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25th JFK Assassination Secrets Scheduled for 2017 Release


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Apr 20, 2014
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The tortured path that began with a left turn onto Dealey Plaza on Nov. 22, 1963, will find its unlikely end point this October in College Park, Md. At a National Archives annex, the last remaining documents related to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy are being readied for release.


Under the terms of the 1992 JFK Records Act–a result of Oliver Stone’s 1991 movie JFK, which revived fascination with the idea of a cover-up–the government was given 25 years to make public all related files. The time is up on Oct. 26, 2017. About 3,000 never-before-seen documents, along with 34,000 previously redacted files, are scheduled for release.

The files–many of which trace back to the House Select Committee on Assassinations from the 1970s–promise to be less about second shooters and grassy knolls and more about what the government, particularly the CIA, might have known about assassin Lee Harvey Oswald before Kennedy’s death. Already, the law has helped fill out one of the most significant periods of the 20th century, revealing information on military plots to invade Cuba; Kennedy’s plans to execute a withdrawal of U.S. forces from Vietnam; and the formation of the Warren Commission, which investigated the assassination.

According to the National Archives, the final batch includes information on the CIA’s station in Mexico City, where Oswald showed up weeks before JFK’s death; 400 pages on E. Howard Hunt, the Watergate burglary conspirator who said on his deathbed that he had prior knowledge of the assassination; and testimony from the CIA’s James Angleton, who oversaw intelligence on Oswald. The documents could also provide information on a CIA officer named George Joannides, who directed financial dealings with an anti-Castro group whose members had a public fight with Oswald on the streets of New Orleans in the summer of 1963.



Today is the 50th anniversary of Jack Ruby's death btw
That whole situation has been one hell of a mystery. The government has to be somewhat involved otherwise, why wait so long to make the information public? If there was "nothing to see here" why not make everything public back in 64? The delay simply gave those involved time to die and take their secrets with them.
That whole situation has been one hell of a mystery. The government has to be somewhat involved otherwise, why wait so long to make the information public? If there was "nothing to see here" why not make everything public back in 64? The delay simply gave those involved time to die and take their secrets with them.

Never understood this either, unless there was a cover-up.

Let me see...I'm supposed to believe there's a reason to keep the documents sealed for 25 years? Longer? For what purpose, other than nefarious ones? I'm supposed to believe that in October 2017 the documents that are released are a) 100% of the documents ever associated with the assassination and ensuing investigations, and b) that none of the documents produced have been altered in any way?


We know the Time Life cover photo of Oswald holding the rifle in his back yard was doctored. Already admitted to, and how it was done has been exposed. So I'm supposed to believe what the National Archives produces is legit and unedited? I may have been born yesterday...

They lost Kennedy's brain at the National Naval Medical Center (NNMC). It's never been found. But this is "all" of the evidence/documentation.

Got it.
y'all ******* wait until usda sees this thread.
I'm sure the records have been scrubbed to exclude LBJ, CIA, etc involvement. Scumbags.
I think whoever was on that knoll was a "made man" or the politician version of the mob's induction into the inner circle.
I have read some accounts that Poppy Bush had some level of involvement, due to his CIA position and their want to overthrow Cuba. CIA was pissed that Kennedy left them hanging...you get the picture. Bush was in Dallas the day of the assassination.

Unlikely that Bush had any hand in the deed, but that might be why they have waited so long;waiting for Poppy to kick the can. Him and a few others.

Just throwin' **** out there.
I have read some accounts that Poppy Bush had some level of involvement, due to his CIA position and their want to overthrow Cuba. CIA was pissed that Kennedy left them hanging...you get the picture. Bush was in Dallas the day of the assassination.

Unlikely that Bush had any hand in the deed, but that might be why they have waited so long;waiting for Poppy to kick the can. Him and a few others.

Just throwin' **** out there.

Wig should be along to support that pretty soon.
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the last remaining documents related to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy are being readied for release.
Please, come look at this lovely bridge... I will give you a very good price on it.

Unlikely that Bush had any hand in the deed...
I have no words. What I can tell you is that Herbert most certainly had something to do with it. If he was not involved, he was at the very least briefed on who the actual shooters were or he briefed Hoover on who the shooters were. Bush was ABSOLUTELY up to his neck in the myriad attempts on Castro's life undertaken by the CIA and the Mob.

I've said this before but it is my personal belief that Oswald did NOT pull the trigger. In fact, I believe that he was trying to prevent the assassination and believed he had in fact succeeded. He was completely in the dark until shots rang out in front of his building while he was eating lunch. At that point he knew immediately something really really horrible had happened and I expect he took steps to meet his handler.

Sadly, his handler arranged for him to be killed at the Alamo Theater, but Oswald didn't create enough of a disturbance to allow the officers to cleanly shoot him on site, nor did he attempt to run out the back of the theater.

One thing is quite certain, had Oswald ever gone to trial, it would have been virtually impossible to convict him. The evidence just wasn't there. America was saved a great deal of difficulty and confusion when Jack Ruby did the Justice System the service of cleanly resolving the crime of the century.
Earl Rose!

He was a F'n hero. Had just one or two men stood with him the story and mystery of JFK would never have gotten off the ground. Poor Earl Rose. One guy tried to do the right thing. And for his trouble he was nearly shot and he WAS shoved out of the way after being nearly run over by a gurney carrying the President's ornate coffin and remains.

Go ahead, look him up.
I've heard that when Bush was asked the question...where were you when you heard jfk was shot?...stammered and flushed. Everyone had an answer to that. Everyone.
Actually he's produced no less than 3 different answers to that question.

I kind of remember it taking him a while to get it done smoothly though.

Definitely odd. I was just looking the interview questions up. JFK's death is a gov orchestrated action in my opinion
I've believed for a long time that Oswald was A shooter but he was not the ONLY shooter.
I've believed for a long time that Oswald was A shooter but he was not the ONLY shooter.
and at this point we'll probably never know the entire truth. Oswald my very well have BEEN a shooter. But I personally believe he was reporting back doing his "double agent" thing. I think he was trying to prevent the assassination and that he'd been given information that the attempt was going to take place earlier on the route, or even in Ft. Worth.

Can I prove that? Nope.