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2017-2018 Pittsburgh Penguins

He just shut down a break away. The dude is gonna be good when he gets more games under his belt

Not afraid to take away shots. Seems to get the set ups.
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Mrs. Fan and I are watching Hunwick #22. Guy has solid game. Glad to have him.

Hunwick and Hagelin seem to be on top of the puck a bit.
Hagelin may not have the goals to show for, but I'm enjoying his hustle.

That 4th goal was all Sheary btw. How he got that to Hornqvist was sick
Fans are unhappy in Buffalo lol. Those boos are loud
Cheap move by Evander Kane.
Frustrated. Still love to see him as a Pen
1:04 left.
Up 4-0. I'll take the 2 pts.
See this same Buffalo team tomorrow night. Rest up and enjoy the win Pens
Shearty looks on his game. Love what he is doing.

Kudos to jarry. Nice night for him.
Jar......Rey ! Jar.....Rey ! Jar....Rey ! I would be awesome if our golf clapping fans could catch on to some old time hockey chants. The kid looked great last night.

I doubt many will remember when the Pens would play the Blues in the ancient Igloo days of the 70's. Even though the Pens were pretty bad. The Igloo would rock. Every time Barclay Plager stepped on the ice you would hear the taunting , Bar.....Clay ! Bar....Clay ! Seems the PPG fans only wake up for the playoffs. I was just a kid but then but I will always remember the spirit of the Civic Arena.
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Pens are on teevee tonight - should I watch?
Pens are on teevee tonight - should I watch?

I mean if you feel you're bad luck than stay away.
But c'mon Spike! You've been active around these parts the past two cup runs. :)
Granted it was Buffalo but 5 scoreless period is a great goaltender performance. Nice to see the goals get spread around. The look of relief on Hagelin's face was priceless !
Looks like Fleury was taking shots in the Vegas practice. He should be back by the Pens game. I'd love to see a Fleuy vs. Jarry showdown. Murray will likely be back but Jarry would make for better TV.
Granted it was Buffalo but 5 scoreless period is a great goaltender performance. Nice to see the goals get spread around. The look of relief on Hagelin's face was priceless !

Hagelin has been catching a lot of heat on the Let's Go Pens forum.
Imo, I think he's been very solid in puck possession and forechecking. Sure it would be nice to have the goals to show for. But like Sheary, he's been positively consistent. Small stuff like that wins games.

Jarry is looking a lot more comfy. I'm relieved myself with the goaltending situation.
Hagelin has been catching a lot of heat on the Let's Go Pens forum.
Imo, I think he's been very solid in puck possession and forechecking. Sure it would be nice to have the goals to show for. But like Sheary, he's been positively consistent. Small stuff like that wins games.

Jarry is looking a lot more comfy. I'm relieved myself with the goaltending situation.

Hegelin works hard away from the puck. He creates opportunities that don't always get him a point. If there was a third assist, his stats would be different.. He seems to never quit, you can count on him to be first up and first back. He is under rated as a penalty killer. Is he worth 4 mil ? I think so but many only care about how many times he lights the lamp.
Hagelin has been catching a lot of heat on the Let's Go Pens forum.

That forum is odd. I have tried to be there (DJfan there, too), just not what I hoped for. That's why I love this annual thread.
We are going to see them in Denver in a week or so

I'm just 300 some miles away. Always wanted to take a drive up to catch a game. Busy with work though :(
My uncle and his son in law live in Denver big Avs fans. Need to make a trip up north really