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Alan Dershowitz: The Trump fraud trial


Regular Member
Apr 11, 2014
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Havard Law School, Constitutional scholar, trial lawyer, and a democrat talks about what he calls "selective prosecution" and weaponization of the justice system.
This so much disturbs me for what we've become. A banana Republic.

The video is very good but long, so I posted the main points.

He wrote a book titled "Get Trump". He got the idea from Laticia James campaign promise to get Trump.
I'm lost for words with that one.

If you rummage enough through statutes and records you could find something on anybody. She could have gone after any NY real estate mogul for over evaluating real estate, thus it destroys those clinging to the empty claim that "no one is above the law", when it's really about getting Trump by selective prosecution. No one is below the law either.

Its not about going after Trump for what he has done, its going after Trump for who he is.

Running for president is the reason this mockery should have taken place after the election. Election interference is what it is.
Alan Dershowitz is now hated by the left.


[Looks at Alvin Bragg and Letitia James]

My God, Stewey, could you be more rayciss?? Suggesting the two intellectual behemoths in Bragg and James - intellectual, mind you, not just waistline and stretch pants - could be targeting a person for purely political reasons?

The raycissism is so deep in your post that I am literally shaking. I may have to call Tibilo for post-minority criticism stress disorder advice.
[Looks at Alvin Bragg and Letitia James]

My God, Stewey, could you be more rayciss?? Suggesting the two intellectual behemoths in Bragg and James - intellectual, mind you, not just waistline and stretch pants - could be targeting a person for purely political reasons?

The raycissism is so deep in your post that I am literally shaking. I may have to call Tibilo for post-minority criticism stress disorder advice.

I can't help it. I supposed being married to a racist all these years has had an effect on me.
This one is short and sweet!
Where the real crimes were committed.

Well, we're getting to watch in real time what happens when your government goes completely bad.

When you hear them on tv proclaiming they're saving our democracy from the threat of Trump, it's the exact opposite.

Just eliminate your poltical opponents like the Chinese and Russians do.Put them in jail. They call themselves a democracy too.

They have now graduated into a full fledged totalitarian government.

And here they barked about the fictional Russian election collusion ,when in fact what they're doing is 10 times that.

So much for the constitutional republic.

The only thing left is to do the same thing back. Then it's officially game over other than the fighting.

Just like I've talked about since 2020, they'll keep pushing the envelope because there's absolutely zero accountability or consequences, if you're in the leftist party and you tote the party line.

It's amazing how quickly things can change in a very short period of time. Can you fathom what the next 5,10 or 20 years will bring?
Well, we're getting to watch in real time what happens when your government goes completely bad.

When you hear them on tv proclaiming they're saving our democracy from the threat of Trump, it's the exact opposite.

Just eliminate your poltical opponents like the Chinese and Russians do.Put them in jail. They call themselves a democracy too.

They have now graduated into a full fledged totalitarian government.

And here they barked about the fictional Russian election collusion ,when in fact what they're doing is 10 times that.

So much for the constitutional republic.

The only thing left is to do the same thing back. Then it's officially game over other than the fighting.

Just like I've talked about since 2020, they'll keep pushing the envelope because there's absolutely zero accountability or consequences, if you're in the leftist party and you tote the party line.

It's amazing how quickly things can change in a very short period of time. Can you fathom what the next 5,10 or 20 years will bring?

In the video Dershowitz quoted a South American dictator ..."If you're my friend all is good, if you're my enemy the law will be aimed at you." (paraphrased).
Selective prosecution is a staple of dictatorships.

I believe it was B. Franklin that said to the effect that a Constitutional Republic is a good idea if you can keep it.
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In the video Dershowitz quoted a South American dictator ..."If you're my friend all is good, if you're my enemy the law will be aimed at you." (paraphrased).
Selective prosecution is a staple of dictatorships.

I believe it was B. Franklin that said to the effect that a Constitutional Republic is a good idea if you can keep it.

You would be correct about the Franklin quote.

We are so far away from having men like that in office it isn't even funny.

In fact, they've become worse than having a monarchy rule from thousands of miles away.
If this country keeps following the path it's on right now, there will be walls being built all over the world to keep Americans out.
If this country keeps following the path it's on right now, there will be walls being built all over the world to keep Americans out.
Can you blame them? We got kids on college campuses basically calling for a second holocaust. This country is becoming a pox on the planet. Even England has developed the sense to slam the brakes on this transgender identify as whatever you want nonsense and no longer allow doctors in their country to mutilate children. We are officially an outlier.

However, the police in London are threatening to arrest Jews for looking so Jewish it antagonizes anti-Israel protesters.

The west needs to stop giving in to this sort of nonsense or the west as we know it is going to cease to exist. I realize most of the west is already doomed, but I’m holding out hope we somehow wake up from this insanity.
Can you blame them? We got kids on college campuses basically calling for a second holocaust. This country is becoming a pox on the planet. Even England has developed the sense to slam the brakes on this transgender identify as whatever you want nonsense and no longer allow doctors in their country to mutilate children. We are officially an outlier.

However, the police in London are threatening to arrest Jews for looking so Jewish it antagonizes anti-Israel protesters.

The west needs to stop giving in to this sort of nonsense or the west as we know it is going to cease to exist. I realize most of the west is already doomed, but I’m holding out hope we somehow wake up from this insanity.
I absolutely don't blame them, hell I'm thinking about building a wall around my property if this **** doesn't start to move in another direction.

We live in a country that has completely lost it's way. If you call a black person a n****r you face 20 plus years in prison while they can call whites anything they want to, or you go into the capitol you get sentenced to prison or if you are unlucky enough to have Trump as a last and run for president you face prison time. Yet you can threaten death to America, Jews or white people and all is good.

If you don't want a grown man going into a public women's bathroom and pulling his dick out in front of your ten year old grand daughter you are now considered homophobic.
you don't think you should have to pay reparations or fight the fight of black people you are now a raciest, Although I will say that most blacks wish that these liberal whites would just shut the **** up and mind their own damn business. If you believe in God now you're just considered a nutjob but if you believe there is a big alien spaceship on the way to get you.. well hell now you're a damn scientist.

The same women that call you Misogynistic or a womanizer are the same ones that put their **** all over the internet on only fans so they can make a small fortune off the womanizers. Now to add to that these same people are dressing up their small daughters and having them do **** like eat bananas in front of the camera for only fans so they can have their true God... MONEY..

The only people in this country that are considered evil are the conservative straight white male that believes in God, Family values, Country and hard work. I personally see only one way out of this cluster ****, problem is the only people that have the balls to follow thru are getting to old to do so.
So yeah I would say as of now people my age and older are probably ****** until we die. This whole damn thing would be funny if it wasn't so freaking scary.
Onlyfan displayers tell the tale. Pretend to be a lonely librarian all day, and then after dark the show begins. Pay to play. Forget about church or your 2 year old sleeping in the next room. Time to make money. Mommy is a prostitute.