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Why racism is getting worse

Yea I do. I think it is stupid as hell and will say it. I think the ******' Confederate flag on a truck up here in the North is stupid and will say it as well. They lost for **** sake.

There is the big difference, though. Most white people will say it is stupid. Too many blacks seem to have this tendency to make excuses for stupid behavior.

I don't make excuses, and all of the black people I deal with are just like me.
I don't make excuses, and all of the black people I deal with are just like me.
In the other thread you made an excuse for BLM by trying to say that its just a few ******** talking about killing cops and then tried to equate with white supremacy sites.
I don't make excuses, and all of the black people I deal with are just like me.

You were in fact making excuses in the other threads for BLM.
Highest-ranking officer cleared in Freddie Gray death

Baltimore (CNN)Baltimore police Lt. Brian Rice was found not guilty of involuntary manslaughter, reckless endangerment and misconduct in office in connection with Freddie Gray's arrest and death, Judge Barry Williams ruled in a bench trial Monday.



Will there be riots?

Hillary Clinton: Joining A Gang Is Like Having A Family

"Joining a gang is like having a family. It's feeling like you're part of something bigger than yourself. So we're either going to have gangs that murder and rob … or we’re going to have positive gangs.”

Yo, Happy Time Crip and Bloods folks, sign up here!
Black Pastors Leader: Obama Has "Fostered A Lawless Society"

The leader of a coalition of black pastors says the political rhetoric of President Barack Obama and his administration has caused division in America and has “fostered a lawless society.”

Rev. William Owens, President of the Coalition of African American Pastors:

“Obama and his administration have caused division in our nation and have fostered a lawless society,” he asserts

"The divide that we are witnessing didn’t just start,” he explains. “We have a president who has divided us as a nation with his political rhetoric. In America, gays are divided against straight people, rich against poor, women against men, blacks against whites, black lives matter against police – which our president promotes.”

In the other thread you made an excuse for BLM by trying to say that its just a few ******** talking about killing cops and then tried to equate with white supremacy sites.

I don't see it as an excuse. If BLM platform encouraged the death of cops, then I would denounce them. It is like the few *** holes at the Tea Party rallies. The Tea Parties platform does not endorse what a few stragglers might say or do. I can not label the entire BLM movement over the chants of 15 to 20 people..
So the new democratic platform is "Gangs replace family" and we need to make sure gangs to good instead of bad?

Hmm... I guess when 75% of blacks are born to single parent and have bad parenting this type of logic makes sense....

Maybe "gangs" need to be federally run and children of poverty are just rounded up and put in mass communes because they need to "feel something bigger than themselves"...

Sounds very typical of democrats. Keep them down, keep them voting, keep them brainwashed that government is the answer....
I don't see it as an excuse. If BLM platform encouraged the death of cops, then I would denounce them. It is like the few *** holes at the Tea Party rallies. The Tea Parties platform does not endorse what a few stragglers might say or do. I can not label the entire BLM movement over the chants of 15 to 20 people..

It's more than 15-20.

And at what percentage is it enough to start questioning the movement? 5%? 10%? 25%? What is more than HALF the people that support Black Lives Matters don't have a problem with violence against the police as "retribution"? Would you still be defending the few people that think BLM represents a peaceful protest?

This is the same logic with Islamic extremists. Polls prove almost 15% of AMERICAN Muslims think suicide bombing is acceptable in certain circumstances. In Europe it's higher. In the Middle East it's over 50%....

The problem is not JUST the radicals. It's how many inside the culture (both muslim and black communities) that look the other way or condone violent behavior by inaction. It's inside you, most blacks and muslims when something bad happens that it's just "karma, I didn't want it to happen but now that it has, it's okay because of all the bad stuff happening to my race"....

This kind of internal justification for violence that is in so many American's conscience right now is crazy....
It's more than 15-20.

And at what percentage is it enough to start questioning the movement? 5%? 10%? 25%? What is more than HALF the people that support Black Lives Matters don't have a problem with violence against the police as "retribution"? Would you still be defending the few people that think BLM represents a peaceful protest?

This is the same logic with Islamic extremists. Polls prove almost 15% of AMERICAN Muslims think suicide bombing is acceptable in certain circumstances. In Europe it's higher. In the Middle East it's over 50%....

The problem is not JUST the radicals. It's how many inside the culture (both muslim and black communities) that look the other way or condone violent behavior by inaction. It's inside you, most blacks and muslims when something bad happens that it's just "karma, I didn't want it to happen but now that it has, it's okay because of all the bad stuff happening to my race"....

This kind of internal justification for violence that is in so many American's conscience right now is crazy....

I will look into the group a little more. You seem passionate about it. Maybe I have missed something. I must admit that I have not paid much attention to them, other than just seeing them protesting in general..
Obama’s Divide-and-Rule Presidency

Obama is near the end of an eight year train wreck presidency, the result of which is that every social issue is more divisive, more unsolvable, and more dishonestly framed than ever before. It is no secret that he has done nothing for the black community, whose unemployment and crime rates are rising every day, while he demonizes police and lauds racist activists who condone assassination and lawlessness. Hillary Clinton has promised to be Barack Obama in a pantsuit, which means the downward trend will continue as the Democrat practice of “Promise Everything, Deliver Nothing, Blame Others” goes on in perpetuity.

The black community allows itself to be played this way each and every election cycle, and reliably elects progressive politicians who care more about the profitability of corruption than about their lives or hardships. Indeed, we know that the majority of these individuals live in Democrat controlled cities and states, where Democrat policies ensure that nothing changes for the better, but will often change for the worse if given minimal time. Somehow, the dots remain unconnected. Nevertheless, the party can’t afford to allow the black community to consider other options, including the message of success and advancement via the content of one’s character and work ethic. The party motto ought to be “Strength Through Failure”.

Thankfully for the Democrats, there are groups like Black Lives Matter, the New Black Panthers, and every organization that preaches Black Liberation Theory or Theology. Trinity United Church comes to mind, but the Dallas racist didn’t need a church when he had so many other pan-African hate groups to follow.

History tells us that nothing stirs the supposedly big hearts and closed minds of leftists like race-based radical hate groups.

So the new democratic platform is "Gangs replace family" and we need to make sure gangs do good instead of bad?

That's what she says...of course she's just Obama's mouthpiece and she'll say anything for that black vote.

The Fire Spreads

The dangerously false narrative that racist police officers are the greatest threat facing young black men today.

President Barack Obama bears direct responsibility for the lethal spread of that narrative. In a speech from Poland just hours before five officers were assassinated in Dallas on July 7, Obama misled the nation about policing and race, charging officers nationwide with preying on blacks because of the color of their skin.

Obama rolled out a litany of junk statistics to prove that the criminal justice system is racist. Blacks were arrested at twice the rate of whites, he complained, and get sentences almost 10 percent longer than whites for the same crime.

Missing from Obama’s address was any mention of the massive racial differences in criminal offending and criminal records that fully account for arrest rates and sentence lengths. (Blacks, for example, commit homicide at eight times the rate of whites and Hispanics combined, and at about 11 to 12 times the rate of whites alone.)

Instead, Obama chalked up the disparities to “biases, some conscious and unconscious that have to be rooted out . . . across our criminal justice system.”

BLM is all about "No Justice, No Peace". If we don't get our way, we will loot, burn, disrupt, injure or kill. It's a terrorist hate group, plain and simple.
Please elaborate..

I've done enough work for you. You were in fact making excuses for BLM in the other thread. It's not a debate. I won't cut and paste it for you. I'm sure you know how to find your way back there
I thought this was a good article that shows how the democratic party under Barack Obama "separated" the country:


"The Democrats, on the other hand, each day met in identity-group caucuses: the women’s caucus, the gay caucus, the Latino caucus, the black caucus (everything but a heterosexual white working man’s caucus). First lady Michelle Obama and senior White House adviser Valerie Jarrett scrambled from caucus to caucus — enveloped in Secret Service and gatekeepers — to assure each one of President Obama’s support for highly specialized interests: abortion for women, rights beyond marriage for gays, immigration reform for Latinos, civil rights for blacks."

This is written by a hispanic woman and for her to see through this "divide and lump together" politics that the democrats have been doing based on race, gender, sexual orientation, is just what we need main stream media to call out.
I thought this was a good article that shows how the democratic party under Barack Obama "separated" the country:


"The Democrats, on the other hand, each day met in identity-group caucuses: the women’s caucus, the gay caucus, the Latino caucus, the black caucus (everything but a heterosexual white working man’s caucus). First lady Michelle Obama and senior White House adviser Valerie Jarrett scrambled from caucus to caucus — enveloped in Secret Service and gatekeepers — to assure each one of President Obama’s support for highly specialized interests: abortion for women, rights beyond marriage for gays, immigration reform for Latinos, civil rights for blacks."

This is written by a hispanic woman and for her to see through this "divide and lump together" politics that the democrats have been doing based on race, gender, sexual orientation, is just what we need main stream media to call out.

Beautiful, thanks for sharing.
I don't make excuses, and all of the black people I deal with are just like me.

I'm sure you don't.

The problem is that too many of the people that have the microphone do make excuses, though. Whether that be politicians, athletes, actors, comedians whatever. Probably if they would put a bunch of us regular Joes in a room we could figure it the **** out.
BLM is all about "No Justice, No Peace". If we don't get our way, we will loot, burn, disrupt, injure or kill. It's a terrorist hate group, plain and simple.

So BLM now means Burn Loot Murder?
So BLM now means Burn Loot Murder?





Hillary Clinton: Joining A Gang Is Like Having A Family

"Joining a gang is like having a family. It's feeling like you're part of something bigger than yourself. So we're either going to have gangs that murder and rob … or we’re going to have positive gangs.”

Yo, Happy Time Crip and Bloods folks, sign up here!

The Dems truly have lost it. Gangs as positive influence? Uh....
You did not answer the question..
I don;t think it was ignorant, because it was a result of mistreatment she received by African American men, and it was more of an emotional statement rather than a blanket condemnation. And she is not a *****. She is fair minded and accepting of diversity.
Baton Rouge Latest Battle In Obama's War On Cops

Before someone says President Obama did no such thing and that Baton Rouge, like Dallas, cannot be laid at his doorstep, let us consider his own statement that “words have consequences”.

From Ferguson to Baltimore and beyond President Obama’s words have been the equivalent of yelling “fire” in a crowded theatre. He has encouraged a false narrative of racist cops and racist police departments whose officers are guilty until proven innocent, or buried, whichever comes first.

If there is a Pearl Harbor in this war on cops, it was Ferguson, Missouri, where President Obama’s Justice Department sent 40 FBI agents to prove Officer Darren Wilson was a racist murderer of an innocent black teen. He has made the race-baiting Al Sharpton, who helped create the myth of “hands up, don’t shoot”, a key adviser on race matters and Ferguson.

Despite efforts to paint the police as racist oppressors, in the end Michael Brown was proven to be a thug of the kind that plagues cities across America, the type police deal with daily, particularly in Obama’s Chicago. Brown in fact committed a strong-arm robbery of a Ferguson convenience store before assaulting police officer Darren Wilson, who was found by Atty. Gen. Eric Holder’s racially charged Department of Justice to have justifiably used lethal force in defending himself against Brown’s attack.

It was Michael Brown’s death, based on the “hands up, don’t shoot” lie knocked down by the testimony of multiple black witnesses, that fueled the Black Lives Matter movement that that makes, not black-on-black crime, but attempts to enforce the law in black communities the main threat facing blacks.

I get it. She has experienced a few dumbasses, and now she hates all black Americans she has never met...Yep...ignorant *****...

I would merely point out that your defensive tone and not even borderline aggressiveness here are not actually aiding your cause. You do in fact, come across as an angry, even threatening fellow.

And I'm just putting that out there. Sorry. I don't really know you, I don't have a dog in the fight. I'm just putting an objective perspective on it.
BLM is all about "No Justice, No Peace". If we don't get our way, we will loot, burn, disrupt, injure or kill. It's a terrorist hate group, plain and simple.

Im active in the BLM movement and I can tell you that is NOT the case. When the Dallas event happened, the shooter was asked about motives, agenda...affiliations..........not a single mention of BLM. The movements spokespersons had condemned the attack immediately after it happened. They've condemned the ambush attack in Baton Rouge. That killer produced a video stating he was not affiliated with BLM. The movement has never, is not currently, nor will it EVER endorse or condone the killing of cops. That's counterproductive.

So please, stop spreading bullshit. Folks are starting to call you mfs out on it and your attempts to promote false narratives to promote agendas. Yall need to stop digesting bloggers and Breitbart spin and actually research the truth. If BLM was a terrorist organization don't you think the anti terrorism commission would have already made the recommendation that they be listed ?

Folks are reaching by suggesting just because a black person instigates or kills a cop that he/she is affiliated with the movement. (BTW over 70% of cops killed this year were by anglos). Is it okay that we ally you with the KKK since they happen to be anglo and Christian ? Do we now label Christianity a terrorist organization simply because the KKK labels itself a Christian organization ? To even remotely hint at such is premium grade A BS. And the notion that you mutherfuckers are actually investing into that dangerous narrative suggests you will consume anything and regurgitate it..

Most white folks get it, I happen to associate with em. But SOME of you folks here....my gawd.....just ******* amazing.

Heres a suggestion. Go to a protest or BLM rally and stand on the fringes and when the crowds start to thin, go up to a protestor or to one of the events organizers and ask them what their agenda is. If you want to help, they'll give you information to the local chapters website and you can get involved. If you don't wish to get involved simply walk away or get out the way. But don't launch criticism for a movement that's trying to promote transparency and police accountability. In the end, BLM will force wholesale changes to how the police, POLICE everyone. All of society will win. Unfortunately some folks are too hung up on the bs lies and this notion that BLM wants special treatment and that we are separatists. Hardly the case.