The Washington Post's byline these past few years reads "Democracy Dies in Darkness.' They're wrong. Under Trump and the complicit GOP, democracy dies out in the open, in the middle of the day, for all to see.
The fix is in, to nobody's surprise. Thanks to Trump and Mitch McConnell, America is no longer a Republic as the founders intended it to be. There are no longer seperation of powers or checks and balances that have kept this great nation ticking for 240+ years.
Is this what conservatives wanted all along, a return to monarchy? Well congratulations to the Trump base. All there's left is to put a crown on his head, and he can rule the land without any hassles or pesky interventions, like having to abide by laws or the Constitution. Let's all take a knee and bow our heads as a show of respect to our dear and all-powerful King.
"Separation of powers is a very important concept to freedom and it's being slow bled right in front of us. But its all cloaked in deceit. The accuser is the perpetrator.
Over the course of time many a despot, party, etc have sought to consolidate power so they can unilaterally do what they want to do without consequence. Separation of Powers as instituted in the American Republic was not a uniquely American concept but the concept of many a thinker who had seen various forms of despotism and tyranny and thought long and hard about how to preserve fundamental human freedoms by placing various circuit breakers upon the various aspirations of the tyrant minded. The American incarnation, while imperfect, was the most perfect, and remains so, but the impeachment process along with the IGs report puts us at a critical, new juncture. They are making a play.
It's incorrect to think of tyranny and despotism as the caricature of an unreasonable monarch with crown and robe . To the contrary, man's lust for power never ceases and seeks new ways. It's insatiable. it simply changes forms. On display in front of us is a tragedy, the accuser (the American left) like every other leftist throughout all of history accuses Trump of tyrannical plans while secretly lusting the very ambition themselves.
Tyranny has come in many forms - monarchs, aristocratic class, elites, etc. And, often, throughout history, threats to the consolidation of that power are unwelcome - Kings are assassinated, coups and then the old tyrant is replaced with a new one. The French threw off the yoke of King only to replace it with a tyrant of their own. As did the Russians.
Federalism, separation of powers (3 branches of government) judicial review and even the two-party system are all various circuit breakers on the consolidation of power. It seeks to establish a state of equilibrium between the government and the people, their rights. As a corollary, hence the importance of a free press as well to the concept.
But, if you listen to the Dems, the impeachment, the presidential candidates and everything they speak of, including the eradication of the electoral college and the overwhelming sympathy in the press, still free, but complicit with the party - Leftism seeks to consolidate power via single-party rule. In so doing, the accuse everyone else of what they are subtly trying to do. But this, as said before, is what separates the conscience of a leftist (collective) versus that of a conservative (the individual).
So, its ironic, as they scream and shout "tyrant!" and "despot!" that he is really nothing of the sort while upon greater examination - their dismissal of the electoral college, the cooperation of the DNC with the DoJ and the FBI it is them who are slowly inching towards something truly despotic. Not of an individual person, but of an ever-present party at every level of government as demonstrated in the last election when people like Soros were funding races of local candidates. Donald Trump for all his inadequacies is one man, term-limited, with dissent and detractors in his own party. Meanwhile, the Leftists continue to consolidate power under a single party at every level for which there will be no conclusion because they will be judge-jury and press. The FBI/DOJ thing is a perfect example. As was said yesterday, if they can do it to HIM they can do it to anyone." - Anonymous