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Wow, shocking evidence shows Trump knowingly mishandled classified documents!!


They killed Kenny!
Apr 9, 2014
Reaction score
The nearest Steelers bar.
Just kidding. Newly revealed evidence courtesy of the judge handling the classified documents case shows that the classified materials Trump had in his home - the alleged violation - wound up in his home because the Government Services Administration ("GSA") called Trump and told him that he had to pick up the boxes or documents or have them sent to his home. Remember, a GSA fink then called the FBI to "report" Trump for mishandling classified documents.

So the documents were properly stored in Virginia under GSA purview, all kosher, but the GSA tells Trump he needs to move the documents to his home and then the GSA tells the FBI that Trump has classified documents stored in his home? And Trump is not suffering dementia so he can be prosecuted for the "violation," unlike a grifter who had no business having classified documents in his possession at all and stored numerous boxes at Penn, his lawyer's office, and the ultimate secure location, his ******* garage?

I'll take "evidence that will be suppressed" for 500, Alex.
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.-That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,-

That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.-That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,-

That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."
This is why that document is not taught in schools anymore.
Yeah, and about that photo that Merrick Garland was so disappointed somehow "leaked" and showed a bunch of documents on the floor of Trump's residence with "Top Secret" and "SCIF" cover sheets?? Turns out the FBI took out documents and put those sheets on the front of the documents to create the image - it was all fake. Every part of it.

“[If] the investigative team found a document with classification markings, it removed the document, segregated it, and replaced it with a placeholder sheet. The investigative team used classified cover sheets for that purpose.”

But before the official cover sheets were used as placeholder, agents apparently used them as props. FBI agents took it upon themselves to paperclip the sheets to documents—something evident given the uniform nature of how each cover sheet is clipped to each file in the photo—laid them on the floor, and snapped a picture for political posterity.

FBI admits to phonying-up Top Secret cover sheets to generate fake image

So now we know (1) the GSA told Trump he needed to take the documents from where they were stored under GSA purview in Washington, D.C., (2) GSA then sent the documents to Trump, (3) a GSA fink then called the FBI to report that Trump had TOP SECRET! documents in his home (forgetting to mention they were sent there by the GSA), (4) the FBI conducts a raid based on the informant rather than simply asking that the documents be returned, and (5) the FBI then puts fake cover sheets on the documents to create a phony image and releases that to the slavering lapdog media.

Yep, no evidence the allegations are bullshit, nope, no siree.
The judge should declare a mistrial.
And more proof our three letter agencies need a major overhaul or dissolved completely.

They really should arrest and charge the people responsible for doing that. Which I'm sure goes high up the chain.
Is this the same judge that convicted him before the start of the trial, or am I confusing him with someone else?

This is Judge Cannon in Florida - a pretty good judge. She has already spanked Jack Smith for discovery violations on the case and due to the recent evidence about the FBI lying under oath about the documents, saying they were maintained in the same order as when seized when in fact they were taken apart, grouped together, with multiple changes in how they were stored, the judge has basically put the trial on hold.
Watch the CNN reporter attempt to Stonewall senator Rubio today into saying he would or would not certify election results. He said "if they're valid".

She did an amazing and very flexible gymnastic routine using half truths and side words to suggest that it has been proven beyond any doubt whatsoever that all allegations of fraudulent elections were unfounded.

Rubio pointed out a number of things, including the 200,000 votes in Arizona that had signatures not matching, the Georgia ballot boxes that were illegal, the various states who stayed open and continued counting ballots after they had locked out all of the observers and counted behind doors.

The lady came back with well so and so said that "the election was the most secure ever."

If only Rubio had responded, with "And I say you're full of s***!"
If all that shady **** happened with the tables turned, you can bet the DOJ, FBI, XYZ would have been all over the state election officials. 2020, they said they had no authority, it's up to the states to run their elections. It was all in the bag... Likely will be again in 2024. 2016 was simply a mistake....They have things ironed out now
I haven't seen anything from the conservatives to actually prevent more fraud.

Again, that's why the Biden camp is continually saying "it's close. The polls are close."

Because if it's close, they can produce enough ballots to "win" it. But if we know that it's millions and millions of votes apart, well, it will be much harder to cover that up again.
Watch the CNN reporter attempt to Stonewall senator Rubio today into saying he would or would not certify election results. He said "if they're valid".

She did an amazing and very flexible gymnastic routine using half truths and side words to suggest that it has been proven beyond any doubt whatsoever that all allegations of fraudulent elections were unfounded.

Rubio pointed out a number of things, including the 200,000 votes in Arizona that had signatures not matching, the Georgia ballot boxes that were illegal, the various states who stayed open and continued counting ballots after they had locked out all of the observers and counted behind doors.

The lady came back with well so and so said that "the election was the most secure ever."

If only Rubio had responded, with "And I say you're full of s***!"
I think it was that commie w hore at NBC who hosts Meet The Depressed.