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Omg..haha. Who has time for **** like that? I can do science fiction nonsense all day because the sky is the limit. I guess that's about the same
level. Fiction based around events or real places...haha. It's a good chuckle.
But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing of a pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness. No one rejects, dislikes, or avoids pleasure itself, because it is pleasure, but because those who do not know how to pursue pleasure rationally encounter consequences that are extremely painful. Nor again is there anyone who loves or pursues or desires to obtain pain of itself, because it is pain, but occasionally circumstances occur in which toil and pain can procure him some great pleasure. To take a trivial example, which of us ever undertakes laborious physical exercise, except to obtain some advantage from it? But who has any right to find fault with a man who chooses to enjoy a pleasure that has no annoying consequences, or one who avoids a pain that produces no resultant pleasure?

On the other hand, we denounce with righteous indignation and dislike men who are so beguiled and demoralized by the charms of pleasure of the moment, so blinded by desire, that they cannot foresee the pain and trouble that are bound to ensue; and equal blame belongs to those who fail in their duty through weakness of will, which is the same as saying through shrinking from toil and pain. These cases are perfectly simple and easy to distinguish. In a free hour, when our power of choice is untrammeled and when nothing prevents our being able to do what we like best, every pleasure is to be welcomed and every pain avoided. But in certain circumstances and owing to the claims of duty or the obligations of business it will frequently occur that pleasures have to be repudiated and annoyances accepted. The wise man therefore always holds in these matters to this principle of selection: he rejects pleasures to secure other greater pleasures, or else he endures pains to avoid worse pains.
SN posters mocking me. Wife said she was going to the market, Kroger, returns with bag from Walmart. Something wrong. I know I set thermostat at 72, returned, thermostat is 78. 78 degrees is the perfect temperature to plant drugs on me, particularly if disguised by vinegar. Wife returned from Canada last month, and then goes to Walmart. Walmart has a lot of stores in Canada. Kroger has none. Coincidence? Yeah, sure, just like the "coincidence" that wife bought 8 bottles of Asian vinegar, when I need only 6 for my vinegar baths. Ever notice how contrails look like gaseous railroad tracks? And of course, government trying to murder me, with either gas or by tying me to railroad tracks. Oh, I notice stuff like this.

Wife wearing miniskirt and no panties. Assures me that is because she has not had a chance to do laundry. But of course, she finds the time to deliver meals to next door neighbor. Returns and smiling, singing. Why does it take wife 90 minutes to deliver meal to neighbor? Why do they yell at me when I dress up as UPS driver and knock on door?

Lawn needs mowing. Waiting, gardener at house yesterday for 90 minutes. Tells me, "No charge." Wife smiling and singing yesterday as well. No wonder no charge - gardener must have been mowing another man's lawn. Why are grapes out of season already? What about global warming and fake hurricanes? Wife tells me she needs to make another trip to Kroger. I doubt it. Kroger open 24 hours but not in a row.

Look at cereal boxes. Why are the cocoa puffs all black? And not good until white milk added. Racist. And yellow corn puffs lazy, but brown corn puff working. Reverse racism. And Cheerios supposedly all happy. Gay? Too gay? Sexual orientation bias. Hard-working brown cereals exploited by elite white milk. Cereal is definitely racist.

Poison, gas, gas company, wife, cereal, contrails and hurricanes. All linked. Only a fool would think otherwise.

/s Katsung

Post of the week and it's only Sunday.
anyone else glad this has been wrapped up and filed away so we can all move on?
thanks to the Muzzie on Halloween and Hollywood, it will be tucked away like an episode of CSI.
anyone else glad this has been wrapped up and filed away so we can all move on?

I'd say so. A great big rug just swept right under. It really smells under the rug though. Dead men tell no tales.

So don’t be surprise that US and its Western allies would be attacked by “nuclear terror bombing” next time. Even none “potential customers” attend this “nuke sale booth”, the seller will create one. At that time, the “suicide bomber” could never tell truth. Just like those 911 hijackers, London 7/7/2005 bombers, Madrid bombing perpetrators and Adam Lanza and his mother in Sandy Hook shooting, they were all arranged to be dead. Of course, the Feds could gave you evidence from “damaged hard disc” (in Sandy Hook shooting) and “self claimed Mastermind” confession from Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (911 case).

You can view the two news information I referred as a psychological opinion direction from the Feds- a justification for the coming terror attack.

That reminds me a news. At last the FBI will show you the hard disc they found and solve this case.

Laptop in Las Vegas shooter's suite was missing hard drive

KEN RITTER and MICHAEL BALSAMO, Associated Press• October 25, 2017

LAS VEGAS (AP) — A laptop found inside the Las Vegas gunman's hotel suite after he carried out the deadliest mass shooting in modern U.S. history was missing a hard drive, a federal official told The Associated Press on Wednesday.

Investigators suspect gunman Stephen Paddock removed the hard drive from the laptop after opened fire from his high-rise suite at the Mandalay Bay hotel-casino into a crowd at a country music concert, killing 58 people and wounded hundreds of others, the official said.

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Report: FBI Wipes Phones & Laptops of Las Vegas Massacre Eyewitnesses

Route 91 workers get devices back with videos, messages deleted
Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet.com
October 12, 2017

Workers at the Route 91 festival during which Stephen Paddock unleashed his massacre have reportedly been given back their phones and laptops by the FBI only to discover that all messages and videos from the night of the attack have been wiped clean.

According to a Las Vegas resident who posted a status update on Facebook, “A bunch of people that worked the Route 91 said they got their cell phones back today. They all said that all their phones are completely wiped clean! All messages and info from that weekend are completely gone. Anyone else experience this?”

“A few different people who were vendors there are all saying the same thing,” the woman later comments.



Infowars was separately contacted by another individual who told us the same story. Both individuals asked that their names not be revealed.

The fact that all the information relating to the massacre has been deleted is sure to prompt further claims of a cover-up.

While some assert that the feds wiping data is a routine part of their investigation procedure, if authorities want to stop the many conspiracy theories circulating about the attack, they’re not doing a very good job of it.

I can't believe how fast this story went poof. Crickets.
I can't believe how fast this story went poof. Crickets.

<iframe src="https://giphy.com/embed/26ufjo82l1ov0yUeI" width="480" height="360" frameBorder="0" class="giphy-embed" allowFullScreen></iframe><p><a href="https://giphy.com/gifs/southparkgifs-26ufjo82l1ov0yUeI">via GIPHY</a></p>
thanks to the scum of Hollywood, Texas and now CA, too many juicy stories have occurred to push it further under the rug.
The activities post tragedy still baffle me. A great deal of effort went into wiping out traces of any info to reason or why. The only folks this good at being sneaky are cia spooks.
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989. O.J. almost became a collateral victim (11/2/2017)

O.J. simpson was a target of Las Vegas shooting, I allege.

O.J. was released at 0:08 a.m. 10/1. That night at 10:05 p.m. the Las Vegas massacre took place. The jail he left is near Reno, Nevada, about 450 miles from Las Vegas - where O.J. was going to live. They gave him plenty of time for the journey. The Feds arranged everything - from timing to location. Be noticed that Friday was only two days to the shooting date Sunday.

Simpson has four adult children, two of whom live in Florida, and LaVergne told the Associated Press that “there’s no doubt he’s going to Florida.” Tom Scotto, a friend and golfing buddy, has offered his home in Naples to Simpson.

However, that state’s attorney general informed the Florida Department of Corrections on Friday that he is not welcome there.


The original release time was Monday (10/2), but the shooting which had to accord with the Concert of 10/1 night. So they gave an excuse of "to ensure public safety" to make it on 10/1.

Keast said the overnight release from the prison about 90 miles east of Reno, Nevada, was conducted to avoid media attention. No media were near the front gate at the time when Simpson's car left the prison by a back road and entered nearby Interstate 80, she said.

"We needed to do this to ensure public safety and to avoid any possible incident," Keast said.

She acknowledged Nevada prison officials misled the media with word about the timing and location of Simpson's release. They had advised it would be no earlier than Monday and possibly in Las Vegas.


I have noticed that the jail system won't do parole job in week-ends. I've talked about that if the Feds want to kill a victim in jail, they used to arrange the arrest on Friday because following would be week-ends. Parole job is on vacation. Of course, for "public safety", there was exception.

O.J.Simpson is a celebrity, his death would increase the influence of a massacre shooting. That's what a distraction needs. O.J. almost became a collateral victim.
989. O.J. almost became a collateral victim (11/2/2017)

O.J. simpson was a target of Las Vegas shooting, I allege.

O.J. was released at 0:08 a.m. 10/1. That night at 10:05 p.m. the Las Vegas massacre took place. The jail he left is near Reno, Nevada, about 450 miles from Las Vegas - where O.J. was going to live. They gave him plenty of time for the journey. The Feds arranged everything - from timing to location. Be noticed that Friday was only two days to the shooting date Sunday.

The original release time was Monday (10/2), but the shooting which had to accord with the Concert of 10/1 night. So they gave an excuse of "to ensure public safety" to make it on 10/1.

I have noticed that the jail system won't do parole job in week-ends. I've talked about that if the Feds want to kill a victim in jail, they used to arrange the arrest on Friday because following would be week-ends. Parole job is on vacation. Of course, for "public safety", there was exception.

O.J.Simpson is a celebrity, his death would increase the influence of a massacre shooting. That's what a distraction needs. O.J. almost became a collateral victim.
I was just saying this exact thing the other day.
989. O.J. almost became a collateral victim (11/2/2017)

O.J. simpson was a target of Las Vegas shooting, I allege.

O.J. was released at 0:08 a.m. 10/1. That night at 10:05 p.m. the Las Vegas massacre took place. The jail he left is near Reno, Nevada, about 450 miles from Las Vegas - where O.J. was going to live. They gave him plenty of time for the journey. The Feds arranged everything - from timing to location. Be noticed that Friday was only two days to the shooting date Sunday.

The original release time was Monday (10/2), but the shooting which had to accord with the Concert of 10/1 night. So they gave an excuse of "to ensure public safety" to make it on 10/1.

I have noticed that the jail system won't do parole job in week-ends. I've talked about that if the Feds want to kill a victim in jail, they used to arrange the arrest on Friday because following would be week-ends. Parole job is on vacation. Of course, for "public safety", there was exception.

O.J.Simpson is a celebrity, his death would increase the influence of a massacre shooting. That's what a distraction needs. O.J. almost became a collateral victim.

Back when I was Batman I used to think the same thing. But I decided the hyperdrive needed a new core so I traded in my suit. Those time/space guidance systems are ******* expensive. I had to sell of one of my diamond mines I Africa. Then I got a call from my friend E.T. always rambling about going home so I tested out the drive. Works like a charm.
I don't buy the i lost money. I'm depressed.He was so worried about money he sent his ***** 100k.Let me plan out a mass killing and kill myself. Oh have to take out my hard drive first. Let me make sure my leg is under my rifle before I shoot myself with a hand gun. Let's take 23 weapons even though I could really only use a few. Then you have the break in at his house under police surveillance. That was the fbi that did that or higher up. Whatever was at the house they didn't want anyone else to get. Maybe the hard drive.
Published: October 12, 2017

It’s being reported that the security guard made famous in the Las Vegas shooter story is not even registered as a guard with the State of Nevada. Is he even a guard? Why was he there?

Every security guard in the state of Nevada has to register as an armed or unarmed guard with the state’s Private Investigator’s Licensing Board (PILB). This entity’s records are publicly searchable at: nevadapilb.glsuite.us.

There’s no Jesus Campos licensed with the PILB.


we're not discussing the Vegas shooting because of White Privilege.
so sayeth Martin Luther Cream.

The White Privilege of the “Lone Wolf” Shooter


Last night, the United States experienced the deadliest mass shooting in modern American history. At least 58 people are dead and over 500 more wounded. No, that’s not a typo: More than 500 people were injured in one single incident.

As tens of thousands enjoyed a music festival on the streets of Las Vegas, 64-year-old Stephen Paddock of Mesquite, Nevada, was perched 32 floors above them in his Mandalay Bay hotel room. Paddock had 19 rifles and hundreds of rounds of ammo — supplies that are plentiful in a nation that has more guns than people. A few minutes after 10 p.m., Paddock opened fire on the unsuspecting crowd. They were sitting ducks.

No expensive wall along the Mexican border would’ve prevented this. No Muslim ban stopping immigrants and refugees from a few randomly selected countries from reaching our shores would’ve slowed this down.

Paddock, like the majority of mass shooters in this country, was a white American. And that simple fact changes absolutely everything about the way this horrible moment gets discussed in the media and the national discourse: Whiteness, somehow, protects men from being labeled terrorists.

The privilege here is that the ultimate conclusion about shootings committed by people from commonly nonwhite groups often leads to determinations about the corrosive or destructive nature of the group itself. When an individual claiming to be Muslim commits a horrible act, many on the right will tell us Islam is the problem. For centuries, when an act of violence has been committed by an African-American, racist tropes follow — and eventually, the criminalization and dehumanization of an entire ethnic group.

Privilege always stands in contrast to how others are treated, and it’s true in this case, too: White men who resort to mass violence are consistently characterized primarily as isolated “lone wolves” — in no way connected to one another — while the most problematic aspects of being white in America are given a pass that nobody else receives.

Stephen Paddock’s whiteness has already afforded him many outrageous protections in the media.

While the blood was still congealing on the streets of Las Vegas, USA Today declared in a headline that Paddock was a “lone wolf.” And yet an investigation into his motivations and background had only just started. Police were only beginning to move to search his home and computers. His travel history had not yet been evaluated. No one had yet thoroughly scrutinized his family, friends, and social networks.

Paddock was declared a “lone wolf” before analysts even started their day, not because an exhaustive investigation produced such a conclusion, but because it is the only available conclusion for a white man in America who commits a mass shooting.

“Lone wolf” is how Americans designate many white suspects in mass shootings. James Holmes was called a “lone wolf” when he shot and killed 12 people at a movie theater in Aurora, Colorado. And Dylann Roof, the white supremacist who walked into a church in Charleston, South Carolina, and shot and killed the pastor and eight other parishioners, was quickly declared a “lone wolf.”

For people of color, and especially for Muslims, the treatment is often different. Muslims often get labeled as “terrorists” before all the facts have come out.

Just consider President Donald Trump. This morning, Trump tweeted, “My warmest condolences and sympathies to the victims and families of the terrible Las Vegas shooting. God bless you!” That’s fine, but Trump doesn’t even seem angry. It’s peculiar that he didn’t call the shooter a “son of a *****,” like he did the NFL players who took a knee during the national anthem. He didn’t create an insulting nickname for Paddock or make an immediate push for a policy proposal.

Compare that to how Trump treats incidents where he believes the assailants are Muslims. After a bomb exploded in the London subway, Trump tweeted that the attackers were “loser terrorists” — before British authorities had even named a suspect. He went on to immediately use the attack to push his Muslim ban.

We must ask ourselves: Why do certain acts of violence absolutely incense Trump and his base while others only elicit warm thoughts and prayers? This is the deadliest mass shooting in American history! Where is the outrage? Where are the policy proposals?

What we are witnessing is the blatant fact that white privilege protects even Stephen Paddock, an alleged mass murderer, not just from being called a terrorist, but from the anger, rage, hellfire, and fury that would surely rain down if he were almost anyone other than a white man. His skin protects him. It also prevents our nation from having an honest conversation about why so many white men do what he did, and why this nation seems absolutely determined to do next to nothing about it.

I spoke to two people this morning, one black and the other Muslim. Both of them said that, when they heard about this awful shooting in Las Vegas, they immediately began hoping that the shooter was not black or Muslim. Why? Because they knew that the blowback on all African-Americans or Muslims would be fierce if the shooter hailed from one of those communities.

Something is deeply wrong when people feel a sense of relief that the shooter is white because they know that means they won’t suffer as a result. White people, on the other hand, had no such feeling this morning, because 400 years of American history tells them that no such consequences will exist for them today as a result of Paddock’s actions.

It is an exemplar of white privilege: not just being given a headstart in society, but also the freedom from certain consequences of individual and group actions.
30 FBI Agents checked into Mandalay Bay Hotel 1-2 days before Vegas shooting?
Posted on November 1, 2017 by State of the Nation

There are specific reasons why the FBI has led the cover-up of the Las Vegas mass shooting.

Not only was the Bureau well aware of Stephen Paddock’s activities as an arms dealer well before the massacre, they knew that his hotel room had been transformed into a virtual armory.

That doesn’t mean that Paddock had anything to do with the mass murder; he didn’t. Paddock was set up as the patsy who knew absolutely nothing about the false flag psyop carried out at the HARVEST on October 1, 2017.

What follows is perhaps the most radioactive breakthrough thus far regarding the Mandalay Bay massacre. Unfortunately, the breakthrough in this case was not disclosed by the FBI. That’s because it’s about the FBI’s direct involvement in the biggest mass shooting in U.S. history.

KEY POINT: Given the scenario presented below, it’s also quite possible that the FBI agents were set up to check into the Mandalay Bay by quite purposeful design. In this way, the FBI was forced to participate in an uncompromising cover-up in order to avoid suspicion. The agency may also have been alerted to a gunrunning deal or a terrorist attack, or both, but were provided flawed information to prevent them from thwarting the mass shooting. So many different possibilities here; however, the FBI has demonstrated a reflexive pattern of criminal cover-ups that begs for a complete overhaul.

holy ****, katsung. you're now parotting alex jones. man, i thought you'd lost it before, but now ... now... oh, man.