You can disagree with anti-capitalist liberals, but that doesn't mean they don't have a valid point about small businesses inability to compete against the Walmarts of the world.
Good Lord. I
AM going to sound condescending, when I read tripe like this. You sound like the stereotypical Liberal - crying and boo-hooing over reality. The jaguar eats the rabbit - "Save the rabbit!"
It's simple Darwinism. Remember, that is how the world actually does work - the strong survive. When you start altering the world to "ensure" the weak survive, you mess with the natural order and bad stuff happens.
So yeah - the anti-capitalist Liberals do have an unarguable point - small businesses can't compete with the Walmarts of the world? SO WHAT??? What does that matter? They shut down, those people find other jobs, and life EVOLVES. If we go all anti-capital and force measures that allow the Mom & Pops to survive, we mess with the evolution. Bad things happen that you and I pay for at the register.
I grew up in a small town, and still have family there, where there are 2 Mom & Pop hardware stores competing for each other. Nearest big box is 30 miles away, so they make a living because they are local and convenient. I Love, love love visiting those stores when I'm in town - 100 year old buildings, you can find things with price tags on them that they've never sold from 30 and 40 years ago. Character, culture. It's great. I hope they last forever, but I know they won't.
This town of mine also used to have JR's grocery and another family run grocery. Till Food Lion came to town. Put them out of business. Guess what? Everyone in town is A-OK with it - they get lower food prices and typically the shelves are always stocked.
I have very tight friends that run the town's newspaper and the next county's newspaper. Owners and publishers of it. I stay in their home a week a year and hunt with them. They've made a mint from the business, but guess what? That big, bad ole' Internet is pushing them right to the curb. There's no family business to hand down to the kids. And guess what? Those kids are finding other jobs, good jobs, and moving on.
Evolution is the way of the world. Stop being so "anti-evolutionary" in your "anti-capitalistic" viewpoint. It's as moronic as protecting the delta smelt and diverting enough fresh water for all of Silicon Valley into the ocean - stupid policy for a bleeding heart cause that in the end just hurts all of us.
Let the market forces work themselves out as Darwin said they would. Walmart should have put those small businesses out of business. And someone should put Walmart out of business for being a horrible big box retailer that supplies the market with crap. And eventually some business should put THAT business out of business with a better model.
Liberals scream at us alll about Progress, right? In this instance, Progress really translates into Prevent Progress. Prevent a better business model from retiring an out-dated business model. Prevent improvement for the sake of protecting Mom & Pop stores.
You Libs make my head hurt to be honest. Progress doesn't mean Progress at all. Pick a different word please. May I suggest Stagnate?