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Maricopa County audit

Yeah I posted about this in the critical race theory thread. My opinion is that they are trying to change the culture in the military from being loyal to the Constitution and the nation into being loyal to the government.
It's simply another mechanism to cause division. Simple as that. Whoever is behind all this is doing a great job of disarming and silencing our citizens, creating divide and publishing pure propaganda to keep an unknowing/disinterested population totally oblivious to what's actually happening. Perfect combination for eventual conquest. Sounds crazy right, but that's what's going on.

Conquer from within and build off the remains. Its the only way to defeat a country like ours was.
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Yeah I posted about this in the critical race theory thread. My opinion is that they are trying to change the culture in the military from being loyal to the Constitution and the nation into being loyal to the government.

This is exactly what it is. They're also hiring private companies to spy on all military social media accounts. You can't have anyone loyal to anything but the state. They will weed those out. If you look at the what the schools pump out every year. All of those new recruits will already be molded for you. Well other than having a bunch of fat,soft,entitled little **** bags ready to crush those fascist citizens loyal to country and constitution.

It's really the last thing they need full control over to proceed with fundamental change in its full commie glory.
"Pentagon officials defend the training. They say it promotes diversity, equity and inclusion in the armed forces." No, it does the exact opposite. Hate whitey, blame whitey, shame whitey.
Yep and see where President Potato Head is encouraging snitches in the military as well.
Someone earlier posted that he was waiting to see how the results come out in AZ. Of course this is the logical, rational approach. But his point was, "If the results don't show any significant discrepancy, meh, ok. Thanks for doing the audit and confirming, however if the results show significant discrepancies, he asks, what would (you/we) be willing to do about it."

We can't specifically "respond" until the audit is completed and the results are released. What we can and absolutely SHOULD do is contact our legislators and secretaries of state and request that they look into the AZ audit process and consider implementing the same type of audit in OUR state. Right now, this has absolutely nothing to do with Trump or even the republican party.

There are allegations of fraud and chicanery every election. That's not new. The 2020 election, however was so overwhelmingly suspicious as to make pretty much every other American presidential election look downright alabaster.

The most important thing this country can do right now in terms of American elections is ensure that every citizen believes that his or her vote will actually matter. Because the moment we believe or worse realize that our votes aren't counted is the moment we no longer have a country. And that isn't hyperbole. Without fair and free elections we are no different than China, the old Soviet Union, North Korea or any other despotic regime that exploits their people without repercussion.
Someone earlier posted that he was waiting to see how the results come out in AZ. Of course this is the logical, rational approach. But his point was, "If the results don't show any significant discrepancy, meh, ok. Thanks for doing the audit and confirming, however if the results show significant discrepancies, he asks, what would (you/we) be willing to do about it."

That guy sounds like a genius.

The most important thing this country can do right now in terms of American elections is ensure that every citizen believes that his or her vote will actually matter. Because the moment we believe or worse realize that our votes aren't counted is the moment we no longer have a country. And that isn't hyperbole. Without fair and free elections we are no different than China, the old Soviet Union, North Korea or any other despotic regime that exploits their people without repercussion.

Checking the color chart ... Yep, I've turned you in as an extremist.
Someone earlier posted that he was waiting to see how the results come out in AZ. Of course this is the logical, rational approach. But his point was, "If the results don't show any significant discrepancy, meh, ok. Thanks for doing the audit and confirming, however if the results show significant discrepancies, he asks, what would (you/we) be willing to do about it."

We can't specifically "respond" until the audit is completed and the results are released. What we can and absolutely SHOULD do is contact our legislators and secretaries of state and request that they look into the AZ audit process and consider implementing the same type of audit in OUR state. Right now, this has absolutely nothing to do with Trump or even the republican party.

There are allegations of fraud and chicanery every election. That's not new. The 2020 election, however was so overwhelmingly suspicious as to make pretty much every other American presidential election look downright alabaster.

The most important thing this country can do right now in terms of American elections is ensure that every citizen believes that his or her vote will actually matter. Because the moment we believe or worse realize that our votes aren't counted is the moment we no longer have a country. And that isn't hyperbole. Without fair and free elections we are no different than China, the old Soviet Union, North Korea or any other despotic regime that exploits their people without repercussion.
ConspiracyWig is looking almost normal now.
Disperse please, disperse...nothing to see. Nothing to see....


Documents that Georgia's largest county submitted to state officials as part of a post-election audit highlight significant irregularities in the Atlanta area during last November's voting, ranging from identical vote tallies repeated multiple times to large batches of absentee ballots that appear to be missing from the official ballot-scanning records.

Disperse please, disperse...nothing to see. Nothing to see....


Documents that Georgia's largest county submitted to state officials as part of a post-election audit highlight significant irregularities in the Atlanta area during last November's voting, ranging from identical vote tallies repeated multiple times to large batches of absentee ballots that appear to be missing from the official ballot-scanning records.

If, if, if the audit here in AZ shows significant irregularities, I think other states will follow suit and audit themselves, not for the purpose of removing the President, which would destroy the country, but to guarantee that our voting process doesn't resemble that of a banana republic. Honestly, who would be against that?
Honestly, who would be against that?

Many more people in power than we'd really like to know, unfortunately.

And this is shocking news, I tell ya.
If, if, if the audit here in AZ shows significant irregularities, I think other states will follow suit and audit themselves, not for the purpose of removing the President, which would destroy the country, but to guarantee that our voting process doesn't resemble that of a banana republic. Honestly, who would be against that?
there's a few dweebs on this very board who would piss their panties over this.
there's a few dweebs on this very board who would piss their panties over this.
The overall direction of the US is much too important to be left to the people....

--The Establishment and it's dependents (foreign-cough and domestic)
If, if, if the audit here in AZ shows significant irregularities, I think other states will follow suit and audit themselves, not for the purpose of removing the President, which would destroy the country, but to guarantee that our voting process doesn't resemble that of a banana republic. Honestly, who would be against that?

there's a few dweebs on this very board who would piss their panties over this.

My belief - my concern - is that if the audit shows significant discrepancies, the nation is now too fractured to unify in demanding genuine and fair elections and answers as to why these vote totals have such disparities. I think that as Zona predicted, if audits show serious defects in the ballot counting, the side which previously claimed victory will attack the messenger, go on personal vendettas against those who say they have concerns, try to "cancel" (i.e., silence) such people, and engage in denial and vitriol on a level we have not seen before. The corporate media will launch an all-out Pravda on such report.

A lot of people just don't care how they "won," they just want to keep the goodies that come with "winning."
My belief - my concern - is that if the audit shows significant discrepancies, the nation is now too fractured to unify in demanding genuine and fair elections and answers as to why these vote totals have such disparities. I think that as Zona predicted, if audits show serious defects in the ballot counting, the side which previously claimed victory will attack the messenger, go on personal vendettas against those who say they have concerns, try to "cancel" (i.e., silence) such people, and engage in denial and vitriol on a level we have not seen before. The corporate media will launch an all-out Pravda on such report.

A lot of people just don't care how they "won," they just want to keep the goodies that come with "winning."

Yep. It's getting to the point of no return. I know there are many who thought this a while ago, but it's just a forgone conclusion at this point. Sad.
If, if, if the audit here in AZ shows significant irregularities, I think other states will follow suit and audit themselves, not for the purpose of removing the President, which would destroy the country, but to guarantee that our voting process doesn't resemble that of a banana republic. Honestly, who would be against that?
Uh... Anyone else want to take this one?
The goal of the audits cannot be to remove vegetable. There is no constitutional remedy for de-certifying electoral votes as I understand it. However, there are people in the democratic party that NEED to go to jail and the party NEEDS to be exposed. The democrats need to be blasted back to the stone age and ideally, they won't sniff any kind of presidential aspirations for another 150 years.

Barring that, we all just need to be prepared to go full Thoreau on the U.S. government. Refuse to pay taxes, refuse to support in illegitimate government that doesn't serve you.
Uh... Anyone else want to take this one?
The goal of the audits cannot be to remove vegetable. There is no constitutional remedy for de-certifying electoral votes as I understand it. However, there are people in the democratic party that NEED to go to jail and the party NEEDS to be exposed. The democrats need to be blasted back to the stone age and ideally, they won't sniff any kind of presidential aspirations for another 150 years.

Barring that, we all just need to be prepared to go full Thoreau on the U.S. government. Refuse to pay taxes, refuse to support in illegitimate government that doesn't serve you.
Yeah No.

There are three boxes that guard our liberty. Soapbox the ballot box and the cartridge box. The legacy media and big tech burned the soapbox. The Democrat party stole the ballot box. If the audits prove election fraud The American people will have to open up the cartridge box. The Democrats will not simply relinquish power even if we prove the election was stolen, they will have to be forced from power. We the people cannot allow them to get away with it even one time because if we do they will do it every election from now on.

Edi for additional thought:

there will have to be a lot of people both Democrat and Republican tried and punished for treason. At least some of them will need to face the death penalty. There needs to be dire consequences for anyone who attempts to destroy our republic and steal our liberty.
Uh... Anyone else want to take this one?
The goal of the audits cannot be to remove vegetable. There is no constitutional remedy for de-certifying electoral votes as I understand it. However, there are people in the democratic party that NEED to go to jail and the party NEEDS to be exposed. The democrats need to be blasted back to the stone age and ideally, they won't sniff any kind of presidential aspirations for another 150 years.

Barring that, we all just need to be prepared to go full Thoreau on the U.S. government. Refuse to pay taxes, refuse to support in illegitimate government that doesn't serve you.
Hoping this leads to elections we can all judge to be true and the outcome not questioned. .

Assuming there is enough of an uproar if these audits do prove that there was indeed enough fraud to invalidate the election results, you would think there would be some sort of mechanism to instill the actual winner. If there is not, there should be. In the meantime Congress would need to act to impeach the sitting POTUS and VP, after the midterms and the Republicans take back the House and Senate of course. That would be an interesting campaign platform for those running for the House and Senate.
If, if, if the audit here in AZ shows significant irregularities, I think other states will follow suit and audit themselves, not for the purpose of removing the President, which would destroy the country, but to guarantee that our voting process doesn't resemble that of a banana republic. Honestly, who would be against that?

Oh the country is done if these audits prove what we already know to be true. Done. Check please..

This was a done deal early in the summer of 2020. They didn't have that demented stupid **** not campaign for a reason.