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Maricopa County audit

And I'd wager that even if shenanigans are uncovered, it won't gain any traction in the media and will be cast off as having no basis.


This audit process is about the next election. Hopefully enacting legislation that will prevent future frauds.
I said Hopefully. Not a done deal
This audit process is about the next election. Hopefully enacting legislation that will prevent future frauds.
I said Hopefully. Not a done deal
Yep, but it won't benefit the Dims, so...........

They will be pushing for voting by text next.
You can't make this **** up...

A county in Georgia has admitted that at least 25% of their ballots don't have chain of custody. (Likely because they simply don't exist.) It should be noted that Georgia state law doesn't allow an election to be certified unless chain of custody is maintained on all ballots.

Does Georgia care? So far... Not so much.

(Fulton County, by the way. Yes... an important one.)
In other news, the counting is done in Maricopa Co. and "suprise, suprise, suprise..." The number of ballots grossly differs from the number of votes from the election AND the 2 state-run audits.

In short, the Secretary of State and the Maricopa Co. Board of Supervisors have some 'splainin' to do.

Election fraud and treason are in fact, actionable offenses. Once AZ finishes the forensic audit they ought to arrest the Sec. of State and the Board of Supervisors and charge them to the full extent of the law. This will put tremendous pressure on the other "horse-****" states when they know that fraud and treason charges are on the line.
Hmmm. Another "Fulton County" (This on in PA) apparently did a hardware audit on their machines some time ago and found Microsoft SQL Studio software on the machines. Studio allows for calculations to be run on the raw data. This is one of many reasons extra software is NOT allowed on voting machines. Because if such software was present then calculation algorithms could easily be applied to the database data (IE the votes). These algorithm changes could be applied as easily as through say... a usb stick.

Guess how aggressively the media reported this finding by Fulton Co. PA. Further guess how aggressively the county followed up on this finding, which by the way, should have caused decertification of those machines due to extraneous (and illegal) software being present on the machines?
In other news, the counting is done in Maricopa Co. and "suprise, suprise, suprise..." The number of ballots grossly differs from the number of votes from the election AND the 2 state-run audits.

In short, the Secretary of State and the Maricopa Co. Board of Supervisors have some 'splainin' to do.

Election fraud and treason are in fact, actionable offenses. Once AZ finishes the forensic audit they ought to arrest the Sec. of State and the Board of Supervisors and charge them to the full extent of the law. This will put tremendous pressure on the other "horse-****" states when they know that fraud and treason charges are on the line.

Shockingly, not, Katie ( I wanna be Governor ) Hobbs-D barely won the Secretary of State election in '18. The results may be interesting, but the media will yawn at it. There are several in the AZ legislature with a back bone, so there could be a glimmer of hope if the votes cast don't match those counted and verified. Expect excuses to be flying fast and furious from the left and get all the air time exposure.
In other news, the counting is done in Maricopa Co. and "suprise, suprise, suprise..." The number of ballots grossly differs from the number of votes from the election AND the 2 state-run audits.

In short, the Secretary of State and the Maricopa Co. Board of Supervisors have some 'splainin' to do.

Election fraud and treason are in fact, actionable offenses. Once AZ finishes the forensic audit they ought to arrest the Sec. of State and the Board of Supervisors and charge them to the full extent of the law. This will put tremendous pressure on the other "horse-****" states when they know that fraud and treason charges are on the line.
Where did you read that? I've been trying to find it and cannot.
When do we get the report from this volunteer audit?
Which part, Badcat. Unsurprisingly most news outlets are not releasing information from the Maricopa Co. audit team. I've been watching several channels on Youtube that are following the various audits and investigations that are going on through AZ, GA, PA and NH.

The part about fraud and treason charges... that's just my two cents. Nobody has (far as I know) formally suggested those people be arrested or charged.
Wig, I am waiting for something official before reaching any conclusion, but some have identified themselves and are claiming - just claiming right now, no evidence, something I admit unlike certain left-wing troll rumor mongers who post bullshit as if it were an epistle from St. George of Fentanyl - some very serious irregularities. For example:

Several hundred thousand votes that were counted in Maricopa County, Arizona are associated with missing ballots, according to an audit organizer who is speaking regularly with people on the audit floor.​

“We found a ballot shortage, anywhere from 5 to 10 percent of the votes,” Josh Barnett, an audit organizer who led the affidavit drive to make the audit happen, tells NATIONAL FILE. “It looks like a couple hundred thousand ballots are unaccounted for. The ballots are missing.”

“I also know that there were boxes filled with blank ballots in those pallets. There were blanks in there,” Barnett said, citing a person who is frequently at the audit site as part of the audit process. “They (election officials) were doing it for appearance, to try to hide the fact that ballots are missing by saying, ‘It’s okay, they’re all right here.’ But the ballots are blank.

Again, to repeat, nothing to consider at this point since these are rumors, unsubstantiated, and don't bear squealing and running half-assed down the street. Tibs, you might want to consider that.

Waiting to see what actually happens. If tens of thousands of ballots (votes) are indeed missing, then something is seriously wrong. That might also explain why lefties were squealing and shrieking about the company doing the audit, handling of the ballots, etc. even before the audit started - crafting the cover story early on.
They are finished with the hand counting process. They still have a couple of kinematic artifact audits happening. From what I understand the report is due the end of this month. No one knows about the total of the hand count since it hasn't officially been released.

Also several states including Ak, Co, Pa, Wi, and Va are going to see how Az is conducting the audit. Several delegations have called it the gold standard of audits. I think 13 or more states have either visited or are planning on visiting within the next week.
The validity of elections is a thing of the past in this nation.
The validity of elections is a thing of the past in this nation.

Yeah, all the way up until your guys win again. :jagoff:

Hopefully that won't be happening any time soon.
Yeah, all the way up until your guys win again. :jagoff:

Hopefully that won't be happening any time soon.

Waiting to see what the Arizona audit shows. Right now, I am a disinterested observer.

How about you? Interested to see what a detailed audit of the Arizona ballots shows? Or have you already made up your mind?

Because if the audit shows nothing significant, I say, "Ehh, good to hear." But if the audit shows some significant questions concerning thousands, even tens of thousands, of ballots, are you at all interested?
Yeah, all the way up until your guys win again. :jagoff:

Hopefully that won't be happening any time soon.
Reps aren't the only ones that complained about the election... The audit in NH came about because a Dem lost by 99 votes, demanded a recount and they found several republican candidates had been slighted by an average of 300 votes. Again for the 1,000th time. What is wrong with an audit? I haven't heard one left winger explain what is wrong with looking at the ballots and finding out what really happened.
Waiting to see what the Arizona audit shows. Right now, I am a disinterested observer.

How about you? Interested to see what a detailed audit of the Arizona ballots shows? Or have you already made up your mind?

Because if the audit shows nothing significant, I say, "Ehh, good to hear." But if the audit shows some significant questions concerning thousands, even tens of thousands, of ballots, are you at all interested?
Tibs only knows how to respond with memes.
All should embrace a full audit if they love our constitutional democratic republic.

It really should be of no concern to leftists. You could just see the amazing circle of light that encircled Biden when he spoke to his massive crowds numbering in the high teens.

He even invented new words not in the English dictionary. It's as if divine intervention came down to us through the blessed covid, so we could circumvent those suppressive state voting laws and move forward.

We really should add Joe to Rushmore. Just on most votes ever, even way more than my dear sweet talking Marxist Barry.
Yeah, all the way up until your guys win again. :jagoff:

Hopefully that won't be happening any time soon.

To expand on what Djfan said, most of us just want transparency and legitimacy re: one of our most sacred rights, a fair voting system. And we don't need a lecture on the past, our current laws (here in the United States) offer a vote to anyone (literally anyone).

If someone we root for gets outworked and outdone by someone else, kudos to them. We may not like it, but that's how a fair system works. Get back on the horse and outwork & outdo the other the next time with better ideas and a winning formula. I know, probably strange concepts to you, but a lot of us actually really do feel that way. Crazy, right?
To expand on what Djfan said, most of us just want transparency and legitimacy re: one of our most sacred rights, a fair voting system. And we don't need a lecture on the past, our current laws (here in the United States) offer a vote to anyone (literally anyone).

If someone we root for gets outworked and outdone by someone else, kudos to them. We may not like it, but that's how a fair system works. Get back on the horse and outwork & outdo the other the next time with better ideas and a winning formula. I know, probably strange concepts to you, but a lot of us actually really do feel that way. Crazy, right?

This is just not part of the thinking of some. In fact, it is not the thinking of way too many. That is another point of data showing the rottenness of this formerly great nation. The media, the politicians, the educational complex, and finally the voters, are beyond hope. If not for the military, we would be over. As it is, the nation is hanging on by a thread, and I don't see the possibility of coming back.

It's just too late.
If not for the military, we would be over.

It's just too late.
Well, the military isn't too far behind the nation unfortunately. This article should outrage every American, but it won't. Our military should be the most non-political entity in this nation. Sadly, the military is in the process of being divided along racial lines. I don't know about you, but it is my belief that a nation will not win many wars when the men and women charged with it's defense don't trust each other.

Well, the military isn't too far behind the nation unfortunately. This article should outrage every American, but it won't. Our military should be the most non-political entity in this nation. Sadly, the military is in the process of being divided along racial lines. I don't know about you, but it is my belief that a nation will not win many wars when the men and women charged with it's defense don't trust each other.

What irks the **** out of me about "critical race theory", and I'm sure the lot of you. The term itself has to make race it's face, instead of all of us as just individual human beings. Was listening to Caitlyn Jenner the other night, and she/he made some well thought-out and practical points about the sad state of California in her campaign for Governor. I don't know if it's a publicity stunt or what, but she seemed very serious about trying to fix the clusterfuck that is California. And she said she can't lower taxes as it is (as it's not realistic at this point), but she made it clear that she won't raise them. That's a tall order with how incredibly corrupt these state officials have made this state, but I appreciated someone actually discussing the issues and not the BS. And she talked about a myriad of other things that made practical sense to me. I don't care if it's a little green alien who says it, I just want things to make sense and from somebody who at least seems honest and passionate about making thoughtful change for the citizens.

I was kind of blown away at how composed and articulate she was. She mentioned she wasn't going to go into if Trump actually won the election or not because what's done is done, and kind of complimented him on being a disruptor of the swamp establishment - so of course she's now Trump in a wig to the ghouls on the left.
Well, the military isn't too far behind the nation unfortunately. This article should outrage every American, but it won't. Our military should be the most non-political entity in this nation. Sadly, the military is in the process of being divided along racial lines. I don't know about you, but it is my belief that a nation will not win many wars when the men and women charged with it's defense don't trust each other.

Yeah I posted about this in the critical race theory thread. My opinion is that they are trying to change the culture in the military from being loyal to the Constitution and the nation into being loyal to the government.
Well, the military isn't too far behind the nation unfortunately. This article should outrage every American, but it won't. Our military should be the most non-political entity in this nation. Sadly, the military is in the process of being divided along racial lines. I don't know about you, but it is my belief that a nation will not win many wars when the men and women charged with it's defense don't trust each other.

"Pentagon officials defend the training. They say it promotes diversity, equity and inclusion in the armed forces." No, it does the exact opposite. Hate whitey, blame whitey, shame whitey.