Someone earlier posted that he was waiting to see how the results come out in AZ. Of course this is the logical, rational approach. But his point was, "If the results don't show any significant discrepancy, meh, ok. Thanks for doing the audit and confirming, however if the results show significant discrepancies, he asks, what would (you/we) be willing to do about it."
We can't specifically "respond" until the audit is completed and the results are released. What we can and absolutely SHOULD do is contact our legislators and secretaries of state and request that they look into the AZ audit process and consider implementing the same type of audit in OUR state. Right now, this has absolutely nothing to do with Trump or even the republican party.
There are allegations of fraud and chicanery every election. That's not new. The 2020 election, however was so overwhelmingly suspicious as to make pretty much every other American presidential election look downright alabaster.
The most important thing this country can do right now in terms of American elections is ensure that every citizen believes that his or her vote will actually matter. Because the moment we believe or worse realize that our votes aren't counted is the moment we no longer have a country. And that isn't hyperbole. Without fair and free elections we are no different than China, the old Soviet Union, North Korea or any other despotic regime that exploits their people without repercussion.