The noose is tightening.
The walls are closing in.
The end is near.
The walls are closing in.
The end is near.
Has any of the conservatives on this board ever considered that Donald Trump might just be a crooked shyster that robbed the American people of a fair election through criminal conspiracy with Russia? Think about it. What happens if it is all true? What then?
And for the libs, What if none of it is true? What if we learn that our own government and media tried to pull off a soft coup of a duly elected President? Do we start shooting at that point? Asking for a friend.
Here is an example that shows Trump has the support of the majority of the country. Daily, I visit cnn and msn while at my desk at work just to check in on the news and see what's going on in the world. They are both plastered with anti Trump "bombshells".....every single day. Even if a major story breaks about something else, it is either under or right beside the daily Trump news talking about what horrors he is bringing on the American people this week and how we are all doomed.
Now on these two havens of Liberal thought, every single time they put a poll up on a hot button political issues, it comes out 60-40 in favor of Trump and/or the Conservative viewpoint. Every single time. Doesn't matter the topic.....immigration, gun control, climate change, etc. Always 60/40 Conservative. I get such a freakin' kick out of it every day just thinking about their employees seeing the results and going completely crazy trying to figure out what is happening to America. Lol, daily entertainment.
Every day, it seems there is some new bombshell investigation into the Trump admin. And every day, NOTHING comes of them. Until something with actual SUBSTANCE happens, I pay zero attention to them. This latest bombshell seems to be nothing more than a fear-mongering slander piece by the NYT. Why wait until NOW to say something??
Can't allow the dumb masses to forget about Trump Russia while they're laser focused on Trump racist, Trump impeachment, and Trump m'fer.
Indeed, it seems that way because that's exactly what's happening. It's not at all true that 'nothing comes of them' because these are just snipets of an ongoing, multi-faceted investigation.Every day, it seems there is some new bombshell investigation into the Trump admin.
Malcolm Nance has been the steadiest, calmest, most enlightened commentator on this issue, two-years running. Never wavered, never once took a misstep. His two books on Trump/Russia are well worth reading. Today, as always, he cuts right to the point.
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Malcolm Nance has been the steadiest, calmest, most enlightened commentator on this issue, two-years running.
Good to know at least a few journalists at FoxNews are finally covering this investigation in a legitimate manner. Here they're discussing last week's bombshell discovery, that Trump's campaign chief Paul Manfort literally handed over confidential polling data to Russian operatives.
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So the media, FBI, and everyone but Trump is lying or corrupt. Do some of you realize how ridiculous that narrative is? If Trump was a Dem people on here would be calling for a public execution. I don't know if Trump is smart enough to pull off the Russian collusion, but the people around him may be. I honestly don't think Trump will go down, but i could definitely see Jared and Don Jr going down.
So the media, FBI, and everyone but Trump is lying or corrupt. Do some of you realize how ridiculous that narrative is? If Trump was a Dem people on here would be calling for a public execution. I don't know if Trump is smart enough to pull off the Russian collusion, but the people around him may be. I honestly don't think Trump will go down, but i could definitely see Jared and Don Jr going down.
So the media, FBI, and everyone but Trump is lying or corrupt. Do some of you realize how ridiculous that narrative is? If Trump was a Dem people on here would be calling for a public execution. I don't know if Trump is smart enough to pull off the Russian collusion, but the people around him may be. I honestly don't think Trump will go down, but i could definitely see Jared and Don Jr going down.
So the media, FBI, and everyone but Trump is lying or corrupt. Do some of you realize how ridiculous that narrative is?
So the media, FBI, and everyone but Trump is lying or corrupt. Do some of you realize how ridiculous that narrative is? If Trump was a Dem people on here would be calling for a public execution. I don't know if Trump is smart enough to pull off the Russian collusion, but the people around him may be. I honestly don't think Trump will go down, but i could definitely see Jared and Don Jr going down.
The media always lies, and is biased.. The FBI under Comey was corrupt. Just look at how many top FBI officials have been fired, resigned, or criminally investigated. If the DOJ grows balls under Barr, the **** will hit the fan.
Open your eyes. Turn off MSNBC. It is rotting your brain.
sure the media is biased, but not to the level people think.
it is some kinda strange and sad phenomenon
sure the media is biased, but not to the level people think. \