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And it Begins:Special Prosecutor To Investigate Trump And Russia

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Nobody's harrassing Trump fans showing up to his rah rah rallies. These people come willingly, and are full of hate and anger. You can try to explain it away, but I'm not buying.

Yes they are. They were at the rally I went to in Youngstown, OH last year although the police kept them across the street.
Yes they are. They were at the rally I went to in Youngstown, OH last year although the police kept them across the street.
So Ron, you're claiming the Trump supporters screaming bloody murder at CNN and other media and cheering vociferously as Trump attacks and demeans his perceived opponents are simply pissed off because they got hassled walking into the rallies? Otherwise they're completely rational, calm and peaceful people?
The election was nearly two years ago. It's time to hit the fast forward button and catch up to the here and now. Nobody's harrassing Trump fans showing up to his rah rah rallies. These people come willingly, and are full of hate and anger. You can try to explain it away, but I'm not buying.

You are so full of ****! People every day are getting their Trump hats knocked off their heads in places of business and getting kicked out of restaurants for wearing Trump hats. Your head is in the sand my friend. These people are bullies and they are getting a taste of their own medicine. I'm glad.
So Ron, you're claiming the Trump supporters screaming bloody murder at CNN and other media and cheering vociferously as Trump attacks and demeans his perceived opponents are simply pissed off because they got hassled walking into the rallies? Otherwise they're completely rational, calm and peaceful people?

They are screaming bloody murder at CNN because CNN is a rancid cesspool of liars who have the gall to claim to be unbiased. They might as well be working for the DNC. They are bringing it on themselves. .
They are screaming bloody murder at CNN because CNN is a rancid cesspool of liars who have the gall to claim to be unbiased. They might as well be working for the DNC. They are bringing it on themselves. .

Beat me to it, thanks. :beers:
People every day are getting their Trump hats knocked off their heads in places of business and getting kicked out of restaurants for wearing Trump hats.
Why is that? The economy is booming, Trump has united the nation. You said so yourself. All is perfectly fine around the country, Trump is kicking ***. Then why is it that so many people are against Trump? Because they're mad, raving lunatics? Egged on by a hateful MSM? Is that it?

They are screaming bloody murder at CNN because CNN is a rancid cesspool of liars who have the gall to claim to be unbiased. They might as well be working for the DNC. They are bringing it on themselves. .
So you agree with Trump that the media - CNN, NBC, CBS, ABC, NY Times, Washington Post, Chicago Tribune, Miami Herald et al - are the enemies of the people? The thousands of journalists and the publishing companies behind them, are all against the will of the people? Lying in our faces for the sole reason to admonish and attack Trump? The media - de facto - has a vendetta, fighting him every step of the way? You truly believe that?

When Trump attacks the free press, as he has time and time again, a little bit of the Republic begins to crumble. That's not a good thing.
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Why is that? The economy is booming, Trump has united the nation. You said so yourself. All is perfectly fine around the country, Trump is kicking ***. Then why is it that so many people are against Trump? Because they're mad, raving lunatics? Egged on by a hateful MSM? Is that it?

No, it's because they get stirred up (and financed) by Bomma's storm troopers.

When Trump attacks the free press, as he has time and time again, a little bit of the Republic begins to crumble. That's not a good thing.

The press is incredibly one-sided. That's not a good thing either. So people are hitting back. **** 'em.
Why is that? The economy is booming, Trump has united the nation. You said so yourself. All is perfectly fine around the country, Trump is kicking ***. Then why is it that so many people are against Trump? Because they're mad, raving lunatics? Egged on by a hateful MSM? Is that it?

You are essentially correct. The left wing media fuels the hysteria with their over the top, hyperbolic rhetoric, that bears little resemblance to the truth.
Getting back to the topic of this thread, it's hard to ignore Trump is in rough waters with these investigations. They are not going away and things seem to be getting worse for him, not better. The more he talks, the more he tweets, he's just digging the hole he's in deeper and deeper. When it comes to collusion, conspiracy and obstruction of juctice, the state of the economy is irrelevant. As we've always known, Trump is his own worse enemy.
Getting back to the topic of this thread, it's hard to ignore Trump is in rough waters with these investigations. They are not going away and things seem to be getting worse for him, not better. The more he talks, the more he tweets, he's just digging the hole he's in deeper and deeper. When it comes to collusion, conspiracy and obstruction of juctice, the state of the economy is irrelevant. As we've always known, Trump is his own worse enemy.

Please allow me to interject some facts. The Russian lawyer,who met in the Trump Tower, met with Fusion GPS the day before the meeting, and the day after. Fact. Fusion GPS is the firm that created the dossier used to start the spying, and launch the Mueller investigation. We also know that the Clinton State Dept, expedited her visa process.

The smell is starting to get really bad around Washington. The kind of stink that daylight can easily cure.........daylight provided by declassifying certain documents.
Tonight marks the 22nd straight day of peaceful protests outside the White House at Lafayette Park.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">This is incredible! <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/KremlinAnnex?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#KremlinAnnex</a> <a href="https://t.co/m7yGDNoz37">pic.twitter.com/m7yGDNoz37</a></p>— Adam Parkhomenko (@AdamParkhomenko) <a href="https://twitter.com/AdamParkhomenko/status/1026615557473353728?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">August 6, 2018</a></blockquote>
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Tonight marks the 22nd straight day of peaceful protests outside the White House at Lafayette Park.

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Some of us have jobs.

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Any day now.

Just you wait.

You'll see.

Elfie has been waiting for his Peach Pie longer than it took for a Mars rover to actually land on Mars. Well not really, but you get the point.

Any day now, Tibs.
here's some respectful, well spoken liberals. Can you believe some conservatives thought they had the right to eat at a restaurant?

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/kDSj2s4z6WY" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Getting back to the topic of this thread, it's hard to ignore Trump is in rough waters with these investigations. They are not going away and things seem to be getting worse for him, not better. The more he talks, the more he tweets, he's just digging the hole he's in deeper and deeper. When it comes to collusion, conspiracy and obstruction of juctice, the state of the economy is irrelevant. As we've always known, Trump is his own worse enemy.

So far, here's what this investigation has produced. We have Facebook ads created by some Russians, and zero evidence Trump had anything to do with that. Manafort and Gates are being prosecuted for tax evasion and hiding foreign income from the Ukraine...nothing to do with Russia, and nothing to do with Trump.We have Trump's son taking one meeting with a Russian lawyer who claimed to have some dirt on Hillary that never actually materialized. We have Trump possibly paying off some women he slept with with his own money and the media trying to twist this into some dubious campaign finance issue.

What is the crime of the century here and how is Trump connected to it? Because if this is all they've got and they try to overturn an election over it we are in for a major crisis in this country.
So Ron, you're claiming the Trump supporters screaming bloody murder at CNN and other media and cheering vociferously as Trump attacks and demeans his perceived opponents are simply pissed off because they got hassled walking into the rallies? Otherwise they're completely rational, calm and peaceful people?

Actually, they were screaming CNN SUCKS, not bloody murder. But hey....whatever fits your narrative...
Why is that? The economy is booming, Trump has united the nation. You said so yourself. All is perfectly fine around the country, Trump is kicking ***. Then why is it that so many people are against Trump? Because they're mad, raving lunatics? Egged on by a hateful MSM? Is that it?

So you agree with Trump that the media - CNN, NBC, CBS, ABC, NY Times, Washington Post, Chicago Tribune, Miami Herald et al - are the enemies of the people? The thousands of journalists and the publishing companies behind them, are all against the will of the people? Lying in our faces for the sole reason to admonish and attack Trump? The media - de facto - has a vendetta, fighting him every step of the way? You truly believe that?

When Trump attacks the free press, as he has time and time again, a little bit of the Republic begins to crumble. That's not a good thing.

This is the simplest question you've ever asked on here. The media hates Trump because he is an outsider to the political system we've had for generations, in which both parties are completely bed with one another and neither gives a **** about the American people. As soon as Trump started campaigning I knew the establishment on both sides of the political isle along with the media would be out to get him from Day 1, which they were. Republicans have fallen in line out of desperation because as soon as they started railing against Trump, their own base slaughtered them at the polls for it. So while they still don't like Trump, they sure as hell are willing to pretend they do to keep their base from turning on them.

Trump is hated because threatens the establishments gravy train of power and rule over people. They cannot allow Trump to change the game on them. Unfortunately his election already has. It certainly hasn't stopped them from trying to destroy him, but everything they try only improves his poll numbers. Why? Because now that he is in the White House and the more he rants against the establishment, the more people's eyes are starting to open that both parties are one and the same and neither one cares about them.

Do I think the mainstream media is the enemy of the American people? I don't know but they certainly are the enemy of unbiased truth. That much shouldn't even be up for debate. They don't even pretend to be unbiased anymore. They have TDS just like the rest of Liberal America and they are letting their true colors show.
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And by the way Liberals, it is very real that Black people that have begun researching things for themselves instead of being spoon fed by the MSM are becoming alienated by the Democratic party very quickly. From watching the Youtube testimonials I can tell you that a lot of Black people were ******* furious when Trump announced at his press conference that Black unemployment was at an all time low and every Democrat in the room sat on their hands and grimaced while every Republican stood up and cheered. That has been a real eye opener for many as to who genuinely cares about them and who pretends to care but actually wants them to stay on welfare and remain powerless. If you don't believe me that it's a real and widespread thing, I challenge you to search #walkaway on Youtube and listen to it first hand. There are hundreds of them on there.
So you agree with Trump that the media - CNN, NBC, CBS, ABC, NY Times, Washington Post, Chicago Tribune, Miami Herald et al - are the enemies of the people? The thousands of journalists and the publishing companies behind them, are all against the will of the people? Lying in our faces for the sole reason to admonish and attack Trump? The media - de facto - has a vendetta, fighting him every step of the way? You truly believe that?

When Trump attacks the free press, as he has time and time again, a little bit of the Republic begins to crumble. That's not a good thing.

Do you really believe those media outlets are completely fair and unbiased in their coverage not just of Trump, but of Republicans in general? You'e arguing the extreme that they are making stuff up or have a vendetta but of course you must realize that biased reporting exists and is often more subtle than outright fabrications. To say that Trump is attacking the "free press" is a bit disingenuous when the reporting from some outlets is something like 93% negative on him. Who's attacking who?
Feinstein’s Chinese Spy Identified — ‘Russell Lowe’ — Was OFFICE MANAGER - Feinstein Aide 20 YEARS!

The Chinese spy who worked for Senator Dianne Feinstein was identified on Monday night.

Russell Lowe was Senator Feinsein’s office manager.

Lowe is a Chinese-American who spent 20 years as the aide to Dianne Feinstein.

Lowe worked for Feinstein while she was chair of the US Senate Intelligence Committee.

Russell Lowe is now the Secretary General of the Education for Social Justice Foundation.




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