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Alternative facts...

Nobody has to "dig" for ****. He provides them all the data they need. They just collect the tweets, the comments, the jabs and press briefings and says BAM!!! Here's what YOU said ....its all on recorded media. He cant back away from **** he's s said himself. Why don't folks understand that ?

The DC Metro has contributed its numbers, there were moving images and video of folks at the mall the proved the crowds weren't as populous as 2009, even fellow republicans saying as much yet YOU folks still refuse to accept it. If those images in 2017 were taken 6 hrs before, how is it that you look up at the base of the capitol stands and see it packed with people ?....how is the air quality living in a different bubble reality ?

Just accept the reality, we have a thin-skinned immature, manic obsessive president with narcissitic personality disorder that holds on to **** like a Gotham baglady.

I can't disagree with some of what you said...I don't like Trump, didn't vote for him and I have no doubt as I said before that Obama's 2009 crowds were larger. I think Trump and Spicer were foolish to make an issue out of it. That does not negate the fact that the media did everything it possibly could to focus on the negatives of the inauguration....even if that meant exaggerating, painting inaccurate pictures or outright making **** up (the MLK bust). The real count is somewhere between what Spicer claimed and what the media dishonestly tried to portray...as the pictures I posted prove. The real question is not why Trump is trying to puff up his numbers...but why a media whose job is supposedly to report unbiased facts is instead on a mission to undermine and delegitimize every detail of this administration.

But hey, they can keep doing it and continue to earn the distrust of millions of people and continue to help Republicans get elected for all I care. What they haven't figured out is that this is a new information age and they can't do this without getting called out on it anymore. They have been exposed for the partisan hacks they are and they will continue to be exposed.
Voter suppression my ***. Anybody can go ******* vote. He is using this to set up a required ID for every voter, which should be the damn law. That should take a couple of million dead Democratic voters off of the list. Playing the media and the Dems for the fools that they are. Get use to it 8 years of making America great !

Okay...ill be your Huckleberry....then tell us, if there was this widespread illegal voting, did these folks all vote only for Hillary, Stein or Johnson ? Did these voters also impact the election of Congress and other state and local municipal seats ? Is there a groundswell of protest by members to investigate or is it just limited to the Immature Salmon Melanin God ?

Do YOU personally know anyone that voted illegally ? Do YOU KNOW whom they voted for ?

That dead voter bullshit has been addressed by the Pew Center..tens of thousands and thousands of registered voters die annually. This is A NATURAL PHENOMENA, ok. It takes a little time to purge all of those dead americans from voter rolls.

What YOU need to do is be more vigilant in how you digest or repel that BS that come from the Twitter-in-Chief. Its not a good look for you and others to latch on to any conspiracy theories that have no merit. Gives the impression you will chase laser lights and shiny objects. Talk about "playing the fool."
Okay...ill be your Huckleberry....then tell us, if there was this widespread illegal voting, did these folks all vote only for Hillary, Stein or Johnson ? Did these voters also impact the election of Congress and other state and local municipal seats ? Is there a groundswell of protest by members to investigate or is it just limited to the Immature Salmon Melanin God ?

Do YOU personally know anyone that voted illegally ? Do YOU KNOW whom they voted for ?

That dead voter bullshit has been addressed by the Pew Center..tens of thousands and thousands of registered voters die annually. This is A NATURAL PHENOMENA, ok. It takes a little time to purge all of those dead americans from voter rolls.

What YOU need to do is be more vigilant in how you digest or repel that BS that come from the Twitter-in-Chief. Its not a good look for you and others to latch on to any conspiracy theories that have no merit. Gives the impression you will chase laser lights and shiny objects. Talk about "playing the fool."

It doesn't matter who they voted for. Voter fraud needs to be eliminated no matter what side of the aisle you're on. Nobody's worried about dead voters on the rolls...they're worried about dead people VOTING...obvious fraud...which could easily be eliminated by requiring ID, just like you need to produce if you want to open a bank account, register your kids for school or get a passport.
Okay...ill be your Huckleberry....then tell us, if there was this widespread illegal voting, did these folks all vote only for Hillary, Stein or Johnson ? Did these voters also impact the election of Congress and other state and local municipal seats ? Is there a groundswell of protest by members to investigate or is it just limited to the Immature Salmon Melanin God ?

Do YOU personally know anyone that voted illegally ? Do YOU KNOW whom they voted for ?

That dead voter bullshit has been addressed by the Pew Center..tens of thousands and thousands of registered voters die annually. This is A NATURAL PHENOMENA, ok. It takes a little time to purge all of those dead americans from voter rolls.

What YOU need to do is be more vigilant in how you digest or repel that BS that come from the Twitter-in-Chief. Its not a good look for you and others to latch on to any conspiracy theories that have no merit. Gives the impression you will chase laser lights and shiny objects. Talk about "playing the fool."

I don't care what side they voted for either. Everyone should be required to show a picture ID when voting. But when you start talking about that only one side screams racism, and it ain't fair. I wonder why that is?
I can't disagree with some of what you said...I don't like Trump, didn't vote for him and I have no doubt as I said before that Obama's 2009 crowds were larger. I think Trump and Spicer were foolish to make an issue out of it. That does not negate the fact that the media did everything it possibly could to focus on the negatives of the inauguration....even if that meant exaggerating, painting inaccurate pictures or outright making **** up (the MLK bust). The real count is somewhere between what Spicer claimed and what the media dishonestly tried to portray...as the pictures I posted prove. The real question is not why Trump is trying to puff up his numbers...but why a media whose job is supposedly to report unbiased facts is instead on a mission to undermine and delegitimize every detail of this administration.

But hey, they can keep doing it and continue to earn the distrust of millions of people and continue to help Republicans get elected for all I care. What they haven't figured out is that this is a new information age and they can't do this without getting called out on it anymore. They have been exposed for the partisan hacks they are and they will continue to be exposed.

The same goes for all politicians. The media wont, and cant let any politician use his or her position of authority to undermine the constitution, democracy, nor manipulate personnel or statutes for personal financial gain. The media has been exaggerating claims since its inception....but that doesn't mean its always projecting false narratives or fake news. In the case of Trump, heres a person of high status that openly embraces and invests in conspiracy theories or alternative theories (most of which source from sites like Info Wars-god help us) and chooses to project this nonsense on the public of which a majority of his base never thinks to research or investigate. It also bears understanding that he hasn't helped himself with the majority of the nation by his immature rhetoric of insulting different racial demographics, calling women fat, denigrating war veterans like McCain and openly stating he likes grabbing ***** uninvited. If Obama did just ONE of those, folks around here would be ready to lynch and torch him.

The venom he serves results in the boomerang of scrutiny, ridicule and chastisement from the media and the public.
It doesn't matter who they voted for. Voter fraud needs to be eliminated no matter what side of the aisle you're on. Nobody's worried about dead voters on the rolls...they're worried about dead people VOTING...obvious fraud...which could easily be eliminated by requiring ID, just like you need to produce if you want to open a bank account, register your kids for school or get a passport.

And ill ask you, is there proof of dead people voting ? If so, present it, cause id like to see it.

You're no daisy, your no daisy a'tall.

You mean like the member of the UVA Young Democrats who was caught with a list from the VA voting the proxy of recently deceased veterans in Virginia last October? Or maybe the woman named as an agreived party in a lawsuit by the Democratic Party of Florida as someone who would be put under an undue burden to show ID to vote who voted both in Florida and her home state of Ohio. Or should we ignore 104% voter turn out in Midwest battleground states even though it's statistical anomaly that has never happened before B-Rocks re-election bid? The left is opposed to voter ID and investigations into voter fraud because they are the ones engaging in it.
Nobody has to "dig" for ****. He provides them all the data they need.

It is seriously difficult to take you as the least bit serious when you make such egregiously erroneous statements as these. They dig. They dig endlessly. They dig ruthlessly.

Washington Post assigns army of 20 to dig into 'every phase' of Trump's life

The Washington Post has built a sizable army of reporters to dig into every facet of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump's life, urged on by new owner Jeff Bezos to reveal everything about the potential nominees.

Post Associate Editor Bob Woodward revealed Wednesday that the Post has assigned 20 staffers to Trump.


Do you know how many they assigned to digging up dirt on Hildebeast? Yeah, you know the answer. The ole' goosegg, the big zero.
If youre gonna dig for voter fraud, youre also gonna cover a buried mine of voter suppression.

I'm going to provide a few links about verified voter fraud:

1. Dead people voting in Colorado.

A CBS affiliate’s evidence of voter fraud in Colorado in September sparked an immediate investigation by Secretary of State Wayne Williams. A report in Denver exposed multiple incidents in recent years where dead Coloradans were still voting. A dead World War II veteran named John Grosso voted in a 2006 primary election, and a woman named Sara Sosa who died in 2009 cast ballots in 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013. Mrs. Sosa’s husband Miguel died in 2008, but a vote was cast in his name one year later.

2. Illegals found voting in Virginia; only discovered after they self-reported.

A study by the watchdog Public Interest Legal Foundation found in just eight Virginia counties, 1,046 alien non-citizens successfully registered to vote. These aliens were only accidentally caught because when they renewed their driver’s license and self-reported, telling authorities they were a non-citizen. This study doesn’t even include the metropolises of Fairfax County and Arlington. Moreover, the FBI opened an investigation in the state after 20 dead people turned in applications to vote.

3. Some Pennsylvania citizens voting twice.

Last year, Pennsylvania’s secretary of state admitted data showed more than 700 Pennsylvania voters might have cast two ballots in recent elections, yet said she’s powerless to investigate or prosecute double voters.

Nearly 43,000 voters in Pennsylvania had potentially duplicate registrations in either Pennsylvania or other states, data researcher Voter Registration Data Crosscheck found.

4. Illegal voters uncovered in Philadelphia; half had previously voted.

At least 86 non-citizens have been registered voters in Philadelphia since 2013, and almost half of them have cast a ballot in a recent election, watchdog Public Interest Legal Foundation noted this month. The number was only turned up after officials received specific requests from the voters themselves to remove their names from the rolls.

“This is just the tip of the iceberg,” Joseph Vanderhulst, the watchdog’s attorney, told LifeZette on Oct. 5. “Who knows how many are on and don’t ask to be taken off?”

5. Voter rigging triggers probe in Texas.

This week, allegations of voter fraud in Tarrant County, Texas, prompted a state investigation. The suit focuses on mail-in ballots, which allows for people to vote from their homes without any ID or verification of identity. There’s concern of so-called “vote-harvesting” were political operatives fill out and return other people’s ballots, without their consent.

6. Indiana voter fraud investigation grows to 56 counties.

According to a local NBC report, Indiana State Police are in the midst of a statewide investigation into possible voter registration fraud.

“Police believe there could be hundreds of fraudulent voter registration records with different combinations of made up names and addresses with people’s real information,” NBC 12 reported.

The police encourage victims of suspected voter fraud to report it to Indiana’s secretary of state.

7. Three under investigation in Oklahoma for voting twice in the presidential primary.

An investigation is underway into three Comanche County, Oklahoma, residents who voted twice in last week’s Presidential Preferential Primary, according to the local ABC 7 News station, KSWO.

“All three submitted absentee ballots before showing up to their polling place on March 1 and voted again in person,” the report said. “The Comanche County Sheriff’s Department is investigating the case and will interview all three of them before handing the case over to the district attorney.”

9. Underage voters found voting in Wisconsin’s presidential primary.

Brown County election officials in April found six cases where underage voters cast a ballot in the state’s presidential primary. County Clerk Sandy Juno told a local reporter that six 17-year-old students registered and voted. Despite five of the students presenting a valid ID, poll workers never looked at the date of birth on them or on the registration forms they filled out, Ms. Juno told local news website wearegreenbay.com. In one case, the student used a report card as identification.

10. Voter registration cards sent to illegals in Pennsylvania.

In September, the secretary of state’s office in Pennsylvania mailed about 2.5 million voter registration postcards to people who are not registered voters, but are licensed drivers. Secretary of State Pedro Cortes admitted to the House of Representatives that seven people had reported that they received voter registration cards in error, self-reporting.

State Rep. Daryl Metcalfe, a Butler County Republican who chairs the State Government Committee, said in September testimony that there’s several problem’s with the state’s voter registration system.

“There’s certainly the potential for hundreds, if not thousands, of foreigners here legally and illegally to be on our voter rolls, and a certain percentage who are casting ballots,” Mr. Metchalfe told LifeZette. “We’ve got a lot of integrity issues that need to be addressed.”


  • Approximately 24 million—one of every eight—voter registrations in the United States are no longer valid or are significantly inaccurate.
  • More than 1.8 million deceased individuals are listed as voters.
  • Approximately 2.75 million people have registrations in more than one state.

In other words, the Pew Research Center and the Washington Post agree - voter fraud exists, and may exist on a significant scale.

So would you mind linking information showing this purported "voter suppression"??
And ill ask you, is there proof of dead people voting ? If so, present it, cause id like to see it.

Jesus. Just...damn man. Use Google. Read the news.


Inspectors estimated as many as 1 in 10 ballots cast in Chicago during the 1982 Illinois gubernatorial election were fraudulent for various reasons, including votes by the dead.

May 16, 2012: Voter Fraud in Michigan: A state audit showing about 1,500 votes cast by dead people and prisoners during a period of less than three years ignited a debate Tuesday over whether voter fraud is a serious problem in Michigan.

July 15, 2012: Voter Fraud and Voter-Registration Fraud in Texas: Greg Abbott [the Texas attorney general], defending the state’s stalled voter identification law, said in a Fox News interview on July 15, 2012: "What we have proved in Texas is that voter fraud exists. We have more than 200 dead people who voted in the last election

October 30, 2013: Voter Fraud in New York: Evelyn E. Burwell's family was surprised to learn she voted in the 2012 general and primary elections. They knew she was an avid voter, but she's been dead since 1997.

March 18, 2014: Voter-Registration Inaccuracies in Maryland: Preserving a dead voter on the voter rolls can lead to fraud during elections. From 2004 to 2008, at least two dead voters cast their ballots, according to watchdog group Election Integrity Maryland.

May 23, 2016: Investigation Uncovers Votes Being Cast from Grave Year After Year in Southern California: A comparison of records by David Goldstein, investigative reporter for CBS2/KCAL9, has revealed hundreds of so-called dead voters in Southern California, a vast majority of them in Los Angeles County... CBS2 compared millions of voting records from the California Secretary of State’s office with death records from the Social Security Administration and found hundreds of so-called dead voters. Specifically, 265 in Southern California and a vast majority of them, 215, in Los Angeles County alone. The numbers come from state records that show votes were cast in that person’s name after they died. In some cases, Goldstein discovered that they voted year after year. Across all counties, Goldstein uncovered 32 dead voters who cast ballots in eight elections apiece, including a woman who died in 1988.

September 24, 2016: Dead People Voting in Colorado: Local officials in Colorado acknowledged "very serious" voter fraud after learning of votes cast in multiple elections under the named of recently-deceased residents. A local media outlet uncovered the fraud by comparing voting history databases in the state with federal government death records. "Somebody was able to cast a vote that was not theirs to cast," El Paso County Clerk and Recorder Chuck Broerman told CBS4 while discussing what he called a "very serious" pattern of people mailing in ballots on behalf of the dead. It's not clear how many fraudulent ballots have been submitted in recent years. CBS4 reported that it "found multiple cases" of dead people voting around the state, revelations that have provoked state criminal investigations...

September 29, 2016: FBI Investigating More Dead People Voting In The Key Swing State Of Virginia: The FBI is investigating how exactly 19 dead people were recently re-registered to vote in the critical swing state of Virginia. A few months ago Virginia Governor, and long-time Clinton confidant, Terry McAuliffe's willingness to go to great lengths to hand his state's 13 electoral votes to Hillary by registering 200,000 felons to vote.
I don't care what side they voted for either. Everyone should be required to show a picture ID when voting. But when you start talking about that only one side screams racism, and it ain't fair. I wonder why that is?

In 1865 thru 2000 were American citizens required to show picture ID in order to vote ? What changed ? Has there ever been demonstrated widespread voter fraud ? Cite some examples.

You know why folks scream racism (even judges have done so recently) because the one group that screams for voter id laws are the one group that's felt its losing power and status in the nation. White males. Its no secret the tanning of America is in full swing and white demographics is lessening its grip with the increase in other racial demographics (ie Latinos, Black and Asians). That freaks a lot of white folks out because of the fear that their wishes politically wont be experienced with a more racially diverse voting population. Also, voter id laws unfairly target the poor, the elderly, the disabled and places burdens on folks trying to acquire the necessary forms of documents required for that voter ID.

Im okay with voter ID, but as long as a citizen has a SSN, provide them one at no cost
It doesn't matter who they voted for. Voter fraud needs to be eliminated no matter what side of the aisle you're on. Nobody's worried about dead voters on the rolls...they're worried about dead people VOTING...obvious fraud...which could easily be eliminated by requiring ID, just like you need to produce if you want to open a bank account, register your kids for school or get a passport.

That isn't what Trump is saying, he claiming multiple millions of fraudulent votes. You want a Federal investigation to uncover a handful of fraudulent votes that isn't going to change anything? **** that!
In 1865 thru 2000 were American citizens required to show picture ID in order to vote ? What changed ? Has there ever been demonstrated widespread voter fraud ? Cite some examples.

Go back one page ... the cited information by me and TSF is linked and supported.

I cited a Washington Post article headlined, "No, voter fraud isn't a myth: 10 cases where it's all too real."
It is seriously difficult to take you as the least bit serious when you make such egregiously erroneous statements as these. They dig. They dig endlessly. They dig ruthlessly.

Washington Post assigns army of 20 to dig into 'every phase' of Trump's life

The Washington Post has built a sizable army of reporters to dig into every facet of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump's life, urged on by new owner Jeff Bezos to reveal everything about the potential nominees.

Post Associate Editor Bob Woodward revealed Wednesday that the Post has assigned 20 staffers to Trump.


Do you know how many they assigned to digging up dirt on Hildebeast? Yeah, you know the answer. The ole' goosegg, the big zero.

Lol...there it is again....why the **** do yall always bring Hillary into Donald's discussion ? Seems that's the response..deflection....'well Hillary....." Please, enough of that bullshit already. And you cite one ******* newspaper too ? Seriously brother, you pick cherries for a living ?

But as I said, Donald gives the media sound bites to use to incriminate him. ........if you claim theyre trying to hang him, he's bringing all the rope to the show. Its simple as that....now, since you cant take me seriously then there no sense in dialogue Mr Washington Post critic.
That isn't what Trump is saying, he claiming multiple millions of fraudulent votes. You want a Federal investigation to uncover a handful of fraudulent votes that isn't going to change anything? **** that!

I don't give a rat's *** what Trump is claiming, If there is fraud going on we need to know about it.

A handful? Who knows? If no one is verifying who is actually voting who the hell knows?
Lol...there it is again....why the **** do yall always bring Hillary into Donald's discussion ? Seems that's the response..deflection....'well Hillary....." Please, enough of that bullshit already. And you cite one ******* newspaper too ? Seriously brother, you pick cherries for a living ?

But as I said, Donald gives the media sound bites to use to incriminate him. ........if you claim theyre trying to hang him, he's bringing all the rope to the show. Its simple as that....now, since you cant take me seriously then there no sense in dialogue Mr Washington Post critic.

It's not "well Hillary", it's the double standard. Any army or reporters created to make a concerted effort to dig up dirt on Obama? Nancy Pelosi? Harry Reid? And this rag calls itself a newspaper?
In 1865 thru 2000 were American citizens required to show picture ID in order to vote ? What changed ? Has there ever been demonstrated widespread voter fraud ? Cite some examples.

Since 1901, states have been requiring Americans to have a license to drive a car. Is this racist? Do you believe we should have an ID in order to drive?

The following require a photo ID:

  • Alcohol
  • Cigarettes
  • Opening a bank account
  • Applying for food stamps
  • Applying for welfare
  • Applying for SS or Medicare
  • Applying for unemployment
  • Applying for a job
  • Renting or buying a house
  • Applying for a mortgage
  • Driving a car
  • Renting a car
  • Buying a car
  • Getting on an airplane
  • Getting married
  • Purchase a gun
  • Adopt a pet
  • Get a hotel room
  • Get a hunting license
  • Getting a fishing license
  • Buying a cell phone
  • Visiting some casinos
  • Pick up a prescription
  • Hold a rally or a protest
    Donate blood
  • Buy an M rated video game
  • Purchase nail polish at CVS
  • Purchase certain cold meds

But requiring people to have an ID to vote, a core and critical part of our democratic process, is racist.

Got ya bro.
It doesn't matter who they voted for. Voter fraud needs to be eliminated no matter what side of the aisle you're on. Nobody's worried about dead voters on the rolls...they're worried about dead people VOTING...obvious fraud...which could easily be eliminated by requiring ID, just like you need to produce if you want to open a bank account, register your kids for school or get a passport.

or buy ******* cold medicine....
Lol...there it is again....why the **** do yall always bring Hillary into Donald's discussion ? Seems that's the response..deflection....'well Hillary....." Please, enough of that bullshit already. And you cite one ******* newspaper too ? Seriously brother, you pick cherries for a living ?

But as I said, Donald gives the media sound bites to use to incriminate him. ........if you claim theyre trying to hang him, he's bringing all the rope to the show. Its simple as that....now, since you cant take me seriously then there no sense in dialogue Mr Washington Post critic.

Good Lord, you said they don't dig, and they don't have to dig. I proved that they have a machine built JUST TO DIG. Examples prove it.
That isn't what Trump is saying, he claiming multiple millions of fraudulent votes. You want a Federal investigation to uncover a handful of fraudulent votes that isn't going to change anything? **** that!

I agree that voter fraud has very probably not changed elections.

I also agree that spending too much time and money on the issue is not the best use of resources.

However, I also personally believe that the nearly psychotic level of Trump hate will inspire extraordinary measures by his political opponents. I certainly do NOT rule out voter fraud in close states - Pennsylvania, Florida, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Colorado, Nevada - to swing the election.

Simply ruling out voter fraud in key states, where even 15,000 bogus votes can swing a state, is pretty naïve.

You ever seen a dead human vote ? Neither have I......Now, do tell me, who would go thru the painstaking process of acquiring a deceased persons voter registration or posing as someone deceased ? How did prisoners vote ? Explain this please...

Also, understand that in some of those stories you cited, there was clerical errors that contributed to the discovery. You do know its possible, that folks did in fact mail in (early) ballots and died before the official election day. I will admit that there will always be errors and fraud....just not to the level that you folks like to believe being so widespread as Trump suggests.

What you haven't accounted for STILL is the 300K, 1M, 3M or 5M illegal voters............but if you wanna believe in conspiracy theories, inbox me..i have some real ****** ground shakers you would be interested in (ie hollow earth, reptilians, shape shifters).
Lol...there it is again....why the **** do yall always bring Hillary into Donald's discussion ? Seems that's the response..deflection....'well Hillary....." Please, enough of that bullshit already. And you cite one ******* newspaper too ?

I cited one article from a source that I know will not be accused of "fake news" - the Washington Post.

The article, once again, is entitled, "No, voter fraud isn't a myth: 10 cases where it's all too real."

So when you state that voter fraud is a myth and not real, I disagree - and my position finds support with the Washington Post.
You ever seen a dead human vote ? Neither have I......Now, do tell me, who would go thru the painstaking process of acquiring a deceased persons voter registration or posing as someone deceased ? How did prisoners vote ? Explain this please...

Read what was posted about the Democratic operative in VA, how he RE-REGISTERED 20 dead people to vote.

You want me to explain how??? LOL. How about the results, which is what mattered. We KNOW that people that are dead have voted. The how is utterly irrelevant. We have the votes that were cast by the dead. What evidence further do you need??? Just one re-posted example:

May 23, 2016: Investigation Uncovers Votes Being Cast from Grave Year After Year in Southern California: A comparison of records by David Goldstein, investigative reporter for CBS2/KCAL9, has revealed hundreds of so-called dead voters in Southern California, a vast majority of them in Los Angeles County... CBS2 compared millions of voting records from the California Secretary of State’s office with death records from the Social Security Administration and found hundreds of so-called dead voters. Specifically, 265 in Southern California and a vast majority of them, 215, in Los Angeles County alone. The numbers come from state records that show votes were cast in that person’s name after they died. In some cases, Goldstein discovered that they voted year after year. Across all counties, Goldstein uncovered 32 dead voters who cast ballots in eight elections apiece, including a woman who died in 1988.


Please, keep telling us how dead people don't vote. LMAO