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2nd amendment outrage

In my opinion Phil the Montessori Lunch Counter worker is dead because:
1. He was probably scared and confused and didn't react as well to the officers demands as he should have.
2. The intensity of the stop was heightened because of the way he looked.
3. The officer did a ****** job of deescalating the situation and went far beyond procedure in terms of use of deadly force. I have six racks of ribs on the traeger smoking and my buddy who is a police officer and a trainer is coming for supper and I will defer to his knowledge of use of deadly force.
4. He was legally carrying a concealed weapon. Made the officer aware of it (which is apparently what you are supposed to do when stopped) this heightened the situation. Though I still have not heard one of you stand up for his 2nd amendment right except for Ark in a back handed way.
Gonna enjoy my ribs and beer and get back to you tomorrow.
Ever hear of the concept of innocent until proven guilty? He doesn't have to prove his innocence. Do you really believe this cop shot this guy for no reason at all, just felt like killing someone that day? Where's your evidence for that?

This case could be anything from gross incompetence (he did not properly instruct the driver on what to do) to self-defense (he told the driver to keep his hands where they were and instead the driver reached towards his gun).

Yes, you listen to the testimony of all parties involved, review any witness statements, any sort of video or audio evidence that might exist, and decide who you believe and who you don't. That's how criminal prosecutions work.

I would imagine the woman's reactions right after the incident would be given a lot of weight...provided she remains a credible witness and doesn't change her story or inconsistencies aren't found.

Discussions, like these, need to simmer a day or two, before one inserts his/her foot in mouth...

I only point out OFTB's comment - because, after reading and viewing the submitted evidence, thus far, there is NO JUSTIFICATION for the officer to shoot into a car with a man reaching for his wallet. NONE.

Times are getting really critical out here and we must open our eyes, as a country and its citizens, and stand up against the evils that are coming forth...

I foresee, very soon, a time that Marshall Law will be put into place and with the violence that we've seen this week from our police - times will only get worse I'm afraid.
Reaching towards his gun after the officer told him not to. I'm not saying that's what happened, we haven't heard yet. Something provoked the officer. He didn't shoot him just for the hell of it, despite what BLM tells you. And, I've shared my thoughts with a lot of co-workers today. I don't really care what the Steelers think about it. Sure as hell not enough to drive all the way to Latrobe. Dumbfuck.

And it's still odd that his girlfriend cared more about facebook than tending to her dying boyfriend. ****, she didn't even act concerned or worried. Perhaps she was a victim of domestic violence.
Or maybe she was in shock and disbelief??? When is enough enough? The officers didn't even have on body cameras (perhaps this is a known fact in MN and citizens document police stops on their own?) - I'm not justifying the young lady's actions - but, I surely will not vilify her actions because the use of deadly force by a LEO took her fiance's life...
Discussions, like these, need to simmer a day or two, before one inserts his/her foot in mouth...

I only point out OFTB's comment - because, after reading and viewing the submitted evidence, thus far, there is NO JUSTIFICATION for the officer to shoot into a car with a man reaching for his wallet. NONE.

Times are getting really critical out here and we must open our eyes, as a country and its citizens, and stand up against the evils that are coming forth...

I foresee, very soon, a time that Marshall Law will be put into place and with the violence that we've seen this week from our police - times will only get worse I'm afraid.
From and too. The violence put upon those innocent officers in Dallas is so far and beyond all of these other tragedies. These other ones are out of poor policing, mistrust etc. The Dallas situation was pure hell unleashed upon brave police trying to do their job and keep the peace with people who are saying things against those very same police. My heartfelt condolence goes out to those officers and their families and I am truly glad they used that robot to detonate the explosive so no more Dallas Police members had to risk their lives to wipe out that individual.
Burgundy and I hate Muslims
but love comedy

Dave Chappelle is a muslim and has the same birthday that I do.
He gets a pass.

there are exceptions to rules.

I don't hate them simply because they're Muslims, I hate them because their holy book tells them to kill me.
Totally uncalled for. You expressed an opinion as did I. No I have never been in a life or limb situation but I have had good friends who are police officers in DC and had to face these violent thugs in the toilets that are our inner cities every day. I pray for their safety as do their wives and children and I know not ONE who gives a rat's *** if someone is white black or green. In fact several of them are African American and a couple are combat veterans themselves. I know not a ONE who ever wants to have to shoot someone but will do it if they have to save their own life OR the life of their partner. No this is not a job where you are always going to be perfect, not if you want to live.

So **** you *******.

And you know absolutely nothing about my life, by the way. So **** you again.

No **** you you mealy mouthed *****. You want to cast aspersions and throw shade my way then play the martyr over it. It doesn't work that way ****; you don't get a pass. I know you are a frumpy middle aged suburban housewife who has never done jack squat as far as putting your life in the line of fire for somebody else. Yeah I have friends who are LEOs as well they are good concensious professionals. But they are not the ones I am speaking about. I'm talking about the scumbags that taze a man tackle him pin him down and shoot him in the chest while his arms are pinned and the weapon he was shot for is still in his pocket. But hey you want to over look that cool. So I hope one of your kids has a run in with a power tripping bully cop. I hope your kid doesn't move quick enough when the cop says so and as a consequence gets beaten to the point of becoming a drooling vegetable. Then maybe you will realize it isn't a bad thing to try and hold bad cops accountable and work on getting them off of police forces permanently. But then again maybe not you are a thick headed ****.
I think both of you need to switch to decaf.
No **** you you mealy mouthed *****. You want to cast aspersions and throw shade my way then play the martyr over it. It doesn't work that way ****; you don't get a pass. I know you are a frumpy middle aged suburban housewife who has never done jack squat as far as putting your life in the line of fire for somebody else. Yeah I have friends who are LEOs as well they are good concensious professionals. But they are not the ones I am speaking about. I'm talking about the scumbags that taze a man tackle him pin him down and shoot him in the chest while his arms are pinned and the weapon he was shot for is still in his pocket. But hey you want to over look that cool. So I hope one of your kids has a run in with a power tripping bully cop. I hope your kid doesn't move quick enough when the cop says so and as a consequence gets beaten to the point of becoming a drooling vegetable. Then maybe you will realize it isn't a bad thing to try and hold bad cops accountable and work on getting them off of police forces permanently. But then again maybe not you are a thick headed ****.

You could benefit from a little vacation I think.
You could benefit from a little vacation I think.

You could let her fight her own battles and not be a white knight. If she is adult enough to talk trash she is adult enough to deal with the response.
I don't think DBS needs to be put on hiatus - nor should OFTB. Both have strong opinions of the violent happenings (personally, I see a DBS's clearer as I am a veteran).

We must face the simple fact that our world, our country is filling up with hate - and love for our neighbor, yes, even our neighbors here on a message board, it's going out the window...

Just a suggestion - both of you need to simmer down a bit and let more facts come in before publicly announcing your opinions.

I love you both, as friends and family, let's strengthen our family unit here and spread some love in our connected worlds outside of SN...
I'm outta here. I don't hang around with low class scum.

See ya later to all my friends here.

I did absolutely nothing wrong. You commented on my opinions, I commented on yours.You are an angry abusive person DBS. Get help.

Steelerfan81 or Buff, please delete my account.
I'm outta here. I don't hang around with low class scum.

See ya later to all my friends here.

I did absolutely nothing wrong. You commented on my opinions, I commented on yours.You are an angry abusive person DBS. Get help.

Steelerfan81 or Buff, please delete my account.

Wah Wah Wah!

Don't pick a fight then tuck tail and run when the other person fights back. It makes you look pathetic and weak minded.
I have nothing to fight about. We both expressed our opinions then you unleashed a vile tirade of crude profane personal insults. That's not a debate and I have no desire to get into it. Not going to be around someone like that. I spend too much time here anyway.

Bye guys, I love a lot of you, you know who you are and you know I am and I will miss you.
Me? You love me and now you want to leave?

You know how that makes me feel...don't go
This is exactly why I said you both need to take some time to answer before it takes is to the point of no return.

OFTB, I've been there too---I was ready to pull up the stakes a few years back but I've stayed and endured. We won't always share the same opinions but we are family...

A little compassion, DBS, after your comment wouldn't hurt either...
I left over Michael Vick. I'm back. Don't delete the account. Just take a break for a while.
You could let her fight her own battles and not be a white knight. If she is adult enough to talk trash she is adult enough to deal with the response.

You brought a nuke to a gun fight. I was referring to your huge overreaction instead of the argument itself.
You brought a nuke to a gun fight. I was referring to your huge overreaction instead of the argument itself.

don't **** with the bull and you won't get the horns.
alright let's change the subject for a bit.

Did ya hear Barry's latest push now that his shock troops have riled things up ?

Obama Pushes More Federal Oversight of Cops After Dallas Attack on Cops

President Barack Obama is harnessing the increasing attacks on police in Dallas — and the periodic shootings of people by stressed cops — to push his agenda to federalize state and local police forces.

Remember this ?

[video]http://www.ask.com/youtube?q=obama%3B+we+need+a+private+army+just+as+ strong&v=Tt2yGzHfy7s&qsrc=472[/video]

And naturally the next thing in our minds is an over the top rendition of failed versions of this brand of history. Death squads, internment camps, militarized family planning sessions and Freddie Kruger teaching kindergarten. Is this the start of the paranoid downfall of America ?

Not for me it isn't, I'm too old, fat and stupid to get involved but I will stock up on ammo just in case..LOL
there hasnt been this much sexual tension on the board since ark and idiot went at it.