I'm REALLY starting to dislike Tomlin. I'm seeing a pattern of narcissistic behavior at the expense of keeping his job. The Steelers coaching staff, aside from the OC as one season doesn't a coach make, is absolute **** with exception of Aaron Curry and Grady Brown, two promising young minds...And the Steelers let them both walk? What The Actual ****, Mike!
I'm just going to say it, I pray the day comes when auto-contract extension Mike meets up with Grady Brown, Head coach of who gives a ****, who proceeds to coach circles around that bug eyed platitude spewing conceited tit-stick on a prime-time game at night so we can see the absolute clueless expression on his smug face. Here's a standard for you, Mike: win a goddamn playoff game once in a while! The Steelers used to be a powerhouse, now they're just a punchline. I used to watch games and see a chin on the sidelines and now all I see are b itch t its and a set of overpriced shades. I'm sure when he walks on the field, he has the theme song to Shaft playing in his skull, meanwhile the fan base is preparing for the shafting we're about to get having paid $12 for an unwanted streaming service just to see Mike and his minions curb stomped by a 2-6 joke of a team.
**** me.