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Whee! The US is cashing in its banana republic coupon!! [Trump indicted]

Who the fuq signed the second one?
she could have been ... multi-tasking
Bragg appears very amateur. And he rushed out of the press conference when he couldn't take the heat.
I can only hope some decent judge along the way throws this out on the multiple legal issues.
Trump’s speech tonight sealed the nomination IMO, for better or for worse.
Oh good God, the indictment is the worst **** any prosecutor could possibly squeeze out while sitting on a porta-potty. A first year law student would get a failing grade for this ****. Specifically, the alleged wrong is agreeing to pay $30,000 to a doorman (whose claim was false, never paid), $130,000 to pornstar and $150,00 to another woman (never paid), all of which purportedly violated campaign finance laws. Well, the two non-payments didn't of course but for some reason Bragg's asinine indictment includes the allegation. Huh, wonder why? Maybe for political reasons?? Noooo ...

The indictment alleges that the non-payments were going to be made (but never were) through American Media, which runs the National Enquirer. For some reason, the indictment refers to these non-payments. Uhhh ... not doing something is not a crime, Alvin.

The indictment suggests - but does not actually allege - some sort of campaign misdeeds in the payment to pornstar. Why is the campaign finance violation so important? Because the underlying statute of limitations (SOL) for that wrong is five years. But that would be a Federal crime in a Presidential election and the Feds have already declined to prosecute. Anyhoo, why is the underlying Federal non-crime important? Because the SOL for misclassifying payments/bookkeeping fraud is two years. Two, as in the number before three.

Which leads me to the allegation of actual alleged wrongdoing. This is word-for-word from the indictment:

On or about October 26, shortly after speaking with the Defendant on the phone, Lawyer A opened a bank account in Manhattan in the name of Essential Consultants LLC, a new shell company he had created to effectuate the payment. He then transferred $131,000 from his personal home equity line of credit (“HELOC”) into that account. On or about October 27, Lawyer A wired $130,000 from his Essential Consultants LLC account in New York to Lawyer B to suppress Woman 2’s account.

E. Post-Election Communications with AMI CEO

22. On November 8, 2016, the Defendant won the presidential election and became the President-Elect. Thereafter, AMI released both the doorman and Woman 1 from their non-disclosure agreements.23.

The Defendant was inaugurated as President on January 20, 2017. Between Election Day and Inauguration Day, during the period of the Defendant’s transition to his role as President, the Defendant met with the AMI CEO privately in Trump Tower in Manhattan. The Defendant thanked the AMI CEO for handling the stories of the Doorman and Woman 1, and invited the AMI CEO to the Inauguration. In the summer of 2017, the Defendant invited the AMI CEO to the White House for a dinner to thank him for his help during the campaign.

II. The Defendant Falsified Business Records

24. Shortly after being elected President, the Defendant arranged to reimburse Lawyer A for the payoff he made on the Defendant’s behalf. In or around January 2017, the TO ["Trump Office"] CFO and Lawyer A met to discuss how Lawyer A would be reimbursed for the money he paid to ensure Woman 2’s silence. The TO CFO asked Lawyer A to bring a copy of a bank statement for the Essential Consultants account showing the $130,000 payment

******* blowhard lawyers. "To effectuate the payment." You mean to pay? Then say so, jack@ss.

So Trump agreed to reimburse Cohen for the $180,000 actually spent ($130,000 for pornstar and $50,000 for Cohen's "expenses"), plus an additional $180,000 so that Cohen would have enough to declare the payments and pay taxes, plus a $60,000 "bonus," for a total of $420,000 in payments. The payments were made in 12 equal $35,000 increments, with the last payment made - according to the indictment - in December of 2017.

So, fellow law students, do we see two major problems here? Yeah, we do. First, the reimbursement plan was made as of January of 2017 - uhhh, wasn't the election over by then? Pretty sure it was. So no possible "election finance" violations are possible since there is no ******* election!

And hey, assuming for the sake of Alvin Bragg's XXXL jeans that some supposed campaign finance violation occurred (after there was no more campaign), then the last such action occurred in December of 2017. I am pretty sure - let me check, yeah, it is - that is more than five years before the indictment in 2023. I mean, I did not take common core math so I am using old-time figgerin' here but five years from December, 2017 would seem to run out December, 2022.

Oh, and get this - the indictment does NOT actually identify the alleged felony Trump committed and then used false bookkeeping to "cover up." Huh? You charge a crime and do not identify the crime on which the indictment is really based? I thought there was some Constitutional amendment about prosecutors being required to set out the charges against a defendant. Guess that does not apply to Orange Man Bad.

Garbage. Absolute, complete, total garbage. A bullshit abuse of policing power for political reasons. Bragg is the one who should wind up in jail.
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Who the fuq signed the second one?
Idk, my guess would be some see eye aaa spook. Maybe Katsung’s wife signed it.

- but this is collective group of people supposedly leading our nation.
These politicians spend their entire careers pointing fingers at each other and leave the actual citizens out to dry-

***** both of these parties already. It’s sad how homelessness, education and the cost of living for hard working Americans seem to get worse. Yet Trump said this, Biden did that, some lib protested this some conservative boycotted that makes the news instead*

This theatric culture war is amusing yet sad at the same time. Liberals and conservatives alike are a hoot. If I were the chinese I’d be laughing too.
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A reporter asked fetterman if he was running for president. It would be the same as what we have now.

Vodka Nancy, drunk again, talking at a forum with Hillary. Who would show up to listen to that?

ABC News, breathlessly reporting every detail, trying to make a mountain out of a mole hill. Those reporters looked and sounded foolish. More Americans get their propaganda from ABC than from any other source. They are the CGTN of the USA.
I wonder how many women Bill Clinton paid off to “influence the election”?
I wonder how many women Bill Clinton paid off to “influence the election”?
Every politician has shady ish.
It would be funny to see all the bad stuff just spill out. Politics is a mafia though.
People like the clintons and bush’ are basically untouchable
Every politician has shady ish.
It would be funny to see all the bad stuff just spill out. Politics is a mafia though.
People like the clintons and bush’ are basically untouchable

If that happened you would have to jail most of them. Those who've been in office 10,20,50 years? You could jail all of them. Extortion,bribery,,money laundering, murder,rape,treason,obstruction,tax evasion, drugs,insider trading and just about any other crime you could think of. Biden,his son and brother would be gone for life. The Clinton's for sure. They're busting rocks for life.
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If that happened you would have to jail most of them. Those who've been in office 10,20,50 years? You could jail all of them. Extortion,bribery,,money laundering, murder,rape,treason,obstruction,tax evasion, drugs,insider trading and just about any other crime you could think of. Biden,his son and brother would be gone for life. The Clinton's for sure. They're busting rocks for life.

Is Hillary going to have to suicide you?
If that happened you would have to jail most of them. Those who've been in office 10,20,50 years? You could jail all of them. Extortion,bribery,,money laundering, murder,rape,treason,obstruction,tax evasion, drugs,insider trading and just about any other crime you could think of. Biden,his son and brother would be gone for life. The Clinton's for sure. They're busting rocks for life.
They have too much power though. I really wouldn’t be shocked when the cameras are off that these democrats and republicans probably have drinks and kinks with each other
They have too much power though. I really wouldn’t be shocked when the cameras are off that these democrats and republicans probably have drinks and kinks with each other
Mitch McConnell is buying drinks for everyone.
i'm no lawyer but it's obvious that this is really 1 small thing that they dragged out to 34 charges to try give it gravitas.

It's like a kid writing a 500 word essay and the last page reads - very, very,very,very,very,very,very,very,very,very,very,very,very,very, very, very, very,very, very, very, very,very,very,very,very,very,very, very, very, very, very, much.

i'm no lawyer but it's obvious that this is really 1 small thing that they dragged out to 34 charges to try give it gravitas.

It's like a kid writing a 500 word essay and the last page reads - very, very,very,very,very,very,very,very,very,very,very,very,very,very, very, very, very,very, very, very, very,very,very,very,very,very,very, very, very, very, very, much.

I'm no lawyer either, but I've listened to a bunch and this **** is beyond absurd. The only person who should be charged is the DA for trying to make something from nothing on things that have expired. Plus wasting hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars.Trying to connect it to the election when it happened after is the real hilarious part anyone can grasp.

That entire party can just **** right off. What an awful lot.
I'm no lawyer either, but I've listened to a bunch and this **** is beyond absurd. The only person who should be charged is the DA for trying to make something from nothing on things that have expired. Plus wasting hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars.Trying to connect it to the election when it happened after is the real hilarious part anyone can grasp.

That entire party can just **** right off. What an awful lot.
Yet the Republicans have really done nothing since gaining power in the house. They should have filed impeachment charges on Biden on day 1. Same old s#$t, just a different day. F them all.
Republicans stand by and watch communists run roughshod over this country.

The only time they actually get stuff done is on the state level. At least in my state anyway.
The only time they actually get stuff done is on the state level. At least in my state anyway.
They don’t do jack in my state because half of them are from out East and are merely Democrat Lite.
I don't see Trog here trying to rationalize this indictment.

As a matter of fact, I've not seen or heard many lefties jumping for joy either. A true sign that they even know this is bogus.