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When will A. Hernandez go in the HOF?


Well-known member
Apr 8, 2014
Reaction score
There is no doubt that Ray Lewis will go into the HOF, most people are pretty sure he killed 2 people but he was never found guilty so he got to live out his NFL career.

IF A. Hernandez somehow gets off from killing 3 different people (1 more than Lewis or OJ) does he get to play again? What if he ends up breaking T. Gonzalez TE records? Does he go into the hall? If he is found guilty then the entire 2012 season the Pats had a murderer on their team. **** makes Spygate seem not so bad, but even I - the hater of all things Patriots cannot blame the organization or the NFL for Hernandez. They knew he was a messed up individual when they drafted him, but a killer?
He won't. Next question
I know we all like to bang on Ray Ray, but Hernandez is so far beyond Lewis that this is not even humorous. Hernandez is accused of basically executing a guy who was supposed to be a friend, and also of pursuing, and then gunning down 2 men at a red light. Lewis got into a brawl with some thugs. One of the deceased proceeded to break a bottle over the head of one of Lewis' thug friends, who then by most accounts, stabbed his assailant, and a friend to death. There was no proof that Lewis did any stabbing, and beyond that, the dead men were as much at fault for what happened as Lewis and his friends were. If you break a bottle over someones head, you put yourself at risk for a lethal response, as a broken bottle is considered a lethal weapon.
Darren Sharper has better chance of going to the HOF.
What if OJ finds the fountain of youth and reverts back to his younger years and breaks all the rushing records and then goes into the HOF a second time and mass murders everyone in the ceremony?... What if Joey Porter was really Jack the Ripper?... What if turtles tasted like pumpkins? These are important ponderations people...
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what if 6 turned out to be 9? what if all the hippies cut off all their hair?
What if a comet smashed into the earth and killed all the people, all except for one man. One lonely lonely man. Would he kill himself or live out his remaining time wondering if Aaron Hernandez would have made the HOF.

I will let you guess on which side of the fence I am standing.
dammit people, you never took the bait. I was attempting to point out how damn awful it is that Ray Ray ever got to return to the NFL. You know he was at least involved and then lied about it. A ******* accessory to murder is not chump change. And now he will get in the HOF.

and yes Bermuda - we still have 4 1/2 more months till game 1
what if George W Bush was a smart man and president as well.
this is how stupid this thread is
I didn't know death row had a HOF.
What if your aunt had balls?

Well, some here, would try to feel her up (top), while others here, would try to lick em (down). Guess what, they'd both be in for a hell of a surprise, just like us, if Aaron made the HOF!!!!!!

Salute the nation
A.Hernandez will go into the HOF when Fu and Ricardo Colclough go in.
what if George W Bush was a smart man and president as well.
this is how stupid this thread is

What if Islam was really a religion of peace?
What if the Affordable Health Care Act really made health care affordable?