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Alternative facts...

If Trump is going for to have a problem with the media citing the same unemployment measure that has ALWAYS been used, he should explain how it's flawed and then provide an algorithm that better measures it.

I'm not quite sure how to read that?? Have another beer brah.

No one is asking for a redefinition of unemployment. As with anything economic, people analyze the root causes. In May of 2016, a RECORD 94.7Million people were not in the workforce. And the labor force participation rate dropped to 62.6%, a THIRTY EIGHT year low.

In 2009, 80.5Million Americans weren't in the workforce. Under Bammy, that number rose by FIFTEEN MILLION.

"By almost every economic measure, America is better off than when I came here at the beginning of my presidency," said President Obama. "We cut unemployment in half, years before a lot of economists thought we would."

What is unemployment? It's been a long argument that the "definition" should include those so destitute, so hopeless at their prospects that they quit searching. They are truly the unemployed.

Anyway, by the current and limited definition, Bammy wasn't incorrect in saying the unemployment rate dropped. He was however putting out one fact that doesn't tell the whole story. Omitting workforce participation tells a greater, more accurate story. Alternative facts. One just not as complete as the other. Which "facts" you display (the thin, incomplete facts or the more complete overall picture of unemployment) depends on what side of the aisle you're on.
This is how it's gonna be for the next four years so there's really no reason to have conversations or comment on anything Trump does when it comes to his supporters. Anything that's reported that paints him in a negative light is going to be seen as "made up". They will believe every news organization in the world has completely abandoned their journalistic principles .. other than Fox of course.... and is making stuff up about their boy before they will believe he actually did anything wrong or stupid.

Did you get the idea somewhere that I am a trump supporter? Get off your ******* high horse and think for yourself. Clearly, the MSM was carrying on with their "alternative facts" by using a picture not taken when trump was speaking. I don't know why you think otherwise unless you were one of the morons who boycotted and didn't actually watch and SEE the crowd while he was speaking rather than taking MSM's word for it. Don't forget to scream about fake news a bit.
Did not even know this was an issue the past few days. Busy at work, recreation, effing AFCCG. The site linked by OFTB is telling, however.

Specifically, here is the picture the left was using to comment on the attendance, from some assclown named (I kid you not) "Binyamin Applebaum:


Here is an actual photo of the attendance, while the ceremony was taking place and shows the real attendance, not the phony picture:


By the by, Binyamin Buttwipe is a devout leftist who admittedly hates Trump, and Republicans, and conservatives, and the left gobbled up and swallowed his bullshit like it was a butterscotch sundae.
Another photo of the actual attendance at Trump inauguration:


Binyamin Buttwipe can **** himself ... in fact, looking at his Twitter photo, I am guessing that is the only ******* he will ever get.
Holy ****, I guess I should not be surprised by this ...

Binyamin Buttwiper works for the New York Times, covering Washington.

Yeah, he seems to be a fair and balanced guy. Hmmm, yep, good pick to get credible information on Trump.
Alternative facts simply means the other half of the story that the media has buried because they are no longer interesting in giving the public the real story, instead they are actively pushing an agenda.
You really called Conway a BROAD? Look...I'm in no way a feminist, nor did I support the March. But your attitude makes me vomit. She's a woman. First woman to run (successfully) a Presidential campaign. She's not a BROAD.

Did you see all the tolerant liberals ridiculing her inauguration outfit all day? She doesn't count as a woman now. Just like Clarence Thomas doesn't count as black.
hahahahahahahahaha - I love it

Trump to hang photo of inauguration crowd in front of White House reporters

A panoramic photo of Donald Trump’s inauguration crowd will hang in the West Wing, the president announced Tuesday afternoon on Twitter, where reporters skeptical of his “unbelievable, perhaps record-setting turnout” will see it every day.


This Splicer guy is going to be a blast though. I don't care what your politics are...he's a madman and he gave me a good chuckle.
I just want to point out that for well over a hundred years the us government has intentionally lied spun and twisted facts to meet their personal agendas... acting as if this is some horrible thing even if true is disingenuous at best... the facts say the government rarely keeps the population well informed hiding behind laughably overused redactions and outright lies.... its not hard to find oodles of them from each of the past administrations...

The reason the globalists are freaking over trump being able to subvert the msm talking points... even foxnews ones... isnt that they are worried about what he is saying or doing... they are simply losing control if the narrative mechanics and have no real solution
Did you see all the tolerant liberals ridiculing her inauguration outfit all day? She doesn't count as a woman now. Just like Clarence Thomas doesn't count as black.

Not gonna lie, I laughed when I saw her outfit.
Hearing that Conway broad say that the White House press secretary gave information based on "alternative facts" has to be one of the best things I've ever heard a politician or political advisor say... ever. I absolutely love it!!! You gotta feel bad though for the Spicer guy.... to be given orders to walk out there and use alternative facts 😂 to refute something that they are reporting that has photographic evidence that what they are saying is correct. I will say this, anyone that has the balls to do that does indeed have a giant pair of stones swinging underneath him.

How many here remember 'the operative truth' from George Steppanopolus during the Clinton Era? Same difference
Did you see all the tolerant liberals ridiculing her inauguration outfit all day? She doesn't count as a woman now. Just like Clarence Thomas doesn't count as black.

Yes, I saw that. However, her outfit was a little weird. But if THAT was your only focus of the day, then truly, you need a life.
She was just trying to be patriotic, but yeah, that outfit was a big fail.
Did you see all the tolerant liberals ridiculing her inauguration outfit all day? She doesn't count as a woman now. Just like Clarence Thomas doesn't count as black.

I didn't see that. What would they have to say about that classy outfit she wore ? The Ralph Lauren blue suit?
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Would I like our President not to get into these minor "dick size" debacles every time the media says something false and pokes the bear with lies/stretching the truth/hearsay/innuendo?


That said, Trump is NOT that guy. And he never will be. And if the media keeps trying to take cheap shots at him, he is going to immaturely hit back. That is the nature of this President, for good or bad. It might even be a conscious strategy of the administration to continue to erode our faith in media so their message/propaganda works better.

If that is the case, the media needs to ask themselves if this is all worth it? Who cares about crowd size when it rained in a city of 700,000 people (60% minority that votes 85% democrat) or in a metropolitan statistical area that is 7,000,000 people that is 50% minority and votes 70% democrat?

Really, let's throw the inauguration in Happy Valley, Pennsylvania and see what kind of crowds a democrat would get vs. a republican? Any bets on who would win?

It's stupid and pointless but it got hits to that guys twitter account, so by all means that's "Good and Worthwhile News" in today's world or journalism. I hope he's proud of himself for that wonderful insight and investigative work.

The press needs to realize quickly a vast majority of the public sees throw this pettiness on their part (both sides). And the more they do it, the more their credibility goes down until they are no better than Congress (which has been doing the same thing and having the same results).
What about when it's not petty? What about when Trump wants to launch a federal investigation based on baseless alternative facts? Because it's been reported he didn't win the popular vote?
What about when it's not petty? What about when Trump wants to launch a federal investigation based on baseless alternative facts? Because it's been reported he didn't win the popular vote?

Sounds like you're worried that it may lead to people being required to show I.D. in future elections. The horror!!!!!!!!!!
Would I like our President not to get into these minor "dick size" debacles every time the media says something false and pokes the bear with lies/stretching the truth/hearsay/innuendo?


That said, Trump is NOT that guy. And he never will be. And if the media keeps trying to take cheap shots at him, he is going to immaturely hit back. That is the nature of this President, for good or bad. It might even be a conscious strategy of the administration to continue to erode our faith in media so their message/propaganda works better.

If that is the case, the media needs to ask themselves if this is all worth it? Who cares about crowd size when it rained in a city of 700,000 people (60% minority that votes 85% democrat) or in a metropolitan statistical area that is 7,000,000 people that is 50% minority and votes 70% democrat?

Really, let's throw the inauguration in Happy Valley, Pennsylvania and see what kind of crowds a democrat would get vs. a republican? Any bets on who would win?

It's stupid and pointless but it got hits to that guys twitter account, so by all means that's "Good and Worthwhile News" in today's world or journalism. I hope he's proud of himself for that wonderful insight and investigative work.

The press needs to realize quickly a vast majority of the public sees throw this pettiness on their part (both sides). And the more they do it, the more their credibility goes down until they are no better than Congress (which has been doing the same thing and having the same results).

Trump doesn't take any **** from the lying media, and it's awesome.
What about when it's not petty? What about when Trump wants to launch a federal investigation based on baseless alternative facts? Because it's been reported he didn't win the popular vote?

And are you dumb enough to believe those reports that he didn't win the popular vote?
Actually it's the opposite. Just like with Bush the media will go digging for anything....ANYTHING....they can find to try and paint the Republican president in a negative light. The nitpicking that is going on right now about all things Trump is unprecedented. How many side by side photos did we see tweeted of Trump;s packed rallies next to Hillary's pitiful ones that weren't put out by right wing news sites? Maybe if the mainstream media reported actual news instead of working so hard to create their preferred narrative, nobody would have been so shocked when Hillary won.

Nobody has to "dig" for ****. He provides them all the data they need. They just collect the tweets, the comments, the jabs and press briefings and says BAM!!! Here's what YOU said ....its all on recorded media. He cant back away from **** he's s said himself. Why don't folks understand that ?

The DC Metro has contributed its numbers, there were moving images and video of folks at the mall the proved the crowds weren't as populous as 2009, even fellow republicans saying as much yet YOU folks still refuse to accept it. If those images in 2017 were taken 6 hrs before, how is it that you look up at the base of the capitol stands and see it packed with people ?....how is the air quality living in a different bubble reality ?

Just accept the reality, we have a thin-skinned immature, manic obsessive president with narcissitic personality disorder that holds on to **** like a Gotham baglady.

If youre gonna dig for voter fraud, youre also gonna cover a buried mine of voter suppression. He's setting himself up to look even more of a fool. Look, the dude won, hes sworn in and hes POTUS. Its time he acts like one. God help us if the nation experiences a major terrorism campaign or if theres heightened standoff between he and Kim Jung......if Kim insults him, I pray that the JCOS have changed the nuclear codes and not told him.
Voter suppression my ***. Anybody can go ******* vote. He is using this to set up a required ID for every voter, which should be the damn law. That should take a couple of million dead Democratic voters off of the list. Playing the media and the Dems for the fools that they are. Get use to it 8 years of making America great !