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Why racism is getting worse

This isn't made up "he-said she-said stuff". It's all on vidoetape. And yes, you can see those videos on news stations. That doesn't somehow minimize them. Weird position.
Are they aware that almost all those places have been run by Democrats for the last 50+ years yet they keep voting for them?

On that subject, This daily Signal article points out that a lot of the problems Black people face in this Country today, may just be self inflicted. The Democratic Party has consistently had the most anti-black agenda throughout American history but for some reason Blacks just can't see the forest for the trees.

Here’s an experiment. Meet with black people such as Reps. John Conyers, 87; Charles Rangel, 86; Eddie Bernice Johnson, 80; Alcee Hastings, 79; and Maxine Waters, 77. Ask them whether their parents would have tolerated their assaulting and cursing teachers or any other adult. I bet you the rent money that their parents—or any other parents they knew when they were growing up—would not have accepted the grossly disrespectful behavior seen today among many black youngsters, using foul language and racial epithets.

The most important social unit is the family. Many talk about the “breakdown” in the black family when a far more accurate description is that the family doesn’t form in the first place.

About 73 percent of black babies are born to unwed mothers. By the way, that percentage was 25 in 1963 and 11 in 1938. The absence of fathers is crucial. The Democratic Party has to share a large portion of the responsibility for enacting legislation that rewards this unfortunate demise in family unity while actually penalizing efforts to fix it and now the kids are the ones paying for it.
wig - I have no dispute with citizens expressing their opinions on economic policy, or police tactics, or whatever. However, nobody - AND I MEAN NOBODY - has the right to infringe on my freedom of travel or commerce because he or she wants to espouse a political view. Basically, this is the difference between knocking on the door and seeking permission to engage in political discourse vs. blocking access to somebody's home to MAKE him listen.

Nobody has a right to block my access over public walkways, or freeways. Your right to free speech ends where it infringes on my right to travel, and work, and commerce.
wig - I have no dispute with citizens expressing their opinions on economic policy, or police tactics, or whatever. However, nobody - AND I MEAN NOBODY - has the right to infringe on my freedom of travel or commerce because he or she wants to espouse a political view. Basically, this is the difference between knocking on the door and seeking permission to engage in political discourse vs. blocking access to somebody's home to MAKE him listen.

Nobody has a right to block my access over public walkways, or freeways. Your right to free speech ends where it infringes on my right to travel, and work, and commerce.

Same goes for thems that think it's their right to be able to disrupt my meal in a restaurant with their raucous, disruptive and very unwarranted behavior.
Ron, Charles and Steel - Those are all good points. I'll address as I can. I can't speak to them as well as blitzburgh could but he doesn't seem to be chiming in. I am not a decent substitute for his well thought out discussion points.

Regarding the democratic role, one of the points that blitzburgh brought up, (and you must know this about me, as batshit crazy as I am, and as wrong as I often am, which I am willing to admit when I become aware of it, I believe very strongly in logic and A --> to B --> to C ).

So, I have to point out a couple of things to get to the "Democratic ruled vote" thing. Sorry for the lack of brevity. You all know me by now. Short is NOT my thing. Unless we're talking about the bedroom. Chastity still won't return my calls. Nonetheless I will try to be as brief as I can.

1) In low-income "hood" neighborhoods, Black Men predominantly are easy targets for police. Whether people want to admit it or not, the Police have a tax-funded job to patrol the streets and protect us. There is plenty of crime, certainly, however the tax paying public expects results so while there may not be an arrest "quota" per se for police officers everywhere, there is definitely an expectation to meet certain "expectations". Just as county road workers where I come from MUST use all of their budget each year to ensure that they get an equal or greater budget allocation next year. So, even if that means dumping rock-salt in May, you can bet your ***, they're going to dump rock salt. Likewise, if officers need some "easy arrests" there's no better place to get them than high-crime areas like "the hood". In my state, these places are trailer parks where shockingly domestic disturbance and arrest rates are MUCH higher than they are in the higher tax rate suburban areas. Why? because there's more crime and it's easier to find and arrest people there. It's common sense. Go where the easy arrests are. So - basically profiling is REAL in that, we know there is greater crime in low income, high drug use areas and whenever we need to make some arrests for whatever reason, we have a perfectly good place to get some arrests on the book.

(Note, I get that there are more arrests because there is more crime. I already pointed out there are more arrests in white low income areas as well. This is a bigger picture issue. Stick with me.)

2) Once arrested, these men have no resources to fight the legal system. They don't have the money or the resources to get charges dropped or reduced. Instead the only realistic option available is a plea deal. So for the sake of argument, let's sy you were a black man arrested and you may even be innocent. But you don't have the ability to hire O.J.s lawyers to get you off the hook. Instead you have no choice but to accept a bullshit plea deal that gets you a reduced sentence in exchange for a guilty plea. Or maybe you ARE guilty. But perhaps like that Brock kid a good lawyer and a soft-hearted judge could get you some probation instead of a felony charge for your possession case. In the end there's no denying mistakes are made and crimes are committed. And many of the men who are imprisoned undoubtedly deserve to serve time. But because they have no options and no capability to contest the legal system, on average black men from these communities serve longer sentences for first offenses than their other-colored counterparts.

And that's just their first offenses.

3) When they are released from prison, they find it difficult if not impossible to find decent work. Would you hire a "rehabilitated" felon with a possession with intent to sell record? No? Well ****. He'll keep lookin'. And while he keeps looking he may or may not continue to try to avoid falling back in to the life of crime that got him in to the mess in the first place. Now, do I defend the released criminal? Do I go all doe-eyed and weep at his plight? No, not necessarily. But I am a logical person and I see where this is ultimately going to lead if he can't get a decent job and find some help keeping himself along a decent path. And of course he's got to WANT to do that. Obviously personal accountability is part of this. I'm not a bleeding heart liberal here. I just begin to understand the depth of the problems.

4) The Democrats HAVE caused problems with their programs. They may have done so unwittingly at first. They may have thought they were helping. But ultimately it's caused such a huge, ugly mess. These low-income communities feature so many "families" with children out of wedlock. What of the fathers who are sent to prison, leaving the mothers and children alone. Many are just one-night stands or fly-by-night boyfriends who didn't intend to take responsibility, but some really DO want to be a part of their childrens lives, of their girlfriend's lives. However due to the bureaucratic nature of the aid that these women and children receive, the incarcerated and even recently released father can't have any contact with the woman and children or they'll lose their housing. This destroys any chance at a family unit. It causes the woman to look for another man to help her. More often than not she finds a poor candidate and the cycle continues. I DO blame poor welfare policies for much of this. Many people probably think these programs are helping when ultimately they are only aiding in the further destruction of the family unit.

5) All those fellows who have been arrested, jailed and eventually get released have lost their right to vote. They can't voice their opinion. They can't have a say in the governance of their neighborhood. Now, that's a consequence of committing a felony. That's the way it goes, but its' also a natural fallout of the greater picture and one of the reasons the overall outlook is so bleak.

I'm sorry I didn't do nearly as good a job as blitzburgh in conveying some of this. I know you think I sound like an apologist. That's not what I'm doing. I want you to know that's not what HE was doing. He was pointing out that there are DEEP DEEP issues that are really intrinsic and rooted not only in low-income black hoods but in all low income neighborhoods in the country. Furthermore as we've seen, there are some really ugly messy angry things bubbling down under the surface that we all need to address as a country. When I began to look at ALL the things blitzburgh pointed out as the day to day barriers to success (Barriers which can be overcome and are overcome by lots of people every day, but which trip up and stumble so many more because ultimately, only the extraordinary win medals - we all know participation medals are bullshit), I was really moved to understand why black people as a whole are so overwhelmingly upset.

I even understand why my reaction is no doubt irritating to most black people as I undoubtedly don't understand ****. But, I get that too.

Again, I'm not making any excuses for the crazy ******** who are running around shooting people or throwing bricks at police officers or perpetrating violence in any way shape or form. But I do see that the media is probably doing a lot more bullshit pot-stirring than ANY black person is right now.

I'm sorry I took your time.
No apologies, wig - you stated some valid points. I certainly agree that police target areas where arrests are "easier." But that makes perfect sense for both protecting the non-criminals in those neighborhoods, and in general. Why would I spend my time looking for speeders on a lonely country road, rather than a busy freeway? Further, I am hard-pressed to believe that African-American communities would think it beneficial for the police to spend less time in their neighborhoods, and more in less crime-prone white neighborhoods. In point of fact, that is exactly the opposite of what African-American leaders have said.

Further, I have a general understanding of the significant plight in African-American neighborhoods. Very young, generally uneducated and unmarried women are giving birth to far more children than are successful, two-parent households. That leads to children who frankly lack the necessary guidance from qualified parents. (Stop right now from claiming I am saying that African-Americans are bad parents. Just freaking stop. I am saying that a single 17-year old girl is not going to be as good at parenting as a married, educated and employed couple.) Generally, the young girls giving birth are not well-educated, and not skilled in any trade. They become wards of the state.

Their kids grow up with basically no father figure, no male guidance, no role model for how to work and thereby do not gain the life skills necessary to succeed. My dad basically never missed work. He accrued so much vacation time that the employer told him that he was going to lose it. He responded, "Okay." He was not going to take time off just because he could - he was working and paying the bills. Hey, guess what? I miss almost no time from work and in fact at one point was working full time while wearing a long-leg cast that went from my toes to my hip. You think I do that if my dad spent a ton of time at home for whatever reason? And missed a bunch of time for sick leave? Yeah, no.

So my dad taught me to work hard. My mom worked incredibly hard as well, raising four kids and then working to help our family pay the bills. Those two made me who I am today. I say thanks almost every night for having two intelligent, hard-working, wonderful people as parents.

If my mom were 17 when she had me, and I had no father, and my mom did not work, my entire world view would be different.

And as far as I am concerned, that is "white privilege" - the privilege to go to work, take care of your kids, take care of your spouse, raise a family and pay the bills.
Singapore had a lot of racism, but most of it was within a single ethnic group, (Asian). They social engineered it away and it
worked. They forced people to live together in the same communities with their housing laws and planning. The way I understand it,
they required developers to include all income ranges in housing developments. If you built so many 300K dwellings, you had to build
200K and 100K dwelling units. All income ranges lived within the same communities, shared the same amenities, went to the same
schools, etc... Once people lived amongst each other and got to know one another, racial issues subsided.

Why don't you tell that to the Democratic Mayors of Detroit, Philadelphia, Newark, Cleveland, Baltimore, and Chicago. When your little fairytale of a theory works there, then come on back and be crowned the Enlightened One. Until then, I'm gonna place my money on it being dumbassery.
I remember back in the 80s/90s the prevalent theme was, on TV shows, news shows, in popular culture and the like, that when something happened in a white neighborhood the police would be there instantly, but if it happened in a black neighborhood they were nowhere to be found. This was a constant, consistent complaint. One of the things BLM and other groups like that count on is everybody forgetting **** like that. I won't though, because I worked in that setting and had to listen to some of those complaints.

So a guy like Rudy Giuliani reacts, gets police in those neighborhoods, it works, but it still isn't right.

One of the problems here is the goalposts are always being moved. No cops, that's a problem. Bring in cops, that's a problem. It seems insurmountable.
wig and Steeltime....
Without quoting your whole posts....
One thing that I have mentioned may times over the years is that, particularly in large urban areas, there are not enough jobs even if everybody wanted one. This is partly due to Democrats killing the golden goose with taxes. This is why in 1960 Detroit had the highest per capita income of any large city in the nation and today it sucks. I'm old enough to have worked summers in a steel mill when I was in college. Manufacturing provided a lot of good-paying jobs that didn't require a lot of schooling and I worked with a lot of black guys who made a good living. In fact, that's why blacks moved to the north, not just to get away from the overt racism in the south but because there were better paying jobs in the north. But again, due to Liberal environmental policies and taxes and regulations, a lot of those jobs have been chased out of the country. And only one person running for President is talking about fixing that and it's not the Democrat.

Meantime, at least when the economy was good, black unemployment was subsidized by the government because they are paid to remain in places where their labor is not needed while in other parts of the country there is a labor shortage.