Did you see this in my post----> (relatively speaking)
The reason I qualified my question with that phrase is because it took over 30,000 years after the Yucatan event to kill off all the dinousars, some adapted in that time...what we now call birds for example. We and all the species on the planet will be LUCKY! EXTREMELY LUCKY if we get 300 years. No life except for bacteria can adapt to the changes coming that quickly.
That would be with the 300 year perfect storm taking place (pun intended) stop ALL emissions now, start geo-engineering, and carbon sequestration.
It's not ponticication, I know for a fact as you do we are not going to do all those things full tilt. We have about a ten year window, maybe and there is just no way.
did you post this using electricity? if so, YOU are the problem.
To solve it, stop posting bullshit.