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Maricopa County audit

For the 1000X time... IF there is nothing there and it's all BS then what's the harm in doing a full forensic audit with a kinematic component? It harms nothing. If they found nothing then everyone would be happy. But for some unknown reason the dems are not only against full forensic audits but have taking almost every single part of it to court to stop it. Fact is there are hundreds of sworn statements that allude to fraud. They were never even checked. Just do the audits and see what's there.
It's the same for election integrity laws. They claim there is no voter fraud but scream like banshees against voter ID.
The fact is, the cart was put before the horse. It's one thing if State election officials reported irregularities back in November, which would need to be checked out. That's what that two month window is for between election day and when Congress counts the votes in January. Former guy was screaming bloody murder basically the morning after, how the election was 'stolen' from him. How the **** would he know, sitting in DC what was happening across 50 states with the ballots? Answer, he wouldn't and he didn't. He was a big, fat baby and sore loser. Two full months went by, numerous states checked the votes, all were signed off on across the country. Hence the Consitutional process to count and certify the votes on Jan 6th, which former guy tried to sabotage when his supporters overran the Capitol and tried to disrupt the process.

So here we are, at the tail end of ******* June, and some of you are still clamoring for forensic audits and 'kinematic components.' When will the madness end? Any election from this point forward where Dems get more votes, we're gonna stop the world and take months on end to dissect each and every ballot? In the leading democracy and most advanced, most powerful country on earth? We can't do elections? Unlike all the other countries in the developed world, for some reason ours require 6+ months after the fact to 'inspect' individual ballots?

Trump told the big lie at the very beginning and all this bullshit has come in its wake. So we're gonna do this after the midterms, too? We're gonna argue the entire US election system is wrought with fraud, each and every time the Dems win an election? Come on.
Do you know anybody that believes Trump will be "re-installed"?

Nobody on this forum - a bastion of right-wing extremism according to Decaf - believes that.

So who exactly are these mystery people causing so much concern? Are they hiding with the vast army of white supremacists who never appear either? Maybe with bigfoot and the boogeyman?
Conspiracy theorist. Fringe people who give republicans a bad look. We can have our crazies just like we have to put up with the left crazies
Conspiracy theorist. Fringe people who give republicans a bad look. We can have our crazies just like we have to put up with the left crazies

It's roughly 30% of Republicans. Which I guess is pretty good news, showing that 70% still have their sanity.

The problem is the folks pushing this are Trump himself & those closest to him, like the pillow dude Mike Lindell, who sponsored the Trump rally yesterday in Ohio. So this horseshit is coming straight out of the Trump camp, then spun and fueled by his loudest and craziest handlers & co-conpirators.

Since the GOP is Trump's party, that makes it a pretty precarious position to argue this coming from the fringes.

But the roots of this delusion aren’t super difficult to discern. One of the central tenants of the QAnon conspiracy alt-universe is that Trump will at some point use martial law to suddenly consolidate polical power and jail his rivals in the “deep state.” Powerful people are fueling that belief. Trump’s former National Security Adviser, the QAnon-espousing Michael Flynn, openly pined for a military coup last week, and Trump himself is pouring rocket fuel on the fire as he has reportedly been raving about how he’ll be back in office by August. And even those not taken in by the Q lunacy may be misled by the various grifters who are promising their election “recounts” are keeping Trump’s hopes alive.
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The fact is, the cart was put before the horse. It's one thing if State election officials reported irregularities back in November, which would need to be checked out. That's what that two month window is for between election day and when Congress counts the votes in January. Former guy was screaming bloody murder basically the morning after, how the election was 'stolen' from him. How the **** would he know, sitting in DC what was happening across 50 states with the ballots? Answer, he wouldn't and he didn't. He was a big, fat baby and sore loser. Two full months went by, numerous states checked the votes, all were signed off on across the country. Hence the Consitutional process to count and certify the votes on Jan 6th, which former guy tried to sabotage when his supporters overran the Capitol and tried to disrupt the process.

So here we are, at the tail end of ******* June, and some of you are still clamoring for forensic audits and 'kinematic components.' When will the madness end? Any election from this point forward where Dems get more votes, we're gonna stop the world and take months on end to dissect each and every ballot? In the leading democracy and most advanced, most powerful country on earth? We can't do elections? Unlike all the other countries in the developed world, for some reason ours require 6+ months after the fact to 'inspect' individual ballots?

Trump told the big lie at the very beginning and all this bullshit has come in its wake. So we're gonna do this after the midterms, too? We're gonna argue the entire US election system is wrought with fraud, each and every time the Dems win an election? Come on.
Again you said nothing when Dems wanted audits. So why are you spouting BS now? They couldn't do the audits back in Nov. because Dems kept taking them to court. So stop with all the pompous fake outrage. There is tons of evidence. Just look at Fulton county. They had ~25% of mailed in ballots with NO chain of custody paperwork. It should never have even been certified. Just because people can cover up something for a long time doesn't mean it didn't happen. Would you had been ok with Nixon getting a pass if he could have covered it up a few more months? It's an ignorant argument.
I beg to differ Tim, he only engages in meme's and hyperbole, the concept of debate and responding to direct questions eludes him.

Pretty sure if the volunteer ninjas in AZ had found anything they would have run it out to the world post-haste
**** getting real...

Everybody I was following on YouTube that were relating the latest news from the Maricopa audit have been removed. Actually they all got dumped 6 days ago it seems.

scratch that. I found one of them.

The report is coming out today, allegedly. Will be interesting to see what it says.

scratch that too. It seems the AZ senate has said the report is not ready and they did not state it would come out today.
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Pretty sure if the volunteer ninjas in AZ had found anything they would have run it out to the world post-haste
Bits and pieces have been coming out. But they are sitting on the actual report till its done. To give you some idea of how it is really going the AZ legislature just stripped her of her ability to file lawsuits to stop the audit.
It seems however that the AZ legislature has stripped Katie Hobbs (secretary of state) of any duties or powers relating to elections. Those duties have been transferred to the attorney general (who happens to be a moderate conservative.)

One wonders what the legislature and senate know that prompted them to essentially neuter the sitting secretary of state.
It seems however that the AZ legislature has stripped Katie Hobbs (secretary of state) of any duties or powers relating to elections. Those duties have been transferred to the attorney general (who happens to be a moderate conservative.)

One wonders what the legislature and senate know that prompted them to essentially neuter the sitting secretary of state.

It smells like smoke and some obstruction. Just no reason not to get to the purest finding of fact we can. For everyone's benefit. I'm sure the lefties want to know that indeed the country is ****** in the head for giving a guy with dementia the most votes EVER.
It seems however that the AZ legislature has stripped Katie Hobbs (secretary of state) of any duties or powers relating to elections. Those duties have been transferred to the attorney general (who happens to be a moderate conservative.)

One wonders what the legislature and senate know that prompted them to essentially neuter the sitting secretary of state.
The current secretary of state is a flaming liberal lunatic that barely won her election, or did she? Now she wants to be Governor! I can only hope there are enough sane people left living here to out vote the influx from Cali.
Zona, if the democrats get their way and quash the audit along with all the other audit movements that are picking up steam because of AZ's work, you don't have to worry about who you vote for anymore. It just won't matter.
It seems however that the AZ legislature has stripped Katie Hobbs (secretary of state) of any duties or powers relating to elections. Those duties have been transferred to the attorney general (who happens to be a moderate conservative.)

One wonders what the legislature and senate know that prompted them to essentially neuter the sitting secretary of state.

Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger (R), for example, has become a Trump target for not being corrupt in 2020, so he's facing a primary challenge from Rep. Jody Hice (R-Ga.), one of Congress' most far-right members who's spent recent months rejecting the legitimacy of his state's election results.

Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger (R), for example, has become a Trump target for not being corrupt in 2020, so he's facing a primary challenge from Rep. Jody Hice (R-Ga.), one of Congress' most far-right members who's spent recent months rejecting the legitimacy of his state's election results.


Wow...a Trump target for not being corrupt? Yeah there's no media bias there. Perhaps he was not doing his job/looking the other way when things started looking pretty fishy even to the casual observer.
Given the fact that Raffensperger certified election results knowing that 1/4 of his mail-in-ballots had no chain of custody give you a glimpse of how "non corrupt" he is.

Imagine it... 1 in 4 ballots seemingly just appeared in the middle of the night after the election. Nobody knows where they came from, nobody knows how they got there. Nobody knows where they're at now.

Yep. No corruption at all.
The current secretary of state is a flaming liberal lunatic that barely won her election, or did she? Now she wants to be Governor! I can only hope there are enough sane people left living here to out vote the influx from Cali.

God I hate those ******* Californians, trying to export their coastal stupidity into a great state.
Shoe on the other foot:
