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And it Begins:Special Prosecutor To Investigate Trump And Russia

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And by the way Liberals, it is very real that Black people that have begun researching things for themselves instead of being spoon fed by the MSM are becoming alienated by the Democratic party very quickly. From watching the Youtube testimonials I can tell you that a lot of Black people were ******* furious when Trump announced at his press conference that Black unemployment was at an all time low and every Democrat in the room sat on their hands and grimaced while every Republican stood up and cheered. That has been a real eye opener for many as to who genuinely cares about them and who pretends to care but actually wants them to stay on welfare and remain powerless. If you don't believe me that it's a real and widespread thing, I challenge you to search #walkaway on Youtube and listen to it first hand. There are hundreds of them on there.

I think Kanye had a lot to do with that too. Kanye supported Trump and he pointed out that liberal establishment types did not allow free thought. He then compared that group think to slavery by saying that today slavery is a choice by just going along with what you’re told and not thinking for yourself.

Right on cue, the media, even black media, tried to destroy Kanye. Pretending Kayne was referring to slavery hundreds of years ago as a choice so they could call him dumb. Of course, they may not have been pretending, they may have been too dumb themselves to understand Kanye’s point.

In any case, many black people heard Kanye talk about how you are no allowed to say anything against the Dem talking points or you get attacked. Then they saw it proven before their eyes. They may tune it out when the media bashes some white guy or when the blast a black conservative, but this was Kanye they watched get taken down. I think that could have been a wake up to many.
I think Kanye had a lot to do with that too. Kanye supported Trump and he pointed out that liberal establishment types did not allow free thought. He then compared that group think to slavery by saying that today slavery is a choice by just going along with what you’re told and not thinking for yourself.

Right on cue, the media, even black media, tried to destroy Kanye. Pretending Kayne was referring to slavery hundreds of years ago as a choice so they could call him dumb. Of course, they may not have been pretending, they may have been too dumb themselves to understand Kanye’s point.

In any case, many black people heard Kanye talk about how you are no allowed to say anything against the Dem talking points or you get attacked. Then they saw it proven before their eyes. They may tune it out when the media bashes some white guy or when the blast a black conservative, but this was Kanye they watched get taken down. I think that could have been a wake up to many.

Yeah that was huge. And then Kanye commended Candace Owens on Twitter, which led many to research her stuff. Thus the rabbit hole opened for many people and their eyes were also opened.
And the next hysteria is..........

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Grabbing Russian pu##y. Or, colluding with Assange to see that Hillary's collusion with the DNC is exposed. No, wait, I have it ... colluding with Assange to collude with Snowden to collude with the Russians to collude with Hillary to make sure that ol' grandpa Bill has a chance to grab Crimean pu##y.
Grabbing Russian pu##y. Or, colluding with Assange to see that Hillary's collusion with the DNC is exposed. No, wait, I have it ... colluding with Assange to collude with Snowden to collude with the Russians to collude with Hillary to make sure that ol' grandpa Bill has a chance to grab Crimean pu##y.
Toss in some Macedonian oligarchs, and you got a deal.

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USA Today reports that the Russian investigation to date has had no impact on Trump voters... they don’t care....
USA Today reports that the Russian investigation to date has had no impact on Trump voters... they don’t care....

Yep the base is solid, and now a trickle of hispanic and blacks are finally seeing the light and coming over to Trump. The Democratic party has no message and is run by a bunch of crazy loons.
Yep the base is solid, and now a trickle of hispanic and blacks are finally seeing the light and coming over to Trump. The Democratic party has no message and is run by a bunch of crazy loons.
Plus, the Dems are splintering into 2 groups. .......far left, and loony far left. The whole identity politics model is going to be their undoing. Without a Hate Trump message, they got nothing.

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At least there is appropriate outrage in the media about the Feinstein Chinese spy. Oh wait, that was just a dream that I had.
At least there is appropriate outrage in the media about the Feinstein Chinese spy. Oh wait, that was just a dream that I had.

China is a communist, oppressive, morally bankrupt government that racks up more human abuse cases than all other countries combined... but hey they are ok because they are friends of the Democratic hierarchy.....second biggest hypocritical aspect of the Dems...
The rats are getting exposed.

Republicans are hinting that Department of Justice official Bruce Ohr is more important to the government’s Trump-Russia investigation than previously known.
Ohr was in frequent contact with dossier author Christopher Steele, and his wife worked for Fusion GPS, the firm that hired Steele.
Rep. Devin Nunes said Monday that Ohr is “going to become more and more important” to the investigation into possible surveillance abuse against the Trump campaign.
Republican lawmakers have renewed their focus on Bruce Ohr, the high-level Department of Justice official who was in contact with the author of the Steele dossier and whose wife worked for the opposition research firm that commissioned the salacious document.

California Republican Rep. Devin Nunes, the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, said Monday that Ohr “is going to become more and more important” to his panel’s investigation into the FBI and Justice Department’s use of the Steele dossier to obtain Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrants to spy on former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page.
Uh oh! The truth is coming out.

Text messages between dossier author Christopher Steele and Department of Justice official Bruce Ohr have been released.
Steele said in one message that he was “concerned” by a Senate Committee on the Judiciary request for records about the dossier.
Ohr and Steele met in Washington, D.C., before the FBI opened its investigation of the Trump campaign.
Christopher Steele expressed concern last year at a Senate committee’s request for information about the former British spy’s anti-Trump dossier, according to text messages recently provided to Congress.

“Would it be possible to speak later today please? We’re very concerned by the Grassley letter and it’s possible implications for us, our operations and our sources. We need some reassurances,” Steele wrote in a March 7, 2017 text message to Bruce Ohr, who then served as deputy assistant attorney general.

Steele, a former MI6 officer, was seemingly referring to a March 6, 2017 letter that Senate Committee on the Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley sent to then-FBI Director James Comey seeking information about Steele and the dossier.

The text message is part of a trove of documents that the Department of Justice recently provided to several congressional committees investigating the government’s handling of Steele’s dossier. The Hill obtained some of the records and reported on several text message and email exchanges between Ohr and Steele. (RELATED: Christopher Steele Dodged Congress’s Interview Requests, But Chuck Grassley Found A Solution)

In his letter, Grassley posed 12 questions to Comey about the FBI’s relationship with Steele and its use of the dossier.

Grassley sought all agreements between Steele and the FBI and transcripts of interviews that Steele had with the bureau during his investigation into ties between the Trump campaign and Russian government. The Iowa Republican also asked how the FBI first obtained Steele’s reports and whether investigators had verified any of the document’s allegations.

The dossier, which was funded by the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee, accuses the Trump campaign of conspiring with Russian government officials to influence the 2016 election. So far, none of its major allegations have been publicly corroborated.
So far, none of its major allegations have been publicly corroborated.

I don't know where you're quoting this from, probably some trashy far-right blog you spend your days slobbering over, but it's bullshit. Most if not all of the major allegations in the dossier have been corroborated. And there is so much we still don't know. Mueller will shine the light on all the facts. And we know what happens when you turn the lights on, the rats will scatter. The conspiracy & cover up by the GOP is a crime in itself, with Nunes and Rand Paul leading the charge. I won't be shocked to see the overall number of suspects entangled in this to be much higher than just Trump, his family and closest advisors.
'A festering pit of barely disguised ongoing corruption." This perfectly sums up the Trump presidency. Already neck-deep in multiple investigations, everywhere he turns Trump is surrounded by the putrid stench of corruption. This will be his legacy. He didn't drain the swamp, he made it 1,000X worse.


The entire Trump era has been a festering pit of barely disguised ongoing corruption. But the whole sordid era has not had a 24-hour period quite like the orgy of criminality which we have just experienced. The events of the last day alone include:

(1) The trial of Paul Manafort, which has featured the accusation that President Trump’s campaign manager had embezzled funds, failed to report income, and falsified documents. His partner and fellow Trump campaign aide, Rick Gates, confessed to participating in all these crimes, as well as to stealing from Manafort.

(2) Yesterday, Forbes reported that Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross may have stolen $120 million from his partners and customers. Meanwhile Ross has maintained foreign holdings in his investment portfolio that present a major conflict of interest with his public office. (The “Don’t worry, Wilbur Ross would never do anything unethical just to pad his bottom line” defense is likely to be, uh, unconvincing to the many people filing suit against Ross for allegedly doing exactly that.)

(3) Also yesterday, ProPublica reported that the Department of Veterans Affairs is being effectively run by three Trump cronies, none of whom have any official government title or public accountability. The three, reports the story, have “used their influence in ways that could benefit their private interests.”

(4) And then, this morning, Representative Chris Collins was arrested for insider trading. Collins had been known to openly boast about making millions of dollars for his colleagues with his insider knowledge. He is charged with learning of an adverse FDA trial, and immediately calling his son — from the White House! — urging him to sell his holdings.

It has been, in sum, quite a day.

The Whole Republican Party Seems to Be Going to Jail Now
And the fix is in. But patriotic Americans won't let this happen, come November.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Nunes: Republicans need to "keep the majority" to protect Trump from Russia probe <a href="https://t.co/qu3Tz1ziEm">https://t.co/qu3Tz1ziEm</a> <a href="https://t.co/PfEojRLcRq">pic.twitter.com/PfEojRLcRq</a></p>— The Hill (@thehill) <a href="https://twitter.com/thehill/status/1027477345769332739?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">August 9, 2018</a></blockquote>
<script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

<script async="" src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
'A festering pit of barely disguised ongoing corruption." This perfectly sums up the Trump presidency. Already neck-deep in multiple investigations, everywhere he turns Trump is surrounded by the putrid stench of corruption. This will be his legacy. He didn't drain the swamp, he made it 1,000X worse.


The Whole Republican Party Seems to Be Going to Jail Now

“Drain the swamp!” LOL!
So......now it is the whole Republican Party.

I'm sure people will be charged any minute now.

Holy cow, Tibs. Go read a good novel, or watch reruns of the Brady Bunch. Turn off your computer. Do yourself a favor.

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Holy cow, Tibs. Go read a good novel, or watch reruns of the Brady Bunch. Turn off your computer. Do yourself a favor.
Thanks for the advice, I'll politely decline. And my advice for you is to keep ignoring the uncomfortable truths about Trump, his cabinet and the GOP. This stuff is real, it's happening, you can't simply wish it away.

And by no means should you ever, and I mean ever, hold Trump or the Republicans accountable for anything.
Robert Mueller is Now Implicated in Collusion and Soft Coup Attempt

The Robert Mueller team is part of the larger conspiracy group to take-down President Donald Trump.

This information/evidence will surface over the next year to year-and-a-half, and will lead to a fundamental change in the institutions of the Department of Justice and FBI.

Thanks for the advice, I'll politely decline. And my advice for you is to keep ignoring the uncomfortable truths about Trump, his cabinet and the GOP. This stuff is real, it's happening, you can't simply wish it away.

And by no means should you ever, and I mean ever, hold Trump or the Republicans accountable for anything.
I think there is corruption in Washington, and when found, should be charged. ....unless your name happens to be Clinton.

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Implicated in Collusion
Frankly I’d be shocked if both Hannity & Guilliani are not already deeply entangled and implicated in the various ongoing investigations. Funny to watch them sweat & squirm.
Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump

“There has been no evidence whatsoever that Donald Trump or the campaign was involved in any kind of collusion to fix the 2016 election. In fact the evidence is the opposite, that Hillary Clinton & the Democrats colluded with the Russians to fix the 2016 election.”



Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump

“There has been no evidence whatsoever that Donald Trump or the campaign was involved in any kind of collusion to fix the 2016 election. In fact the evidence is the opposite, that Hillary Clinton & the Democrats colluded with the Russians to fix the 2016 election.”




We've been saying this all along. The idiodic democrats and fake news think they are still keeping it a secret.
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