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And it Begins:Special Prosecutor To Investigate Trump And Russia

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No that's what your saying. And it doesn't make any sense, so that verifies the origin of it is you.

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You peoples dimwittedness is amazing.

With each of those investigations more and more damning evidence became uncovered as time went by....whereas Mueller after his ground breaking discovery and the indictment of 13 Russian Face Book posters, has become so desperate he's now resorting to investigating ****** and prostitutes...best you keep your mother in hiding.

Fitting to apply a term used in economics here...'the law of diminishing returns'... when positive results become less and less the more time and resources you put into it.

Secondly each of those a crime or wrongdoing was established from the get go. Read the last paragraph you nimrods. Someone was charged with something.

Name the thing Trump was charged with?
This Russian hoax investigation is not to find evidence to support the charges... to which there are none... but rather to look for a ******* crime...and Mueller aint finding squat.
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How is he crooked? Because Trump was recorded talking about grabbing Elfies *****?

You have this supposedly full of integrity Robert Mueller who should have shut this Russian hoax investigation down after 2 weeks...and instead began investigating Brennan, Comey, Strzok, Hillary, the DNC, Clapper, Ohr and his wife, McCabe, the Obama DOJ, the Obama FBI etc...that is were the criminal activity was. This is where the collusion was. That is where attempts to stack the deck against a presidential candidate was.

But Mueller cant do that because then he would be investigating himself.

These ******* in their positions of law and justice aren't supposed to be partisan, obviously they've made it clear that they are.

You're supposed to be oblivious to the fact that they were Hillary supporters and Trump haters, and because it's clear that they were was why we have just experienced corruption and abuse of power like we've never seen before.

LOL do you think this man is a straight player, never crooked? trump University says otherwise. I'm waiting for the investigation to wrap up and then find out exactly what he did or didn't do/know. You say in your post above "you peoples dimwittedness is amazing." Funny, feel the same exact way about "you people". Exactly...the...same (ok, admittedly possibly worse, but that's irrelevant). Oh BTW, you have no idea what Mueller has found or hasn't found, that's why it's an active investigation. But of course that's not what your news sources tell you so........
Glimmers of hope.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">From twelve former senior intelligence officials (including me), who served both Republican and Democratic Administrations. <a href="https://t.co/rbQr6UbYLw">https://t.co/rbQr6UbYLw</a></p>— Michael Morell (@MichaelJMorell) <a href="https://twitter.com/MichaelJMorell/status/1030286210604912640?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">August 17, 2018</a></blockquote>
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Admirals and Generals - if you don’t follow Admiral McRaven’s example in his condemnation of <a href="https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@realDonaldTrump</a> you align with America’s most disgraceful President. Close ranks with McRaven. Continue to execute your oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States.</p>— Major General (ret) Paul Eaton (@PaulDEaton52) <a href="https://twitter.com/PaulDEaton52/status/1030399400214851584?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">August 17, 2018</a></blockquote>
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The only thing you need to focus on as you wonder if this investigation is 'getting anywhere' is watch and listen to Trump himself. He's acting like a caged, wounded animal. His attacks on real and percieved enemies is at a non-stop pace. That is not the behavior of an innocent man, of someone who has nothing to hide, nothing to fear.

This is Trump acting like Trump has always acted, from the Rosie O'Donnell days on down. He hits back at his critics like a 7th grade girl. Do I like it? Of course not. Is it evidence of anything? Nope. Omarosa's been leeching off of Trump for years and turns around and stabs his whole family in the back. While once again his word choice is stupid, I'm not a bit surprised that he hit back at her. Like it or not that's who he is and has always been.

Is Trump a squeaky clean guy who's never done anything slimy? I highly doubt it.

Will Mueller find something, anything that he's done that is technically illegal? Yeah probably. Will it be collusion with the Russian government on the election? I can virtually promise you, it will not be anything close to that. The whole concept was invented by Hillary and her minions when Trump praised Putin once in a speech. I don't believe he's capable of even formulating such an idea. There has literally not been one shred or inkling of evidence of anything like that happening. We keep asking you to present one and so far, nada. Yes, we get pages and pages of how one of Trump's campaign officials once had lunch with a lawyer who was also once hired by some guy who's cousin is in the KGB. But nothing about Trump himself colluding with Russians. Ever. Even Omarosa's got nothing.

I'm guessing Mueller finds some kind of shady tax shelter or something that Trump himself probably had little to do with except for a signature, you guys will be besides yourselves with joy and acting like he's the head of the Russian mob and the rest of us will be going "That's it? That's what we spent millions of dollars and put the country through 2 years of turmoil over?"
Will it be collusion with the Russian government on the election? The whole concept was invented by Hillary and her minions when Trump praised Putin once in a speech.
You are fundamentally wrong making this assertion. There is no way this investigation gets off the ground and maintains its scope & relevancy, without significant evidence and data that foreshadow serious criminal activity. Too many checks and balances in the FBI/DOJ for a so-called witch hunt. Particularly with a GOP dominated House & Senate, and of course, a federal government run by Trump appointees. I know it's easy to brush this investigation off as concoted and irrelevant, but I suggest you brace yourself that Trump and his associates may be neck deep in illegal activity. If not, then he and everyone else can breathe a sigh of relief, as Mueller will bypass bringing charges against him and his inner circle. We'll cross that bridge if and when we get there.
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You are fundamentally wrong making this assertion. There is no way this investigation gets off the ground and maintains its scope & relevancy, without significant evidence and data that foreshadow serious, criminal activity. Too many checks and balances in the FBI/DOJ for a so-called witch hunt. Particularly with a GOP dominated House & Senate, and of course, a federal government run by Trump appointees. I know it's easy to brush this investigation off as concoted and irrelevant, but I suggest you brace yourself that Trump and his associates may be neck deep in illegal activity. If not, then he and everyone else can breathe a sigh of relief, as Mueller will bypass bringing charges against him and his inner circle. We'll cross that bridge if and when we get there.

I don't need to brace myself. If it's true we've got President Pence and I'm fine with that. I could not care less if Trump is president, except for the turmoil ousting him is going to cause.

I advise you to brace yourself for when it is announced that no collusion is found, Trump's approval rating soars and we end up with President Trump 2020. Because if Mueller doesn't come up with anything significant this whole thing backfires, BIGLY.
Because if Mueller doesn't come up with anything significant this whole thing backfires, BIGLY.
See, you're still looking at this as some big conspiracy, which allows you to make statements like this. Mueller is just doing his job.
See, you're still looking at this as some big conspiracy, which allows you to make statements like this. Mueller is just doing his job.

No, it's not a conspiracy. He's doing what special prosecutors do. They follow things wherever they lead, and they can do that almost endlessly and probe into virtually anything. Just like Ken Starr did. The fact that the investigation is ongoing doesn't mean they are actually finding what they were originally looking for.

Lucky for Bill all the key witnesses were either dead or went to jail rather than tell the truth, and a bunch of records mysteriously went missing. Unfortunately for him Monica saved the dress.
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You are fundamentally wrong making this assertion. There is no way this investigation gets off the ground and maintains its scope & relevancy, without significant evidence and data that foreshadow serious criminal activity. Too many checks and balances in the FBI/DOJ for a so-called witch hunt. Particularly with a GOP dominated House & Senate, and of course, a federal government run by Trump appointees. I know it's easy to brush this investigation off as concoted and irrelevant, but I suggest you brace yourself that Trump and his associates may be neck deep in illegal activity. If not, then he and everyone else can breathe a sigh of relief, as Mueller will bypass bringing charges against him and his inner circle. We'll cross that bridge if and when we get there.
Take the red pill.
You will then start seeing reality.

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The witch hunt is about to get blown wide open. So much corruption in the Obama administration...

DOJ's Bruce Ohr wrote Christopher Steele was 'very concerned about Comey's firing -- afraid they will be exposed'
Catherine Herridge By Catherine Herridge, Gregg Re | Fox News

Notes and emails connect Bruce Ohr to Trump dossier
A review by Fox News of Bruce Ohr's Justice Department emails and handwritten notes shows he is deeply connected to the controversial Trump dossier and, during the presidential election, the FISA abuse scandal; chief intelligence correspondent Catherine Herridge reports.

A collection of Justice Department official Bruce Ohr's emails, texts and handwritten notes, reviewed by Fox News, reveals that he was deeply connected to the unverified Steele dossier as well as its author and, during the presidential election campaign, the alleged government surveillance abuses involving a Trump campaign official.

The dossier, which was used by federal officials to justify the surveillance of a top Trump aide, Carter Page, was created by Fusion GPS and paid for by Hillary Clinton's campaign and the Democratic National Committee.

Ohr wrote that Christopher Steele, the ex-British spy who wrote the salacious dossier, was "very concerned (abt) about [former FBI Director James] Comey's firing -- afraid they will be exposed."

It's going to be fun to see how Tibs reacts when this is all over and Trump is cleared. Will he have an epic meltdown/flameout here? Will he be suicidal? Will he have to go away for mental therapy, padded room style? Probably all three.
Trump is never going to be "cleared" by the Mueller investigation. It will be vague enough and contain enough circumstantial evidence that Democrats like Tibs that have already decided his fate are going to see enough boogie man "crimes" that they will shout at the top of their lungs "Impeach!!!". But for Trump supporters, the same circumstantial evidence and flimsy crimes (such as very subjective "obstruction" and "illegal campaign finance gifts") is going to be evidence this was in fact all a witch hunt into nothing.

That's how this is going to end. I'm just shocked everyone doesn't see this already. Anyone that expects an "end" to this is kidding themselves. Trump is going to be fighting establishment Washington, the intelligence agencies and the media in his own way for the entirety of his Presidency.

But I've also said those fights don't mean anything in the big picture and you're all getting duped (Tibs and Democrats most of all) into it's importance to voters and the impact it has on our "way of life". The Constitutional crisis is a bunch of bologna. The idea the executive branch is "taking over" is bullshit. Foreign/trade policy is actually doing really well under Trump and the sky-is-falling rhetoric is going to backfire. The economy is great. And he is historically changing our judicial branch back to the conservative side of the aisle. Not to mention he has brought issues front and center that NEED to be resolved in Congress: immigration, taxation, regulation that people in this country have been begging for attention for decades.

His methods might turn peoples' stomachs, but the results aren't nearly as bad as what Tibs and democrats and media is making it out to be. All the Washington in-fighting and what he does on a day-to-day basis for/against his agencies don't mean much. He's just exposing more the more the dog and pony show it's been (and the amount of waste and unnecessary people involved) that have been orbiting Presidents for decades.
Trump is never going to be "cleared" by the Mueller investigation. It will be vague enough and contain enough circumstantial evidence that Democrats like Tibs that have already decided his fate are going to see enough boogie man "crimes" that they will shout at the top of their lungs "Impeach!!!". But for Trump supporters, the same circumstantial evidence and flimsy crimes (such as very subjective "obstruction" and "illegal campaign finance gifts") is going to be evidence this was in fact all a witch hunt into nothing.

That's how this is going to end. I'm just shocked everyone doesn't see this already. Anyone that expects an "end" to this is kidding themselves. Trump is going to be fighting establishment Washington, the intelligence agencies and the media in his own way for the entirety of his Presidency.

But I've also said those fights don't mean anything in the big picture and you're all getting duped (Tibs and Democrats most of all) into it's importance to voters and the impact it has on our "way of life". The Constitutional crisis is a bunch of bologna. The idea the executive branch is "taking over" is bullshit. Foreign/trade policy is actually doing really well under Trump and the sky-is-falling rhetoric is going to backfire. The economy is great. And he is historically changing our judicial branch back to the conservative side of the aisle. Not to mention he has brought issues front and center that NEED to be resolved in Congress: immigration, taxation, regulation that people in this country have been begging for attention for decades.

His methods might turn peoples' stomachs, but the results aren't nearly as bad as what Tibs and democrats and media is making it out to be. All the Washington in-fighting and what he does on a day-to-day basis for/against his agencies don't mean much. He's just exposing more the more the dog and pony show it's been (and the amount of waste and unnecessary people involved) that have been orbiting Presidents for decades.

He'll be fighting the fake news media for 6 more years, but the witch hunt has to come to an end soon. Anyone with a shred of common sense knows that it's a corrupt lie started by leftist morons.
It's going to be fun to see how Tibs reacts when this is all over and Trump is cleared. Will he have an epic meltdown/flameout here? Will he be suicidal? Will he have to go away for mental therapy, padded room style? Probably all three.
None of the above. I'll be glad our institutions are still functioning, accept the findings of the special counsel and move on. I'll admit I made a huge mistake about Trump. Turns out he's a straight shooter afterall, my bad, I completely misread him this entire time.

And how will you react if Trump is indicted or impeached, I wonder?
...those fights don't mean anything in the big picture and you're all getting duped... The Constitutional crisis is a bunch of bologna. The idea the executive branch is "taking over" is bullshit. Foreign/trade policy is actually doing really well....the sky-is-falling rhetoric is going to backfire. The economy is great....historically changing our judicial branch back to the conservative side.......brought issues front and center that NEED to be resolved....the results aren't nearly as bad....what he does on a day-to-day basis for/against his agencies don't mean much.... He's just exposing more the more the dog and pony show....

Glad you think everything is so swell and rosy. Funny, that's the exact same vibe I get coming out of the WH these days. Everything's perfectly normal, just a president going about his business running the country and improving things along the way. Calm and collected, with a steady hand on the wheel. Thanks for that delzjc, I feel better about things already.

Dude, wrong answer. We need to follow the example this president and all the other whack...I mean GOP and undermine absolutely every branch of executive power from the DOJ to the FBI to the CIA to the attorney general, to the press, to the maid and butler of the white house, etc...EVERYONE!!!! We absolutely should follow "our leader" and throw a hissy fit and find conspiracies as to why a final investigation report is wrong and then hold congressional hearings and act like maniacal twats to UNDERMINE THE WORLD!!! It's a conspiracy remember, we must remember how the GOP and trump handled the findings of IG report and attack, attack, attack until the brainwashing kicks in!! Now THAT is the proper answer.

LOL, you may be onto something. That's why the Trump base always thinks liberals are freaking out 24/7, because they're projecting their batshit crazy, end of times conspiracies onto Trump's opponents, figuring this is the new norm how people act and react to things. Yes 83, I think you've cracked the code. ;)
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LOL, you may be onto something. That's why the Trump base always thinks liberals are freaking out 24/7, because they're projecting their batshit crazy, end of times conspiracies onto Trump's opponents, figuring this is the new norm how people act and react to things. Yes 83, I think you've cracked the code. ;)

both of you are consistently whining and crying about Trump doing this, doing that... attacking the media, attacking the FBI, attacking the CIA...

yet neither ******* one of you have been able to understand why he does this, despite pretty much proclaiming yourselves the smartest ******* in the thread(s).

pray tell ... when is the national media going to report on the Muslim training compound in New Mexico where CHILDREN were being taught to shoot up schools? Which is the bigger story - Trump dropping a vulgar term x-number of years ago or CHILDREN BEING TRAINED IN AMERICA TO KILL OTHER CHILDREN?

nevermind. neither of you will bother to answer. because Hillary lost. Because when Hillary lost, you lost. and you can't accept that you don't get your way all the time. and you dare call Trump supporters "babies".
both of you are consistently whining and crying about Trump doing this, doing that... attacking the media, attacking the FBI, attacking the CIA...

yet neither ******* one of you have been able to understand why he does this, despite pretty much proclaiming yourselves the smartest ******* in the thread(s).

They understand it, unlike you, they don’t respect it.
both of you are consistently whining and crying about Trump doing this, doing that... attacking the media, attacking the FBI, attacking the CIA...
Nope, not constantly whining or crying about anything. Just pointing out the fact Trump is attacking the media, attacking the FBI, attacking the CIA. Take a deep breath and ask yourself why you continue to back a president who's completely unhinged and is at war with the very institutions he's in charge of? Actually don't, you seem to be too far down the rabbit hole to make a realistic judgement on that. Never mind.
both of you are consistently whining and crying about Trump doing this, doing that... attacking the media, attacking the FBI, attacking the CIA...

yet neither ******* one of you have been able to understand why he does this, despite pretty much proclaiming yourselves the smartest ******* in the thread(s).

pray tell ... when is the national media going to report on the Muslim training compound in New Mexico where CHILDREN were being taught to shoot up schools? Which is the bigger story - Trump dropping a vulgar term x-number of years ago or CHILDREN BEING TRAINED IN AMERICA TO KILL OTHER CHILDREN?

nevermind. neither of you will bother to answer. because Hillary lost. Because when Hillary lost, you lost. and you can't accept that you don't get your way all the time. and you dare call Trump supporters "babies".

Who the **** is the one going on about the "vulgar term" other than you? I couldn't care less about his vulgar term, it's trump, it's expected. Not even an issue, yet that's all you keep saying. And as far as the bolded, heard all about it on CNN and read it in the papers. Haven't heard about the vulgar term in ages. I've accepted Hillary lost the day after. But why bother saying that, it's the right's mantra "YOU LOST, GET OVER IT". Yeah, wasn't even the issue that we have an electoral college president. And as far as calling anyone babies, I call HIM a baby because it's how he acts, among many other things. If you want to categorize yourself in that, that's on you. You want to be a respected adult, earn it and act like it. No worries of that ever happening.

And to add I want in a president a man who is for everyone, not just his base. You all claim the divide happened in this country with Obama, and yell MAGA ****, yet part of his whole MAGA **** should be to represent everyone not just those who buy his bullshit and not divide more. Oh I already know the response "OBAMA DIDN'T REPRESENT ME BLAH BLAH BLAH". Again I say if you consider that the truth, that's on you. I will never support this clown because you act like a clown, then you're a clown. And before I hear more **** about the economy and his "tax" scam, it did nothing for me or anyone in my family, and I'll be paying for this years to come.
Nope, not constantly whining or crying about anything. Just pointing out the fact Trump is attacking the media, attacking the FBI, attacking the CIA. Take a deep breath and ask yourself why you continue to back a president who's completely unhinged and is at war with the very institutions he's in charge of? Actually don't, you seem to be too far down the rabbit hole to make a realistic judgement on that. Never mind.

yeah, nevermind.
**** you, too.
Who the **** is the one going on about the "vulgar term" other than you? I couldn't care less about his vulgar term, it's trump, it's expected. Not even an issue, yet that's all you keep saying. And as far as the bolded, heard all about it on CNN and read it in the papers. Haven't heard about the vulgar term in ages. I've accepted Hillary lost the day after. But why bother saying that, it's the right's mantra "YOU LOST, GET OVER IT". Yeah, wasn't even the issue that we have an electoral college president. And as far as calling anyone babies, I call HIM a baby because it's how he acts, among many other things. If you want to categorize yourself in that, that's on you. You want to be a respected adult, earn it and act like it. No worries of that ever happening.

And to add I want in a president a man who is for everyone, not just his base. You all claim the divide happened in this country with Obama, and yell MAGA ****, yet part of his whole MAGA **** should be to represent everyone not just those who buy his bullshit and not divide more. Oh I already know the response "OBAMA DIDN'T REPRESENT ME BLAH BLAH BLAH". Again I say if you consider that the truth, that's on you. I will never support this clown because you act like a clown, then you're a clown. And before I hear more **** about the economy and his "tax" scam, it did nothing for me or anyone in my family, and I'll be paying for this years to come.

you can thank Obama and the DNC for Trump.
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