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Welcome to Minneapolis...errr...Little Mogadishu

Tim Steelersfan

Flog's Daddy
Apr 17, 2014
Reaction score
Liberal Minnesota and rabidly Liberal Minneapolis have made their bed.

I say, sleep in it.


Somali Gangs Battle in Minneapolis; Somalis Demand That Cops Do Something

Let's start by stipulating that not every newcomer to America is a violent criminal bringing old ethnic and religious conflicts to the New World; nor is he a predatory opportunist, happy to take advantage of the stable, trusting, and yes, welcoming culture he finds. Every country has its social customs and unwritten rules, and often newcomers misinterpret them as weakness.

When the Catholic Irish arrived in large number from the middle of the 19th century on, they brought with them a deep suspicion of the police, a distrust of the Protestant ascendancy, and a pent-up willingness to work the system to their advantage -- cultural survival skills they had learned during nearly a millennium of English occupation of their home country. It took them more than a full century to fully integrate into American society. Swaths of American cities, especially New York, had Irish no-go zones, into which even the Irish cops feared to tread, and even today we remember the names of the psychopath Mad Dog Coll and the suave but violent Owney Madden, chief of the Gopher Gang, who gave the world Mae West, Primo Carnera, the Cotton Club and Bill Clinton.

Similarly, the immigrant Jews from Russia and the Pale went through a short but violent gangster period (Monk Eastman, Lepke, Meyer Lansky, Benny Siegel), culminating, along with newly arrived Italians, as the triggermen for Murder, Inc. And the Sicilian contribution to urban mayhem has been well documented in print, stage, and screen.

That's largely in the past now: nobody fears a pack of Irish boys, unless they're drunk and it's St. Patrick's Day in Manhattan, or the Jewish kids studying at the yeshiva, or the Italian lawyers, chefs, and movie directors. But neither were any of these groups particularly welcomed upon arrival; instead, they were seen as cannon fodder for the Civil War, merchants, laborers, and settlers as America pushed west toward its Manifest Destiny.


Which brings us to Little Mogadishu, in the city soon to be formerly known as Minneapolis, where the good people of Minnesota -- of Scandinavian, German, and Irish stock -- have been busily importing people from perhaps the most culturally alien region of the world, Muslim East Africa, whose charming natives are unlikely to follow the traditional immigrant path outlined above. In Charles Dickens's masterpiece, Bleak House, Mrs. Jellyby ignores her own brood while busily organizing aid to Africa; today's Mrs. Jellybys have instead have brought East Africa to them.

East African community reeling from weekend violence, demands solutions

A group of Somali volunteers including Abdirahman Mukhtar, left, and Abdullahi Farah gave out pizza and tea to young people from a stand Friday in the Cedar-Riverside neighborhood.The men hope by connecting with youth and engaging them in conversation they can combat the shootings that have recently plagued the neighborhood. After the latest spasm of gang violence, Minneapolis' Somali residents and business owners on Monday stepped up their calls for help from City Hall and police headquarters to help curb the senseless shootings that they say too often go overlooked. On Friday alone, five men of Somali descent were shot in separate attacks, one fatally.

Police and community members pinned the blame for the bloodshed on an ongoing feud between Cedar-Riverside neighborhood gangs like 1627 and Madhiban With Attitude (MWA) and their rivals, the Somali Outlaws, whose territory includes the area around Karmel Mall. Friday's shootings were a repeat of a familiar pattern: a shooting on one gang's turf is usually followed hours, if not minutes later by an "eye-for-an-eye" response so as not to appear weak, community members say. Two shootings last month are also blamed on the conflict. As with other recent shootings, police immediately stepped up patrols in both neighborhoods to prevent further retaliation. But some in the community wondered whether they could be doing more.

What more, one wonders, can they do? If a bunch of white cops come pouring into Little Mogadishu, both coasts will be able to hear the howls unaided. Should they do nothing, then the likelihood is that the neighborhood -- represented by the ineffable Ilhan Omar in the United States Congress -- may well descend into the levels of violence that characterize, well, Mogadishu. Meanwhile, the media's Complaint Department is open for business:

Russom Solomon, owner of the Red Sea Bar and Restaurant, said that responsibility for curbing the violence falls equally on police and the community, but he questioned why the two Somali-American officers recently assigned to the Cedar-Riverside beat aren't working nights, when many of the shootings occur. "The problem we're dealing with is that they work during the day and not during the night, so they've just had little effect," said Solomon, who also chairs the West Bank Community Coalition's safety committee. "The perception of safety is not good, people don't feel that safe — they're just poisoning the whole neighborhood now."

In response to the recent violence, First Precinct inspector Eddie Frizell said he increased foot patrols, while reassigning some of his mounted patrol officers to ride in squad cars sweeping the area. He said he also has a "dedicated response car" that responds to serious crime scenes around the area after 6 p.m. But, he said, the department can't do it alone, emphasizing the need for broad police-community partnerships to overcome cultural barriers.

Those "barriers" had to be imported as well.

The Somalis are here as legal refugees, largely. The Somalis Minnesota story tracks to 1991, when civil war broke out in Somalia. Millions fled to refugee camps, many in Kenya. Two years later, the first wave of Somali refugees were sent to Minnesota. “In the beginning the U.S. federal government assigns people,” said Dr. Ahmed Samatar. To qualify as a refugee, there is a process. The U.S. State Department ultimately decides where refugees will live, but it has to do with the voluntary agencies, called VOLAGS, that contract with the State Department.

Minnesota has very active ones like Lutheran Social Services, Catholic Charities, and World Relief Minnesota. Those agencies agree to help the refugees get settled, to learn English, find housing, get health care, and begin a new life.

There's a problem, though. The Somalis are classified as refugees (from what? Their own societal dysfunction?) but traditionally refugees and displaced persons have been settled safely in DP camps until such time as their home countries have at least a semblance of order restored, and then they are sent home. But the Left has changed the definition to mean that "refugees" are now simply permanent Americans-in-waiting. The Greeks who came to America in the 19th and 20th centuries often stayed for a time, made some money, and then went back to their wives and children in Hellas; the same was true to a lesser extent of the Sicilians. But the likelihood of the Somalis ever returning to Somalia is nil.

Assimilation used to be the answer, but now that is politically incorrect: Balkanization is the order of the day. This is sometimes referred to as "diversity," a descriptive term with no moral significance; it describes a condition, not a goal. But under its rubric, the Left has managed to overcome all sorts of "barriers," including Chesterton's Fence. Never heard of it?
Liberal Minnesota and rabidly Liberal Minneapolis have made their bed.

I say, sleep in it.


Somali Gangs Battle in Minneapolis; Somalis Demand That Cops Do Something

Let's start by stipulating that not every newcomer to America is a violent criminal bringing old ethnic and religious conflicts to the New World; nor is he a predatory opportunist, happy to take advantage of the stable, trusting, and yes, welcoming culture he finds. Every country has its social customs and unwritten rules, and often newcomers misinterpret them as weakness.

When the Catholic Irish arrived in large number from the middle of the 19th century on, they brought with them a deep suspicion of the police, a distrust of the Protestant ascendancy, and a pent-up willingness to work the system to their advantage -- cultural survival skills they had learned during nearly a millennium of English occupation of their home country. It took them more than a full century to fully integrate into American society. Swaths of American cities, especially New York, had Irish no-go zones, into which even the Irish cops feared to tread, and even today we remember the names of the psychopath Mad Dog Coll and the suave but violent Owney Madden, chief of the Gopher Gang, who gave the world Mae West, Primo Carnera, the Cotton Club and Bill Clinton.

Similarly, the immigrant Jews from Russia and the Pale went through a short but violent gangster period (Monk Eastman, Lepke, Meyer Lansky, Benny Siegel), culminating, along with newly arrived Italians, as the triggermen for Murder, Inc. And the Sicilian contribution to urban mayhem has been well documented in print, stage, and screen.

That's largely in the past now: nobody fears a pack of Irish boys, unless they're drunk and it's St. Patrick's Day in Manhattan, or the Jewish kids studying at the yeshiva, or the Italian lawyers, chefs, and movie directors. But neither were any of these groups particularly welcomed upon arrival; instead, they were seen as cannon fodder for the Civil War, merchants, laborers, and settlers as America pushed west toward its Manifest Destiny.


Which brings us to Little Mogadishu, in the city soon to be formerly known as Minneapolis, where the good people of Minnesota -- of Scandinavian, German, and Irish stock -- have been busily importing people from perhaps the most culturally alien region of the world, Muslim East Africa, whose charming natives are unlikely to follow the traditional immigrant path outlined above. In Charles Dickens's masterpiece, Bleak House, Mrs. Jellyby ignores her own brood while busily organizing aid to Africa; today's Mrs. Jellybys have instead have brought East Africa to them.

What more, one wonders, can they do? If a bunch of white cops come pouring into Little Mogadishu, both coasts will be able to hear the howls unaided. Should they do nothing, then the likelihood is that the neighborhood -- represented by the ineffable Ilhan Omar in the United States Congress -- may well descend into the levels of violence that characterize, well, Mogadishu. Meanwhile, the media's Complaint Department is open for business:

Those "barriers" had to be imported as well.

There's a problem, though. The Somalis are classified as refugees (from what? Their own societal dysfunction?) but traditionally refugees and displaced persons have been settled safely in DP camps until such time as their home countries have at least a semblance of order restored, and then they are sent home. But the Left has changed the definition to mean that "refugees" are now simply permanent Americans-in-waiting. The Greeks who came to America in the 19th and 20th centuries often stayed for a time, made some money, and then went back to their wives and children in Hellas; the same was true to a lesser extent of the Sicilians. But the likelihood of the Somalis ever returning to Somalia is nil.

Assimilation used to be the answer, but now that is politically incorrect: Balkanization is the order of the day. This is sometimes referred to as "diversity," a descriptive term with no moral significance; it describes a condition, not a goal. But under its rubric, the Left has managed to overcome all sorts of "barriers," including Chesterton's Fence. Never heard of it?

Working as intended.
I was watching the TV program first 48 a few years back and they had an episode about a murder in Minneapolis. It seemed like everyone involved was from Somalia. I was really surprised that there were so many Somalis in this city. And I'm going when did this happen? When the detectives went to interview they had to find interpreters..
seems like a nice place to vacation and have a bbq
It's a tough one. You say " sleep in it". The trouble is they will keep on spreading out,till they get closer and closer " to a neighborhood near you". The article states it took the Irish lads more than a full century to integrate into society. Is there that type of time to let this happen here?

Certainly not to paint all immigrants with the same brush,but the ones that do come here to form gangs and spread mayhem just have no respect of life and decency. As the son of an immigrant it pains me,as I sometimes think,do I have more right to be here than them? These people come from the **** holes of all of society,can you even imagine living in Somalia,what it must be like everyday?

Now,of course I know the difference. My father immigrated here after the WW2 as a young man of 20, not knowing a soul with 20$ in his pocket. I am sure this is the story of many of your parents if you are of a certain age. But it seemed to me back then,you looked for a job,took whatever you could,and worked your *** off. No government hand outs.
He was raised decently by his parents,which I would suggest is 5 steps ahead of the game as some of the roving youths in these gangs. A lot of them come from absolutely nothing but violence and unemployment all their lives. They know nothing different. And they will never go back voluntarily.

Believe me,I am no bleeding heart liberal. If this was happening in my back yard I would have a conniption. I went to Sweden last year. Germany. Man oh man. I was a little shocked. I hadn't been for a few years. Talked to a few relatives,their friends. You know in Europe beer and wine and politics flow. Ordinarily people. To say they are a little shocked is a ******* understatement. There are parts of Sweden you do not enter. Sweden!

I don't know the answer. Is the answer building a wall? I don't think it will hurt. It's a tough time to be a politician these days. You are damned if you do damned if you don't. What is the human answer? It's easy to say,send them all back to their shithole and nuke it. Start all over. But we know that's not the answer.

Obviously vetting stringently will have to happen. But you know sure as **** lots of undesirables always make their way in. In Denmark they put a moratorium on mosques being built. You have to learn the language. You have to learn the Danish history. You might even have to learn to make Danish pastry. They are saying if you want to become Danish,become Danish. Know our tradition,know our heritage,know our language. If you don't want that,get the **** out. We don't want you. None of this **** where everyone lives in all the same neighborhood,speaking in their tounge,concocting ways to get handouts from everyone.

Now it almost sounds like i am against immigration. I sure as **** am not. There are so many wonderful stories of hard working immigrants,trying their ***** off to fit in this great land. Thankful as all hell to have a wonderful opportunity to actually have a life.
My eldest daughter got married to a Nepalese man 2 years ago in India. I have been to India twice and to Nepal once. After doing everything by the book ,he has been here now 6 months,has his PR card,just received. And I have my first grandchild.

A wonderful man,great sense of humor,intelligence. He got a job right away in the produce department of a supermarket. Not his life's work. But it's a start. You have to see his sense of amazement,when I drive him around our beaches,our mountains the city of Vancouver.

It's probably like my sense of amazement,of when we were in the middle of New Delhi's slums for the first time. The filth ,the smell,the human suffering is almost unbelievable. You have to be there. TV does it no justice. my daughter met him volunteering at a slum school for orphans and underprivileged,he had worked there. She would stay 3-6 months at a time,and did it for a few years. Believe me another story in itself. We held the wedding there so that all the kids could be invited.

I know I am rambling. I just think of my son in law, not being too removed from making 30$ a month. Kissing the ground he walks on now,so thankful. My father and mother,coming from war raveged europe,working his *** off to raise his 4 children, so thankful for his opportunity.
I was watching the TV program first 48 a few years back and they had an episode about a murder in Minneapolis. It seemed like everyone involved was from Somalia. I was really surprised that there were so many Somalis in this city. And I'm going when did this happen? When the detectives went to interview they had to find interpreters..

We went to the mall of america a couple of times when our kids were young. Minneapolis was on its descent at that time already. I remember reading a story about a somali woman sueing her employer because she didnt want to scan pork at her checker job. Wtf dont work at a grocery store.
We went to the mall of america a couple of times when our kids were young. Minneapolis was on its descent at that time already. I remember reading a story about a somali woman sueing her employer because she didnt want to scan pork at her checker job. Wtf dont work at a grocery store.

They come from their country expecting the country they moved on over to cater to their beliefs.
Liberal policies allow them to get away with it too, which is scary.
Somali Gangs Battle in Minneapolis; Somalis Demand That Cops Do Something

Two possible solutions:
1. Let 'em keep killing each other. I don't have a problem with it.
2. Strong police presence, arrest anyone who breaks our laws, beat the **** out of anyone who resists, and shoot to kill anyone who shoots at you. I don't have a problem with it.

The Libs in MN will never go for #2.
They come from their country expecting the country they moved on over to cater to their beliefs.
Liberal policies allow them to get away with it too, which is scary.

Kinda like the voters leaving high tax states Cali, NY, NH, ME, CT, VT, etc. They retire to FL, NC, SC, GA, AZ and almost give us Gillum and Abrams. Add that to the illegals and all of a sudden your a shithole. Stay back in the pisspot you created.

Oh did you see the Article 5 convention is up to 14 states effective yesterday. 20 more to go.
The next time I watch "Black Hawk Down" I won't help but think they'll be flying over Minneapolis.
Wtf are they doing here if they want to live in a muslim country? GTFOH.
Wtf are they doing here if they want to live in a muslim country? GTFOH.

They want to turn America into a Muslim country. Won't happen overnight but if it takes 300 years they're okay with that.
They want to turn America into a Muslim country. Won't happen overnight but if it takes 300 years they're okay with that.

This is the truth and the sad part. This isn't a sprint for them. It's a marathon.

I've posted this before, I'll keep posting it. Please read Witness by Whitaker Chambers. In the 1930s, Communists were crawling through our Government ranks with titles that are eye popping - direct aides and Directors immediately under the Secretary of State. When you read the book, Communists were littered throughout our government.

This was 90 years ago folks. This practice didn't end when he spoke up, when Hiss was convicted.

They told us long ago, we would become Communist and it wouldn't be by bullet or blood. We would eventually morph and accept Communism as they undermined the society we've built. America would wake up one day and be Communist without having ever realized there was a moment or a transformation.

Look at education. Look at the likes of Occasional Cortex. Common Core. Our MSM. The push for Socialism. Bernie Sanders. The crackdown on Christianity while simultaneously protecting Islam. Practically every fundamental thing that was American being attacked and destroyed from "Under God" to prayer in school (unless you pull out a carpet and want to pray to Mohammed) to American Soldiers being reviled to our police being touted as criminals to society. Every statue that's taken down, every song like Baby It's Cold Outside that is destroyed while the likes of Cardi B are propped up as evangelical. Everything that was bad is lauded by Liberals and everything good is being attacked.

It's a decades, or hundreds year process but brick by brick, illegal immigrant by illegal alien, our fabric is being torn apart.

We are walking right into. The # of Americans that now look favorably on Socialism is increasing. We are heading that way.

I believe it's been by design. The evidence supports that theory.
Wtf are they doing here if they want to live in a muslim country? GTFOH.
They really like living here better but are afraid to say so. So, they say what they think they should say in case the muslim brotherhood is watching.
Kinda like the voters leaving high tax states Cali, NY, NH, ME, CT, VT, etc. They retire to FL, NC, SC, GA, AZ and almost give us Gillum and Abrams. Add that to the illegals and all of a sudden your a shithole. Stay back in the pisspot you created.

Oh did you see the Article 5 convention is up to 14 states effective yesterday. 20 more to go.

Yes! I've been paying attention cause it's affecting us nationwide.
Our cities have the potential to end up like that in Minneapolis.

Given the transplants from liberal areas that seem to transplant in numbers.
Normally conservative places have specks of socialism spreading in.

And with that all said, the potential to let in bad apples
This is the truth and the sad part. This isn't a sprint for them. It's a marathon.

I've posted this before, I'll keep posting it. Please read Witness by Whitaker Chambers. In the 1930s, Communists were crawling through our Government ranks with titles that are eye popping - direct aides and Directors immediately under the Secretary of State. When you read the book, Communists were littered throughout our government.

This was 90 years ago folks. This practice didn't end when he spoke up, when Hiss was convicted.

They told us long ago, we would become Communist and it wouldn't be by bullet or blood. We would eventually morph and accept Communism as they undermined the society we've built. America would wake up one day and be Communist without having ever realized there was a moment or a transformation.

Look at education. Look at the likes of Occasional Cortex. Common Core. Our MSM. The push for Socialism. Bernie Sanders. The crackdown on Christianity while simultaneously protecting Islam. Practically every fundamental thing that was American being attacked and destroyed from "Under God" to prayer in school (unless you pull out a carpet and want to pray to Mohammed) to American Soldiers being reviled to our police being touted as criminals to society. Every statue that's taken down, every song like Baby It's Cold Outside that is destroyed while the likes of Cardi B are propped up as evangelical. Everything that was bad is lauded by Liberals and everything good is being attacked.

It's a decades, or hundreds year process but brick by brick, illegal immigrant by illegal alien, our fabric is being torn apart.

We are walking right into. The # of Americans that now look favorably on Socialism is increasing. We are heading that way.

I believe it's been by design. The evidence supports that theory.

The change in culture is evident.
The communist/socialism teachings are more eye opening in college. I had a few electives where the professor sprouted off some down with authority/anarchist type rants. It was weird.

I have two younger brothers. One recent high school grad, the other in high school now.
They have stated that a lot of teachers have been on some socialism agenda.

This current generation of youngeters are growing up with a near liberal government.
Idk if things will get worse. But it does seem uneasy
Kinda like the voters leaving high tax states Cali, NY, NH, ME, CT, VT, etc. They retire to FL, NC, SC, GA, AZ and almost give us Gillum and Abrams. Add that to the illegals and all of a sudden your a shithole. Stay back in the pisspot you created.

Oh did you see the Article 5 convention is up to 14 states effective yesterday. 20 more to go.

That **** infuriates me. Keep your leftist overtaxed overregulated **** up north,don't bring it to Florida.

Just say thank you for no state taxes,very few tolls in the state and pristine roads. And we still have a second ammendment here that hasn't been unconstitutionally infringed upon....yet. I'm looking at you south florida.
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That **** infuriates me. Keep your leftist overtaxed overregulated **** up north,don't bring it to Florida.

Just say thank you for no state taxes,very few tolls in the state and pristine roads. And we still have a second amendment here that hasn't been unconstitutionally infringed upon....yet. I'm looking at you south florida.

They've invaded NC as well. And they've brought their election highjack program with them. That Roy Cooper puke (read: separated from ralph northam at birth) stole the gubnorship by 5000 'last minute' votes. Probably boxes 'found at the airport'. Or in the bathroom next to hrc's email server.

I read somewhere they actually have a 'front' afoot to relocate as many leftists as they can to 'red' states. Sorta like hammas and hezbollah 'living' among the innocents.

So what's the solution to this?

Wtf are they doing here if they want to live in a muslim country? GTFOH.

They DO want to live in a muzloid country - OURS. They have zero intention to assimilate, as they'll tell anybody that will listen. It's the muzloid doctrine of Hijrah, or jihad by emigration. Its what the drooling demoniac and his band of marauders started in the 7th century. "Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it."

Two possible solutions:
1. Let 'em keep killing each other. I don't have a problem with it.
2. Strong police presence, arrest anyone who breaks our laws, beat the **** out of anyone who resists, and shoot to kill anyone who shoots at you. I don't have a problem with it.

3rd solution. As the suicide vest is the only muzloid contribution to 'technology', introduce them to our vest test range in NM. Incent them to develop and test in the safe and open desert just like homeland. Throw in a 2fer - twice the virgins for every successful detonation. Have the Peace Corp introduce the program to their native lands.
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Iowa's few larger cities are teeming with them. It started getting really bad with the gay marriage legalization/court battles. They picked Iowa for the shock value i believe. Living in a city is not very desirable at all.
Living in a city is not very desirable at all.

Amen, Steelin. Moved from Lost ******** to Arizona. I encounter more deer/antelope (cannot tell the difference) within 7 miles of my home than other cars. No traffic. Great neighbors. Gorgeous land. Lots of 4WD and guns.

No crime. Go ******* figure.
Amen, Steelin. Moved from Lost ******** to Arizona. I encounter more deer/antelope (cannot tell the difference) within 7 miles of my home than other cars. No traffic. Great neighbors. Gorgeous land. Lots of 4WD and guns.

No crime. Go ******* figure.

Yer welcome... :welcome1:


The most prominent difference between antelopes and deer is that male deer have antlers which they shed and grow every year while antelopes have horns that are permanent. Another difference is that deer antlers are branched and antelope horns are not.
Amen, Steelin. Moved from Lost ******** to Arizona. I encounter more deer/antelope (cannot tell the difference) within 7 miles of my home than other cars. No traffic. Great neighbors. Gorgeous land. Lots of 4WD and guns.

No crime. Go ******* figure.

Oh give me a home where the buffalo roam, and the deer and the antelope play, where seldom is heard, a discouraging ******* liberal...
They've invaded NC as well. And they've brought their election highjack program with them. That Roy Cooper puke (read: separated from ralph northam at birth) stole the gubnorship by 5000 'last minute' votes. Probably boxes 'found at the airport'. Or in the bathroom next to hrc's email server.

I read somewhere they actually have a 'front' afoot to relocate as many leftists as they can to 'red' states. Sorta like hammas and hezbollah 'living' among the innocents.

So what's the solution to this?

They DO want to live in a muzloid country - OURS. They have zero intention to assimilate, as they'll tell anybody that will listen. It's the muzloid doctrine of Hijrah, or jihad by emigration. Its what the drooling demoniac and his band of marauders started in the 7th century. "Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it."

3rd solution. As the suicide vest is the only muzloid contribution to 'technology', introduce them to our vest test range in NM. Incent them to develop and test in the safe and open desert just like homeland. Throw in a 2fer - twice the virgins for every successful detonation. Have the Peace Corp introduce the program to their native lands.

It's possible they have a plan in place to move into cities.
When I transfer rental cars from locations. The 2nd location I own, i've noticed a lot of "hijabs" popping up in the area. Always walking to Albertsons or whatever. Maybe I'm just being a conspiracist looney.