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what's that? you want MORE government? say less.


You may worship me
Apr 8, 2014
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Trampa, FL

Biden administration to create climate corps program, a major progressive ask​

Zack Budryk
Wed, September 20, 2023 at 8:10 AM EDT·2 min read

The White House will create a federal Climate Corps, a major wish list item for progressive Democrats and environmentalist groups, Biden administration officials confirmed on a call with reporters Tuesday.

On the call, administration officials said the program will employ 20,000 people in its first year. These recruits, they said, will be “doing the important task of conserving and restoring our lands and waters, bolstering community resilience, deploying clean energy … implementing energy efficiency technologies that will cut consumer costs for the American people, and advancing environmental justice.” The program will be open for signups beginning Wednesday.

President Biden was himself a vocal proponent of a corps on the campaign trail in 2020 and in the first years of his administration. Language establishing such a program was included in early drafts of the Build Back Better Act, the Democratic-majority Congress’s first attempt at a climate and infrastructure bill that was later withdrawn.

Officials on the call confirmed that the program announced this week would include “that same spirit and that structure, that intention” as the earlier proposals.

Echoing a frequent parallel drawn by Biden, an official on the call said that the program would be modeled on the New Deal-era Civilian Conservation Corps, but while that program was open only to white men, “[t]his climate corps will uplift and empower a diverse and inclusive workforce.”

Administration officials were also asked on the call about the program’s budget and the source of those funds, as well as its position within the federal bureaucracy, but said further details would be forthcoming.

The announcement came a day after a coalition of more than 50 congressional Democrats, led by Sen. Ed Markey (D-Mass.) and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), called on Biden to establish a climate corps through executive action.

In an interview with The Hill, Varshini Prakash, executive director of the progressive environmental advocacy group Sunrise Movement, who was also on the press call, said that advocates “really see this as the start and not the finish … and we know if we have any hopes of heading off the worst of … climate change, we will have to expand and build upon the initial first steps that have been made here.”

“It will take a massive effort to decarbonize our economy and do it on the scale and timeline that science and justice require, and that is going to mean we have to employ … hundreds of thousands and millions of people in the work of averting climate catastrophe and making our communities more resilient,” she added.

Rachel Frazin contributed.
The climate is made up of 0.04% CO2. At 0.03% the trees and plants start suffering.

This is retardation.
The climate is made up of 0.04% CO2. At 0.03% the trees and plants start suffering.

This is retardation.
Bidenmate Change is real
Why have an elected representative other than King Biden?
  • Congress declines a government-funded NGO dedicated to lefty causes? Sign an executive order!
  • Congress passes laws precluding illegal entry into the country? Sign a few orders and open the border!
  • Congress does not authorize a war in Europe? Sign some orders and send billions of dollars of arms to Ukraine!
  • Congress rejects the suicidal rush to "green energy"? Sign executive orders ending oil production on tens of millions of acres of the best petroleum-rich lands in the world!
Whee, all the detriments of government with none of the bothersome voting!
Why have an elected representative other than King Biden?
  • Congress declines a government-funded NGO dedicated to lefty causes? Sign an executive order!
  • Congress passes laws precluding illegal entry into the country? Sign a few orders and open the border!
  • Congress does not authorize a war in Europe? Sign some orders and send billions of dollars of arms to Ukraine!
  • Congress rejects the suicidal rush to "green energy"? Sign executive orders ending oil production on tens of millions of acres of the best petroleum-rich lands in the world!
Whee, all the detriments of government with none of the bothersome voting!
They havent perfected mail in for House/Senate votes ..... yet.
It's coming as long as it advantages democrats.
Oh wonderful...20,000 more government jobs year one. A bunch of new regulations coming with that. I wonder if they'll get machine guns?

Completely unnecessary,but half of government agencies are unnecessary.
Why have an elected representative other than King Biden?
  • Congress declines a government-funded NGO dedicated to lefty causes? Sign an executive order!
  • Congress passes laws precluding illegal entry into the country? Sign a few orders and open the border!
  • Congress does not authorize a war in Europe? Sign some orders and send billions of dollars of arms to Ukraine!
  • Congress rejects the suicidal rush to "green energy"? Sign executive orders ending oil production on tens of millions of acres of the best petroleum-rich lands in the world!
Whee, all the detriments of government with none of the bothersome voting!

The whole thing is going to **** fast. It's the fruits of having nearly absolute power to do whatever you want to do.
The whole thing is going to **** fast. It's the fruits of having nearly absolute power to do whatever you want to do.

Agree in part, but in actuality the problems stem from having blithering idiot moron grifters having absolute power.
Agree in part, but in actuality the problems stem from having blithering idiot moron grifters having absolute power.

Well that's the entire democrat party in power. Pedo Pete has been a pile of human garbage his entire life. He was dumber than a door nail before his brain decayed to what it is now. Which is barely functional.