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Analysis. Trump will need to make deals with the Democrats quickly.


Well-known member
Jan 13, 2015
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Trump will need to make deals with the Democrats quickly. If I were advising Trump, the suggestion would be to make early infrastructure deals in principal with established Democrats in blue states who are at the seniority or leadership levels with a catch.

The deals happen after the Mueller investigations.Fair treatment on this bogus investigation is needed. If Dems’s offer negative talk in efforts to erode the Presidents support, or talk about impeachment forget about their pet infrastructure projects. See ya! My guess is Dem's will play ball here.

Make NY and California happy, then use the rest of majority on spending on Infrastructure in the Mid-west ( PA, OH, MI, )

This will boost Trump’s popularity, and give him yet another win on accomplishments and promises to the voters. Once mid 2019 comes around, things change back into campaign mode for both parties and nothing will get done. So get infrastructure spending done now, and use executive orders when needed for boarder security. Also get cameras on the gate crashers as there is a rouge element the USA voters need to see.
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The Democrats shouldn't do jack **** with this pretend-President.

If anything, their first order of business in the House should be to protect the Mueller investigation any way they can. Their second order of business should be to go after Trump, his family and cabinet and investigate fully all pending issues, be it the Russian conspiracy, Trump's obstruction of justice, subpoena Trump's tax returns and investigate financial crimes (tax evasion, money laundering, to start), including violations of the emoluments clause.

The Blue wave happened for a reason. Americans across the country rejected Trump and his policies and are expecting Congress to hold him accountable. It's in the best interest of the country that starts immediately.
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Snap back to reality. Trump held serve. This so called blue wave was a purple splash. Trump picked up a few seats in the more important senate, and can use executive powers when needed if the house does not play ball. This means he can get anyone appointed judges and such without Democrats support.

In 2010, when Obama was in his first term and had signed the Obamacare law, the Democrats lost a net of 63 House seats ,and 6 senate seats. That is what a wave looks like.

This split decision happened because 40+ republicans in the house opted not to run again. Incumbent wins over 80% of the time. That and Dem's pouring in more money. They lost in Texas, Florida, and Georgia, socialism under the guise of change was thankfully defeated. Who are the Dem's new stars? Answer best given, they all lost on election day.

But back to playing ball, the time is now, and Mueller has NOTHING on trump. If Dem's want to play hard ball, go for it. Trump can and will blame them, and it will help his cause in 2020.
The funny part is that they have been braying for 2 years about the need to "protect the Mueller investigation" and Trump has done Jack **** to stop it or put an end to it. Just another weak *** talking point for the party of no ideas.
Republicans could do a better job of defining America firstalso applies to Democratic voters.

Jobs, and taking care of natural born citizens first. If working class, it means making manufacturingtype of jobs. If you are poor it means makingsure you get your welfare first, not diluting the funds with droves of illegal citizenstrying to latch on the USA safety net USA tax payers pay for.
The Democrats shouldn't do jack **** with this pretend-President.

A Liberal advocating obstruction in government??? Nah!!!! That's a ridiculous thought.

You really have succeeded splendidly in filtering your reality to make it palatable to you, I'll say that much. That takes talent.
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Snap back to reality. Trump held serve. This so called blue wave was a purple splash. Trump picked up a few seats in the more important senate, and can use executive powers when needed if the house does not play ball. This means he can get anyone appointed judges and such without Democrats support.

In 2010, when Obama was in his first term and had signed the Obamacare law, the Democrats lost a net of 63 House seats ,and 6 senate seats. That is what a wave looks like.

This split decision happened because 40+ republicans in the house opted not to run again. Incumbent wins over 80% of the time. That and Dem's pouring in more money. They lost in Texas, Florida, and Georgia, socialism under the guise of change was thankfully defeated. Who are the Dem's new stars? Answer best given, they all lost on election day.

But back to playing ball, the time is now, and Mueller has NOTHING on trump. If Dem's want to play hard ball, go for it. Trump can and will blame them, and it will help his cause in 2020.

Coach, I couldn't have said it better. The problem is that TDS is so acute in some of the lefties, it is almost impossible to reason with them.
I'm actually fine with gridlock and basically having the government shut down until we get the House back in '20. That means they can't **** with the taxes or tariffs or add new regulations. Screw it, just let the Dims wallow in their TDS for 2 years. No biggie. Trump can use executive orders as needed and the Senate can confirm judges.
I'm just upset we didn't get immigration law passed because of that stupid court decision about DACA. That really ****** things up.

No chance of that happening now if Democrats go for full obstruction/investigation mode from now until 2020.

And we DESPERATELY need immigration reform. The abuse of the asylum system by Hispanics (Mexico/Central America) is a big problem. That is something "new" that has been introduced by the ACLU and left wing pro-open border folks. And I'm not sure there's a legal way around it without a new law from Congress. Everything on the border is now damned if you do, damned if you don't. Every kind of enforcement is illegal due to some court decision. It's a cluster **** that Washington has wrought through years if inaction and burying their heads in the sand. After Trump, it likely will go right back to that way again.

That's the only policy move I'm sorry didn't happen. Regardless of what happens from here on out, Trump has been the greatest "correction in the (political) market" in my lifetime. His corporate tax cut, deregulation, foreign policy changes and judicial appointments have been life saving for this country in my opinion.

I also think his social changes: the rise of (good) nationalism, the exposure of media hypocrisy/power and pulling the curtain back on Washington elite are all healthy things for America moving forward and will have long ranging impacts in politics long after he's gone. The term "Trump Republican" might be around a LONG time.
The Democrats shouldn't do jack **** with this pretend-President.

If anything, their first order of business in the House should be to protect the Mueller investigation any way they can. Their second order of business should be to go after Trump, his family and cabinet and investigate fully all pending issues, be it the Russian conspiracy, Trump's obstruction of justice, subpoena Trump's tax returns and investigate financial crimes (tax evasion, money laundering, to start), including violations of the emoluments clause.

The Blue wave happened for a reason. Americans across the country rejected Trump and his policies and are expecting Congress to hold him accountable. It's in the best interest of the country that starts immediately.

If this was said 8-10 years ago, replacing "Democrats" with "Republicans", you'd have lost your **** screaming "racist". In fact, you and your ilk screamed "racist" at every opportunity to push Obama's misguided, corrupt agenda at the expense of other Americans so you'd not have the Democrat's racist past revealed.

you DO understand that what you're calling for is divisive and does not serve the country one iota, right? You're calling for government officials to sit on their hands and not work with others, effectively requesting that they not do their jobs. Certainly you understand they were elected to do a job.
My perdiction...Democrat Infighting will highlight beginning of 2019 Congress

The Democrat Party is pushing to make itself officially the Marxist, white-hating, protest party. The younger rat blood in the House wants old Nancy gone.

Nancy Pelosi for Speaker vs Bernie's Socialism or Bust


Ocasio-Cortez backs campaign to primary fellow Democrats

The incoming congresswoman endorses an effort by the group Justice Democrats to make the House Democratic Caucus more liberal and diverse by taking on incumbents.

"Long story short, I need you to run for office," Ocasio-Cortez said Saturday on a video conference call hosted by Justice Democrats, as the group launched a campaign dubbed “#OurTime.” Justice Democrats supported Ocasio-Cortez's primary campaign against powerful Rep. Joe Crowley (D-N.Y.).

The incoming congresswoman's chief of staff, Saikat Chakrabarti, a co-founder of Justice Democrats, was blunter.

"We need new leaders, period," he said on the call. "We gotta primary folks."

The group said it wants Democratic members of Congress to be representative of their diverse communities and support liberal policies like "Medicare for all," abolishing the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency, implementing a "Green New Deal" and rejecting corporate PAC donations. On the campaign trail, Ocasio-Cortez talked about forming a "corporate-free caucus" as a means to push for reform.

And it begins. I hope this is just the first of many, many more investigations to come. Thank God for the Blue wave, it couldn't have come a day too soon. Trump and his band of cronies will learn real quick their **** stinks much, much worse than all the false allegations he's levied against Clinton, Obama et al. This should be fun.

House Dems to investigate Ivanka Trump's email use

Democrats on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee are planning on looking into Ivanka Trump’s use of a personal email account to determine whether she violated federal law.

A Democratic aide told The Hill on Tuesday that the committee is planning “to continue our investigation of the presidential records act and federal records act, and we want to know if Ivanka complied with the law.”

The Washington Post reported Monday that the president’s daughter and White House aide had used her personal account last year to correspond with White House staffers, her assistants and Cabinet officials, in potential violation of federal records law.

The Democratic aide noted that the committee had started a bipartisan investigation last year on whether White House officials were in compliance with the Presidential Records Act under then-committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah), who has since retired from Congress. That probe has since been dropped.

President Trump and Republicans had repeatedly slammed former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for her use of a private email server to conduct government business.

The president used the controversy to attack his then-Democratic opponent during the 2016 presidential race, leading chants of “lock her up” at campaign rallies that continue to break out during his more recent rallies.
Jus like I perdicted!


Progressives Threaten to Target Dem Lawmakers Who Oppose Pelosi

Progressive groups backing Rep. Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) bid to reclaim the House speaker’s gavel in the next Congress issued a sharp warning on Monday to the group of Democratic lawmakers seeking to deny her the requisite votes: do so at your own political peril.

“If right-wing Democrats end up helping Republicans by voting against Nancy Pelosi as speaker, they can expect to face serious backlash from the same energized and mobilized base of progressive voters that just brought Democrats a majority in the House. Which certainly could extend to primaries,” Karthik Ganapathy, spokesman for the progressive bulwark MoveOn

The warning was the latest in an increasingly aggressive exchange of salvos between Pelosi’s detractors and a larger group of supporters.

It came just hours after 16 Democrats went public in their vow to oppose her candidacy to lead their caucus—a total that could seriously complicate Pelosi’s ability to corral the 218 votes she needs on the House floor come January.

The Democrats shouldn't do jack **** with this pretend-President.

No hes really the president. Thought you would have come to grips with that by now.
PRESIDENT Trump will do what he wants

U.S. Starts Process to Open Arctic to Offshore Drilling

The Trump administration has begun the process to open a large area of federal waters off Alaska to oil and gas drilling

The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management announced on Thursday that it is going to start accepting comments from the public about bringing oil drilling to roughly 65 million acres of offshore waters in the Beaufort Sea and plans to hold a lease sale in 2019.

In one of his final acts as president, Barack Obama had placed them off limits to drilling. And in one of his early acts as president, Donald Trump moved to overturn that with an executive order of his own.

And it begins. I hope this is just the first of many, many more investigations to come. Thank God for the Blue wave, it couldn't have come a day too soon. Trump and his band of cronies will learn real quick their **** stinks much, much worse than all the false allegations he's levied against Clinton, Obama et al. This should be fun.

House Dems to investigate Ivanka Trump's email use

zero classified emails on her server, even if you use common core math.
Hillary's, however...
PRESIDENT Trump will do what he wants

All the way up until this **** show comes to a screeching halt. Then, he won't be able to do anything he wants.
He's sitting back and laughing!

Liberal activists threaten 'backlash' to Dems who oppose Pelosi

As Nancy Pelosi faces a grueling fight with her own members to regain the speaker’s gavel in January, pro-Pelosi left-wing activist groups are warning of a "backlash" against House Democrats who oppose her.

Sixteen House Democrats on Monday circulated a letter vowing to vote against Pelosi -- calling for “new leadership.”

The letter was signed by former Pelosi challenger Rep. Tim Ryan, D-Ohio, along with other members like Rep. Seth Moulton, D-Mass., Rep. Linda Sanchez, D-Calif.; and several incoming lawmakers, like member-elect Joe Cunningham of South Carolina. Rep. Marcia Fudge, D-Ohio, is considering a leadership challenge and said she will make a decision after Thanksgiving.

Pelosi must pick up a majority of the Democratic caucus in internal leadership leadership elections, then go on to win an absolute majority of the House.

If 17 Democrats vote with Republicans against Pelosi on the floor, she would not have the votes needed to become speaker.

He's sitting back and laughing!

Liberal activists threaten 'backlash' to Dems who oppose Pelosi

As Nancy Pelosi faces a grueling fight with her own members to regain the speaker’s gavel in January, pro-Pelosi left-wing activist groups are warning of a "backlash" against House Democrats who oppose her.

Sixteen House Democrats on Monday circulated a letter vowing to vote against Pelosi -- calling for “new leadership.”

The letter was signed by former Pelosi challenger Rep. Tim Ryan, D-Ohio, along with other members like Rep. Seth Moulton, D-Mass., Rep. Linda Sanchez, D-Calif.; and several incoming lawmakers, like member-elect Joe Cunningham of South Carolina. Rep. Marcia Fudge, D-Ohio, is considering a leadership challenge and said she will make a decision after Thanksgiving.

Pelosi must pick up a majority of the Democratic caucus in internal leadership leadership elections, then go on to win an absolute majority of the House.

If 17 Democrats vote with Republicans against Pelosi on the floor, she would not have the votes needed to become speaker.


Trump wants her to get it. He knows that she's great for Republicans. The Dims lost tons of seats under her last term as speaker. I view it as a win either way, whether it's her or someone who's even more crazy and socialist. Both options are horrible for their party. If they really had America's best interest at heart they would elect a middle of the road person, not a far left loon.
Trump is either supporting her because he knows she is good for Republicans, or he is supporting her because he thinks if he supports her, then Dems won't support her, or he is supporting her to make the Dems think that he is trying to make them not support her, or he knows that they would know that he is counting on them knowing that they would know that he is supporting her just to make them not support her and would go ahead and support her.
Trump is either supporting her because he knows she is good for Republicans, or he is supporting her because he thinks if he supports her, then Dems won't support her, or he is supporting her to make the Dems think that he is trying to make them not support her, or he knows that they would know that he is counting on them knowing that they would know that he is supporting her just to make them not support her and would go ahead and support her.

It is simpler than that and very Trump like. Leverage. If he and the Republicans save her speakership she would be somewhat beholden to them and therefore they gain leverage on her.

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