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Maricopa County audit

These audits across the country are gaining a lot of steam and the look isn't good. It would appear yet another conspiracy theory is being proven out. There was notable, and potentially massive election fraud, security, integrity issues.

A contractor handpicked to monitor election counting in Fulton County wrote a 29-page memo back in November outlining the "massive" election integrity failures and mismanagement that he witnessed in the Atlanta-area's election centers.

The bombshell report, constructed like a minute-by-minute diary, cited a litany of high-risk problems such as the double-counting of votes, insecure storage of ballots, possible violations of voter privacy, the mysterious removal of election materials at a vote collection warehouse, and the suspicious movement of "too many" ballots on Election Day.

"This seems like a massive chain of custody problem," the contractor Carter Jones warned in the memo delivered by his firm Seven Hill Strategies to Raffensperger's office shortly after the election.

That glaring notation was written around 4:00 p.m. on Election Day, when Jones observed absentee ballots arriving at the county's central absentee scanning center at Atlanta's State Farm Arena "in rolling bins 2k at a time."

"It is my understanding is that the ballots are supposed to be moved in numbered, sealed boxes to protect them," he wrote, noting these ballots weren't.

He also feared the flow of absentee ballots seemed too voluminous. "Too many ballots coming in for secure black ballot boxes," he observed.

You can read the full report obtained by Just the News from the Secretary of State's office here.

FULL REPORT: https://justthenews.com/sites/default/files/2021-06/Unabridged Notes.pdf

Jones also raised concerns about the temporary workers brought in by a firm called Happy Faces to scan and count ballots after an election observer purported to witness a conversation in an elevator in which one of the workers revealed his intention to "f*ck sh*t up."

"I must keep an eye on these two," Jones wrote. "Perhaps this was a bad joke, but it was very poorly timed in the presence of a poll watcher."

He wrote that the two suspect workers had been assigned to a "team confirming and boxing ballots that have already been scanned to prepare them for later audit" because "this is the place where they could do least to achieve their declared objective."

But Jones expressed larger concerns about the temporary staffing agency's recruitment of workers. "What is Happy Faces doing to vet the people who they are sending to make sure that they are not sending in people who do actually want to 'f*ck sh*t up?'" he asked.

Spokespersons for Happy Faces did not immediately respond to a request for comment. A spokeswoman for Fulton County said she would speak to elections personnel that worked with Happy Faces, but she had not responded further as of press time.

Experts said the 29-page report provides a stunning roadmap for an independent investigation of the vote count in Fulton County, such as the one a state judge recently approved to be led by attorney Bob Cheeley.

"This reveal chaos caused by incompetence and in some instances willful violation of law in order to assist Mr. Biden," said Phill Kline, the head of the Amistad Project, which has mounted election integrity legal challenges around the country. "This is consistent with the evidence we are finding in Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania and Michigan despite efforts at intimidation by Attorney General Garland."


A lot more inside the links
Another old adage - where there's smoke, there's fire.

JFC the blinders people are willing to put on just boggles the mind.

And I'm going to continue to post this again, and again, and again:

It's **** like this that drives me crazy. The leftist say this will disenfranchise the poor, but meanwhile Newsom in CA is pushing electronic vaccine verification for everyone.
Come on man, everyone knows poor folks can't do that.

I had to see for myself:

But how are those poor, disenfranchised POC gonna do this when they don't have access to or can figure out the internet?
Aaaand the Biden D.O.J. is seriously trying to interfere and shut down the audit while simultaneously feeding the ****-stirrers in the media talking points about how the process has been "biased".

Every day, it's getting closer to "that day".
Newsom in CA is pushing electronic vaccine verification for everyone

Speaking of that POS, he was just attacked by a homeless man in Oakland:

You don't need to look any further than the wall around the Capitol. If everything was on the up and up there would be no need for troops.
You don't need to look any further than the wall around the Capitol. If everything was on the up and up there would be no need for troops.

That's playing mind games,but just think how they must feel knowing things are illegitimate and the natives are catching on.
Aaaand the Biden D.O.J. is seriously trying to interfere and shut down the audit while simultaneously feeding the ****-stirrers in the media talking points about how the process has been "biased".

Every day, it's getting closer to "that day".

Isn't going to happen. They have already been told they'll be jailed if they send the feds in.

They can jail them without bail in solitary.
That's playing mind games,but just think how they must feel knowing things are illegitimate and the natives are catching on.
They are probably wondering how they've gotten away with it so far
So if Creepy Joe Xiden won by such a convincing margin why are they afraid of the votes being counted and checked by a independent contractor.


From my understanding a lot of states violated their own state constitution when it came to voting laws. It was always going to be a **** show with millions of mail in ballots you couldn't possibly validate in a reasonable amount of time. Hence the giddiness and absolute certainty the democrats had earlier in the summer when they pushed emergency voting regulations through.

All for your safety of course. Meanwhile they're trying like hell to make this permanent. That H.R.1 is a republic killer. It's also a deal breaker between the states and the federal government who wish to wield power over all things.

Just a sad corrupt bunch of people who have turned the federal government into this monster the framers of America warned us about many years ago.

They show nothing but contempt for the American people and have no problem shattering lives with the stroke of a pen.

How they acted over the last 15 months when they took many people's livihoods away and put everyone on house arrest is a pretty clear indication of just how they feel about us.....oh here's 600 bucks, good luck. Don't worry we will come back for that money 10 fold soon.
From my understanding a lot of states violated their own state constitution when it came to voting laws. It was always going to be a **** show with millions of mail in ballots you couldn't possibly validate in a reasonable amount of time. Hence the giddiness and absolute certainty the democrats had earlier in the summer when they pushed emergency voting regulations through.

All for your safety of course. Meanwhile they're trying like hell to make this permanent. That H.R.1 is a republic killer. It's also a deal breaker between the states and the federal government who wish to wield power over all things.

Just a sad corrupt bunch of people who have turned the federal government into this monster the framers of America warned us about many years ago.

They show nothing but contempt for the American people and have no problem shattering lives with the stroke of a pen.

How they acted over the last 15 months when they took many people's livihoods away and put everyone on house arrest is a pretty clear indication of just how they feel about us.....oh here's 600 bucks, good luck. Don't worry we will come back for that money 10 fold soon.

I'm telling you - it's over
Just do the damn audits! This should have zero opposition from anyone. You know because you love legitimate democracy and our constitutional republic.

And then we need a Convention Of The States. Which we will now have something new added to the list of issues that must be addressed.

That is my biggest hope.

The dems are a bunch of cheating ********
Jocelyn Benson, Michigan Secretary of State is full o' ****.

She knows it, we know it. Eeeverybody knows it.
Hold on tight, Indy, there's still hope! :ROFLMAO:

While I am very eager to hear the final report on the Maricopa audit, I know with absolute certainty that the battle cry of the democrats will be that it was biased and poorly run and that the results are obviously not to be believed.

The next great fight will be the auditors defending their processes to a mass media determined to present them as biased and unprofessional.
While I am very eager to hear the final report on the Maricopa audit, I know with absolute certainty that the battle cry of the democrats will be that it was biased and poorly run and that the results are obviously not to be believed.

I am waiting to see what the investigators actually found. If it's significant, your second point becomes a much bigger issue.

The next great fight will be the auditors defending their processes to a mass media determined to present them as biased and unprofessional.

That is going to happen relative to any irregularity. The party claiming to be so moored to "election integrity" will immediately morph into the "At this point what difference does it make?" party, and the willing quisling media will dutifully engage in boot-licking and ice-cream flavor checking to protect their backroom place among the powerful.