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Why racism is getting worse

blitzburghv5, And believe me I'm not trying to bait here or be facetious, is there an organization that does concern itself specifically with black on black crime?

If so, what is that organization? Are you involved with it or is anybody you know involved with it? If not, why not?

Again, I'm not baiting. I understand why a person would be passionate about the idea of "authority models persecuting black people." However, I would also assume those same people would be passionate about internal strife.

For example, as a parent, I am very concerned about outsiders breaking into my home and attacking my family. However if there was an even greater threat that my two daughters may actually hurt one another, I think I would make it a priority to put some safeguards in place to keep them from hurting one another before the external intruders can come in and cause problems.

Bad example, I know but... again I'm ignorant - I'm REALLY not trying to bait here. Honestly.

There are many organizations across the country that hold rallies and vigils that protest crime in the inner city....some of the more recognized ones in the city of Chicago for example is Cease Fire and Safe Passage which has thousands of volunteers. In Detroit theres Occupy the Corner organization.. I have many friends and relatives involved in local mentorships, boys and girls clubs that work with parents, community leaders and city officials to try and establish programs to steer kids away from making bad decisions. Im originally from Tulsa,OK and while it is a smaller city, they have big city problems. Parks, rec centers, afterschool programs and opportunity are keys....Here in my current city of Phoenix I work with and mentor youth. Ive participated in rallies and helped establish youth sports programs.

What ails the inner city is the lack of resources.....mainly jobs. When jobs leave, its puts many in the community at a disadvantage. With lil opportunity for employment, some turn to illegal activity...like selling drugs. Or joining gangs. Those that strive to do the right thing have to make do with what they have at their disposal..many parents work two, three jobs and who is left to look after the youth ?

They systemic element of racism exists and it places burdens on the black community for example. Police will target the poor communities....they are easy prey for the justice system because they don't have much money to fight in court. In white suburbia, there is crime, although slightly different types but it still exists. Domestic violence, assault, theft, burglaries, drugs all are present in white suburbia. My neighbor and a close friend are both cops and they have told me that if they targeted white suburbanites, they would net lots of offenders of drug possession. Whites use drugs about the same rate of blacks yet blacks are 6 times more likely to be stopped and searched and arrested than whites. So when blacks become wrangled in the court system they take plea deals. Often serving jail time and having felonies on their record. When released they cant go back to families because now the gf is needing public housing and under the rules he cant be present. Its harder to find decent employment (those that wanna walk the straight path) and if he wants to participate in the political system and exercise his right to vote, he cant. So hes essentially powerless. Voting is power and with so many black men with felonies on their record they are disenfranchised. So when it comes time for elections we as a people are really nullified by the aforementioned targeting by law enforcement. These aren't excuses, these are facts. Many folks overcome, but too many cant/don't. And blacks are unfairly judged as being lazy and wanting handouts and that's not the case.

Theres a lot we, in the community can do better.

But with the adversarial relationship we have with police things have been tense and this isn't a new phenomenon. Blacks don't trust police. Most of these guys harassing these folks don't live in or near the communities they patrol. They don't understand the culture. A lot of cops have an innate fear of black men and many cops suffer from PTSD from their days in the war. Those two ingredients are disastrous for any citizen but especially a young black male. Police see and treat even young teenage males as menaces. Black teens are often charged and tried as adults for the same crimes white teens commit yet white teens don't receive as harsh sentences and are sent to juvenile centers as opposed to prison.

But in summarizing, racism does exist...systemic racism is a factor. Do blacks often overplay racism ? Certainly, but we are racism-sensitive based on the history of discrimination and dehumanization. But we cant dismiss racism altogether because its embedded into the fabric of this country and it never diminished.
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You know what I meant Sarge.

If the Black Lives Matter organization is self-chartered to fight "Authority Figures vs Blacks injustice" is there a specific advocacy group that raises awareness and helps to deal with the MUCH larger problem of black on black crime and violence? Because I would think that this would be a huge movement in the black community.

You would think that black people from virtually every economic group would be highly motivated to recognize the plague of economic, educational, foundational (meaning traditional family structure), and criminal woes that are destroying a huge contingency of the black population from within. If much of the rest of the country seems unwilling or unable to help due to some cultural or racial impasse, is it not a moral and cultural imperative for all black Americans to begin working toward some kind of unified program of bettering their conditions across the board in terms of education, economic stability, family stability, crime reduction in the areas they live in and first and foremost unity and peace among themselves. Should blacks not first and foremost bond together as one cultural group determined to cement their place as an important part of the American cultural success story?

By all means, the best, most wholesome and healthiest aspects of shared American culture should be celebrated, nourished and shared with all of us. Unhealthy, malignant cultural aspects should be weeded out. This is true of any American cultural group. When we have cultural traditions or practices that threaten the health of America at large, it is best to cull them for the betterment of the Country. Because we are Americans. Not European Americans. Not Asian Americans. Not Latino Americans and finally, not African American. We're Americans. I just wish we could all get to the point where we could really truly believe that and live that way.

I know we're quite a long way from there. But perhaps one day.

Black on black crime percentages are not that much higher than white on white crime...the most recent figures put black on black crime victims at about 91 percent, where as white on white crime victims are at around 83 percent. What gets overlooked is economic conditions and the role that plays in crime. The Bureau of Justice Statistics reports that whites that live in poverty stricken conditions have nearly identical criminal stats as blacks and Hispanics.
You did not just say that, did you?

black on black crime suggests that blacks offenders intentionally target fellow blacks. They don't....empirical evidence shows offenders target those whom they have access and close proximity.

Ever looked up the stats of white on white or latino on latino or Asian on Asian.....? its a label that really has no substance. You target those whom live around you and while neighborhoods in America are still mostly segregated or composed certain ethnical groups.
There are a couple of problems here. First of all, some connected to the BLM movement have made statements, whatever they may be, about all white people, not just cops. Blurs the message than a bit, huh? Also, we never, ever see on TV these organizations that are protesting inner city crime. The fact is BLM, unless they are stupid, has to see the hypocrisy in what they are saying, when you have the black on black killings all over the country that you do. So you have to try to alter the message a little, or rebrand it. Other organizations protest inner city crime. Who? Where are they?

I will always look at BLM and organizations like that as a joke until the issue is addressed of black on black killings first. Get your own damn house in order.

I would equate it to this. I am probably as conservative as it gets, but I get pissed at white people when they whine about reverse racism. Gimme a break. We need to get our own house in order first on that as well. A couple of black kids in a store shouldn't be watched more than a couple of white kids. A black/hispanic family moved into my neighborhood a while back. They like to work on their cars. They rev motors on occasion. Some people in the neighborhood bitched. Are you kidding me? I grew up revving motors, and I am not a motor head by any measure. It's what young guys do, gotta see if stuff can go faster. Everybody needs to stop worrying about what someone else is doing and get their own **** right. That would be a big step in the right direction.

That's the biggest issue we have with the media.....they don't show up to publicize these anti gun violence rallies....they exist all over the nation and they happen weekly, bi weekly or monthly in many areas. The cameras are mostly absent when blacks assemble to try and reel in the violence. But they will show up in masses whenever we protest a cop shooting or a verdict we perceive as injustice. They are always at the ready to film hostile actions, rebellious acts and rioting. Its gotten many in the community so angry that they've attempted to block streets so media wouldn't come in to capture patrons protesting. "You wouldn't show when good things are happening, but quick to try and capture the anger and resentment to portray us in a negative light." Its this type of nonsense that shapes public perception and has the masses believing only what they see on the tube. Drama sells



What's scary is that this is where we are headed, whether justified or not.


are you seriously comparing a movement for justice and police accountability and transparency to a group that expresses hatred for Blacks, Jews and Catholics and has demonstrated terrorism by lynching, firebombing black churches and executions ? Give me just a single example of BLM sanctioning the killing, or actually orchestrating the killing of anyone.

Those two gunmen that attacked police recently had publicly distanced themselves from BLM. So don't even try and make the connection or association.
Racism hasn't gotten worse. Bad economic times can bring out peoples frustration and some actions can appear racist.

What has changed today is that technology like smart phones is getting on video questionable police behavior that has
always been taking place. And the internet is letting those videos to be shown to a wide audience. Out of sight and out of mind,
is now in sight and on top of mind. Unless Obama invented the smartphone, he has nothing to do with this.

indeed, true....I have several associates that are cops. They don't like all this negative publicity they are getting with the misconduct and abuses fellow officers display. But ive challenged each one of them to call out rogue officers. The reality is that good officers fear being ostracized because the speak out and this puts them in danger of being abandoned during dangerous situations or being victimized by "friendly fire"....

Another thing that's ****** up is the conflict of interest with police misconduct, questionable shootings being investigated internally. And then you have officers that lie on police reports, tamper with or destroy evidence or manipulate or intimidate witnesses to make false statements such as was the case in the LaQuan McDonald shooting. Look at all the cases of wrongful imprisonment these days of guys locked up for crimes they didn't commit........not all cops are bad but I personally don't trust them as a whole. They have a god complex and often times they instigate and escalate situations more than is necessary. With a gun, a badge and the backing of the municipality and the police union its not surprising that they can kill with impunity. Something is wrong with that picture and this explains why a lot of blacks avoid cops or just run because you cant trust the *************. Dothan PD had a scandal a few years ago with cops planting guns and drugs and imprisoning hundreds of black males...............that's ****** up.....lives now destroyed or difficult to resurrect
black on black crime suggests that blacks offenders intentionally target fellow blacks. They don't....empirical evidence shows offenders target those whom they have access and close proximity.

Ever looked up the stats of white on white or latino on latino or Asian on Asian.....? its a label that really has no substance. You target those whom live around you and while neighborhoods in America are still mostly segregated or composed certain ethnical groups.

I don't see the other races you mention only making a big deal when a white person commits a crime against them, which is a very minute percentage vs the crime committed by their own race.
Was this video manipulation?

Was this some sort of manipulation?

The day after the resolution was passed, BLM activists in Minneapolis chanted, "pigs in a blanket, fry em' like bacon," as they marched down the street. This rhetoric also came just one day after the execution of Texas Sheriff Deputy Daron Goforth while he was filling up his patrol car at a local gas station. If you aren't familiar, "pigs in a blanket" refers to the bodies of dead police officers in body bags.

BLM is a racist movement, born out of a lie. There is zero justification for it. For people like you its Black LIES Matter.

Poverty is not the cause of violent crime. The breakdown of the family is. Inner city blacks are hit hardest by this, remember earlier where I pointed out the left cultivating minorities as a power block? You have children growing up with virtually no supervision or guidance so they really don't know right from wrong and learn no empathy.
Poverty is not the cause of violent crime. The breakdown of the family is. Inner city blacks are hit hardest by this, remember earlier where I pointed out the left cultivating minorities as a power block? You have children growing up with virtually no supervision or guidance so they really don't know right from wrong and learn no empathy.
They are growing up being socialized by their community and the manipulative left to feel like victims, where the solution is blame and rage.
Poverty is not the cause of violent crime. The breakdown of the family is. Inner city blacks are hit hardest by this, remember earlier where I pointed out the left cultivating minorities as a power block? You have children growing up with virtually no supervision or guidance so they really don't know right from wrong and learn no empathy.

Maybe people in poverty should stop having a slew of kids they can't afford or don't care to parent.
That's the biggest issue we have with the media.....they don't show up to publicize these anti gun violence rallies....they exist all over the nation and they happen weekly, bi weekly or monthly in many areas. The cameras are mostly absent when blacks assemble to try and reel in the violence. But they will show up in masses whenever we protest a cop shooting or a verdict we perceive as injustice. They are always at the ready to film hostile actions, rebellious acts and rioting. Its gotten many in the community so angry that they've attempted to block streets so media wouldn't come in to capture patrons protesting. "You wouldn't show when good things are happening, but quick to try and capture the anger and resentment to portray us in a negative light." Its this type of nonsense that shapes public perception and has the masses believing only what they see on the tube. Drama sells

Why won't the media show those things? I am not disagreeing with you, I am just trying to see the larger picture. And as I see it, the media and the Democrat Party, which claims to be on the side of black America, has no interest in showing those things. They want to show the strife. They want to keep the conflict alive and well. Because the truth is that is how Democrats win elections. It can't be for what they have done for the black community, because with all this Democrat rule, we still have all these problems. Most of the big cities have been ruled by Democrats for over 50 years. Detroit. Chicago. Philly. Wouldn't that be yet another reason to look at something different? Maybe give Donald Trump a chance at it?
It's crap like this that doesn't help and only feeds the BLM narrative. Fortunately the guy didn't get killed.


Unarmed Therapist Shot by North Miami Police While Trying to Calm Patient With Autism

Video released Wednesday shows the moment before North Miami police shot an unarmed, behavioral therapist as he tried to calm a man with autism, according to WSVN.

Still recovering in a hospital bed, Charles Kinsey is now talking about what happened in that cellphone video recorded Monday.

“When I went to the ground, I went to the ground with my hands up,” he said. “And I am laying there just like this, telling them again there is no need for firearms.”

Police were responding to a 911 call about a disturbed man walking around with a gun, threatening suicide. Kinsey said that man was one of his patients, Rinaldo, who has autism. The reported gun, he said, was actually a toy truck.

The video shows Kinsey, with both hands held up in the air, telling officers “All he has is a toy truck. A toy truck. I am a behavior therapist at a group home.”

Kinsey was simultaneously trying to calm Rinaldo and explain what was happening to the police, he says, when an officer shot him.

“I thought it was a mosquito bite, and when it hit me I had my hands in the air, and I’m thinking, ‘I just got shot!’ Kinsey recalled. “I’m saying, ‘Sir, why did you shoot me?’ and his words to me were, ‘I don’t know.'”

Kinsey said the officers then handcuffed him and flipped him over as he bled onto the concrete. Kinsey told WSVN that being cuffed after being shot upsets him the most. He says he still experiences flashbacks when he closes his eyes.

Both Kinsey and his wife told reporters they are just happy he survived and is able to tell his story.

The North Miami Police Department issued a statement asking for witnesses, photos and videos of the officer-involved shooting, and called the investigation open and ongoing. The Miami-Dade State Attorney’s Office is also investigating.

The officer who shot Kinsey has been placed on administrative leave.
Was this video manipulation?

Was this some sort of manipulation?

The day after the resolution was passed, BLM activists in Minneapolis chanted, "pigs in a blanket, fry em' like bacon," as they marched down the street. This rhetoric also came just one day after the execution of Texas Sheriff Deputy Daron Goforth while he was filling up his patrol car at a local gas station. If you aren't familiar, "pigs in a blanket" refers to the bodies of dead police officers in body bags.

BLM is a racist movement, born out of a lie. There is zero justification for it. For people like you its Black LIES Matter.


Lol.....BS FOX right wing narrative...been trying to discredit and demonize the movement since its birthing.... but you're so naive that you don't realize that the changes (police reform) that would come as a result of the BLM movement would positively impact everyone regardless of race. No, you'd rather stand on the sideline and throw rocks and criticize.

If you wish to cast a cloud over what BLM is trying to do, get out of the way. There's millions of other Anglos, Latinos and Asians that see the mission and wish to join or support the cause.

Change is going to come in this country whether you like it or not. Like drops of water constantly dripping, it will erode that which it contacts over time.
Singapore had a lot of racism, but most of it was within a single ethnic group, (Asian). They social engineered it away and it
worked. They forced people to live together in the same communities with their housing laws and planning. The way I understand it,
they required developers to include all income ranges in housing developments. If you built so many 300K dwellings, you had to build
200K and 100K dwelling units. All income ranges lived within the same communities, shared the same amenities, went to the same
schools, etc... Once people lived amongst each other and got to know one another, racial issues subsided.
Singapore had a lot of racism, but most of it was within a single ethnic group, (Asian). They social engineered it away and it
worked. They forced people to live together in the same communities with their housing laws and planning. The way I understand it,
they required developers to include all income ranges in housing developments. If you built so many 300K dwellings, you had to build
200K and 100K dwelling units. All income ranges lived within the same communities, shared the same amenities, went to the same
schools, etc... Once people lived amongst each other and got to know one another, racial issues subsided.

So how would we make that work with people who don't want to work for a living or want to be drug dealers instead of having a real job. Would we just give them a house and pay for living expenses?
Give me just a single example of BLM sanctioning the killing, or actually orchestrating the killing of anyone.

Those two gunmen that attacked police recently had publicly distanced themselves from BLM. So don't even try and make the connection or association.

OK you're right, I won't try.....

YOUNG: So BLM is claiming direct contact with the suspect in some way or direct operational support?

SAMUELS: In a roundabout way, yes. Their language is suggesting the cop killers were well known to the movement. They’re using words like “soldier” and “fighter” for BLM.

The #BlackLivesMatter Kill List: At Least 8 Cops Shot Dead – 9 More Wounded By #BLM Criminals

Minutes after Dallas shooting #BLM radicals call for death of cops on Twitter

‘Black Lives Matter’ supporters responded to the sniper attack in Dallas by celebrating the murder of the five police officers who were gunned down in cold blood.

BLM sympathizers took to Twitter to express their joy at the carnage, with one commenting, “Y’all pigs got what was coming for y’all.”

BLM Agitators Block Highway, Ambulance with Sick Child Forced to Go 25 Minutes Out of the Way



I can't fathom how somebody can have the balls to say this isn't a racist organization. They block the ******* streets and refuse to let White people through. A Black person walks up to their barricade, "Go right ahead".
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Alright, so I had a really good exchange with blitzburgh via PM.

He had some very good points that honestly I think people should consider in the greater scheme of economic tension and the growing racial tension in this country. Frankly, given the logical and thoughtful presentation of his points I can completely see where honest, hard-working people of any color, but (I'll say it), specifically black Americans would feel really helpless after awhile in those conditions. I can totally see it.

Now, does that excuse the actions of a few people who are reacting violently and inciting what we in the brewing world call a boilover which is the messiest and can be the most dangerous thing that happens while making beer? No. But what I'm wondering is again, who should we REALLY be focusing our frustrating and mistrust on here?

I'm a good guy. Given what blitzburgh told me, I'd more than happily try to help people in that situation. I can see how bleak it is and how seemingly overwhelming that problem is, but hey, If I can help, I would. But the point has been made - We're only seeing the negative, terrible news stories that exacerbate everything. We aren't seeing any "peaceful" protests. (Well, actually a large group of black people simply asking a perfectly capable older man of walking an extra block or a few cyclists of going another way is hardly anarchy...) It's not like monks are setting themselves on fire here. However, there are apparently some VERY peaceful gatherings of black folks. I've seen articles, buried on page 12 where black folks have mourned at the funerals of fallen officers these last couple weeks. I've read that white people have joined with black folks in protesting what they feel is unfair police profiling of black men for easy arrests.

You may remember that Martin Luther King Jr. was considered an extremely dangerous man. He was extraordinarily radical. Because that's how the media painted him out to be. Right now the media (during an election year, mind you), is force feeding us with as much toxic-laced **** as they can force down us to feed an agenda to sway us one way or another. You'll note that there was another police officer death in Kansas City this week and details are extremely light. One wonders, is this because

A) the liberal media is beginning to freak out the Hillary is beginning to look weak on domestic "terrorism" at the hands of black extremists so such things must be played down.

B) an offshoot of A, sort of. The liberal media is so enamored of the black extremist movement that they're completely willing to ignore any acts of violence perpetrated by blacks on white officers.

C) the crime was committed by somebody of a different color and thus, doesn't fit an agenda that furthers political motives at this time.

D) the killing was actually JUST a routine event, albeit tragic, in an officer's career. Criminals, regardless of color and without political agenda were stopped, opened fire and killed an officer. End of story. Thus it's not volatile enough to spark controversy and ideally newsworthy.

At any rate, having read blitzburgh's PM and having really considered it, I couldn't help but be reminded that we are listening to the media, which is basically a three headed monster right now. You have the left controlled media, the right controlled media and the "independent utterly untrained media". Obviously the left and right controlled media have an agenda and they are ruthless in their attempts to propagandize any situation. The days of objective reporting without sensationalizing are gone. Worse yet, they're GOOD at it. Stories aren't just exaggerated and spun individually to prod us in a specific direction. No, we have full blown collective story arcs where groups of stories and entire news networks build a culture of information exchange designed to architect our mindset. That's all well and good as long as you accept that you have one group playing against the other, (the right vs the left). But what if they really ultimately are simply trying to condition us toward a docile acceptance of an ultimate construct like some "Good Cop, Bad Cop" episode gone horrible viral.

Then your only other avenue is the pathetically untrained guys. The ones with no idea what the hell they're doing and no journalistic knowledge or integrity from the get-go. This group had no journalist's soul to lose in the first place. They just get on Yahoo an write **** up without any effort at sourcing or research. Basically they're Opinion article writers empowering themselves. So ultimately you're left with the good, the bad and the fugly.

So, I guess - what I'm saying is. We've all seen a great deal of anger, reactionism, "he-said, she-said" over the last few weeks. I've been involved in it. I forgot that I should never trust at face value what I see from the media. Virtually everything you see reported is done so with an agenda. Particularly during an election year. So I would very strongly urge you, especially now, with ALL these tensions going on, to find a real live human being and simply talk to him or her. Find out what he or she think and feels and say the same in return. You need to be willing to open your mind and truly attempt to see the other persons perspective. Because if you aren't willing to do that, how could you possibly expect him or her to do the same for you?

I can honestly say that Steeler Nation has changed my opinion twice now. Both times it was because I took the time to listen to the other folks side of the discussion and truly think about what they were saying and about whether or not that made sense. blitzburgh really did make some sense. I'm not saying there aren't some folks doing some stupid ****. But if we took a an inventory of folks who did stupid ****, I'm willing to bet MY name would be on that list too. I'm not about to accuse an entire color of people for something a few very angry and undoubtedly misguided people are doing.

In the end, we're Americans. Undoubtedly the best country in the world, but I think we may have ****** up in a few areas. But there's nothing we can't fix. We just need to stop watching CNN and Fox and ******* Yahoo.
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Frankly, given the logical and thoughtful presentation of his points I can completely see where honest, hard-working people of any color, but (I'll say it), specifically black Americans would feel really helpless after awhile in those conditions. I can totally see it.
Are they aware that almost all those places have been run by Democrats for the last 50+ years yet they keep voting for them?