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And it Begins:Special Prosecutor To Investigate Trump And Russia

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The noose is tightening.
The walls are closing in.
The end is near.
Has any of the conservatives on this board ever considered that Donald Trump might just be a crooked shyster that robbed the American people of a fair election through criminal conspiracy with Russia? Think about it. What happens if it is all true? What then?

And for the libs, What if none of it is true? What if we learn that our own government and media tried to pull off a soft coup of a duly elected President? Do we start shooting at that point? Asking for a friend.

My common spidey sense says the lefties are have been doing everything under the sun to undermine the president since the night they got hit over the head with the frying pan of reality. They lost even with faulty counting,dead people voting,illegals voting ,the FBI&Democrats colluding, the media shilling for them,all of Hollywood a doing what they do best...LIE with enthusiasm
Good grief the former president moves just down the road from the Whitehouse so he can help with this insurgency.

They're only fighting him on the wall because if he buckles on his promise they will have him come election time. Other than that they have jack n **** to thwart his reelection...which is going to be really nasty. I thought the last election was bad. This one could get rough if they start sending in their little goons to start **** at political rallies.
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Here is an example that shows Trump has the support of the majority of the country. Daily, I visit cnn and msn while at my desk at work just to check in on the news and see what's going on in the world. They are both plastered with anti Trump "bombshells".....every single day. Even if a major story breaks about something else, it is either under or right beside the daily Trump news talking about what horrors he is bringing on the American people this week and how we are all doomed.

Now on these two havens of Liberal thought, every single time they put a poll up on a hot button political issues, it comes out 60-40 in favor of Trump and/or the Conservative viewpoint. Every single time. Doesn't matter the topic.....immigration, gun control, climate change, etc. Always 60/40 Conservative. I get such a freakin' kick out of it every day just thinking about their employees seeing the results and going completely crazy trying to figure out what is happening to America. Lol, daily entertainment.

You know, if he really is guilty, polling data really won’t matter much. Plus, I would like to believe he would lose much if not all of that support.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-conversation="none" data-lang="en"><p lang="und" dir="ltr"> <a href="https://t.co/9voJrkUBa6">pic.twitter.com/9voJrkUBa6</a></p>— Zoe 🏳️*🌈 (@thismamatweets) <a href="https://twitter.com/thismamatweets/status/1084118456419536896?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">January 12, 2019</a></blockquote>
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The FBI opened up the investigation not the NYT.....The NYT just reported it unless i am missing something?
Every day, it seems there is some new bombshell investigation into the Trump admin. And every day, NOTHING comes of them. Until something with actual SUBSTANCE happens, I pay zero attention to them. This latest bombshell seems to be nothing more than a fear-mongering slander piece by the NYT. Why wait until NOW to say something??

Can't allow the dumb masses to forget about Trump Russia while they're laser focused on Trump racist, Trump impeachment, and Trump m'fer.
Good to know at least a few journalists at FoxNews are finally covering this investigation in a legitimate manner. Here they're discussing last week's bombshell discovery, that Trump's campaign chief Paul Manfort literally handed over confidential polling data to Russian operatives.

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Can't allow the dumb masses to forget about Trump Russia while they're laser focused on Trump racist, Trump impeachment, and Trump m'fer.

With all the leaks at the FBI if they would have found out anything you better believe we would have heard it by now. Trump will soon get his 3rd SUpreme court nominee, then on to his re-election. The left is so busy on trying to stop him , they have nothing in policy or candidates to re-place him. He continues to play them like fools.
Every day, it seems there is some new bombshell investigation into the Trump admin.
Indeed, it seems that way because that's exactly what's happening. It's not at all true that 'nothing comes of them' because these are just snipets of an ongoing, multi-faceted investigation.
Love her or hate her, Hillary called it exactly right. Problem was, nobody listened to her. We could have avoided this entire hot mess. Maybe someone could have stepped in on the GOP side, someone credible & honorable who actually had the best interest of our country at heart. For me the game changer was when Manafort took over the campaign, and the GOP changed their talking points on Russia during the convention. Anyone who knew how dishonorable and of ill repute Manafort was knew something was up. That was a smoking gun right there. Oh well, now the FBI /DOJ and Congress will have to step in and correct this. We can't have the country run by a traitor, someone beholden to a hostile foreign government and doing Putin's bidding from the WH.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">October 19th, 2016 <a href="https://t.co/QvmLUklSc1">pic.twitter.com/QvmLUklSc1</a></p>— Josh Marshall (@joshtpm) <a href="https://twitter.com/joshtpm/status/1084126128757985280?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">January 12, 2019</a></blockquote>
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Malcolm Nance has been the steadiest, calmest, most enlightened commentator on this issue, two-years running. Never wavered, never once took a misstep. His two books on Trump/Russia are well worth reading. Today, as always, he cuts right to the point.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Malcolm Nance pointing out that all the signs were there in plain sight that Donald Trump was/is a <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/RussianAsset?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#RussianAsset</a>: "This nation is under threat, and the threat is the person sitting in the seat of the president of the United States." Wow! <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/AMJoy?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#AMJoy</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/MSNBC?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#MSNBC</a> <a href="https://t.co/isyr2KvHku">pic.twitter.com/isyr2KvHku</a></p>— モノリシック (@monolithic87) <a href="https://twitter.com/monolithic87/status/1084120114075709440?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">January 12, 2019</a></blockquote>
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Malcolm Nance has been the steadiest, calmest, most enlightened commentator on this issue, two-years running. Never wavered, never once took a misstep. His two books on Trump/Russia are well worth reading. Today, as always, he cuts right to the point.

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From Wikidedia..............MSNBC doesn't have a reputation for hosting the brightest bulbs. Seems like everyone is a Russian agent to him.

On August 20, 2016, Nance told MSNBC viewers that Green Party's presidential nominee Jill Stein "has a show on Russia Today."[20] Glenn Greenwald later wrote: "there is no disputing the fact that Nance’s statement was a falsehood, a fabrication, a lie. Stein did not have a show on RT, nor did she ever host a show on RT."[21] Nance also accused Greenwald of being "an agent of Moscow" and "deep in the Kremlin pocket." He also stated that Greenwald "helped Snowden defect" and "reports into [his] masters in Moscow." Greenwald accused Nance of lying.[21]<iframe scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets/widget_iframe.8f9047c344e062fa7c7ada2fa8332f75.html?origin=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.steelernationforums.com&settingsEndpoint=https%3A%2F%2Fsyndication.twitter.com%2Fsettings" title="Twitter settings iframe" style="display: none;"></iframe><iframe id="rufous-sandbox" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" allowfullscreen="true" style="position: absolute; visibility: hidden; display: none; width: 0px; height: 0px; padding: 0px; border: none;" title="Twitter analytics iframe"></iframe>
Malcolm Nance has been the steadiest, calmest, most enlightened commentator on this issue, two-years running.

Anyone else think this line sounds familiar?

Oh waitttttttttt.........I remember...

Tibs used these words to describe His Higness the Porn Lawyer Avenatti this way. And called him an American Patriot. I think he used the same or similar adjectives to talk about Stormy Daniels. And Cohen. And James Comey (after months before he had trashed James Comey).

This **** is pure entertainment.

Good to know at least a few journalists at FoxNews are finally covering this investigation in a legitimate manner. Here they're discussing last week's bombshell discovery, that Trump's campaign chief Paul Manfort literally handed over confidential polling data to Russian operatives.

<iframe src="https://www.facebook.com/plugins/video.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2FRB Reich%2Fvideos%2F276441922999615%2F&show_text=0&width=560" width="560" height="315" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" allowfullscreen="true"></iframe>

Tibs, allow me to make a recommendation. If you want to know what is happening in Washington, you want a Washington insider, and legal mind..............and not some New York TV judge. May I suggest Joe Digenova.

So the media, FBI, and everyone but Trump is lying or corrupt. Do some of you realize how ridiculous that narrative is? If Trump was a Dem people on here would be calling for a public execution. I don't know if Trump is smart enough to pull off the Russian collusion, but the people around him may be. I honestly don't think Trump will go down, but i could definitely see Jared and Don Jr going down.
So the media, FBI, and everyone but Trump is lying or corrupt. Do some of you realize how ridiculous that narrative is? If Trump was a Dem people on here would be calling for a public execution. I don't know if Trump is smart enough to pull off the Russian collusion, but the people around him may be. I honestly don't think Trump will go down, but i could definitely see Jared and Don Jr going down.

Lying about what? Have you seen evidence that Trump, Jared or Don Jr. committed a crime? What crime? Have you seen evidence that anyone colluded with Russia to influence the election?

The big "bombshell" is that the FBI was investigating Trump. Which means what exactly? Have they found anything? What do you make of the fact that no one who's been indicted or pled guilty has had a word to say about conspiring with Russia to infuence the election (except to completely deny it?).
So the media, FBI, and everyone but Trump is lying or corrupt. Do some of you realize how ridiculous that narrative is? If Trump was a Dem people on here would be calling for a public execution. I don't know if Trump is smart enough to pull off the Russian collusion, but the people around him may be. I honestly don't think Trump will go down, but i could definitely see Jared and Don Jr going down.

Tibs will be along shortly to stroke your ego.
So the media, FBI, and everyone but Trump is lying or corrupt. Do some of you realize how ridiculous that narrative is? If Trump was a Dem people on here would be calling for a public execution. I don't know if Trump is smart enough to pull off the Russian collusion, but the people around him may be. I honestly don't think Trump will go down, but i could definitely see Jared and Don Jr going down.

Yep he is guilty.

So the media, FBI, and everyone but Trump is lying or corrupt. Do some of you realize how ridiculous that narrative is?

The media always lies, and is biased.. The FBI under Comey was corrupt. Just look at how many top FBI officials have been fired, resigned, or criminally investigated. If the DOJ grows balls under Barr, the **** will hit the fan.

Open your eyes. Turn off MSNBC. It is rotting your brain.
So the media, FBI, and everyone but Trump is lying or corrupt. Do some of you realize how ridiculous that narrative is? If Trump was a Dem people on here would be calling for a public execution. I don't know if Trump is smart enough to pull off the Russian collusion, but the people around him may be. I honestly don't think Trump will go down, but i could definitely see Jared and Don Jr going down.

I suggest you go back and watch Dan Bongino's video, or read his book, about the plan that was put into place to go after Trump. How the Obama administration broke all the rules to obtain the FISA warrants, and how one political party used these warrants to spy on Trump. The lies and the coordination it took. The FBI involvement in it, how they were complicit.

Then ask yourself your question again about who's lying and can they all coordinate and lie together.

It's happened. It did happen. Yet...

The media always lies, and is biased.. The FBI under Comey was corrupt. Just look at how many top FBI officials have been fired, resigned, or criminally investigated. If the DOJ grows balls under Barr, the **** will hit the fan.

Open your eyes. Turn off MSNBC. It is rotting your brain.

sure the media is biased, but not to the level people think. How many people involved with the white house have been fired, resigned, under investigation etc etc....I have never watched msnbc. When i talk about trump lying it is from his own words. He could say pigs can fly believe me over day, then the next day say "i never said that, and people would believe him. it is some kinda strange and sad phenomenon
sure the media is biased, but not to the level people think.

Oh it's beyond the level we think. 90% of the media is registered Democrats. Follow MRC to see how biased the media is. Look at the Washington Post putting 20 reporters on digging up dirt during the election on Trump and exactly none on digging up dirt on Hillary. Look at the fake news stories CNN has had to retract. The lies. Finally look at Jill Abramson, who ran the vaunted NY Times for years, state publicly that the media "IS" the opposition party, that they are in the pocket of Liberals, that they intentionally ran opinionated headlines, and that they made it a point to go after Trump.

Not sure how much more evidence that you need that the media is extremely biased.
Trump makes it too easy for the media with his comments, false facts, childish behavior etc etc. If Trump acted like a professional adult the media wouldn't have half the talking points it has now. Also people see Fox news as the gospel, but it is the same thing as CNN from the other side.
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