First, the entire investigation was started to investigate Trump having illegal contact with a foreign national to gather dirt on a political opponent ... so far, no evidence that happened. If Trump had in fact obtained such information, then game on.
For example, if Donald Trump Jr. sought “dirt” on Hillary Clinton from the Russians, he might be charged with conspiring to violate the election laws of the United States, which prohibit foreign nationals from contributing any “thing of value” to an electoral campaign. The opposition dirt is at least plausibly a thing of value. And to the extent that the Trump campaign aided, abetted or advised the Russians (or any other hackers) about what would be most useful to steal from the Democrats or how best to enhance the impact of their release, they may well have violated the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act.
Okay. But we KNOW, FOR A FACT, that Hillary and her team plainly did exactly that by paying a foreign national, Steele, a bunch of money for "dirt" on Trump. Why is Hillary immune from prosecution?
Second, obstruction is a crime. Okay. So is murder. And arson. And robbery. And ... you get the point.
Third, "collusion" is not a crime outside of some very limited situations, such as anti-trust.
Collusion is not a federal crime (except in the unique case of antitrust law), so we should all just stop using “collusion” as a short-hand for criminality.
Fourth, the obstruction of justice allegation is a nothing-burger. How did Trump obstruct justice? By firing Comey?
Uhhh, Comey was not actually the investigator conducting the inquiry. Comey's employment had literally no effect on any pending investigations. Or did the FBI shut down all investigations because Comey was fired??
Fifth, you are simply not being credible in claiming that Trump somehow conspired to "steal" DNC e-mails. I start at the beginning of this allegation. Point 1 - the DNC data was very possibly leaked, not hacked:
"A former intelligence official argued in a memo that Russia never hacked the Democratic National Committee in July of 2016, and that instead its emails were released due to an internal leak, according to the Intercept."
The Nation - you know, that right-wing rag - published a detailed explanation as to why the leaking-rather-than-hacking theory was very possible, even likely. The Nation was excoriated by dozens of "unbiased" media for being "pro-Trump" and has since watered down the original findings, but stands by the story. The amount of data released simply would have taken vastly too long to obtain by hacking. The somewhat-tempered Nation article now begins:
"This journalistic mission led The Nation to be troubled by the paucity of serious public scrutiny of the January 2017 intelligence-community assessment (ICA) on purported Russian interference in our 2016 presidential election, which reflects the judgment of the CIA, the FBI, and the NSA. That report concluded that Russian President Vladimir Putin personally ordered the hacking of the DNC and the dissemination of e-mails from key staffers via WikiLeaks, in order to damage Hillary Clinton’s candidacy. This official intelligence assessment has since led to what some call “Russiagate,” with charges and investigations of alleged collusion with the Kremlin, and, in turn, to what is now a major American domestic political crisis and an increasingly perilous state of US-Russia relations. To this day, however, the intelligence agencies that released this assessment have failed to provide the American people with any actual evidence substantiating their claims about how the DNC material was obtained or by whom. Astonishingly and often overlooked, the authors of the declassified ICA themselves admit that their “judgments are not intended to imply that we have proof that shows something to be a fact.”
Also, in terms of leaking or hacking, nobody has ever alleged, let alone provided evidence in support, that somehow Trump was involved in dissemination of the DNC materials. Moreover, I am troubled at the complete lack of concern you have that the DNC and Hillary were ACTUALLY colluding with a foreign national to rig an election, and ACTUALLY rigged the (D) primaries.
Your selective outrage is a source of well-founded criticism of your comments. I have noted that should Mueller produce evidence that Trump obstructed justice or engaged in an illegal "deal" with foreigners, he should face the consequences.
Where is your demand that Clinton be indicted and sent to jail? If it does not exist, why not?