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Maricopa County audit

I am waiting to see what the investigators actually found. If it's significant, your second point becomes a much bigger issue.

That is going to happen relative to any irregularity. The party claiming to be so moored to "election integrity" will immediately morph into the "At this point what difference does it make?" party, and the willing quisling media will dutifully engage in boot-licking and ice-cream flavor checking to protect their backroom place among the powerful.
And hopefully us patriots will flood the streets in numbers.
I am waiting to see what the investigators actually found. If it's significant, your second point becomes a much bigger issue.

That is going to happen relative to any irregularity. The party claiming to be so moored to "election integrity" will immediately morph into the "At this point what difference does it make?" party, and the willing quisling media will dutifully engage in boot-licking and ice-cream flavor checking to protect their backroom place among the powerful.
Yep, regardless of the results, it will go away like the Durham investigation and Hunter's laptop, but it is entertaining at the moment and will hopefully open up some eyes to the absolute corruption of our voting system.
Great news folks, "Donald Trump will be in office by this fall. For sure!"

So just a few more months of suffering under Biden, watching him install full-on Communism and completely destroying the country. In a few short months, MAGA will be back in the WH. So hold on tight until then.

Yep, regardless of the results, it will go away like the Durham investigation and Hunter's laptop, but it is entertaining at the moment and will hopefully open up some eyes to the absolute corruption of our voting system.
Only if you allow it. We need to put pressure on our elected officials. Call them, write to them, demand accountability. Being complacent is exactly what they want.
Great news folks, "Donald Trump will be in office by this fall. For sure!"

So just a few more months of suffering under Biden, watching him install full-on Communism and completely destroying the country. In a few short months, MAGA will be back in the WH. So hold on tight until then.
You know, 6 months ago, I would have said "Nobody believes that." Today, I would say about 50% of the Republican party believes that. It's sad, because even if it were proven that there was fraud on a massive level in favor of Joe Biden in the 2020 election, I don't think the constitution allows for it.

It's a bizarre time we live in with how easily people are duped. I guess it's all in what a person WANTS to believe. I mean, look at the last 5-6 presidential election cycles, especially when republicans won. The media spread outright lies before and after the election, and Trump easily got the worst of it. If an objective person were willing to research, they would have found, as they are right now, that most of it was lies. But when you are conditioned to love or hate something based on an ideology, there is no limit to what a person will or will not believe.
You know, 6 months ago, I would have said "Nobody believes that." Today, I would say about 50% of the Republican party believes that. It's sad, because even if it were proven that there was fraud on a massive level in favor of Joe Biden in the 2020 election, I don't think the constitution allows for it.

It's a bizarre time we live in with how easily people are duped. I guess it's all in what a person WANTS to believe. I mean, look at the last 5-6 presidential election cycles, especially when republicans won. The media spread outright lies before and after the election, and Trump easily got the worst of it. If an objective person were willing to research, they would have found, as they are right now, that most of it was lies. But when you are conditioned to love or hate something based on an ideology, there is no limit to what a person will or will not believe.
It’s closer to 80% of the Republican Party believes there was massive election fraud. Hell even thirty percent of Democrats believe there was. 133M registered voters-159M votes cast the math simply doesn’t work.
It’s closer to 80% of the Republican Party believes there was massive election fraud. Hell even thirty percent of Democrats believe there was. 133M registered voters-159M votes cast the math simply doesn’t work.
Is it significant election fraud though? Significant, meaning enough to swing the vote one way or the other? I'd like to know if there was manipulation from both sides, significant or otherwise. We need 100% integrity with the vote. If they are going to force us to carry vaccine passports, then we need to demand voting IDs as well.
It’s closer to 80% of the Republican Party believes there was massive election fraud. Hell even thirty percent of Democrats believe there was. 133M registered voters-159M votes cast the math simply doesn’t work.
That's not what I was referring to. I was referring to people believing Trump will be "re-installed" as President.
That's not what I was referring to. I was referring to people believing Trump will be "re-installed" as President.

Do you know anybody that believes Trump will be "re-installed"?

Nobody on this forum - a bastion of right-wing extremism according to Decaf - believes that.

So who exactly are these mystery people causing so much concern? Are they hiding with the vast army of white supremacists who never appear either? Maybe with bigfoot and the boogeyman?
Do you know anybody that believes Trump will be "re-installed"?

Nobody on this forum - a bastion of right-wing extremism according to Decaf - believes that.

So who exactly are these mystery people causing so much concern? Are they hiding with the vast army of white supremacists who never appear either? Maybe with bigfoot and the boogeyman?
I sit across from a guy at work that believes it. I'm sure he's not alone.
That's not what I was referring to. I was referring to people believing Trump will be "re-installed" as President.

Yeah even after the election fraud is proven Biden will not be removed from office without another Civil War.
Only if you allow it. We need to put pressure on our elected officials. Call them, write to them, demand accountability. Being complacent is exactly what they want.
Oh, I agree completely with this, the problem being finding a politician willing to take the lead. Even if the results show fraud, the media will bury or discredit the results, bank on that. Biden, Harris and anyone on the left will be given 99% of the air time, with all of the teleprompter readers doing their best Sgt. Schultz imitation. All I would like to see is our future voting process with some form of integrity, I have no delusion that Trump moves back into the White House.

Yeah even after the election fraud is proven Biden will not be removed from office without another Civil War.
Oh I agree. But do you really think it will be proven? I mean, black and white, no ****, no way anyone could deny it kind of proven? I don't. Not that anything would be done about it anyway. The establishment and media will simply will give us the finger like they always do.
I sit across from a guy at work that believes it. I'm sure he's not alone.

I have never met anybody who believes that to be the case. The entire narrative - "Crazy right-wingers believe Trump will be reinstated" - is a fiction meant to distract us. Seriously, the guy who believes Trump will be reinstated presents as much risk as a feather.

But the media and (D)imbos harp on these fictions - white supremacy is the biggest threat, "x" number of Republicans think Trump will be reinstated, police are gunning down unarmed black men at a pace that rivals the great buffalo slaughter of the 19th century - to distract us from what is really happening. The media post stories that amount to a bag of snail slime and dog urine, like the one Decaf posted. "A guy says 25 shooters could halt the economy by shooting out truck tires."

What the ... ?? That ******* guy should get on the 10 freeway some morning. If I shot out the tires on 1,000 trucks, it would leave only another 2,000,000 on the 10 freeway. The story is nothing, a joke, ridiculous. It is meant to engender a feeling that those "white supremacists are a threat" stories are real despite there being exactly zero incidents of anything involving, say, WHITE SUPREMACISTS.

Meanwhile, Soros-backed prosecutors are releasing thousands of criminals, crime is exploding, robbery, rape, murder, thousands upon thousands killed, tens of thousands raped, hundreds of thousands robbed, brutalized - and the media pretends it's not happening. "Oooooh, white supremacy, a guy said something, ahhhh!!"
I have never met anybody who believes that to be the case. The entire narrative - "Crazy right-wingers believe Trump will be reinstated" - is a fiction meant to distract us. Seriously, the guy who believes Trump will be reinstated presents as much risk as a feather.
We actually discussed it this morning. His belief is that if fraud is proven to have given Biden the win, that means Trump actually won and is the lawful President. I gave him the same story you did, that removing Biden would be impossible without horrible bloodshed, and perhaps civil war.

You would hope that if fraud is proven to have occurred on a massive scale, that the people would never trust or vote for the party that committed the fraud. But this is America 2021, and I'm sure about 40% of the population wouldn't care.
You would hope that if fraud is proven to have occurred on a massive scale, that the people would never trust or vote for the party that committed the fraud. But this is America 2021, and I'm sure about 40% of the population wouldn't care.
Seems a lot of people don't understand that in many States it was actually Republican election officials & judges who signed off on the election results and soundly rejected claims of fraud. Including Trump's own DOJ and his hand-picked head of election cybersecurity, who debunked the conspiracy theories. Again, not Democrats, but Republicans.

So if there was widescale, massive election fraud and these officials were a part of it, the case will be against GOP officials who skewered the results against former guy & in favor of Joe Biden.

I guess crazier things have happened. 🤔
I'd also highly reccomend 'some' of you to take a long, hard look at this, in between reading all the debunked, unhinged conspiracy theories about the election on shadowy right wing blogs & forums.

I'd also highly reccomend 'some' of you to take a long, hard look at this, in between reading all the debunked, unhinged conspiracy theories about the election on shadowy right wing blogs & forums.

Like the GOP establishment has zero Never Trump RINOs. 🤣
You would hope that if fraud is proven to have occurred on a massive scale, that the people would never trust or vote for the party that committed the fraud.

Also, if there was widescale, massive fraud in this election, it would wipe-out all the Republican gains around the country, picking up seats in the House, etc.

Republicans outperformed the polls up and down the ballot in the 2020 election, to the surprise even of many Republican political operatives and survey researchers.

Yet another minor detail deranged Trumpists ignore. They simply can't stomach the fact their guy sucked. So of course, the election must have been wrought with fraud, no other explanation for why former guy got trounced. Yet magically, Republicans performed much better up & down the ballot, in this same fraudulent elction which was stolen from Trump.

The dumbassery is truly through the roof. :rolleyes:
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So just a few more months of suffering under Biden, watching him install full-on Communism and completely destroying the country.

You finally say something truthful and I wish you were 100% right, but alas, you're never right.
So, Decaf, you were working on the great things Dementia Joe, Beijing Bootlicker, has done for America. How's that going?


Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump ...
Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump

Not well, I see.