Trump that kept it from happening sooner.

One of Trump's problems is his ego never let him realize it isn't all about him. I'm sorry, I just do not believe in this day and age one man is going to incite that by himself. There are many underlying issues that incited what we saw yesterday. Trump should have understood that and toned things down. No doubt he was a factor, but to dismiss the other things and blame only him is shortsighted and will not fix anything.

Well, Jeb didn't gain the nomination so that really doesn't matter as he isn't part of the conversation. Never wanted him to win at that time anyway.

The Republicans had all 3 in 2016 to 2018 and then lost the house, so Trump didn't keep it from happening sooner. There are a lot of reasons Republicans are losing control, and it starts with their strategy on reaching out to the people......or should I say their lack of strategy in that area as they continue to ignore urban centers and young voters. Their constant stale messaging, as well as their lack of having policies that counter the left's policies.........they just keep trying to own the libs by saying the policies are bad, but put nothing else up in place to counter it.......see Healthcare. Oh, and don't get me started on their stale talking points that keep getting thrown out there. None of that builds their voting base, but hey, they should keep doing the same **** and expecting different results......bravo!!!

I also did NOT say it was him and only him that incited things........I said, quite a bit of it was incited by him, and that would be true. Other factors were the overly dramatic media and the ongoing govt overreach during the pandemic. People are at their wits end and it really wouldn't take much to incite people, and he did help fan those flames with his staunch supporters who think he does nothing wrong