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And it Begins:Special Prosecutor To Investigate Trump And Russia

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Trump makes it too easy for the media with his comments, false facts, childish behavior etc etc. If Trump acted like a professional adult the media wouldn't have half the talking points it has now. Also people see Fox news as the gospel, but it is the same thing as CNN from the other side.

Trump's ridiculous behavior is a completely separate issue from whether or not he colluded with Russia to influence the election.

And I don't know anyone who sees Fox News as gospel. That's a typical liberal talking point.
Trump makes it too easy for the media with his comments, false facts, childish behavior etc etc. I.

I keep hearing that, but he keeps his campaign promises. Go figure. **** the media. No one cares.
While I can agree Trump feeds into the media's feeding frenzy, I don't know how anyone can deny the outright media dishonesty. No, not all of it is false. That said, they embellish, assume and present assumptions as facts. A lot.

I don't know what Trump did or didn't do. I don't know if he is innocent or guilty of the **** the media goes on breathlessly about on a daily basis. I am waiting for the facts. I am not sure I will ever get them.

Read this article. Bias absolutely exists, especially at CNN. Media outlets like this are the enemy of the people based on their bias and dishonesty. If they stuck to the facts and were fair and impartial across the board, there could be no accusations of fake news. But they refused a story that they asked for because it didn't hammer the president. Journalism is dead. This simply proves it. People should demand better. Too bad they just want confirmation of their own bias.

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But they refused a story that they asked for because it didn't hammer the president. Journalism is dead. This simply proves it. People should demand better. Too bad they just want confirmation of their own bias.

KUSI is in my backyard and a lot of reasonable people here in San Diego are disgusted with how that went down. CNN will just never recover, ever. My co-worker/friend has family in the Border Patrol, friends & others who are, and they deal with this issue on a daily basis. While they know border security is more than just a physical barrier, they see it absolutely work and it helps them focus on other things. They could probably articulate why & all the ins & outs much better than I, but I think I'll take their word for it.

Even NPR went down to the border recently and they came away understanding these agents' perspective and actually wrote a great, seemingly unbiased article on it.
Trump makes it too easy for the media with his comments, false facts, childish behavior etc etc. If Trump acted like a professional adult the media wouldn't have half the talking points it has now. Also people see Fox news as the gospel, but it is the same thing as CNN from the other side.

What did Ronald Reagan, George HW Bush, George W Busha and Mitt Rnmey say that was outlandish and made them targets? Because the media made them all out to be right wing extremists to try and scare people away just they do with Trump. You really haven't noticed the pattern yet? That seems impossible to me. The only reason it's intensified for Trump is because he has the balls to fight back against them and call them out for their bullshit tactics.
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What. the. ****.

It just keeps getting worse and worse. There is only one question when it comes to Trump and everything he's ever said and done regarding Russia. And that is..... why?

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">NEW: After closed door mtg with Putin, Trump took his interpreter's notes, told linguist not to reveal what had transpired to other administration officials. Pattern of concealing communications with Putin. <a href="https://t.co/8hV3EOvPs4">https://t.co/8hV3EOvPs4</a></p>— Greg Miller (@gregpmiller) <a href="https://twitter.com/gregpmiller/status/1084229345764392960?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">January 12, 2019</a></blockquote>
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President Trump has gone to extraordinary lengths to conceal details of his conversations with Russian President Vladi*mir Putin, including on at least one occasion taking possession of the notes of his own interpreter and instructing the linguist not to discuss what had transpired with other administration officials, current and former U.S. officials said.

Trump did so after a meeting with Putin in 2017 in Hamburg that was also attended by then-Secretary of State Rex Tillerson. U.S. officials learned of Trump’s actions when a White House adviser and a senior State Department official sought information from the interpreter beyond a readout shared by Tillerson.

The constraints that Trump imposed are part of a broader pattern by the president of shielding his communications with Putin from public scrutiny and preventing even high-ranking officials in his own administration from fully knowing what he has told one of the United States’ main adversaries.

As a result, U.S. officials said there is no detailed record, even in classified files, of Trump’s face-to-face interactions with the Russian leader at five locations over the past two years. Such a gap would be unusual in any presidency, let alone one that Russia sought to install through what U.S. intelligence agencies have described as an unprecedented campaign of election interference.
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What did Ronald Reagan, George HW Bush, George W Busha and Mitt Rnmey say that was outlandish and made them targets? Because the media made them all out to be right wing extremists to try and scare people away just they do with Trump. You really haven't noticed the pattern yet? That seems impossible to me. The only reason it's intensified for Trump is because he has the balls to fight back against them and call them out for their bullshit tactics.

I think the difference is Bush, Reagan, Romney etc etc were the bigger people and didnt take the bait. There is a huge difference between fighting back and acting like a spoiled immature brat. Trump can fight back in two ways. Number one would be to get all his policies passed. Number 2 would be to use facts to call out the media. Trump resorts to personal attacks, childish name calling, and a YUGE amount of exaggerated / questionable statements or just downright lies. With the name calling and what not all that does is give the media fodder along with making no one wanting to work with him. Hell his hand picked people do not even want to work with him anymore. He just needs to grow up and act like a professional. Check the ego and listen to your own advisors.....
He just needs to grow up and act like a professional. Check the ego and listen to your own advisors.....
Hell will freeze over before any of that happens. Trump is Trump, we've seen all too much of it these past two years. He'll just double down and keep digging himself deeper and deeper in the ditch of his own making. Only his most delusional, twisted, hardcore base will be there for him as it all comes crashing down.
I think the difference is Bush, Reagan, Romney etc etc were the bigger people and didnt take the bait.

You keep going round and round. First you tried to claim that the media bias really isn't a media bias, or it's not that bad. You're absolutely wrong, but ok.

So now the point (which is fact) is brought up that Reagan and Bush and Romney et al were BRUTALLY attacked by the media. And you say "they were bigger people."

This just shows how skewed all of our opinions are and there are two sides to every coin. See Conservatives like me got fed up seeing Bush, Romney, Reagan et al brutalized by the media. Attacked relentlessly while Democrats were coddled by the media, made to be kings and queens, and never did wrong. The imbalance has been there for 3 decades. And we got sick and tired of seeing Reagan and Bush and Romney et all take it on the chin, turn the other cheek, smile and move on.

We realized after 3 decades it didn't matter who we put forward, they would be destroyed because they were Conservative and for no other reason.

Doubt me?

Look at Dr. Ben Carson. Black. Grew up poor. Lifted himself from poverty. Became a brain surgeon. Your LIBERAL Progressive (Communist) media torched that man. A man who is the epitome of "who we are" and what we should be. A minority who's brilliant, who overcame, who served humanity as a surgeon and yet HE WAS STILL A TARGET.

That's why I approve of Trump's behavior because finally after 30 years of trying to be the bigger people and realizing it would get us nowhere, we have someone fighting back.

I wish it were the other way around. The fact is the media and the Left should be admonished for their decades of attacks, for how they unfairly treated each of these candidates, how they destroyed Kavanaugh, Carson, Condoleezza, etc and et al. It's despicable. But who can hold them all accountable? No one. When you have the media fully supporting the Democratic party and our country supports the notion of a free press, they go unchecked.

Trump shouldn't be held accountable to any lesser degree than Jim Acosta, CNN, the NY Times, Buzz Feed and the rest should be.

Frankly my position is the Left and the Media created Trump the President. If the Leftist Progressive media had behaved like decent human beings operating fairly and openly for the past 30 years, Trump never would have had a chance of becoming President. Ever.

He's the result of the Left's behavior for 30 years, like it or not.
Since you brought up Carson he is a quote from him. Carson "came to an understanding that to lash out at people is not a sign of strength, it was a sign of weakness."
So sad. This is where we are in early 2019, two years into the Trump presidency.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">So between NYT and WaPo, we have learned, in the past 24 hours, that Trump was the subject of an FBI counterintelligence investigation for working on behalf of Russia and that he attempted to stop U.S. officials from having a record of his conversations with Russia's president.</p>— Kyle Griffin (@kylegriffin1) <a href="https://twitter.com/kylegriffin1/status/1084238600235937792?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">January 13, 2019</a></blockquote>
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">GUT CHECK:<br><br>The sitting U.S. president appears to be a Kremlin agent.<br><br>The Republican Party leadership is aiding and abetting him.<br><br>The right-wing media is covering for them.<br><br>Flag-waving Republican voters are perfectly fine with treason.<a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/LindseyGraham?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#LindseyGraham</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/RandPaul?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#RandPaul</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/MitchMcConnell?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#MitchMcConnell</a></p>— Peter Daou (@peterdaou) <a href="https://twitter.com/peterdaou/status/1084438044680310784?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">January 13, 2019</a></blockquote>
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Since you brought up Carson he is a quote from him. Carson "came to an understanding that to lash out at people is not a sign of strength, it was a sign of weakness."

And look where it's gotten him. He's been labeled a ******* Uncle Tom and savaged by the Left. It's like saying sorry to the bully. All they know is to attack more when they see signs of weakness like jackals. **** the media. Trump couldn't be vile enough to them in my eyes quite frankly. I applaud him for lashing out at them in his own defense but I wish he was even more hateful toward them. They are lowlife scum and I've known it for 2 decades. .
Since you brought up Carson he is a quote from him. Carson "came to an understanding that to lash out at people is not a sign of strength, it was a sign of weakness."

So you're saying the Left has been operating from a position of weakness for decades? Because all they do is lash out at those they disagree with.

Thank you for that, great find.
So sad. This is where we are in early 2019, two years into the Trump presidency.

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Is there any evidence of any wrongdoing? Or a crime?
Or is this the next media hysteria?

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Is there any evidence of any wrongdoing? Or a crime?
For you folks, there never is and never will be.

Or is this the next media hysteria?
Yes, just media hysteria, that's all it ever is.

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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">GUT CHECK:<br><br>The sitting U.S. president appears to be a Kremlin agent.<br><br>The Republican Party leadership is aiding and abetting him.<br><br>The right-wing media is covering for them.<br><br>Flag-waving Republican voters are perfectly fine with treason.<a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/LindseyGraham?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#LindseyGraham</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/RandPaul?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#RandPaul</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/MitchMcConnell?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#MitchMcConnell</a></p>— Peter Daou (@peterdaou) <a href="https://twitter.com/peterdaou/status/1084438044680310784?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">January 13, 2019</a></blockquote>
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You quote Peter Daou???? OMG, add this guy to the list of your impeccable heroes! It just gets better every damned day. Do you even check the sources of the **** you consume??

Just some excerpts. This guy is a REAL gem. Right up there with your favorite porn lawyer.


"The political consultant Peter Daou is quite possibly the weirdest man alive.

Daou is a case study in the conditions that tend to plague ambitious, irrelevant men who do not know when it’s their time to step aside — in short, he’s everything wrong with liberals today. Some of the many disorders of which Daou has exhibited symptoms include Failing Upward Syndrome, in which a man keeps getting bigger jobs even though he’s unqualified and incompetent (Daou started as an online communications adviser for John Kerry campaign in 2003, three years later he joined Hillary Clinton’s campaign as “internet director” and has benefitted from her loyalty ever since); Hugo Schwyzer Syndrome, in which a man who loudly claims to be a feminist to increase his bonafides with women ends up hogging the spotlight and being, in general, a smarmy freak (in 2015, Daou and fellow Clinton hanger-on Tom Watson launched a social media strategy called “Hillary Men,” intended to “provide actionable analysis of the 2016 campaign focusing on the gender barrier in U.S. politics”); and Opposite Imposter Syndrome, in which a man takes credit for something he had not even the slightest bit to do with (in 2010, Daou claimed to have co-founded the Huffington Post, an assertion Arianna Huffington called “laughable.” Huffington and Daou settled out of court in 2014). Perhaps the one thing for which Daou can take credit is torpedoing the Blue Nation Review, the fiercely pro-Clinton propaganda outlet once called the “Breitbart of the left,” into the ground — Daou was hired to run it in 2016, only to mysteriously disappear from its roster after Clinton’s humiliating defeat.

So who is Peter Daou, where did he come from, and how did he get here? Daou was born in Lebanon to Arthur Daou, a Lebanese businessman, and Suzanna Mann, an American expat from a Jewish family in New York City. Suzanna’s younger sister, married name Erica Jong, achieved worldwide fame in 1973 after the publication of her first book, Fear of Flying, a graphic semi-autobiographical account of a young woman’s sexual escapades. To a reader in 2017, Fear of Flying might appear unbearably trite, given that its protagonist is a 29-year-old aspiring writer in New York who goes on a gleefully-overshared journey of self-discovery, but it was revolutionary at the time. Many of Jong’s “semi-autobiographical” anecdotes bore certain similarities to Daou’s home life. In 2008, Suzanna Daou called Fear of Flying “an exposé of [her] life when [she] was living in Lebanon.” She was referring to a chapter (rather unfortunately) titled “Arabs & Other Animals,” in which the book’s protagonist, a poet named Isadora Wing and the character purported to be Jong, visits her sister and her husband in Beirut. Her sister, “Randy,” (Suzanna) is married to a Lebanese man, “Pierre,” (Peter Daou’s dad) and together they have six children.

Pierre’s refusal to shower is relatively mundane compared to what followed:

I don’t think this is such a good idea,” I said weakly. Pierre’s hands were under my nightgown, stroking my thighs. I wasn’t as unaroused as I wanted to pretend.
It continues from there. Suzanna Daou, for her part, “forgave” Jong in 2008: “I forgive her for everything, except writing that my husband crawled into her bed, which he didn’t, and asked her to perform fellatio, which he didn’t,” she said, according to the New Yorker. In response, Jong said that “every intelligent family has an insane member.” Yikes.

Pierre was arguing with Randy, saying that only Americans had the crazy notion of taking a bath every day, that it wasn’t natural (his favorite word), and that it dried up all your wonderful skin oils. Randy yelled back that she didn’t want her son to stink to high hell like his illustrious father, and she pointed out that she wasn’t fooled by his dirty habits. “What the hell dirty habits do you mean?” “I mean I know perfectly well that when I say I won’t sleep with you unless you take a shower, you go into the bathroom and turn on the water and just sit there smoking a cigarette on the goddamned toilet seat.

Daou has never been ashamed of Fear of Flying in the way his mother has, even though it contains lurid accounts of his aunt’s douching process and portrays his father as a greasy nymphomaniac. To the contrary, he seemed to embrace the book. In 1992, Peter and his then-wife Vanessa formed The Daou, a dance-pop group that scored a minor hit with the single “Surrender Yourself.” To follow it up, Peter and Vanessa opted to record a concept album about Fear of Flying in 1994. Yes, really. The album, billed as solo Vanessa Daou and produced by Peter, was titled Zipless. Lead single “Near the Black Forest,” which takes its title from a chapter of Fear of Flying, is about as sexual as you could get in 1994 without triggering an obscenity trial. The video opens with a hand undoing a zipper, and then it reveals Vanessa caressing her hips and breasts atop a platform in a steamy, possibly gay nightclub — in character, as Peter’s aunt. Just to reiterate, Daou and his wife wrote and recorded an album about his aunt’s sex memoirs in which a character based on his dad pressures her into a blow job. Sit back, crank up the sweet sounds of Daou, and just try to take it all in.

Even if you disregard the sex jams about his aunt and his proud service in a right-wing militia, Daou still doesn’t seem to be of much use to the world. Verrit will almost surely shutter before the end of 2017, and other Clinton operatives appear to be wary of him. An email thread about the “Hillary Men” currently archived at Wikileaks suggests internal tensions: “One thing to be aware of, if you aren't already, is that Peter worked on '08 and apparently burned a lot of bridges — I don't know the whole story, but digital folks from that campaign do not speak highly of him,” strategist Teddy Goff wrote. “Yeah — they are a little off,” replied former White House communications director Jennifer Palmieri. A little off indeed

This Pro-Hillary Website Looks Like North Korean Agitprop

Peter Daou, the prickly pro-Clinton operative, has launched a propaganda rag so shameless it would make Kim Jong Un blush.

Who would buy stock in a twice-defeated presidential candidate?

If the candidate under question is Hillary Clinton, that zealous buyer would be Peter Daou, one-time rocker, seasoned political blogger, former campaign adviser to John Kerry and Hillary Clinton, ambitious litigant, propagandist and internet entrepreneur. A couple of days ago, Daou launched his self-funded Verrit.com, a slavishly pro-Clinton site (endorsed by Hillary!) to carry on her failed crusade.

The derision greeting Verrit is so universal it inspires sympathy for Daou, as Gizmodo, the Washington Post, Outline, New Republic, New York, The Ringer and others have broken its back with their snap judgments. “Verrit, a Media Company for Almost Nobody,” read one headline. “No One Asked for Verrit, But Here We Are,” stated another. “What Is Verrit and Why Should I Care? (Unclear; You Shouldn’t.),” said a third. “Peter Daou Continues to Embarrass Hillary Clinton,” asserted the best in show....

As Daou’s Verrit manifesto puts it, the site hopes to become the trusted source for the 65.8 million voters who cast their ballots last November for Clinton and who seek verified “facts” they can use to argue politics. In theory, everybody needs a cheat sheet. In practice, the Verrit method is cringe-worthy. The headline to one early Verrit borrows from the literary methods of Kim Jong Un’s North Korea to assert, “Hillary Democrats Are the Heart and Conscience of America.” Does anybody outside of the Daou re-education camp really think this way?

When it comes to criticism, Daou isn’t just a snowflake. He’s a snow squall, equating most criticism of Clinton (or criticism of Daou) with the desire to erase Clinton and Clintonites. Early this year, he telegraphed his irrational partisanship by tweeting that anybody tweeting “Bernie would have won” in his timeline would earn “an instant block” from his account. “Useless and baseless conjecture. Betrays someone unfocused on the challenge ahead,” Daou continued.

His is a reductionist world where evidence of misogyny and sexism can be deduced from almost any political discussion of Madame Secretary. When Verrit launched, it inspired not only a mudslide of negative reviews but an ugly denial-of-service attack on his servers. From this rocky reception, Daou didn’t extract the perennial lesson that politics ain’t beanbag. He didn’t cinch up and concede that political passions will cause folks to overheat. Instead, he flew to Twitter and raged in all caps, “PEOPLE ARE STILL TERRIFIED OF HILLARY. PEOPLE STILL WANT TO DESTROY HILLARY. PEOPLE WANT TO SILENCE ANYONE WHO SUPPORTS HER.”

Terrified? Destroy? Silence? I'd love to see the serial numbers on those “facts.”

As the New Republic’s Sarah Jones pointed out, Verrit’s early shilling for Clinton easily veers into propaganda when it posts headlines like “Sanders and the Mainstream Media Helped Put Trump in the White House.” Such headlines present Clinton as a victim, denying her any agency, and blaming all of her failures on the press and Bernie Sanders. To dwell on this Verrit for just one more beat, is it safe to say that somebody out there is still terrified of Bernie, that somebody out there still wants to destroy Bernie, and that somebody wants to silence anyone who supported him?

Daou’s Clinton worship is beginning to resemble the adoration that New Deal romantics poured onto Eleanor Roosevelt in the 1950s. As any student of pop culture can tell you, an interval of five or 10 years must transpire before the attempted revival of an icon. Verrit is a sad nostalgia act, ahead of its time.


About a year ago, Peter Daou blocked me for criticizing him. I have never recovered. Don’t send email to Shafer.Politico@gmail.com, don’t subscribe to my email alerts, don't monitor my RSS feed, and please block me on Twitter.

Please Tibs, continue to quote from such esteemed gems.
Timothy bending over backwards to avoid the elephant in the room and comment on the two astonishing, breaking news stories from the past 24 hours.

Deflect, distract, obfuscate, attack the messenger, all the while completely ignoring the actual topic at hand.

They should use your posts to teach this stuff in school, as vivid examples of pure cowardice.
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Yes, just media hysteria, that's all it ever is.

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That is all it has been for two years. One right after the other.
And btw, I no longer trust the NYT and the WaPo to tell the truth.
That is all it has been for two years. One right after the other.
And btw, I no longer trust the NYT and the WaPo to tell the truth.

breaking news stories from the past 24 hours.

You have been posting "breaking news" since November 2016 - despite your hide under a rock absences - that have amounted to nothing. You don't post breaking news, you post speculation. Conjecture.

You posted "breaking news" about Trump peeing on people and a thousand other "breaking news" articles that were absolutely not breaking news.

When you post "news" I'll listen.

But by all means, continue to share "facts" with us from Avenatti, Daniels, and now Daou.


You'd eat **** if it were spoon fed to you.

Tibs, you are now the Jim Accosta of SN.

I have not been drinking the Trump Koolaid. All I have been asking for these past two years is for evidence/proof of some crime. Instead, all I get are these half baked innuendo stories from untrustworthy news sources. Do I believe there was an FBI investigation.....yes, because I wouldn't put anything past the Comey FBI, and it's criminal stunts.

You are the one drinking the media Koolaid. They pull you around by your hysteria driven nose ring, and you don't even realize you are being duped.The MSM is out to get Trump, and they will resort to whatever means necessary. Clear as day. Your hatred of all things Trump blinds you to the obvious truth.
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