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We are being badly misled about the Ukraine-Russia war

Yep. Bunch of ******* scumbags. This stuff just torches my soul. The fact our elected representatives are funding this **** makes me vomit.

They can't tell me they don't know what's going either.

We are so screwed.

Be quiet. Back to work! Ukraine will be needing more of your money soon.

Well we now get ****** over by the entire government in the wide open. Nobody tries to hide **** anymore. I can see why a few wanted to kick this speaker out too.
Mike Pompeo, former secretary of state, is now a cog in the money laundering in Ukraine.
Wow, shocking.

Ukraine Withdrawing American Abrams M1A1 Tanks from Front Lines

Five of the 31 tanks have already been lost to Russian attacks.
The proliferation of drones on the Ukrainian battlefield means "there isn't open ground that you can just drive across without fear of detection," a senior defense official told reporters Thursday.

The official spoke on the condition of anonymity to provide an update on U.S. weapons support for Ukraine before Friday's Ukraine Defense Contact Group meeting.

U.S. will work with Ukraine to reset tactics​

For now, the tanks have been moved from the front lines, and the U.S. will work with the Ukrainians to reset tactics, said Joint Chiefs of Staff Vice Chairman Adm. Christopher Grady and a third defense official who confirmed the move on the condition of anonymity.

"When you think about the way the fight has evolved, massed armor in an environment where unmanned aerial systems are ubiquitous can be at risk," Grady told the AP in an interview this week, adding that tanks are still important.

Russian drones are finding and destroying the tanks, so Ukraine is pulling them off the front line. Meanwhile, Russia pushes west. Whee, let's send them another hundred billion, that'll fix it! Ukraine is winning by backing up and ceding ground to the Russian forces, after losing tens of thousands of troops in the disastrous 2023 summer offensive!

Keep winning, Ukraine! Maybe then the nation won't have any people left and we can all declare victory!
Ukraine winning more!

Their brilliant tactical defeat retreat has forced Russia to occupy ever more formerly-Ukrainian land. Keep retreating until Russian troops are too exhausted to push forward any further - a BRILLIANT strategy!
We all know this. Only one way Russia is pushed back. That is by the US/NATO. Period.
Ukraine winning more!

Their brilliant tactical defeat retreat has forced Russia to occupy ever more formerly-Ukrainian land. Keep retreating until Russian troops are too exhausted to push forward any further - a BRILLIANT strategy!

Perhaps it would help if we run away more
Ukraine winning more!

Their brilliant tactical defeat retreat has forced Russia to occupy ever more formerly-Ukrainian land. Keep retreating until Russian troops are too exhausted to push forward any further - a BRILLIANT strategy!

They obviously need more US tax dollars.
They obviously need more US tax dollars.
At least another 600 billion. They can just pile it up,douse it with gasoline and create a big fire. That's about the sum of what all of our money will amount to. That and kickbacks for our warlords in Washington.
This crap just proves how very little our elected representatives care about us. That's all of them. Including that braindead corrupt piece of pedo **** president.

This crap just proves how very little our elected representatives care about us. That's all of them. Including that braindead corrupt piece of pedo **** president.

Why would they? They have given Americans the finger repeatedly for decades and have done what they want with no repercussions. They know that as long as people have their house, truck, car, boat, etc that the American public will be docile and do nothing about it. In fact, most will pull the lever and re-elect those same people. Why would they serve the people they already have in their pocket?
Wow, more Ukrainia victories!!

Oh, hold on - I'm sure another $180 billion of our tax dollars will turn the tide!!
Wow, more Ukrainia victories!!

Oh, hold on - I'm sure another $180 billion of our tax dollars will turn the tide!!

They're still relatively small gains in the bigger picture.

Russia's biggest issue is that their ground forces lack the skill and coordination to quickly capture the largest cities necessary to end the war.

The only gains they have been making are in areas where they have overwhelming air and artillery support, and amid their numbers and firepower advantage over the Ukrainians, it is quite telling how their gains have not been more significant and rapid.

The Russian military may very well end up outlasting the Ukrainians and winning the war, but it will have come an extremely high cost that could have severe economic consequences for them down the road.

Standing aside and letting Russia roll over Ukraine at minimal costs would have set a terrible precedent and jeopardized the security of eastern Europe as a whole.

At least now, regardless of the outcome, the Russians will be in no position to launch an invasion of an actual NATO country in Putin's life time.

Hopefully post-Putin, a more democratic and less imperialistically minded government gains traction in Russia.
Standing aside and letting Russia roll over Ukraine at minimal costs would have set a terrible precedent and jeopardized the security of eastern Europe as a whole.

That is not true and was never true. Ukraine was part of Russia for almost 200 years, has a strategic position relative to any invasion of Russia (Napoleon and Hitler both invaded through Ukraine), and the United States refused to guarantee that Ukraine would not become part of NATO. The simple fact is that Russia has not been moving west; instead, NATO has moved east and with Ukraine threatened to be right on Russia's border.

Further, the United States backed a coup in Ukraine in 2014. Crimea and part of Donetsk were not "seized" by Russia and instead voted to remain part of Russia. Democracy ... but only if you vote the right way, right?

At least now, regardless of the outcome, the Russians will be in no position to launch an invasion of an actual NATO country in Putin's life time. Hopefully post-Putin, a more democratic and less imperialistically minded government gains traction in Russia.

Oh for heaven's sake, could we please - PLEASE - just one time stop ******* around with other nation's governments while trying to shove our views down their throats?? Putin was never going to invade Poland or any other NATO member. That claim is pure bullshit by the same government that has lied to us about everything else, from Vietnam to weapons of mass destruction to lockdowns to gain-of-function research to masks to inflation to the debt.

The only reason that the United States is spending hundreds of billions of dollars on the completely corrupt and bogus government in Ukraine is because Biden owes a lot of favors to the same country that funded his son's drug habit and because war mongers are always pushing for more wars. Ukraine canceled its elections, is kidnapping males and forcing them to the front lines, and is the most corrupt government in Eastern Europe.
And some undeniable facts:

For its status as a corrupt, imperialist government, Russia has a productive economy, beautiful architecture, clean streets, a population that is almost universally slim, very few obese people, energy independent, with no bums on the streets or crime.

"But, but, but ... Pootin got rich off being a government employee!"

Right. And Barry Obama and Joe Biden got rich off their genius and trial lawyer skills.

That is not true and was never true. Ukraine was part of Russia for almost 200 years, has a strategic position relative to any invasion of Russia (Napoleon and Hitler both invaded through Ukraine), and the United States refused to guarantee that Ukraine would not become part of NATO. The simple fact is that Russia has not been moving west; instead, NATO has moved east and with Ukraine threatened to be right on Russia's border.

Further, the United States backed a coup in Ukraine in 2014. Crimea and part of Donetsk were not "seized" by Russia and instead voted to remain part of Russia. Democracy ... but only if you vote the right way, right?

You seem to have the Russian narrative of things down pat.

So what that Ukraine was once part of Russia? Lots of places belonged to someone else in the past. Are all such claims valid in your book?

Should Germany try to take back Kaliningrad? It belonged to them for a long time, and I'm sure they currently view Russia's control over it as a threat to their security.

No one forced these countries to join NATO. They applied because they spent most of the 20th century under the thumb of Russia and do not want to again.

It's not like Viktor Yanukovych was notorious for placing Russia's interests ahead of Ukraine's and the Ukrainian people having enough of it, or anything. It had to be some insidious plot from the US government that overthrew him.

Crimea and Donetsk were militarily seized by Russia before any votes were held, making them illegitimate. We've seen the same thing happen in the Kherson and Zaporizhzhia regions during the war.

I'm sure there are a lot of ethnic Russians in eastern Ukraine who want to be part of Russia, as there are Hispanics in parts of Texas and California who would like to be part of Mexico.

Should we oblige them? I mean Texas and California were part of Mexico at one time and fair is fair, right?

h for heaven's sake, could we please - PLEASE - just one time stop ******* around with other nation's governments while trying to shove our views down their throats?? Putin was never going to invade Poland or any other NATO member. That claim is pure bullshit by the same government that has lied to us about everything else, from Vietnam to weapons of mass destruction to lockdowns to gain-of-function research to masks to inflation to the debt.

The only one ******* with other governments in this situation is Russia in Ukraine.

You seem to have miraculous insight into the heads of Putin and the Kremlin regarding their intentions toward eastern Europe.

Nevermind that they will practically have Romania and Moldova surrounded from the north and east if they overtake Ukraine, and their border of control with Poland will be expanded from what it already is between their control of Belarus and Kaliningrad.

The only reason that the United States is spending hundreds of billions of dollars on the completely corrupt and bogus government in Ukraine is because Biden owes a lot of favors to the same country that funded his son's drug habit and because war mongers are always pushing for more wars.

Yeah, that must be it. Russia launching the largest land war in Europe since WW2 has nothing to do with it.

Ukraine canceled its elections, is kidnapping males and forcing them to the front lines.
None of which would be happening if Russia didn't invade the country