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The Official Thread Dedicated to "Trump Winning"

The Washington Post's byline these past few years reads "Democracy Dies in Darkness.' They're wrong. Under Trump and the complicit GOP, democracy dies out in the open, in the middle of the day, for all to see.

The fix is in, to nobody's surprise. Thanks to Trump and Mitch McConnell, America is no longer a Republic as the founders intended it to be. There are no longer seperation of powers or checks and balances that have kept this great nation ticking for 240+ years.

Is this what conservatives wanted all along, a return to monarchy? Well congratulations to the Trump base. All there's left is to put a crown on his head, and he can rule the land without any hassles or pesky interventions, like having to abide by laws or the Constitution. Let's all take a knee and bow our heads as a show of respect to our dear and all-powerful King.

"Separation of powers is a very important concept to freedom and it's being slow bled right in front of us. But its all cloaked in deceit. The accuser is the perpetrator.

Over the course of time many a despot, party, etc have sought to consolidate power so they can unilaterally do what they want to do without consequence. Separation of Powers as instituted in the American Republic was not a uniquely American concept but the concept of many a thinker who had seen various forms of despotism and tyranny and thought long and hard about how to preserve fundamental human freedoms by placing various circuit breakers upon the various aspirations of the tyrant minded. The American incarnation, while imperfect, was the most perfect, and remains so, but the impeachment process along with the IGs report puts us at a critical, new juncture. They are making a play.

It's incorrect to think of tyranny and despotism as the caricature of an unreasonable monarch with crown and robe . To the contrary, man's lust for power never ceases and seeks new ways. It's insatiable. it simply changes forms. On display in front of us is a tragedy, the accuser (the American left) like every other leftist throughout all of history accuses Trump of tyrannical plans while secretly lusting the very ambition themselves.

Tyranny has come in many forms - monarchs, aristocratic class, elites, etc. And, often, throughout history, threats to the consolidation of that power are unwelcome - Kings are assassinated, coups and then the old tyrant is replaced with a new one. The French threw off the yoke of King only to replace it with a tyrant of their own. As did the Russians.

Federalism, separation of powers (3 branches of government) judicial review and even the two-party system are all various circuit breakers on the consolidation of power. It seeks to establish a state of equilibrium between the government and the people, their rights. As a corollary, hence the importance of a free press as well to the concept.

But, if you listen to the Dems, the impeachment, the presidential candidates and everything they speak of, including the eradication of the electoral college and the overwhelming sympathy in the press, still free, but complicit with the party - Leftism seeks to consolidate power via single-party rule. In so doing, the accuse everyone else of what they are subtly trying to do. But this, as said before, is what separates the conscience of a leftist (collective) versus that of a conservative (the individual).

So, its ironic, as they scream and shout "tyrant!" and "despot!" that he is really nothing of the sort while upon greater examination - their dismissal of the electoral college, the cooperation of the DNC with the DoJ and the FBI it is them who are slowly inching towards something truly despotic. Not of an individual person, but of an ever-present party at every level of government as demonstrated in the last election when people like Soros were funding races of local candidates. Donald Trump for all his inadequacies is one man, term-limited, with dissent and detractors in his own party. Meanwhile, the Leftists continue to consolidate power under a single party at every level for which there will be no conclusion because they will be judge-jury and press. The FBI/DOJ thing is a perfect example. As was said yesterday, if they can do it to HIM they can do it to anyone." - Anonymous

burn her anyway!
A big round of applause is in order for the brave men and women who stood steadfast for the Republic. Bless them all. The whole nation owes them a debt of gratitude.


I would respectfully point out that the time on the clock has hit 000.

That's just perfect subliminal imagery.
Actually, I think you are correct. Trump very much cares about corruption. He cares about it in the sense he loves it and embraces it.

Fact #1 Trump forced to shut down illegal, corrupt charity and pay $2 million fine.
Fact #2 Trump forced to shut down illegal, corrupt university and pay $25 million fine.

So you're right. Trump not only cares about corruption, he loves it dearly.

<samp class="EmbedCode-container"><code class="EmbedCode-code"><blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">In April 2018 a judge finalized the order for Trump to pay $25 million to people defrauded by Trump University.<br><br>Just yesterday it was reported Trump admitted he misused funds and paid $2 million to charities in settlement.<br><br>The notion Trump cares about corruption is laughable. <a href="https://t.co/7L3fJN6D8s">https://t.co/7L3fJN6D8s</a></p>— Marshall Power Locke (@MarshallLocke) <a href="https://twitter.com/MarshallLocke/status/1205240796175142912?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">December 12, 2019</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script> </code></samp>

So he proposed to cut funding for this bullshit State Dept. program from $5M to $3M. How do they fight corruption? Well last year they sent Ukraine $30M tax dollars to fight corruption. You can't make this **** up. That whole program needs to go. If you hadn't noticed, Trump isn't distracted by the optics.
Great article from The Federalist today on the entire (D)im claim about bribery. Oh, sorry, they punted on that. "Abuse of power," what-the-****-ever that is supposed to mean:

The GOP’s Four-Point Defense Of Trump Is Devastating
December 12, 2019 By David Marcus

During Thursday’s mark up of the articles of impeachment in the House Judiciary Committee, Republicans unveiled a four-point defense of President Trump that is stunning in its simplicity and blows massive holes in the Democrats allegations of abuse of power. Essentially the Democrats are accusing Trump of shaking down Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky by withholding aid and demanding announcement of investigations, including one involving Joe Biden’s son, Hunter.

To this, the central charge in the articles of impeachment, Rep. Jim Jordan and others presented four specific facts. First, both Trump and Zelensky say there was no pressure applied. Second, the transcript does not indicate Trump making any demands or setting any conditions. Third, Ukraine was not aware that the aid was delayed. And fourth, aid flowed without any announcement of investigations. Taken together, these four defenses have more than enough weight to crush the Democrats’ case, but lets look at them one by one.

The fact that Zelensky says on the record that he did not feel pressure from Trump is an important one that has been widely ignored. As Rep. Matt Gaetz argued, there can’t be a shake down if the person being shook down has no idea its happening. Unless Zelensky is lying, the entire case against Trump just disappears.

Democrats on Thursday, as they have before, but more vehemently so, said that of course Zelensky must be lying. He needs American aid so he is lying to stay on the good side of the president. Setting aside the fact that the Democrats making this claim have no evidence to support it, it also undermines the credibility of Zelensky, one of the very things they accuse Trump of doing.

As to the transcript itself, the GOP members honed in on the fact the “favor” in the conversation was not a “a favor for me,” but a “favor for us.” And later the “us” is clarified as “our country.” This also strikes at the core of a case that depends upon the claim that Trump’s only interest in Ukraine policy was getting dirt on Joe Biden to help himself politically.

When Trump says, after asking Zelensky to investigate Ukrainian interference in 2016, “our country has been through a lot.” He means the Mueller probe, and he’s not wrong. How much evidence or information about Russian interference exists in Ukraine is up for debate, but the fact that it is a legitimate subject of interest for the President is not.

One of the few facts in all of this where there is some debate is when exactly Ukraine became aware that the military aid had been delayed. But all versions place it very late in the timeline of events, certainly long after the July 25 phone call with Zelensky. That’s like trying to blackmail someone with scandalous photos of them without letting them know you have any scandalous photos of them. It’s impossible.

The delay of the aid was part of a wider set of concerns regarding how much Ukraine could be trusted with the money. Throughout the late summer and fall, through a set of meetings and phone calls with American officials Zelensky proved to Trump that he could be trusted. That is what Trump wanted to know and why he released the aid without any announcement of investigations.

And that final fact, that the aid was released without the announcements Democrats claim were the condition to release them, really puts the period on the sentence. Democrats claim the aid was only released on September 11 because the White House became aware of the whistleblower report. But this ignores the fact the aid had to released by September 30, and doing so is a two-week process.

So essentially, aid was released on or about the deadline set to release it. That is a much more plausible explanation for the timing than some whistleblower report spooking Trump. Is it possible Trump was angry at yet again being undermined by people in the federal government for exercising his legitimate powers? Sure. But there is no evidence to suggest that Trump was ever planning to ultimately kill the aid.

These four basic points will make up the core of the Republican defense of Trump on abuse of power charges. The White House should be very happy. Unlike the serpentine choose your own adventure story the Democrats have cooked up, this is a straightforward and simple defense, it can be explained quickly and it all makes perfect sense.

David Marcus is the Federalist's New York Correspondent. Follow him on Twitter, @BlueBoxDave.

To use one of Tibs' favorite tactics, let me simply stea ... ehh, "borrow" from a source.

Based on the IG findings and information we now now about the entire FISA scam and syping on Trump - Adam Schiff's proven lies from his 2018 "response" to the Republican letter about FISA abuses:

  1. The DOJ and FBI did not misuse the FISA process. FALSE.
  2. The "DOJ made only narrow use of information from Steele's Dossier." FALSE.
  3. The DOJ cited "multiple sources" for surveilling Carter Page. FALSE.
  4. The FBI was not used to spy on Trump or his campaign. FALSE.
  5. The DOJ provided corroborating information for Steele's report. FALSE.
  6. The DOJ properly provided a detailed description of Carter Page's contact with the Russians [there was none] and provided the FISA court will all relevant informaition about such contacts. FALSE.
  7. The DOJ did not rely on a Michael Isikoff Yahoo! News article to support the FISA warrants. FALSE.
  8. There is no evidence Bruce Ohr would have known about the FISA application [where his wife's employer came up with the phony Steele bullshit]. FALSE.


Schiff-for-brains had access to all intel files and knew every statement above was an absolute lie when he made those statements.

**** him. He should be in jail for telling 10x the lies that Flynn or Papadapolous told.
Damn it, one of my favorite congressmen, Mike Johnson of Louisiana, made a blatantly racist and vile statement about Obama supporters that forces me to identify him as the absolute disgusting racist that he is:

"Barack Obama and his Hope & Change followers...are older, less educated, less prosperous, and they are dying early. Their life spans are decreasing, and many are dying from alcoholism, drug overdoses, liver disease, or simply a broken heart."

Oh, sorry, hold up - the vile racist statement was from that idiot, Hank Johnson, who worried about Guam "tipping over." He said:

Rep. Hank Johnson (D-GA): "Donald Trump and his Make America Great Again followers...are older, less educated, less prosperous, and they are dying early. Their life spans are decreasing, and many are dying from alcoholism, drug overdoses, liver disease, or simply a broken heart."


Wait for the MSM to go berserk about his contemptible statements. Just you wait ...
Update on the Trump Economy


Record employment numbers and lowest unemployment in my lifetime.




401(k)s have been made great again, and in November we officially set the record for the best bull market ever. As CNBC explained: “The current market boom, which started March 9, 2009, has enjoyed a whopping 468% gain for the S&P 500 through the first day of November, making this record-long bull run also the best-performing one since World War II.


Credit Scores

The average credit score increased to an all-time-high of 706 in 2019, signaling that the American public is not struggling to keep up with debt payments (as you’d expect at an economy at full employment). Household debt payments as a percentage of disposable income are at the lowest level since the St. Louis Federal Reserve began keeping statistics in 1980.

Home Ownership

Home ownership rates - a very good sign for the economy as improving home ownership means more construction jobs, durables (dishwashers, refrigerators, ovens, etc.) sales - continued their 3-year Trump-led rally after a 12-year decline:


Median Income

Booming under Trump, with another record:


GDP Growth

Still growing, but slowing pending 4th quarter results:


Inflation Rate:

Very low and holding:


Back to you, socialists.
Jimmy Dore, who used to report for the Young Turks (Elfie's go to "news source"} even has this thing figured out. He destroys MSLSD, and outs them as a propaganda sewer. And you still have the willfully ignorant, like Tibs, who still push the utterly debunked Russiangate horseshit. Blows my mind how smart people can continue to be duped.

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