Men- how you be great
Men- how you be great
Not so much great....that's how you be grossMen- how you be great
Because the womyns rights people tend to be Liberals and they don't want to be seen going against the next Liberal hot ticket item.Why do women not speak up when a man wins a woman of the year award? Why do women not speak up when they are destroyed in a college women's swimming event by 38 seconds by a man? Why didn't anyone speak up when Caitlyn Jenner won the ESPN Arthur Ashe Award for Courage instead of a 19 year old college basketball player who inspired her team while playing with terminal brain cancer? Because we have become a culture of cowards to the bullies who yell loud.
Sees a doctor to have "her" enlarged prostate checked.
Radical Feminists are up in arms...
“I’m politically homeless. The Democrats do not acknowledge or respect real women”
Radical Feminists are up in arms...
“I’m politically homeless. The Democrats do not acknowledge or respect real women”
Even if we buy the idea that this is a woman, WTF did they do to become woman of the year? Anyone? Bueller? What great accomplishment separates this person from any other state health bureaucrat? Would they have been selected for a national position if not for the trans thing? Not only are we supposed to accept them unquestioningly as a woman, we are supposed to accept that he/she is for some reason BETTER than biological women.
I know...Good luck getting an answer. Still waiting for an answer on what did Obama do to earn the Nobel Peace Prize.
We will get an answer for both of those questions at the same time we get an answer for how exactly “diversity” is a strength.Good luck getting an answer. Still waiting for an answer on what did Obama do to earn the Nobel Peace Prize.
I figured the guy to be Tibs, but probably too young.I knew Floggy had a nose ring, but didn't know he upgraded to lip barbells.
Floggy or Tibsticles?
But seriously. Wtf is wrong with people. *****/dude, not sure… do you think you look good? Job hirable? Spouse ready?Ark would hit it.