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Why Biden?

Is he making a joke or making another gaffe?

First I thought he said he tenure as vice president, but it was definitely 10 yrs. Hopefully he is making a joke about 180 yrs ago
First I thought he said he tenure as vice president, but it was definitely 10 yrs. Hopefully he is making a joke about 180 yrs ago

Are you saying hopefully because you couldn't possibly imagine a Presidential candidate being that incompetent? Or because you're actually rooting for the guy? I honestly don't know and I'm really not insinuating anything, but like I said, I don't know.

Hillary Clinton, for as much as I despised her as a politician and human being in general, was scrutinized (somewhat) and feet held to the fire, like all politicians should be; unlike this incompetent moron.

It's to the point where MSNBC anchors actually have to feed him his lines. It's embarrassing. For him, his family, his constituents; our entire country. It's so embarrassing and actually inhumane IMO that I can't even watch him at this point. It's sad, and his family and staffers/enablers have gone way beyond basic decency.

Tell me where I'm wrong and I'll listen.
No I'm not rooting for the guy, but it's sad that someone like Biden is able to win. Out of millions of democrats they find an old white guy with dementia. Of course Trump has many problems, but at least he knows where he is at
No I'm not rooting for the guy, but it's sad that someone like Biden is able to win. Out of millions of democrats they find an old white guy with dementia. Of course Trump has many problems, but at least he knows where he is at

I think the party went with Biden because he was the most moderate-appearing and electable of the 351 Democrats running for President. Except for Rep. Gabbard who is a genuine moderate and won't be pushed around and doesn't have Biden's name recognition. Biden can run as a moderate but his administration will be filled with Communists and he doesn't know what's up except that he wants to be President. Exactly what the party wants.
Being someone that believes in fiscal and personal responsibility, there's a lot here to question.

100 reasons to vote for #JoeBiden that don't mention Trump.
1.) $15.00 federal minimum wage
2.) Reinstate DACA – allowing new applicants to apply
3.) 12 Weeks federal paid family leave
4.) Universal Pre-Kindergarten/Childcare for ages 3 and 4
5.) Tuition free college for those with household income less than $125,000.00
6.) Allow student loans to be relieved in bankruptcy
7.) LGBTQ+ Equality Act in the first 100 days in office
8.) Rejoin the Paris Climate Accords
9.) Decriminalize cannabis use and expunge convictions
10.) Eliminate cash bail system
11.) Eliminate mandatory inimum sentences
12.) Outlaw all online firearm and munition sales
13.) Restore the voting rights act
14.) Create a new $20 billion competitive grant program to spur states to shift from incarceration to prevention.
15.) He’ll triple funding for Title I Programs
16.) Appoint the first Black Woman to the Supreme Court of the United States
17.) Reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA)
18.) Ensure the US achieves a 100% clean energy economy and net-zero emissions no later than 2050
19.) Protecting Biodiversity, slowing extinction rates and helping leverage natural climate solutions
20.) Develop a plan to ensure that America has the cleanest, safest and fastest rail system in the world, for both passengers and freight
21.) Expand the safety net for survivors
22.) Confront online harassment, abuse and stalking
23.) End the rape kit backlog
24.) Address the deadly combination of guns and domestic violence
25.) Change the culture that enables domestic violence
26.) Support the diverse needs of survivors of violence against women
27.) Protect and empower immigrant women
28.) Lead the global effort to end gender-based violence
29.) End capital punishment
30.) End federal private prisons
31.) End all incarceration for drug use alone and divert individuals to drug courts and treatment
32.) Invest in public defenders’ offices to ensure defendants’ access to quality counsel
33.) Expand and use the power of the US Justice Department to address systemic misconduct in police departments and prosecutors’ offices
34.) Reform qualified immunity for officers
35.) Ban choke-holds/neck restraints by police
36.) Launch a national police oversight commission
37.) Stop transferring weapons of war to police force
38.) Free access to testing for all with national testing board
39.) Double drive through testing sites
40.) 100,000 contact tracing workforce
41.) Guarantee first responders have priority access to PPE
42.) Emergency paid leave for anyone who gets COVID or needs to take care of a loved one
43.) Free housing for health care workers to quarantine
44.) Ramp up large scale manufacturing of as many vaccine candidates as necessary
45.) Nationwide vaccination campaign to guarantee fair distribution
46.) Ask every American to wear a mask
47.) End the mismanagement of the asylum system, which fuels violence and chaos at the border
48.) Surge humanitarian resources to the border and foster public-private initiatives
49.) End prolonged detention and reinvest in a case management program
50.) Rescind the un-American travel and refugee bans, also referred to as “Muslim bans.”
51.) Order an immediate review of Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for vulnerable populations who cannot find safety in their countries ripped apart by violence or disaster
52.) Ensure that Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and Customs and Border Protection (CBP) personnel abide by professional standards and are held accountable for inhumane treatment.
53.) Revitalize the Task Force on New Americans and boost our economy by prioritizing integration, promoting immigrant entrepreneurship, increasing access to language instruction, and promoting civil engagement.
54.) Convene a regional meeting of leaders, including from El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, and Canada, to address the factors driving migration and to propose a regional resettlement solution
55.) Raising the corporate tax rate to 28 percent.
56.) Requiring a true minimum tax on ALL foreign earnings of United States companies located overseas so that we do our part to put an end to the global race to the bottom that rewards global tax havens. This will be 21% — TWICE the rate of the Trump offshoring tax rate and will apply to all income.
57.) Imposing a tax penalty on corporations that ship jobs overseas in order to sell products back to America.
58.) Imposing a 15% minimum tax on book income so that no corporation gets away with paying no taxes.
59.) Raising the top individual income rate back to 39.6 percent.
60.) Asking those making more than $1 million to pay the same rate on investment income that they do on their wages.
61.) Tackle the crisis of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women
62.) Ensure tribal nations will have a strong voice and role in the federal government
63.) Restore Tribal lands and safeguard natural and cultural resources
64.) Joe will dramatically increase funding for both public schools and Bureau of Indian Education schools.
65.) Invest $70 billion in Tribal Colleges and Universities and Minority Serving Institutions.
66.) Ensure full inclusion of people with disabilities in policy development and aggressively enforce the civil rights of people with disabilities.
67.) Guarantee access to high-quality, affordable health care, including mental health care, and expand access to home and community-based services and long-term services and supports in the most integrated setting appropriate to each person’s needs and based on self-determination.
68.) Expand competitive, integrated employment opportunities for people with disabilities.
69.) Protect and strengthen economic security for people with disabilities.
70.) Ensure that students with disabilities have access to educational programs and support they need to succeed, from early interventions to post-secondary education.
71.) Expand access to accessible, integrated, and affordable housing, transportation, and assistive technologies and protect people with disabilities in emergencies.
72.) Advance global disability rights
73.) Double the number of psychologists, guidance counselors, nurses, social workers, and other health professionals in our schools so our kids get the mental health care they need
74.) Invest in our schools to eliminate the funding gap between white and non-white districts, and rich and poor districts
75.) Improve teacher diversity
76.) Support our educators by giving them the pay and dignity they deserve.
77.) Invest in resources for our schools so students grow into physically and emotionally healthy adults, and educators can focus on teaching.
78.) Ensure that no child’s future is determined by their zip code, parents’ income, race, or disability.
79.) Provide every middle and high school student a path to a successful career.
80.) Start investing in our children at birth.
81.) Double funding for the State Small Business Credit Initiative.
82.) Expand the New Markets Tax Credit, make the program permanent, and double Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFI) funding
83.) Improve and expand the Small Business Administration programs that most effectively support African American-owned businesses.
84.) Increase funding for the Minority Business Development Agency budget.
85.) Make sure economic relief because of COVID-19 reaches the African American businesses that need it most
86.) Reserve half of all the new PPP funds for small businesses with 50 employees or less
87.) Help families buy their first homes and build wealth by creating a new refundable, advanceable tax credit of up to $15,000
88.) Protect homeowners and renters from abusive lenders and landlords through a new Homeowner and Renter Bill of Rights.
89.) Establishing a $100 billion Affordable Housing Fund to construct and upgrade affordable housing
90.) Fully implement Congressman Clyburn’s 10-20-30 Plan to help all individuals living in persistently impoverished communities
91.) Expand access to $100 billion in low-interest business loans by funding state, local, tribal, and non-profit lending programs in Latino communities and other communities of color and strengthening Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs
92.) Expand broadband access to every American.
93.) Protect and build on the Affordable Care Act to improve access to quality health care in rural communities.
94.) Expand access to high-quality education in rural schools.
95.) Transform our crumbling transportation infrastructure – including roads and bridges, rail, aviation, ports, and inland waterways.
96.) Expand bio-based manufacturing to bring cutting-edge manufacturing jobs back to rural America.
saw a freakin' Volvo with this bumper sticker today on my way home:

Defeat Capitalism
Defund the Police
Vote Biden

I had to get next to the pencil-neck geek to point and laugh at him.

I would have given him the middle finger and the jerkoff sign while mouthing the words ******* jerkoff.

Doesn't he know defunding the police makes him have to take personal ownership of their job? People will somehow follow all laws and become pure as the driven snow?

Without enforcement you get the old wild frontier only much worse. Defeating capitalism just screams ignorance as well. Vote Biden is more like vote full government control of everything from birth until they put you in the ground. Biden's mellon is busted. He's pretty much Weekend At Bernies.
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saw a freakin' Volvo with this bumper sticker today on my way home:

Defeat Capitalism
Defund the Police
Vote Biden

I had to get next to the pencil-neck geek to point and laugh at him.

I’m surprised it wasn’t a Prius or a Subaru.
Being someone that believes in fiscal and personal responsibility, there's a lot here to question.

100 reasons to vote for #JoeBiden that don't mention Trump.
1.) $15.00 federal minimum wage
2.) Reinstate DACA – allowing new applicants to apply
3.) 12 Weeks federal paid family leave
4.) Universal Pre-Kindergarten/Childcare for ages 3 and 4
5.) Tuition free college for those with household income less than $125,000.00
6.) Allow student loans to be relieved in bankruptcy
7.) LGBTQ+ Equality Act in the first 100 days in office
8.) Rejoin the Paris Climate Accords
9.) Decriminalize cannabis use and expunge convictions
10.) Eliminate cash bail system
11.) Eliminate mandatory inimum sentences
12.) Outlaw all online firearm and munition sales
13.) Restore the voting rights act
14.) Create a new $20 billion competitive grant program to spur states to shift from incarceration to prevention.
15.) He’ll triple funding for Title I Programs
16.) Appoint the first Black Woman to the Supreme Court of the United States
17.) Reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA)
18.) Ensure the US achieves a 100% clean energy economy and net-zero emissions no later than 2050
19.) Protecting Biodiversity, slowing extinction rates and helping leverage natural climate solutions
20.) Develop a plan to ensure that America has the cleanest, safest and fastest rail system in the world, for both passengers and freight
21.) Expand the safety net for survivors
22.) Confront online harassment, abuse and stalking
23.) End the rape kit backlog
24.) Address the deadly combination of guns and domestic violence
25.) Change the culture that enables domestic violence
26.) Support the diverse needs of survivors of violence against women
27.) Protect and empower immigrant women
28.) Lead the global effort to end gender-based violence
29.) End capital punishment
30.) End federal private prisons
31.) End all incarceration for drug use alone and divert individuals to drug courts and treatment
32.) Invest in public defenders’ offices to ensure defendants’ access to quality counsel
33.) Expand and use the power of the US Justice Department to address systemic misconduct in police departments and prosecutors’ offices
34.) Reform qualified immunity for officers
35.) Ban choke-holds/neck restraints by police
36.) Launch a national police oversight commission
37.) Stop transferring weapons of war to police force
38.) Free access to testing for all with national testing board
39.) Double drive through testing sites
40.) 100,000 contact tracing workforce
41.) Guarantee first responders have priority access to PPE
42.) Emergency paid leave for anyone who gets COVID or needs to take care of a loved one
43.) Free housing for health care workers to quarantine
44.) Ramp up large scale manufacturing of as many vaccine candidates as necessary
45.) Nationwide vaccination campaign to guarantee fair distribution
46.) Ask every American to wear a mask
47.) End the mismanagement of the asylum system, which fuels violence and chaos at the border
48.) Surge humanitarian resources to the border and foster public-private initiatives
49.) End prolonged detention and reinvest in a case management program
50.) Rescind the un-American travel and refugee bans, also referred to as “Muslim bans.”
51.) Order an immediate review of Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for vulnerable populations who cannot find safety in their countries ripped apart by violence or disaster
52.) Ensure that Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and Customs and Border Protection (CBP) personnel abide by professional standards and are held accountable for inhumane treatment.
53.) Revitalize the Task Force on New Americans and boost our economy by prioritizing integration, promoting immigrant entrepreneurship, increasing access to language instruction, and promoting civil engagement.
54.) Convene a regional meeting of leaders, including from El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, and Canada, to address the factors driving migration and to propose a regional resettlement solution
55.) Raising the corporate tax rate to 28 percent.
56.) Requiring a true minimum tax on ALL foreign earnings of United States companies located overseas so that we do our part to put an end to the global race to the bottom that rewards global tax havens. This will be 21% — TWICE the rate of the Trump offshoring tax rate and will apply to all income.
57.) Imposing a tax penalty on corporations that ship jobs overseas in order to sell products back to America.
58.) Imposing a 15% minimum tax on book income so that no corporation gets away with paying no taxes.
59.) Raising the top individual income rate back to 39.6 percent.
60.) Asking those making more than $1 million to pay the same rate on investment income that they do on their wages.
61.) Tackle the crisis of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women
62.) Ensure tribal nations will have a strong voice and role in the federal government
63.) Restore Tribal lands and safeguard natural and cultural resources
64.) Joe will dramatically increase funding for both public schools and Bureau of Indian Education schools.
65.) Invest $70 billion in Tribal Colleges and Universities and Minority Serving Institutions.
66.) Ensure full inclusion of people with disabilities in policy development and aggressively enforce the civil rights of people with disabilities.
67.) Guarantee access to high-quality, affordable health care, including mental health care, and expand access to home and community-based services and long-term services and supports in the most integrated setting appropriate to each person’s needs and based on self-determination.
68.) Expand competitive, integrated employment opportunities for people with disabilities.
69.) Protect and strengthen economic security for people with disabilities.
70.) Ensure that students with disabilities have access to educational programs and support they need to succeed, from early interventions to post-secondary education.
71.) Expand access to accessible, integrated, and affordable housing, transportation, and assistive technologies and protect people with disabilities in emergencies.
72.) Advance global disability rights
73.) Double the number of psychologists, guidance counselors, nurses, social workers, and other health professionals in our schools so our kids get the mental health care they need
74.) Invest in our schools to eliminate the funding gap between white and non-white districts, and rich and poor districts
75.) Improve teacher diversity
76.) Support our educators by giving them the pay and dignity they deserve.
77.) Invest in resources for our schools so students grow into physically and emotionally healthy adults, and educators can focus on teaching.
78.) Ensure that no child’s future is determined by their zip code, parents’ income, race, or disability.
79.) Provide every middle and high school student a path to a successful career.
80.) Start investing in our children at birth.
81.) Double funding for the State Small Business Credit Initiative.
82.) Expand the New Markets Tax Credit, make the program permanent, and double Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFI) funding
83.) Improve and expand the Small Business Administration programs that most effectively support African American-owned businesses.
84.) Increase funding for the Minority Business Development Agency budget.
85.) Make sure economic relief because of COVID-19 reaches the African American businesses that need it most
86.) Reserve half of all the new PPP funds for small businesses with 50 employees or less
87.) Help families buy their first homes and build wealth by creating a new refundable, advanceable tax credit of up to $15,000
88.) Protect homeowners and renters from abusive lenders and landlords through a new Homeowner and Renter Bill of Rights.
89.) Establishing a $100 billion Affordable Housing Fund to construct and upgrade affordable housing
90.) Fully implement Congressman Clyburn’s 10-20-30 Plan to help all individuals living in persistently impoverished communities
91.) Expand access to $100 billion in low-interest business loans by funding state, local, tribal, and non-profit lending programs in Latino communities and other communities of color and strengthening Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs
92.) Expand broadband access to every American.
93.) Protect and build on the Affordable Care Act to improve access to quality health care in rural communities.
94.) Expand access to high-quality education in rural schools.
95.) Transform our crumbling transportation infrastructure – including roads and bridges, rail, aviation, ports, and inland waterways.
96.) Expand bio-based manufacturing to bring cutting-edge manufacturing jobs back to rural America.

Just hand your paycheck over and we will take care of everything. We will make all decisions on everything. Equal misery for all.
saw a freakin' Volvo with this bumper sticker today on my way home:

Defeat Capitalism
Defund the Police
Vote Biden

I had to get next to the pencil-neck geek to point and laugh at him.

I was gonna say that you saw my Brother in Law, but then I remembered he drives a BMW...lol.
I was gonna say that you saw my Brother in Law, but then I remembered he drives a BMW...lol.

Did these morons never see the cars that were produced in the old Soviet Union, nor that Castro's Cuba still has remnants of '50's Detroit as its automotive backbone?
Just hand your paycheck over and we will take care of everything. We will make all decisions on everything. Equal misery for all.

Unlike Trump's successful list of accomplishments who actually believes they'll do or even attempt half of these things? I was a dim believer for a long, long time. They rarely made good on their promises.
Unlike Trump's successful list of accomplishments who actually believes they'll do or even attempt half of these things? I was a dim believer for a long, long time. They rarely made good on their promises.

For starters Joe and Willie Brown's girlfriend can't promise good union drilling and fracking jobs and at the same time ban fracking and eliminate fossil fuels.
I'm more nervous this election than I was in 16. Back then I didn't see ANY Hillary yard signs and damn few bumper stickers. I rode to the neighboring county today to pick up the steaks for our club dinner sat and counted 7 "Jo and the' Ho" signs in the 20 mi stretch. They are voting party line not candidate regardless of the consequences this time and that is scary.

I can't see how the Country could possibly survive a Biden Harris Presidency. In 4 years we could very well be rubbing sticks together to start fires to keep warm.

I can't see how the Country could possibly survive a Biden Harris Presidency. In 4 years we could very well be rubbing sticks together to start fires to keep warm.
Trump needs to run ads targeting senior citizens talking about how Biden will quadruple their heating bills.
Trump needs to run ads targeting senior citizens talking about how Biden will quadruple their heating bills.

Who knows what will happen. I'm seeing more Trump signs this year in our neck of the woods than I did in 2016. No doubt the turnout is going to be high but I think the MSM is doing what they always do and that's to discourage folks who would vote for Trump from voting, their message is "What's the point in voting for your guy? Its a done deal. Don't even bother submitting your mail in ballot and definitely don't take the time to go to the polls. Talk about your voter suppression.

One thing is for sure there are multiple points that he can use, but the word is not getting out there. Maybe his newest campaign manager should have been replaced or maybe Trump has had enough and doesn't really want to put up with the BS and try to guide the country at the same time.

One thing is for sure what they have put him and other conservative representatives through has to turn off a multitude of potential candidates who simply want to take the country back from the lobbyists and swamp creatures (the establishment).