The events on election night were unprecedented. If I remember correctly most swing states had Trump a sizeable lead at 1:00 am. Then in two of the states the polling places were shut down, one of them because of a leaking toilet or some ****. Many workers told to go home. Those are all facts. Evidence of trucks loaded with ballots came later. Boxes of ballots pulled out of underneath counters after many of the employees were sent home.
Don't get me wrong, I've always been on the fence about it being rigged. I really don't know what to believe.
But given the circumstantial evidence, which situation do you believe most like would point to a greater possibility of an election being decided unlawfully....Russians colluding with Trump with zero evidence, or the alleged rigging of an election by the left who for four years were dedicated solely to trying to get rid of the guy...amid a ton of circumstantial evidence?
Thats right, the absurd idea of the Russians colluding with Trump in order to turn the election his way had zero chance of happening, yet you libs dedicated 4 years investigating it.
If anything deserved a thorough in-depth investigation it was the 2020 election.
You know damn well there would have been had this happened to a demonrat candidate.