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US Capitol breached

we all here living in 2022 and its still 2021 in Hungary
So sad that we're coming up on the one year anniversary of this dark day in American history. Hard to fathom this happened a year ago. Even harder to grasp that a sitting President would incite an attack on his own nation, trying desperately to overturn the election result like some lunatic dictator in a banana republic. Will never forget the shock & disbelief I felt watching the events unfolding at the Capitol. We must forge ahead, stand strong & resilient against *all* enemies. Sadly, nowadays, they're mostly domestic ones.

WASHINGTON, Jan 4 (Reuters) - Almost a year has passed since supporters of Donald Trump attacked the U.S. Capitol in a failed attempt to overturn his election defeat, the worst assault on the seat of the federal government since the War of 1812.

Four people died on the day of the riot. About 140 police were injured during the multi-hour onslaught by Trump supporters and four officers have since taken their own lives. What follows is a look at the key events of the day.
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This was long overdue.

Again, long overdue. Expel the traitors, all of them, from both the House and the Senate.

Representative Cori Bush is right in her read of the Constitution: Officials who give aid and comfort to insurrectionists must be removed from their positions.

The former party of Lincoln has become the party of Trump, an authoritarian cult that seeks to dismantle democracy in order to reimpose the minority rule of a disgraced former president and his white nationalist henchmen. That’s a fact, and it’s not going to change, no matter how ardently Democrats repeat Wyoming Representative Liz Cheney’s warning to her fellow Republicans: “Our party has to choose. We can either be loyal to Donald Trump or we can be loyal to the Constitution, but we cannot be both.”
So sad that we're coming up on the one year anniversary of this dark day in American history. Hard to fathom this happened a year ago. Even harder to grasp that a sitting President would incite an attack on his own nation, trying desperately to overturn the election result like some lunatic dictator in a banana republic. Will never forget the shock & disbelief I felt watching the events unfolding at the Capitol. We must forge ahead, stand strong & resilient against *all* enemies. Sadly, nowadays, they're mostly domestic ones.

WASHINGTON, Jan 4 (Reuters) - Almost a year has passed since supporters of Donald Trump attacked the U.S. Capitol in a failed attempt to overturn his election defeat, the worst assault on the seat of the federal government since the War of 1812.

Four people died on the day of the riot. About 140 police were injured during the multi-hour onslaught by Trump supporters and four officers have since taken their own lives. What follows is a look at the key events of the day.
you know what? every goddamned one of those politicians scared for their lives, cowering behind locked and barred doors, using men trained on gun usage to protect them were the same ************* who applauded, cheered for, paid bail for and egged on the ******** who "peacefully protested" in manners that included rioting, burning buildings, looting stores and in some cases killing people - all while claiming hwyte privilege was the cause, "deep seated racism" was at the core of all of it and hatred for Trump and his administration was the fuel.

And they still do not see the hypocrisy of their actions.

neither do you.
you know what? every goddamned one of those politicians scared for their lives, cowering behind locked and barred doors, using men trained on gun usage to protect them were the same ************* who applauded, cheered for, paid bail for and egged on the ******** who "peacefully protested" in manners that included rioting, burning buildings, looting stores and in some cases killing people - all while claiming hwyte privilege was the cause, "deep seated racism" was at the core of all of it and hatred for Trump and his administration was the fuel.

And they still do not see the hypocrisy of their actions.

neither do you.
All he does is troll. whiney lil' *****
America will never be able to recover or move on without all those culpable for the attack on our democracy being brought to justice. As the saying goes, all roads lead to Rome.

If Donald Trump was looking for direction in the special House committee’s investigation into the deadly Capitol attacks, the former president now has an unsettling roadmap.

In a series of public appearances a year after the deadly insurrection, panel leaders have put Trump on notice that they have gathered evidence calling into question whether he defaulted on his oath of office to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.

Arguing with strangers that troll the internet is pointless. I suppose the agitators might actually enjoy their daily beatdowns though, so who am I to judge?download (3).jpg
America will never be able to recover or move on without all those culpable for the attack on our democracy being brought to justice.

Ummmm...we already have.

You don't live here, so you wouldn't know.

This "journalism" is a fine example of illusion-making.
The Top 10 Darkest Days In U.S. History
The Bee Explains
January 8th, 2021 - BabylonBee.com

Our country has seen some dark, dark days. We here at The Babylon Bee have compiled a definitive list of the darkest days in American history so we can reflect on the very dark darkness of them. May we all learn from the tragic days in our history so we will not repeat them.
#10 - A ten-way tie between Pearl Harbor, the 1814 burning of Washington, the Dred Scott decision, the assassination of Lincoln, passing of the first Jim Crow laws, the 1929 stock market crash, the assassination of JFK, MLK's assassination, the Battle of Antietam, and the Trail of Tears - We weren't around for most of those, but we heard they were pretty bad.
#9 - The day The Office left Netflix - 83% of Americans have spent the last 10 years building their entire personalities around liking The Office. When it left the world's most popular streaming platform, millions of people were lost. Most may never recover.
#8 - When Taco Bell Stopped selling the Gordita - To this day, we still dream of its spicy, pillowy deliciousness. Long live the Gordita. Never forget.
#7 - December 15, 2017: the day The Last Jedi hit theatres - A day that will live in infamy.
#6 - That three-hour Twitter outage last year - We had to go outside.
#5 - That time on Friends when Ross thought he and Rachel were on a break - Maybe one of the most agonizing 15 minutes any human being has had to endure. We've never cried like we did that day
#4 - All the days before air conditioning was invented - Seriously-- how the heck did people even survive?
#3 - The day they changed normal gas can spouts with those stupid locking things that don't work and make you spill gas everywhere #@!#$&%&*@$#!! - The decline of Western Civilization can be traced to this day.
#2 - California named 31st state - We reckon no event in history has been more ruinous for human civilization than the formation of California. Let us mourn and remember so that it will never happen again -- like in Texas or something.
#1 - That day some rando Trump supporters ran around the Capitol for a few hours - We're honestly not sure if this was actually the darkest day or not, but we might get canceled if we don't put it at the top and Mark Zuckerberg is watching. Long live Zuck!
Again, long overdue. Expel the traitors, all of them, from both the House and the Senate.

Representative Cori Bush is right in her read of the Constitution: Officials who give aid and comfort to insurrectionists must be removed from their positions.
There was no insurrection on January 6th, just stop the bullshit narrative. The insurrection happened on Election Day and over the summer when cities were occupied.
The Top 10 Darkest Days In U.S. History
The Bee Explains
January 8th, 2021 - BabylonBee.com

Our country has seen some dark, dark days. We here at The Babylon Bee have compiled a definitive list of the darkest days in American history so we can reflect on the very dark darkness of them. May we all learn from the tragic days in our history so we will not repeat them.
#10 - A ten-way tie between Pearl Harbor, the 1814 burning of Washington, the Dred Scott decision, the assassination of Lincoln, passing of the first Jim Crow laws, the 1929 stock market crash, the assassination of JFK, MLK's assassination, the Battle of Antietam, and the Trail of Tears - We weren't around for most of those, but we heard they were pretty bad.
#9 - The day The Office left Netflix - 83% of Americans have spent the last 10 years building their entire personalities around liking The Office. When it left the world's most popular streaming platform, millions of people were lost. Most may never recover.
#8 - When Taco Bell Stopped selling the Gordita - To this day, we still dream of its spicy, pillowy deliciousness. Long live the Gordita. Never forget.
#7 - December 15, 2017: the day The Last Jedi hit theatres - A day that will live in infamy.
#6 - That three-hour Twitter outage last year - We had to go outside.
#5 - That time on Friends when Ross thought he and Rachel were on a break - Maybe one of the most agonizing 15 minutes any human being has had to endure. We've never cried like we did that day
#4 - All the days before air conditioning was invented - Seriously-- how the heck did people even survive?
#3 - The day they changed normal gas can spouts with those stupid locking things that don't work and make you spill gas everywhere #@!#$&%&*@$#!! - The decline of Western Civilization can be traced to this day.
#2 - California named 31st state - We reckon no event in history has been more ruinous for human civilization than the formation of California. Let us mourn and remember so that it will never happen again -- like in Texas or something.
#1 - That day some rando Trump supporters ran around the Capitol for a few hours - We're honestly not sure if this was actually the darkest day or not, but we might get canceled if we don't put it at the top and Mark Zuckerberg is watching. Long live Zuck!
#3 for sure!
Insurrection, a veritable coup if you will, all done with flags and cell phones. Oh, the inhumanity of it all.

The media will be in a meltdown tomorrow.
Spot on.

The same people on the right who demonized Muslims for years with lies like we refused to turn in the terrorists or we secretly supported them are LITERALLY the same Republicans now openly defending the Jan 6 terrorist attack and defending the Jan 6 terrorists.

Donald Trump is the Bin Laden of the Jan 6 terrorist attack. Without Trump, there's no Jan 6 just as without Bin Laden there's no 9/11. Trump must be criminally prosecuted or he will 100% wage another attack.

And here is what's in store, up until the day Trump and MAGA are finally stopped. You see it right here on the board, with those locked in the death grip of MAGA, hyperventilating until they can *throw down* in a civil war and reclaim the country as their own.

Trump is successfully shaping the narrative of the insurrection in the only political ecosystem that matters to him. The immediate shock of the event, which briefly led some senior Republicans to break with him, has given way to a near-unanimous embrace. Virtually no one a year ago, certainly not I, predicted that Trump could compel the whole party’s genuflection to the Big Lie and the recasting of insurgents as martyrs. Today the few GOP dissenters are being cast out. “2 down, 8 to go!” Trump gloated at the retirement announcement of Representative Adam Kinzinger, one of 10 House Republicans to vote for his second impeachment.

Trump has reconquered his party by setting its base on fire. Tens of millions of Americans perceive their world through black clouds of his smoke. His deepest source of strength is the bitter grievance of Republican voters that they lost the White House, and are losing their country, to alien forces with no legitimate claim to power. This is not some transient or loosely committed population. Trump has built the first American mass political movement in the past century that is ready to fight by any means necessary, including bloodshed, for its cause.
Again, long overdue. Expel the traitors, all of them, from both the House and the Senate.

Representative Cori Bush is right in her read of the Constitution: Officials who give aid and comfort to insurrectionists must be removed from their positions.
Vile Comrade Tibs, useful idiot,

Does this include those in charge of security at the Capitol complex? Those who ordered the normal entry/egress Capitol Police to leave their stations without protection, so that folks could just walk in without using force?
Vile Comrade Tibs, useful idiot,

Does this include those in charge of security at the Capitol complex? Those who ordered the normal entry/egress Capitol Police to leave their stations without protection, so that folks could just walk in without using force?
Maybe Tibs real name Dmitri?
Steven Segal?
10 Fun Ways To Celebrate January 6 This Year

1) Share your celebration plans with all your friends on Parler: Yes, Parler was shut down by the deep state, but it’s back and still the easiest way to coordinate with federal agents.

2) Gather the whole family around the TV to watch the big Macy’s Jan 6th Day Parade: This year the balloons are shaped like all your favorite insurrectionists! Yes, even Wacky Podium Guy!

3) Perform a historical reenactment of the violent, bloody battle by wandering slowly through your city hall, taking photos: The violent surge on our nation’s Capitol can easily be recreated by ages 3 and up. For added flair, open all gates and move barriers to the side in remembrance of the police officers who did exactly that.

4) Make sure to put out Tang and cookies for Trumpy Claus: He won’t leave a signed check on the podium you stole unless you do.

5) Hide fraudulent ballots around the house for the kids to find: A great home activity for your young ones. It’s never too early to sow doubt in the democratic system.

6) Dress up as a buffalo: Dress to impress! The buffalo is the noblest of creatures to be hunted. So majestic.

7) Gather the family around the fire to relisten to Trump’s speech ordering you to loot, kill, and destroy: Okay, so he explicitly said to be peaceful, but we know what he really meant.

8) Conduct readings of Pelosi’s written refusal of Trump’s request to have 10,000 National Guard on standby: There may be no record of this refusal, but imagining what it did say makes for a great party game. Your kids will love eating ice cream and pretending to be the House Speaker.

9) Surround your house with concertina wire and 25,000 national guardsmen for 9 months: If you want to be patriotic you’re going to have to leave those decorations up for the long haul. The razor wire will complement the Christmas lights you forgot to take down anyway.

10) Just go about your life like 99.9999999% of Trump supporters did last year: It’s what Trump would have wanted.

When GOP leaders had a brief moment of clarity and honesty as they were scared shitless by Trump's domestic terrorists overrunning the Capitol to stop the election. Trump plotted a coup and must be held accountable.

10 Fun Ways To Celebrate January 6 This Year

1) Share your celebration plans with all your friends on Parler: Yes, Parler was shut down by the deep state, but it’s back and still the easiest way to coordinate with federal agents.

2) Gather the whole family around the TV to watch the big Macy’s Jan 6th Day Parade: This year the balloons are shaped like all your favorite insurrectionists! Yes, even Wacky Podium Guy!

3) Perform a historical reenactment of the violent, bloody battle by wandering slowly through your city hall, taking photos: The violent surge on our nation’s Capitol can easily be recreated by ages 3 and up. For added flair, open all gates and move barriers to the side in remembrance of the police officers who did exactly that.

4) Make sure to put out Tang and cookies for Trumpy Claus: He won’t leave a signed check on the podium you stole unless you do.

5) Hide fraudulent ballots around the house for the kids to find: A great home activity for your young ones. It’s never too early to sow doubt in the democratic system.

6) Dress up as a buffalo: Dress to impress! The buffalo is the noblest of creatures to be hunted. So majestic.

7) Gather the family around the fire to relisten to Trump’s speech ordering you to loot, kill, and destroy: Okay, so he explicitly said to be peaceful, but we know what he really meant.

8) Conduct readings of Pelosi’s written refusal of Trump’s request to have 10,000 National Guard on standby: There may be no record of this refusal, but imagining what it did say makes for a great party game. Your kids will love eating ice cream and pretending to be the House Speaker.

9) Surround your house with concertina wire and 25,000 national guardsmen for 9 months: If you want to be patriotic you’re going to have to leave those decorations up for the long haul. The razor wire will complement the Christmas lights you forgot to take down anyway.

10) Just go about your life like 99.9999999% of Trump supporters did last year: It’s what Trump would have wanted.

Comedy gold right there.
What do you do when you get your *** handed to you in a Presidential election? You cry and pout and send your thugs to storm the Capitol to try to stop the election verification. This is commonly referred to as a coup attempt. America must stand united against MAGA terrorists. America must uphold the rule of law. We cannot allow insurrectionists to hold office or to walk free and be able to plot their next attack against the Republic. The enemy is within. We must rid the country of the MAGA scourge. At the bare minimum, Trump and his GOP seditionist allies need to be held accountable. He's thrown his supporters under the bus, who are now rotting away in jail. He incited them, along with numerous GOP and right wing media sycophants who stoked the Big Lie. One year on, nothing has changed. The deranged MAGA masses still desperately cling to the remnants of the Big Lie. The madness must end, for the country to heal and be able to move forward.

Ummmm...we already have.

You don't live here, so you wouldn't know.

This "journalism" is a fine example of illusion-making.

Jitter, 21, Tibbbs and Flog on their way to Rome to solve this once and for all. Jitter splurged on the airfare with Jimmy's $50, 21 will document the trip, Flog will provide the masks and Tibbbs will stay far away from the group, using binoculars to give directions.
The madness must end, for the country to heal and be able to move forward.
Vile comrade Tibs, useful idiot,

the only madness is the TDS that you have been suffering from for about 6 years now, in your distant country with world leading immigration policies.