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Wait...They Are Coming For Our Guns Now?


Zero Foxtrot Golf
Apr 9, 2014
Reaction score
Disturbing to say the least.

The Biden administration urged the Supreme Court to uphold a warrantless gun confiscation ruling as the nation’s top court heard oral arguments Wednesday on Caniglia v Strom, a case that could have major consequences for the Fourth Amendment where policing, due process and mental health are concerned... More details in the link below.

The DOJ argued that when government officials enter a private space in the interest of public health or safety rather than investigating wrongdoing, the question of “probable cause” becomes secondary to that of “whether their actions are objectively reasonable.”

Bullshit. If the police can show reasonable grounds to search a residence, then take those facts to a court and get a warrant. "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."

The only protection against unreasonable searches and seizures is the requirement to get a warrant from a judge after making a showing of probable cause for the warrant. Our homes are different than our cars or public spaces. The Constitution in fact specifically cites the protection given to our "houses" for a reason.

The DOJ also added that the High Court should uphold the previous ruling on qualified immunity grounds, asserting that the officers’ “actions did not violate any clearly established law so as to render the officers individually liable in a damages action.”

This is solely an argument as to the officer's individual liability. Even if the officers are given immunity - and they may given their claimed reasonable belief - the city can still be held liable for the unlawful search and seizure. I don't really have a problem with that outcome.
9th circus court of appeals ruled that “bear arms” shouldn’t be part of the second amendment, that you have no right to carry outside your home.

9th circus court of appeals ruled that “bear arms” shouldn’t be part of the second amendment, that you have no right to carry outside your home.

It is my opinion that this decision will decide the life or death of our union
It is my opinion that this decision will decide the life or death of our union
If the Supreme Court agrees, then you might as well just go ahead and shred the constitution. It doesn’t get much clearer than what the Second Amendment states.
9th circus court of appeals ruled that “bear arms” shouldn’t be part of the second amendment, that you have no rig
No no no.
It’s not about the constitution anymore. The dems have turned into a dictatorship, power hungry political party

ht to carry outside your home.

If the Supreme Court agrees, then you might as well just go ahead and shred the constitution. It doesn’t get much clearer than what the Second Amendment states.
Gentlemen, please focus. We need to be talking about the important issues such as the epidemic of Asian violence and the new variants of covid-19
No no no.
It’s not about the constitution anymore. The dems have turned into a dictatorship, power hungry political party
I just want to get to the throwdown part of this and be done with it. That's what they seem to be pressing for.

As Big John McCarthy a former UFC ref says before a fight "Let's Get It On!"
I just want to get to the throwdown part of this and be done with it. That's what they seem to be pressing for.

As Big John McCarthy a former UFC ref says before a fight "Let's Get It On!"
I hope we never get to that, but it’s looking more and more as though that is what it’s going to take to save the Republic. **** is getting increasingly ugly, and debate is impossible anymore. There is a fight coming for sure, just a matter of how soon I guess.
I hope we never get to that, but it’s looking more and more as though that is what it’s going to take to save the Republic. **** is getting increasingly ugly, and debate is impossible anymore. There is a fight coming for sure, just a matter of how soon I guess.
When you have the President of the United States States attempting to Executive Order his way into police entering your home without a warrant to seize firearms, we have serious issues.Good luck getting law enforcement to do that.

They're really trying to do away with the filibuster, now that they have full control. They must be confident they will secure permanent rule, since they use it A LOT, while republicans do not

If the supreme court starts ruling against them,that will be the next thing to fall by packing it with loyal leftist subjects. They may do it anyway.

If they pack the courts they can hammer on through HR1. These folks are not playing.
They’ve been coming for your guns since 1934.
True, but this latest attempt has much more traction than those in the past. With control in 2 of the 3 branches and the third seemingly has no backbone this is a very real scenario. Bill Clinton banned "assault weapons" but he grandfathered in the ones already purchased as legal, and these folls aren't going to be happy until they have not only them, but make a gunowner's life an expensive and time consuming endeavor to even own one. Time are going to be interesting in the next few years. .
Loved this article :)

Vox is known for being that website you go to when you either need to see what the hard-left is thinking or you accidentally clicked a link someone posted in their article that leads back to it. I posit that there’s a third reason you go there; inspiration.

For instance, take the fact that Vox is doing what all good NPC’s on the left “.exe” when a mass shooting happens and pushing the idea of gun control in some form or another. In this go-round, Vox wants to horrify you by telling you how many guns are actually circulating around America, or something they call “America’s gun problem”:

From Vox:
The US has by far the highest number of privately owned guns in the world. Estimated for 2017, the number of civilian-owned firearms in the US was 120.5 guns per 100 residents, meaning there were more firearms than people. The world’s second-ranked country was Yemen, a quasi-failed state torn by civil war, where there were 52.8 guns per 100 residents, according to an analysis from the 2018 Small Arms Survey.
Another way of looking at that: Americans make up less than 5 percent of the world’s population, yet they own roughly 45 percent of all the world’s privately held firearms.

I read this and I have to admit, I am horrified.

These are some rookie numbers.

How the hell do we have the freest land in the entire world and we’re not all heading to the Kroger for Cheez-Its with a big iron dangling from our hip? 120.5 guns per 100 residents? Is there some reason that’s not at least 300? Do we as free westerners have an excuse for not living out that gun room scene in Boondock Saints every time we step into our front door?

The way I see America’s “gun problem” is the exact opposite of the way Vox sees it. I think America’s gun problem comes from the fact that not enough people carry guns at any given time at any given place. An armed society is a polite one, and I have the numbers to back it up.

For instance, did you know that 98 percent of mass shootings that occurred since the 1950s happened in gun-free zones? Did you know that over a million people in Texas are licensed to carry a firearm and that 0.4 per 100,000 have committed a homicide? Compare that to the .99 per 100,000 homicide rate in jolly ol’ Britain where guns are banned.

The fact is, when there’s a gun present, would-be attackers take a good long while to weigh their action with their life and usually they’ll choose their life.

But back to the numbers — Vox attempts to scare us with the amount of gun ownership in America and really only proves that if America really did have a “gun problem,” it’d know it. There would be shootings everywhere, all the time, and I don’t mean in the sensationalized way the left likes to sell us. I’m talking gunshots going off in the least crime-ridden areas of America. The deaths would be through the roof. Every other American would have an “I had to shoot at someone once” story.

But we don’t. We don’t because the vast majority of legal gun owners are responsible, well-meaning, law-abiding good guys who would only think to draw their weapon at utmost need. Vox wants to paint gun-owning Americans as a potential threat, but the numbers point to the fact that each is a potential guardian.

What we need to do is emphasize training with firearms, not complete distancing. With the number of guns already circulating in the United States and more being bought every time a Democrat so much as glances in their direction, guns are a mainstay in American culture. They’re not going away. It’s cowardly to back down from our own culture at this point.

That’s why I say we need to bump these rookie numbers up and push for a more streamlined gun culture that emphasizes the understanding of rights, laws, and urges training. It would be, by far, the smarter, safer thing to do.

Or we could keep wishing on a star that all the guns in the world disappeared by magic. One seems way more doable and realistic than the other. Doesn’t it?
What a clusterfuck the 9th Circuit is. Some examples of rampant stupidity in the majority opinion:

Accordingly, a regulation does not burden conduct protected by the Second Amendment if the record contain evidence that [the subjects of the regulations] have been the subject of longstanding, accepted regulation.” (Fyock v.Sunnyvale, 779 F.3d 991, 997 (9th Cir. 2015).)

Oh, you mean accepted regulations on behavior like slavery? I mean, that thing has been around for as long as humans have walked upright, so **** the 13th Amendment, right?

The twelve pages then discuss the history of limitations and restrictions on the right to carry weapons in England, dating back as much as 640 years. Wait, wasn't there some type of disagreement, war even, between England and the United States because some group of people - I'll call them "Americans" - disagreed with England on a large number of issues and set about to establish a government with entirely DIFFERENT rules? I could be wrong on that, I guess.

Next, the blithering idiots continue:

The contours of the government’s power to regulate arms in the public square is at least this: the government may regulate, and even prohibit, in public places—including government buildings, churches, schools, and markets—the open carrying of small arms capable of being concealed, whether they are carried concealed or openly

"At least" that much regulation, i.e., more is undoubtedly allowed. So cannot carry in any fashion, open or concealed, in government buildings, churches, schools, and markets. Public areas would of course also necessarily include roads, theaters, parking lots, public parks, businesses of any type, supermarkets, basically every area in the United States that was not a residence or a business not open to the public. In other words, 95% of America.

Good thing the Constitution is silent on this topic so these geniuses can tell us what our rights are. I mean,

A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed

That is so goddamn ambiguous. Next, the seven people so much smarter than Madison, Jefferson, Hamilton, Jay, etc. held:

The power of the government to regulate carrying arms in the public square does not infringe in any way on the right of an individual to defend his home or business.

Wow, great news. Except, geniuses so ******* smarter than Madison, Jefferson, etc., HOW THE **** AM I SUPPOSED TO GET THE FIREARM TO AND FROM MY ******* BUSINESS?? I guess these Mensa members believe that Scotty can transport me to and fro, since the government can AND MOST CERTAINLY HAS banned carrying firearms in your car and certainly on any public transportation.

Then the stupid seven - protected by armed guards and metal detectors at the front of their public space, and by armed guards inside their public courtroom cuz important rather than the stupid, unimportant people who don't deserve armed guards at the door - show how connected they are to 21st century America when they write:

Defense of the public square stands on entirely different footing. “One of the first duties of government is to afford []protection.” Marbury v. Madison, 5 U.S. (1 Cranch) 137, 163(1803). Indeed, among the fundamental privileges of citizenship in the United States is “[p]rotection by the government.”

Oh, yes indeedy, that government is sure as **** going to protect me from robbery, assault, vandalism, beating and murder, like in every major city in this country. I mean, the biggest problem facing police today is boredom, because citizens never have their safety jeopardized by criminals, morons, idiots, antifa, etc.
Come hell or high water the Dims is gonna take them guns, whether yinz like it or not.


Free men do not ask permission to bear arms.

What part of 'shall not be infringed' do you NOT understand?
Free men do not ask permission to bear arms.

What part of 'shall not be infringed' do you NOT understand?

This will be an ugly end to a beautiful nation.

I am getting closer and closer to this as an option. My deep, deep distrust of the politicians who would like to grab the convention and change things to the worst possible garbage heap, makes it hard to get behind it. But, as a precursor to any civil war, I guess it's a preferred option. We might find out.
I am getting closer and closer to this as an option. My deep, deep distrust of the politicians who would like to grab the convention and change things to the worst possible garbage heap, makes it hard to get behind it. But, as a precursor to any civil war, I guess it's a preferred option. We might find out.
Just remember how many states it takes to ratify anything. Each state one vote. We have more red states that gives great power for each state. The libtard states...1 vote. Doesn't matter how big you are.

I've come to conclude this is the only viable option left. You'll see the lefties go batshit trying to put this down. It will strip power.

I see absolutely nothing else that will change the course. They're already doing catastrophic damage to the future of this country on a daily basis. This leftist **** show has to be put down now.
Come hell or high water the Dims is gonna take them guns, whether yinz like it or not.

This is meant as eye awakening humor, but I actually know people that think this way and getting more vocal about it. It makes me question just who it is that's not mentally competent.
Just remember how many states it takes to ratify anything. Each state one vote. We have more red states that gives great power for each state. The libtard states...1 vote. Doesn't matter how big you are.

I've come to conclude this is the only viable option left. You'll see the lefties go batshit trying to put this down. It will strip power.

I see absolutely nothing else that will change the course. They're already doing catastrophic damage to the future of this country on a daily basis. This leftist **** show has to be put down now.

History points to armed conflict / civil war. Let's hope it doesn't come to that. I really, really, really hope that it is avoidable.
Thank God (D)ims have Americans to castigate, bad-mouth, denigrate and disarm. THANK. GOD.

I mean, it's not like they could turn their attention to genuine threats to America, say, some foreign country polluting the air, using slave labor, engaging in genocide, lying, cheating, intentionally releasing a virus into the world that kills millions, dumping toxic Fentanyl into America that kills tens of thousands, stealing our technology, stealing our jobs. Nope, no such pretend boogeyman.

Why do I dislike liberals so much today? Because that group will badmouth every conservative American no end, have not one ******* good thing to say about the tens of millions of conservatives that keep this country going, and will simultaneously bend over backwards to make excuses for China.