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A very simple question to ask yourself


Well-known member
Apr 14, 2014
Reaction score
Western Canada
Let's forget the media and all of that stuff for a second. Just read word for word Trumps press conference from today. Out of his own mouth he goes on and on about how bad it is and the terrible it is. How he inherited this giant mess. Obama inherited a two front war (one of which was totally misguided and a complete disaster) and an economic meltdown not seen since the great depression. Did you hear him speak like that? Simple question.
Headline News!


You can't stump the Trump!!

Trump taking no prisoners at presser!!!

Best press conference ever!!! 4 more years! 4 more years! 4 more years!

Smacked them all on the nose with their own rolled up rags - it didn't matter what he said, would still be in the same wailing rage from the presstitutes.

Stupid Reporter: What are you going to do about that? [Russia buzzing a boat.]

Trump: I’m not going to tell you.


Let's forget the media and all of that stuff for a second. Just read word for word Trumps press conference from today. Out of his own mouth he goes on and on about how bad it is and the terrible it is. How he inherited this giant mess. Obama inherited a two front war (one of which was totally misguided and a complete disaster) and an economic meltdown not seen since the great depression. Did you hear him speak like that? Simple question.

linky linky
Obama always talked about how bad the economy was. ALWAYS. Difference is, he didn't sound like a buffoon. That is Trump's biggest problem. He exaggerates, and always tries to make something sound way bigger or way worse than it is.

This is what Trump Needs:

1) A Filter
2) A COS that will stand up to him
3) A muzzle for Kelly Ann Conway
4) A press secretary

Start there.
I am glad that he doesn't kiss the media's ***. But you can't insult the media every day and then whine that the media treats you unfairly.
Let's forget the media and all of that stuff for a second. Just read word for word Trumps press conference from today. Out of his own mouth he goes on and on about how bad it is and the terrible it is. How he inherited this giant mess. Obama inherited a two front war (one of which was totally misguided and a complete disaster) and an economic meltdown not seen since the great depression. Did you hear him speak like that? Simple question.
Is this a joke?
I am glad that he doesn't kiss the media's ***. But you can't insult the media every day and then whine that the media treats you unfairly.

The problem is that the media have zero interest in doing anything other than destroying Trump.

In November, Trump exposed the fact that the old-guard media just don't matter any more. Those sources - ABC, NBC, CBS, NPR, WaPo, NYT, LAT, ChiTrib, and on and on and on - lambasted Trump, said he had no chance, etc.

And Trump won.

Now, the same media sources are out to prove they still matter by bringing Trump down. Trump does not owe those people ****.
The problem is that the media have zero interest in doing anything other than destroying Trump..

and he's not Obama so they all automatically hate him and it shows
I'm sorry to hurt some feelings around this forum but Trump is a ******* idiot! End of story. Can't wait for this joke of an administration to be gone.
I am glad that he doesn't kiss the media's ***. But you can't insult the media every day and then whine that the media treats you unfairly.

He started with a long list of accomplishments he made in a few weeks, that stunned them from the start. They didn't want to hear any of that, they wanted to attack..

They will never figure him out. He answered 17 reporters questions and 14 of them were Flynn & Russia. Russia & Flynn. They wanted to find something to attack him on, and he blew them away. Of course he picked on reporters, ha ha, they hate that. He even slapped the BBC.

Nothing we haven't seen before.

**** them all. When a Dem was in office they were the defense, now they're the prosecution. It didn't matter what he said, they would have wailed about everything.

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Trump isn't some political polished bullshit artist. The great oral snake oil salesman like the marxist in chief he is not.The guy will get **** done. I hate to break it to the haters, but he's going to be around 8 years, so go back to ******* your Obama blowup doll. This party is just getting started
Well since all we heard for 6-7 years is Bush Bush and more Bush you'd think Trump would get more than a month. I haven't read the transcript and maybe I'll change my mind once I have but I have to believe that the mess Obummer left was significant.
and he's not Obama so they all automatically hate him and it shows

And as a result it paints him a villain. Which leads to people thinking he's doing bad, etc.
Well since all we heard for 6-7 years is Bush Bush and more Bush you'd think Trump would get more than a month. I haven't read the transcript and maybe I'll change my mind once I have but I have to believe that the mess Obummer left was significant.

I watched the whole painful thing live and it was like listening to a retarded 5 year old.

Three times he went on about "the big mess" Obama left him. This guys mind is comic book easy to read, he's basically making excuses for the clusterfuck he's about to unleash. If he survives that long of course.

Early on a reporter asked " Why did you fire Flynn?"

His answer?......" I didn't like the way the information was given." WHAT? what the hell are you talking about?

Then at some point the obligatory " I'm so great, here let me give you the electoral count again" WHAT? Same thing he did yesterday with Netenyahu. Asked about the overt anti-semitism on his campaign he went on a rant about his electoral vote tally.

Then a rant about how he would not rant and rave like some claimed(he was coached), of course a little while later he ranted and raved when he was challenged.

I had seen clips of Trump, but had never listened to him speak for an extended period, the psychologists are right; the man is bat **** crazy.
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Trump isn't some political polished bullshit artist. The great oral snake oil salesman like the marxist in chief he is not.The guy will get **** done. I hate to break it to the haters, but he's going to be around 8 years, so go back to ******* your Obama blowup doll. This party is just getting started

He won't finish half his term.....i don't think the Orange Julius sum ***** lasts a year....

This is the most embarassing public political figure ive ever seen....he sounds like a pre-pubescent idiot......he STILL talks about that goddamn electoral college like Wolf pack fans talk about their NCAA win over Houston's Phi Slamma Jamma. He's gonna talk about it til he's escorted out..

Here's the quote of the day "the leaks are real, but the news, FAKE" ...makes no ******* sense.

And then he broke out about having the biggest margin of victory since Reagan but was challenged and corrected, he quickly retorted "i got the information from somebody..."

He will BITE bait like a fish and won't even check accuracy or the source.....YOU could create a video blog right now, about a computer program that manipulated Canadian voter rolls and merged them into our national voter registration database and added to Clinton's totals, PLACE it on YOUTUBE and earn a million views and he will reference that **** like its fact. "I know people that know it happened..they tell me everyday...Canadians voted in our election folks. Rigged folks....bad system and I'm gonna appoint a special congressional investigation team to find out who was behind it. Sad...so very very sad"
Let's forget the media and all of that stuff for a second. Just read word for word Trumps press conference from today. Out of his own mouth he goes on and on about how bad it is and the terrible it is. How he inherited this giant mess. Obama inherited a two front war (one of which was totally misguided and a complete disaster) and an economic meltdown not seen since the great depression. Did you hear him speak like that? Simple question.

Bush stabilized the economy. After that it had nowhere to go but up. There was a stable Iraq, without ISIS. Obummer always made a point of mentioning how bad it was when he took over....alll.....the .....time. Not to mention , the media gave him passes on Fast and Furious, Benghazi, Workplace violence, IRS shakedown of conservatives, etc.. Bammy had it easy. Trump is not. He is fighting back, and not pulling punches.....even with the BBC.
He even went as far as to say "the inner cities are so bad it's been over 100 years for them to advance...its so bad...I seen this myself...I've seen people petrified that they lock themselves in an apartment....so scared"

Where did HE see that ?
Let's forget the media and all of that stuff for a second. Just read word for word Trumps press conference from today. Out of his own mouth he goes on and on about how bad it is and the terrible it is. How he inherited this giant mess. Obama inherited a two front war (one of which was totally misguided and a complete disaster) and an economic meltdown not seen since the great depression. Did you hear him speak like that? Simple question.

Do you drink 24x7?

President Obama has passed the buck to others – mainly George W. Bush – for no less than 13 problems that characterize his presidency, suggesting time and again that his own policies are not to blame for his difficulties and he is simply doing the best that can be done with the cards he was dealt.

Even so, Obama is aggressively staking a claim for successes for which Bush shares significant or nearly all responsibility, including increased drilling for oil and natural gas, the end of the Iraq War, and the killing of Osama Bin Laden.

What follows is a roster of Obama’s efforts to assign blame for 13 problems that prevail or have faced him during his presidency. In several cases, the quotes here are just one or two of many that show Obama passing the buck on a particular issue.

Oil Prices

“The key thing that is driving higher gas prices is actually the world’s oil markets and uncertainty about what’s going on in Iran and the Middle East, and that’s adding a $20 or $30 premium to oil prices.”

– March 23, 2012


“Obviously, we wish Solyndra hadn’t gone bankrupt. Part of the reason they did was because the Chinese were subsidizing their solar industry and flooding the market in ways that Solyndra couldn’t compete. But understand, this was not our program per se. Congress–Democrats and Republicans–put together a loan guarantee program.”

– March 22, 2012


“When I came into office there has been drift in the Afghanistan strategy, in part because we had spent a lot of time focusing on Iraq instead. Over the last three years we have refocused attention on getting Afghanistan right. Would my preference had been that we started some of that earlier? Absolutely. But that’s not the cards that were dealt. We’re now in a position where, given our starting point, we’re making progress.”

– March 14, 2012


“When I took office, the efforts to apply pressure on Iran were in tatters. Iran had gone from zero centrifuges spinning to thousands, without facing broad pushback from the world. In the region, Iran was ascendant.”

– March 4, 2012

The Economy

“We’ve made sure to do everything we can to dig ourselves out of this incredible hole that I inherited.”

– February 23, 2012

The Deficit:

“We thought that it was entirely appropriate for our governments and our agencies to try to root out waste, large and small, in a systematic way. Obviously, this is even more important given the deficits that we’ve inherited and that have grown as a consequence of this recession.”

– November 9, 2011

“When I first walked through the door, the deficit stood at $1.3 trillion, with projected deficits of $8 trillion over the next decade. If we had taken office during ordinary times, we would have started bringing down these deficits immediately.”

– February 1, 2010

The Debt:

“Look, we do have a serious problem in terms of debt and deficit, and much of it I inherited when I showed up.”

– August 8, 2011

“I inherited a big debt.”

– March 29, 2011


“We inherited the worst recession since the Great Depression, a banking system on the verge of meltdown. We had lost 4 million jobs by the time I was sworn in and would then lose another 4 million in the few months right after I was sworn in before our economic policies had a chance to take root.”

– May 10, 2011

The BP Gulf Oil Spill

“In this instance, the oil industry’s cozy and sometimes corrupt relationship with government regulators meant little or no regulation at all. When Secretary Salazar took office, he found a Minerals and Management Service that had been plagued by corruption for years –- this was the agency charged with not only providing permits, but also enforcing laws governing oil drilling.”

– May 27, 2010

Decline of the nuclear stockpile

“Among the many challenges our administration inherited was the slow but steady decline in support for our nuclear stockpile and infrastructure, and for our highly trained nuclear work force.” (This one was offered up on Obama’s behalf by Vice President Biden).

– January 29, 2010

The Election of Sen. Scott Brown (R-Mass.)

“The same thing that swept Scott Brown into office swept me into office. People are angry, and they’re frustrated. Not just because of what’s happened in the last year or two years, but what’s happened over the last eight years.”

– January 20, 2010


“I took office at a time when many around the world had come to view America with skepticism and distrust. Part of this was due to misperceptions and misinformation about my country. Part of this was due to opposition to specific policies, and a belief that on certain critical issues, America has acted unilaterally, without regard for the interests of others. And this has fed an almost reflexive anti-Americanism, which too often has served as an excuse for collective inaction.”

– September 23, 2009

The Financial Crisis

“We inherited a financial crisis unlike any that we’ve seen in our time. This crisis crippled private capital markets and forced us to take steps in our financial system — and with our auto companies — that we would not have otherwise even considered.”

– June 1, 2009

Damn, and that's JUST a sample.
I'm sorry to hurt some feelings around this forum but Trump is a ******* idiot! End of story. Can't wait for this joke of an administration to be gone.

You may be waiting quite awhile.
He started with a long list of accomplishments he made in a few weeks, that stunned them from the start. They didn't want to hear any of that, they wanted to attack..

They will never figure him out. He answered 17 reporters questions and 14 of them were Flynn & Russia. Russia & Flynn. They wanted to find something to attack him on, and he blew them away. Of course he picked on reporters, ha ha, they hate that. He even slapped the BBC.

Nothing we haven't seen before.

**** them all. When a Dem was in office they were the defense, now they're the prosecution. It didn't matter what he said, they would have wailed about everything.


Here are his "accomplishments"
