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Why racism is getting worse


Well-known member
Apr 20, 2014
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BLM, stupid saggy pants showing your ******* underwear as if that is acceptable, not even close to proper English and no desire to learn it, disproportionately dickish/criminal behavior, I could go on and on.

The point is that it is not white people who are the problem. Deal with the real problem. It's a real problem, and people are getting fed up. My personal situation is interesting. My wife is black, from Kenya, and our kids don't understand the retarded black American urban scene.

Somebody has to talk openly about the ******* wasteland of a culture that is dooming lower income black Americans.
What they never show you on tee-vee

A lot is poor upbringing. There are single parents who put their foot down and raise their child properly. I wouldn't even go as far to say it's just blacks. A lot has to do with liberal guilt. Anybody who has lived in the south just looks at blacks as people, sure there are some extreme racist, but liberals like to make race known in stories etc. I'm half mexican so when I am in certain places some people act like being colored is so taboo or whatever. It doesnt bother me. But until people learn to live amongst each other we are going to keep having racism and ghettos
Somebody has to talk openly about the ******* wasteland of a culture that is dooming lower income black Americans.

I went to the Pittsburgh Vintage Grand Prix today, which is awesome BTW.
This means you drive through Oakland where Pitt and CMU are. You can't swing a dead cat without hitting ten Asians (you see what I did there) but I saw almost no black students. Yet I refuse to believe that Asians are smarter than blacks or anybody else. It's just a matter of cultural values.
A lot is poor upbringing. There are single parents who put their foot down and raise their child properly. I wouldn't even go as far to say it's just blacks. A lot has to do with liberal guilt. Anybody who has lived in the south just looks at blacks as people, sure there are some extreme racist, but liberals like to make race known in stories etc. I'm half mexican so when I am in certain places some people act like being colored is so taboo or whatever. It doesnt bother me. But until people learn to live amongst each other we are going to keep having racism and ghettos
I appreciate that, but nobody should have to learn to live with ********. We don't hang out with anyone who cares about skin color. We do hang out with people who have a ******* clue about proper manners and general civility.
I appreciate that, but nobody should have to learn to live with ********. We don't hang out with anyone who cares about skin color. We do hang out with people who have a ******* clue about proper manners and general civility.

I agree. Nobody should have to learn in that respect. But there are still some people around who are racist. What we see on tv or news media outlets makes us think things are out of control. Something to consider, the media likes to sensationalize. Don't fall for the trap. Humans are humans and will generally live amongst each other. Aside from one psycho bi polar neighbor my neighborhood has a mix of races. And we do fine and help each other out in need. I'm against liberalism for their violent, hypocritical tendencies. However judging on someones skin is just stupid. Best wishes to you dude. Don't let a small scale few ruin your life
As far as the culture. It's just ghetto culture. Blacks have it, mexicans have it, whites have it. Those are the welfare abusers, the gov assistance, etc. Some use it for need until they get on their feet, but from personal experience and I have a few ghetto thug cousins myself. They feel entitled, refuse to go out and better themselves. It's just a ghetto culture and that culture tends to promote easy living.
As far as the culture. It's just ghetto culture. Blacks have it, mexicans have it, whites have it. Those are the welfare abusers, the gov assistance, etc. Some use it for need until they get on their feet, but from personal experience and I have a few ghetto thug cousins myself. They feel entitled, refuse to go out and better themselves. It's just a ghetto culture and that culture tends to promote easy living.

Also yesterday my neighbors a few doors down, it's a rental house with all sorts of people in and out, spent all day putting what I assume is a $2000 sound system in a $500 car. They were working on it when I left for the Pittsburgh Vintage Grand Prix and still working on it when I came home. Sub box filled the whole trunk. I thought about being multicultural and going over to show them how to properly phase the speakers, but **** it, I don't need to hear better sound quality on window-rattling rap music.
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Everyone should read about Louie Zamperini and Glenn Frazier. They both went through horrible abuse by the captors in Jap prisoner of war camps. They were both consumed by hatred after the war, wanting revenge. They only way they got there life back on track was realizing that they guys they hated, who they obsessed over, were giving them no thought whatsoever. It was totally one sided.

Young black people need to realize this. I have enough of my own things to deal with to give them much thought. If that sounds harsh, oh well. I have no white guilt. They are obsessing over what they think whitey has done to them, while most of us are just trying to get by. We don't obsess over them. When you are caught in that blame cycle, it is hard to get out. Harder for them because it is perpetuated by the left over and over again.
Funny you mention it. I have a very dear friend from Kenya. She has confided in me that she would never date African American men. The reason, because they aren't worth a ****. Her words.

That ***** is ignorant, just as any person that believes racism is getting worse, because of thugs in the ghetto. I am black, and will not put up with racist bullshit from ANYONE. You let them young stupid mutha ******* get you all riled up against blacks if you want to. I am the person you do not want to bring that **** to..
My late grandfather (b. 1899) was a steelworker and a fairly progressive man for his day, and once told me that "******** come in all colors".
Also yesterday my neighbors a few doors down, it's a rental house with all sorts of people in and out, spent all day putting what I assume is a $2000 sound system in a $500 car. They were working on it when I left for the Pittsburgh Vintage Grand Prix and still working on it when I came home. Sub box filled the whole trunk. I thought about being multicultural and going over to show them how to properly phase the speakers, but **** it, I don't need to hear better sound quality on window-rattling rap music.

What about $2000 oversized mud tires on an old *** pickup truck? Do you have a problem with that?
What about $2000 oversized mud tires on an old *** pickup truck? Do you have a problem with that?

Stupidity is not defined by color. But it almost always correlates with the poverty line. Inner city thugs and poor white trash make stupid decisions like these, not because of skin color. Like the African American lady living in a low income, county-subsidized town home down the street from me but somehow drives a 'Cedes. That's why my poor-white trash cousin still lives in a trailer, but finds a way to support three horses in a dwelling larger than her own home for her sons.

You can't fix stupid.
By the way, all of you will be happy to know that the White House - despite over 140,000 signatures - refuses to label BLM a terrorist organization. If this doesn't get your blood boiling on a Sunday...


White House RESPONDS to petition to designate Black Lives Matter terrorist group…

As you may have heard, earlier this month a petition was filed with the White House’s “We the People” platform requesting that Black Lives Matter be recognized as a terrorist organization.

In case you need a few quick reminders on some of the Black Lives Matter tactics and why so many suggest they should be labeled as terrorists, here are a few photos:






After the petition received 141,425 signatures in less than two weeks, the White House responded. And, #ShockingNotShocking, its response read more like a defense of the organization rather than an acknowledgement of its wrongdoings.

“I know that there are some who have criticized even the phrase ‘black lives matter,’ as if the notion is, is that other lives don’t matter. And so you get ‘all lives matter’ or ‘blue lives matter.’ I understand the point they’re trying to make. I think it’s important for us to also understand that the phrase ‘black lives matter’ simply refers to the notion that there’s a specific vulnerability for African Americans that needs to be addressed. It’s not meant to suggest that other lives don’t matter. It’s to suggest that other folks aren’t experiencing this particular vulnerability.

“And so we shouldn’t get too caught up in this notion that somehow people who are asking for fair treatment are somehow, automatically, anti-police, are trying to only look out for black lives as opposed to others. I think we have to be careful about playing that game, just because that’s not obviously what is intended.”​
Umm, actually, being anti-police is central to the organization’s mission, policy and tactics, as WZ points out:

Yes, being anti-police is exactly what Black Lives Matter intend. We could talk about the 8 police officers that Black Lives Matter supporters have actually killed, including the two officers assasinated in NYC, one in Kentucky, and the five in Dallas. We could talk about the dozens of assaults on police, including those just this past weekend, where 21 officers were injured by BLM attackers, one who threw a molotov coctail and another who dropped a concrete block on an officer’s head in St. Paul, Minnesota.

But just as a matter of policy, BLM and many of their subsidiary organizations actually call for defunding, disarming and disbanding with police, so yes, you can’t get a more ‘anti-police’ organization. It is a functional part of their demands.​
But, perhaps just like the White House claims the Islamic State has nothing to do with Islam, the White House wants us to buy the bovine excrement that Black Lives Matter is not anti-police — despite its stated anti-police policies and tactics [see above].

The White House response further quoted from President Obama’s now-infamous-for-its-despicableness words at the so-called memorial for the five slain Dallas police officers:

“But even those who dislike the phrase ‘Black Lives Matter,’ surely we should be able to hear the pain of Alton Sterling’s family … and know that his life mattered to a whole lot of people of all races, of all ages, and that we have to do what we can, without putting officers’ lives at risk, but do better to prevent another life like his from being lost.

“With an open heart, we can worry less about which side has been wronged, and worry more about joining sides to do right. Because the vicious killer of these police officers, they won’t be the last person who tries to make us turn on one other. The killer in Orlando wasn’t, nor was the killer in Charleston. We know there is evil in this world. That’s why we need police departments. But as Americans, we can decide that people like this killer will ultimately fail. They will not drive us apart. We can decide to come together and make our country reflect the good inside us, the hopes and simple dreams we share.”​
And here’s the kicker: the White House’s excuse for not taking action against an organization they not only condone but openly support:

The White House plays no role in designating domestic terror organizations. The U.S. government does not generate a list of domestic terror organizations, and therefore we are not able to address the formal request of your petition. We encourage you to engage with your community in the ongoing discussion of how we can better build trust and safety in our communities.​
So suddenly, Mr. I-can-do-whatever-I-want-through-executive-order seems to have lost his pen and his phone? Never mind that the FBI — which, last I checked, actually reported into the president — freely discusses the threat of domestic terrorism from “right-wing extremism,” while our Department of Homeland Security has its own program for “Countering Violent Extremism,” which indeed includes domestic terrorists and homegrown violent extremists. Even if they may not have a formal designation as they do for foreign terror organizations, the White House claim of “we don’t have a role in that” is one big-time, blatant cop-out.

Its response just confirmed what we already know, which is that under the Obama administration, Black Lives Matter qualifies as state-sponsored terrorism.
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racism is getting worse in part because the media plays up the racial issues and goes with stories of "innocents" getting killed by police...before the true story comes out so many will never believe the facts when they do come out. They play up attacks on blacks by whites but not the more common black on black crime. They no longer report facts, just what will get them ratings