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What are the odds Cam proves worth $22 mill in 2024?

Might have brought in one of the Centers. We don't know. The thing is I don't think they will ask him to take a pay cut. They will probably simply kick the can down the road a bit farther with a signing bonus.
And you may be right. But I think we should just hold off judgement unil we are further into this. Guys are shaking loose as we speak. I think a better assessment of Cam's situation would be in June, after the post draft cuts and June cuts. Let's see what happens.
No, I've already established that I think the team should make moves based on what I want, when I want it. Isn't that a realistic way to go with this fandom thing?
For you it seems to be.
Why the " buddy buddy" stuff? Do you really think that plays a part? Did it play a part for Troy? How about Ben? Both perhaps wanted to play longer. Or are you gonna say they weren't his buddies? I remember both praising Tomlin quite a bit. You have no proof that it does play a role. It is just bullshiit speculation.

I have said it to you before, you make some good points. But then we have to digress into childish nonsense with the buddy buddy routine.
I never said the "buddy buddy" relationship was all powerful, but if you think it didn't have anything to do with us keeping a record-level horrid OC (for nearly 3 years) and a shanks-full punter for 3 years, then I don't know what to tell you. Go in peace.
I never said the "buddy buddy" relationship was all powerful, but if you think it didn't have anything to do with us keeping a record-level horrid OC (for nearly 3 years) and a shanks-full punter for 3 years, then I don't know what to tell you. Go in peace.
I don't. I don't think buddy buddy had anything to do with either situation. If they were that tight, Canada would still be here. I think it was misguided, even stupid to keep Canada that long. But I do not think buddy buddy. As for the punter, you got a kid here who was through a lot. I don't see buddy buddy in that, I just see a coach who cares about a kid. Trying to see a kid through to his potential. It didn't work out. I've coached. Sometimes it doesn't. This ain't the movies.
I say about 0. You need to address that waste of $ too, Kahn; we are not done adding cap space or talent. So what if Shades made a promise he can't keep, give Cam the deserved haircut. So what if Cam gives Tomlin-peak all the time, he is not worth that $22 mill of cap space. And Fitz is making too much as well. You can find at least $10 mill of cap space between those two. Do it.
I would rather know the odds of you making 2-3 more threads about this exact topic.
What are we...3 days into FA? Who would you sign right now that they can't sign because of Cam's salary? You have to look at big picture. Obviously, the most important thing to them was ILB. They got that done. Not sure they would sign a guy like Simmons and tie up that much money at safety as someone else pointed out. Maybe a center? With the move for Queen I think if they really wanted one of those guys they'd have made it happen. Again, if we are sitting here in Sept with him at that number, ok, I will see your point.
Cam is 35 years old with a lot of mileage and he’s simply not worth that cap hit.
I’d be looking to spend some money on Justin Simmons, Tyler Boyd for now.
Too much cap hit for a player that old.
Looking at roster construction by going player by player and deciding if they are "worth" their average salary is silly. All that matters is that you get the best team you can under the cap.

Is Cam overpaid now for his production? I say no. But even if the answer is yes, that is more than negated by paying the QBs almost nothing.

Yeah, Cam should do the right thing and cut his own salary. Just as soon as the steelers voluntarily give raises to rookie contract guys like Freiermuth, Pickens, Warren, Joey Porter Jr. etc.

This defense is hot garbage without Cam right now. I'd love to know the cheap pro bowl caliber DT the steelers could get to replace him.
They may very well renegotiate but we'd actually only save 16 million if we cut him and the rest is dead money. Also they have enough now to sign anybody left on the market if they want to. When and if additional cash is needed they'll work something out with Cam but this isn't a one way street, as tapenasprin just mentioned, we're woefully short on the defensive line and losing Cam right now would really make things worse. This isn't the time to call someone's bluff.
The question is " is he worth 16 million dollars"... thats his pay this season... the other six million is for previous years play that was just pushed out till now

A contract with a big signing bonus and really small salaries the first few years is a way of paying later for players while reaping the benefit of their play right then..

Same with restructures... its just hitting the cap at a later date..

So back in 2020/21, when he signed this deal, he was playing at near 20 mil per level, but only hitting our cap for 7 and 9 million dollars... his actual salary was league minimum those seasons... so that money was already earned

Many teams put a huge salary the final year or two with the full idea that if need be, tgey will extend it out with a voidable year contract or sign the player to an extension and move money out.

Its a way for teams to take advantage of cap inflation value...

So looking at the already paid money of a cap hit is erroneous.. that doesnt matter in current value terms
Cam is 35 years old with a lot of mileage and he’s simply not worth that cap hit.
I’d be looking to spend some money on Justin Simmons, Tyler Boyd for now.
Too much cap hit for a player that old.
I don't think it will stop them from signing Boyd if they want to. Not sure if Simmons is even in play. Do you tie up that much money in the safety position?

I agree he is not worth the cap hit. Basically what I am saying is at the moment it isn't the main concern...I don't think it stops them from signing anyone. It's kinda like worrying about a game two weeks away when you have one this week. They don't need to address it yet.
I don't think it will stop them from signing Boyd if they want to. Not sure if Simmons is even in play. Do you tie up that much money in the safety position?

I agree he is not worth the cap hit. Basically what I am saying is at the moment it isn't the main concern...I don't think it stops them from signing anyone. It's kinda like worrying about a game two weeks away when you have one this week. They don't need to address it yet.
No it’s not pressing, you’re correct. They should be ok now as it stands to sign both Boyd and Simmons if they want.
And I like Cam and think he’s been a solid no excellent player here for years and may be borderline HOF. I just don’t like that cap hit but they’ll most likely kick money down the road and that comes back to haunt you later.
OK, you can now cut Cam. We just resigned Montravious Adams. Oh wait, different position, never mind.
I think Cam will actually play well next year. Looking forward to seeing him healthy, a return to prior 2023 production probably not but still a force. I'd really like to see them grab another dl that can give him more reps off. Loudermilk and Leal ain't cutting it and Armon Watts isn't coming back, he signed with the pats. If there's an area other than center that I thought they'd sign this week it was the dl.

Wondering if they were feeling out Reader or Armstead because as soon as they signed with other teams we re signed Adams.
The hypocrisy that some of you have when it comes to players contracts and team loyalty is astounding. Twice in the last 10 years Cam has agreed to restructure his contract to help the Steelers clear cap space. Now, when he is due to reap the benefits of a back loaded deal, he should take a pay cut...but he should do it for the good of the team! You want loyalty from players when it benefits the team, but the team has no loyalty to a player or the contract that they agreed to when it is not beneficial to the team. If you want player loyalty you better demand team loyalty, it is a two way street. The Steelers are not paying him for what he does in 2024, this is pay that he voluntarily offset in 2021, so he is getting paid in arrears for past performance.
I could do without either Heyward. Could replace both guys for alot less, Cam is old and honestly what has he ever done to be worth 22 million a year?
I could do without either Heyward. Could replace both guys for alot less, Cam is old and honestly what has he ever done to be worth 22 million a year?
3× First-team All-Pro (2017, 2019, 2021) Second-team All-Pro (2020) 6× Pro Bowl (2017-2022)
The hypocrisy that some of you have when it comes to players contracts and team loyalty is astounding. Twice in the last 10 years Cam has agreed to restructure his contract to help the Steelers clear cap space. Now, when he is due to reap the benefits of a back loaded deal, he should take a pay cut...but he should do it for the good of the team! You want loyalty from players when it benefits the team, but the team has no loyalty to a player or the contract that they agreed to when it is not beneficial to the team. If you want player loyalty you better demand team loyalty, it is a two way street. The Steelers are not paying him for what he does in 2024, this is pay that he voluntarily offset in 2021, so he is getting paid in arrears for past performance.
You act as if Cam hasn't been paid quite handsomely for his services during his time in Pgh., you are plumb out of your mind to think this. Do you really think Cam took less $ in all his contract "re-structures" you are talking about? If you do, you don't understand contract restructuring in the NFL. You get your $ upfront in contract restructures. UP FRONT and it's spread over the length of the new deal. Cam has made plenty of $ in Pgh. You act like he's been this generous, giving teammate all this time and played for less $. Do you have any idea how clueless this makes you sound?

Now Cam is scheduled to make, on his cap hit (including $ he's already been paid) $22 mill in 2024. $16 mill for what he hasn't been paid already. You act as if he's in the poor house for his generous "giving" he's done for the team.....holy cripes on a popsicle stick.

You act as if Cam hasn't been paid quite handsomely for his services during his time in Pgh., you are plumb out of your mind to think this. Do you really think Cam took less $ in all his contract "re-structures" you are talking about? If you do, you don't understand contract restructuring in the NFL. You get your $ upfront in contract restructures. UP FRONT and it's spread over the length of the new deal. Cam has made plenty of $ in Pgh. You act like he's been this generous, giving teammate all this time and played for less $. Do you have any idea how clueless this makes you sound?

Now Cam is scheduled to make, on his cap hit (including $ he's already been paid) $22 mill in 2024. $16 mill for what he hasn't been paid already. You act as if he's in the poor house for his generous "giving" he's done for the team.....holy cripes on a popsicle stick.

Cam and his agent negotiated a contract that they wanted and it was agreed upon by the Steelers. Because millions of dollars is a big number to you, it is all relative, and doesn't mean squat in the conversation of a professional athlete. I wonder when you are willing to make the same concessions to your employers for "company loyalty." Do you have any idea how clueless this makes YOU sound?
Cam and his agent negotiated a contract that they wanted and it was agreed upon by the Steelers. Because millions of dollars is a big number to you, it is all relative, and doesn't mean squat in the conversation of a professional athlete. I wonder when you are willing to make the same concessions to your employers for "company loyalty." Do you have any idea how clueless this makes YOU sound?
This coming from a guy who thinks Cam "made concessions" for re-doing his Steeler contracts. He was paid early. Why do you think his cap hit is $22 mill while only being paid $16 mill this year? Where/when was the other $6 mill paid? Oh, do you think it was just "wiped off the books" and not ever paid? Do you think Cam agreed to that? Wow, get a grip, yo, you be illin. You obviously don't grasp how this all works. Who wouldn't take early pay from an employer? Wickity whack, don't talk back.
This coming from a guy who thinks Cam "made concessions" for re-doing his Steeler contracts. He was paid early. Why do you think his cap hit is $22 mill while only being paid $16 mill this year? Where/when was the other $6 mill paid? Oh, do you think it was just "wiped off the books" and not ever paid? Do you think Cam agreed to that? Wow, get a grip, yo, you be illin. You obviously don't grasp how this all works. Who wouldn't take early pay from an employer? Wickity whack, don't talk back.
His contract was back loaded from day one...hence why his base salary this year is 16 mil. Now that he is due to get the bulk of his contract payed out people want him to take a pay cut or lose the final year of his contract pay. When teams show loyalty to players, maybe then I will fault a player for not being loyal...until that happens, take every last dollar and keep pushing for guaranteed contracts.