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And it Begins:Special Prosecutor To Investigate Trump And Russia

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you ******* whining about Trump and "interrupting the circle jerk" were flogging relentlessly to all that was Bomma for 8 long years. eight long, pathetic years we heard how the white male was the root of all evil. eight long years we heard how if you're not fully supportive of the POTUS, you're racist. eight long years, we heard that if you're not 100% for gay marriage, you're a homophobe. eight long years, we heard that unless you support Planned Parenthood without hesitance, that you're evil. eight long years, we heard over and over again how we - those who questioned Obama and his actions and inactions - we were the bane of all existence and holding back progress. holding back america. holding back happiness. neverfuckingmind that there were riots seemingly non-stop, the term "space to destroy" was birthed upon us, that media was quick to fawn over all things Obama, that defending yourself and your home and your family was evil, that thugs have rights and even if they've violated yours that you should turn the other cheek...

you... YOU ******* are the ones who put Trump in office.

and if you keep this **** going, you'll see him voted in again in 2020.

Bwaa ha ha! Mueller accused of obstruction in nothing burger Russia witch hunt. Libtard mag says no collusion.


If the whole premise of the [Special Counsel Robert] Mueller investigation, that Russia hacked the DNC emails interfering with the elections, is in fact false and it was a DNC insider as the Nation reports former NSA officials contending, there is simply no rationale for the special counsel to continue investigating the Russia angle. It is incumbent upon the Justice Department to determine and settle once and for all the true source of the DNC emails. The only prosecutions that can flow from that investigation must be of Obama administration officials who covered up the real facts surrounding the DNC emails, setting the nation off on this new red scare. If Mueller is unwilling to go where the evidence leads, in this case to the DNC itself and the Obama administration cover-up, then he is not fit to serve. In Mueller’s case, this is either obstruction or willful blindness.
Bwaa ha ha! Mueller accused of obstruction in nothing burger Russia witch hunt. Libtard mag says no collusion.


If the whole premise of the [Special Counsel Robert] Mueller investigation, that Russia hacked the DNC emails interfering with the elections, is in fact false and it was a DNC insider as the Nation reports former NSA officials contending, there is simply no rationale for the special counsel to continue investigating the Russia angle. It is incumbent upon the Justice Department to determine and settle once and for all the true source of the DNC emails. The only prosecutions that can flow from that investigation must be of Obama administration officials who covered up the real facts surrounding the DNC emails, setting the nation off on this new red scare. If Mueller is unwilling to go where the evidence leads, in this case to the DNC itself and the Obama administration cover-up, then he is not fit to serve. In Mueller’s case, this is either obstruction or willful blindness.


THE NATION: DNC Hack Was Not Via Russia; It Was a DNC Inside Job
The Democratic National Committee was not hacked by Russia — nor by anyone else — but instead was “an inside job by someone with access to the DNC’s system,” according to a report in The Nation.

“There was no hack of the Democratic National Committee’s system on July 5 last year — not by the Russians, not by anyone else,” according to the Nation’s report, referencing conclusions by a group of former NSA computer experts.

“Hard science now demonstrates it was a leak — a download executed locally with a memory key or a similarly portable data-storage device.

“In short, it was an inside job by someone with access to the DNC’s system,” the experts concluded, since a remote hack of the committee’s servers — with the volume of data stolen — would have been technologically impossible.

“This casts serious doubt on the initial ‘hack,’ as alleged, that led to the very consequential publication of a large store of documents on WikiLeaks last summer,” the experts concluded.

In addition, the experts found forensic evidence proving the initial documents published by the hacker Guccifer 2.0 were forgeries intended to finger Moscow.

“Forensic investigations of documents made public two weeks prior to the July 5 leak by the person or entity known as Guccifer 2.0 show that they were fraudulent,” the experts said.

“Before Guccifer posted them, they were adulterated by cutting and pasting them into a blank template that had Russian as its default language.

“Guccifer took responsibility on June 15 for an intrusion the DNC reported on June 14 and professed to be a WikiLeaks source — claims essential to the official narrative implicating Russia in what was soon cast as an extensive hacking operation.

“To put the point simply,” the experts concluded, “forensic science now devastates this narrative.”

The Nation’s report, published Wednesday, details the extensive findings by “qualified experts working independently of one another.”

They began working on the DNC case “immediately after the July 2016 events,” according to the report.

These experts are part of a group called the Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS), established in 2003 to investigate claims by the George W. Bush administration that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction.

The group now has 30 members, most of whom have “decades of experience in matters concerning Russian intelligence and the related technologies,” the Nation reported.

In its findings, VIPS determined the NSA had the technical ability to find out exactly what happened because the agency’s publicly known programs can capture all electronic data transfers.

“If NSA cannot produce such evidence — and quickly — this would probably mean it does not have any,” the report concluded.

Besides addressing the technological issues surrounding the DNC breach and the Guccifer 2.0 drop, the VIPS report debunks a chronology of events surrounding the hack that led Democrats to finger WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange as a Moscow operative in the breach.

It includes the June 12 warning from Assange it would publish hacked documents on Democrat Hillary Clinton’s campaign to Guccifer 2.0’s second claim, July 5, that he had remotely breached the DNC servers.

“With his June 12 announcement,” the Nation’s observed, “Assange effectively put the DNC on notice that it had a little time, probably not much, to act preemptively against the imminent publication of damaging documents.

“Did the DNC quickly conjure Guccifer from thin air to create a cyber-saboteur whose fingers point to Russia?” the magazine asked.

“There is no evidence of this one way or the other, but emphatically it is legitimate to pose the question in the context of the VIPS chronology.

This news also lends a little more credibility to the Seth Rich murder story that he was the one who leaked the documents to Wikileaks and not Russia and he was murdered for it. He was either a Bernie Sanders supporter who got fed up with the DNC fixing the election for Hillary, or he was trying to peddle the information for money. Either way it is highly doubtful he was killed over a botched robbery where they took nothing.

This also might answer why Debbie Wasserman Schultz refused to let the FBI take the DNC’s computers. She may have known the leak was an inside job and went with the Russian story to hurt Trump and to cover up the damning information that was actually leaked.

One thing we do know is the Democratic Party is as corrupt as the day is long.
Someone's not gonna be happy. Prepare for twitter meltdown...3...2...1


Deutsche Bank Is Turning Over Information on Trump

Regulators are scrutinizing hundreds of millions in loans and a subpoena from Robert Mueller is expected.

Among the many mysteries surrounding Donald Trump’s finances as a real-estate mogul—and the conflicts of interest that might be revealed by his tax returns, were he ever to release them—is his long history of debt. The issue is not merely what Trump owes, but who he owes. As critics noted on the campaign trail, Trump’s habit of reneging on contracts and suing his lenders meant that virtually nobody on Wall Street wanted to work with him, with one exception: Deutsche Bank, which had loaned him hundreds of millions of dollars when no one else would, even after he sued the firm. Now, investigators probing the ties between the Trump campaign and Russia are wondering why—and they’re beginning to take a closer look at the president’s accounts with his favorite bank, which also happens to have strong ties to Russia itself.

The New York Times reports that banking regulators are currently “reviewing hundreds of millions of dollars in loans made to Mr. Trump’s businesses through Deutsche Bank’s private wealth management unit . . . to [see] if the loans might expose the bank to heightened risk.” Meanwhile, the Guardian reports that executives at Deutsche are “expecting that the bank will soon be receiving subpoenas or other requests for information from Robert Mueller,” and that the special counsel’s investigative team and the bank have “already established informal contact in connection to the federal investigation.”
No Russian collusion, so go after the finances. Probably the strategy from the beginning. The globalist bankers now being strong armed into the witch hunt. Or is it they who are calling the.shots now? Too bad they have to dirty their hands. They usually keep clean appearances. Great news.
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Someone's not gonna be happy. Prepare for twitter meltdown...3...2...1


Deutsche Bank Is Turning Over Information on Trump

Regulators are scrutinizing hundreds of millions in loans and a subpoena from Robert Mueller is expected.

What the hell does this have to do with Russia or the election?

Seriously, you have no problem with making an allegation, appointing a special prosecutor, and then having the special prosecutor comb through every bit of minituae about the person's finances looking for something - anything - to say, "A-HA"??

Why would this be limited to Trump? I take it you have have had no problem if a special counsel had been appointed to investigate Clinton's handling of classified material, and then subpoenaed Obama's financial records, and dealings with foreign governments, and e-mails, and put his staff under oath, and asked about favors and appointments and grants and DOJ investigations and on and on.

The only threat to liberty and the American way of life, as is always the case, is the thing with an army and jails - government.
I said to Tibs 20 pages ago this "investigation" has nothing to do with Russia and will morph into finding dirt on something just to justify Mueller's purpose.

Here he is already linking to the leaks like "I gotcha!" moments....

Everyone a mile away (Trump supporters and those opposed) knew this was going to be the end game.
I said to Tibs 20 pages ago this "investigation" has nothing to do with Russia and will morph into finding dirt on something just to justify Mueller's purpose.

Here he is already linking to the leaks like "I gotcha!" moments....

Everyone a mile away (Trump supporters and those opposed) knew this was going to be the end game.

Hmmm.......I thought everyone agreed Mueller was a straight shooter....

Oh! what? He has the goods on Trump? He must be part of the plot against the POTUS.

Gotta love Trumptards and the ever moving goal posts.
Here he is already linking to the leaks like "I gotcha!" moments....
They're not 'I gotcha!' moments for me, maybe they are for you. Just another bit of the puzzle, another development in a long, drawn-out investigation that hopefully will shed some light - good or bad - on what's been going on with Russia, the President and his associates.
Hmmm.......I thought everyone agreed Mueller was a straight shooter....

Oh! what? He has the goods on Trump? He must be part of the plot against the POTUS.

Gotta love Trumptards and the ever moving goal posts.

Wtf are you taking about? Mueller is the one moving the goalposts.

Sent from my iPhone using Steeler Nation mobile app
They're not 'I gotcha!' moments for me, maybe they are for you. Just another bit of the puzzle, another development in a long, drawn-out investigation that hopefully will shed some light - good or bad - on what's been going on with Russia, the President and his associates.

Trump and Russia! Trump and Russia!


You "people" are sick.
It's the same thing as with Global Warming studies. You already know what the end result HAS to be. The rest is just trying to tailor your study or investigation to get people to swallow it. Another dog and pony show from the start.
One of Muellers top investigators has left the investigation. Hmmmmm. Must have found out that this is a witch hunt and couldn't take it anymore. At least one of them has integrity.

From that noted far-right website Salon.com:


TUESDAY, AUG 15, 2017 08:00 AM EDT
What if the DNC Russian “hack” was really a leak after all? A new report raises questions media and Democrats would rather ignore
A group of intelligence pros and forensic investigators tell The Nation there was no hack— the media ignores it

Last week the respected left-liberal magazine The Nation published an explosive article that details in great depth the findings of a new report — authored in large part by former U.S. intelligence officers — which claims to present forensic evidence that the Democratic National Committee was not hacked by the Russians in July 2016. Instead, the report alleges, the DNC suffered an insider leak, conducted in the Eastern time zone of the United States by someone with physical access to a DNC computer.

This report also claims there is no apparent evidence that the hacker known as Guccifer 2.0 — supposedly based in Romania — hacked the DNC on behalf of the Russian government. There is also no evidence, the report’s authors say, that Guccifer handed documents over to WikiLeaks. Instead, the report says that the evidence and timeline of events suggests that Guccifer may have been conjured up in an attempt to deflect from the embarrassing information about Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign that was released just before the Democratic National Convention. The investigators found that some of the “Guccifer” files had been deliberately altered by copying and pasting the text into a “Russianified” word-processing document with Russian-language settings.

If all this is true, these findings would constitute a massive embarrassment for not only the DNC itself but the media, which has breathlessly pushed the Russian hacking narrative for an entire year, almost without question but with little solid evidence to back it up.

You could easily be forgiven for not having heard about this latest development — because, perhaps to avoid potential embarrassment, the media has completely ignored it. Instead, to this point only a few right-wing sites have seen fit to publish follow-ups.

The original piece, authored by former Salon columnist Patrick Lawrence (also known as Patrick L. Smith) appeared in The Nation on Aug. 9. The findings it details are supported by a group of strongly credentialed and well-respected forensic investigators and former NSA and CIA officials. The group call themselves Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity, or VIPS, and originally came together in 2003 to protest the use of faulty intelligence to justify the invasion of Iraq under President George W. Bush.

As of Aug. 12, the only well-known publications that have followed up on The Nation’s reporting are Breitbart News, the Washington Examiner and New York magazine (which described Lawrence’s article as “too incoherent to even debunk,” and therefore provided no substantial rebuttal). Bloomberg addressed the report in an op-ed by one of its regular columnists.

The silence from mainstream outlets on this is interesting, if for no other reason than the information appears in a highly-regarded liberal magazine with a reputation for vigorous and thorough reporting — not some right-wing fringe conspiracy outlet carrying water for Donald Trump.

Maybe the logic goes that if mainstream journalists leave this untouched, that alone will be enough to discredit it. True believers in the Russian hack narrative can point to Breitbart’s coverage to dismiss this new information without consideration. That is not good enough. Lawrence’s article, and the report behind it, deserves some proper attention.

Let’s back up for a second. Where did this report come from?

As explained by Lawrence, VIPS has been examining available information about the DNC hack and/or leak, but the group lacked access to all the data they needed because intelligence agencies refused to provide it.

One of the VIPS researchers on the DNC case, William Binney — formerly the NSA’s technical director for world geopolitical and military analysis — suggested in an interview with Lawrence that intelligence agencies have been hiding the lack of evidence for Russian hacking behind the claim that they must maintain secrecy to protect NSA programs.

At the same time, other anonymous forensic investigators have been working independently on the DNC case. They recently began sharing their findings via an obscure website called Disobedient Media. One of those anonymous investigators is known as the Forensicator. A man named Skip Folden, an IT executive at IBM for 33 years and a consultant for the FBI, Pentagon and Justice Department, acted as a liaison between VIPS and the Forensicator. Folden and other investigators have examined the evidence, attested to its professionalism, and sent a detailed technical report to the offices of special counsel Robert Mueller and Attorney General Jeff Sessions. VIPS believes this new evidence fills a “critical gap” in the DNC case. In a memorandum sent to President Trump, VIPS questions why the FBI, CIA and NSA neglected to perform any forensic analysis of the Guccifer documents, which were central to the narrative of Russian hacking.

VIPS states two things with what they describe as a high degree of certainty: There was no Russian hack on July 5, and the metadata from Guccifer’s June 15 document release was “synthetically tainted” with “Russian fingerprints.”

How did the group come to the conclusion that it was a leak, not a hack?

Investigators found that 1,976 megabytes of data were downloaded locally on July 5, 2016. The information was downloaded with a memory key or some other portable storage device. The download operation took 87 seconds — meaning the speed of transfer was 22.7 megabytes per second — “a speed that far exceeds an internet capability for a remote hack,” as Lawrence puts it. What’s more, they say, a transoceanic transfer would have been even slower (Guccifer claimed to be working from Romania).

“Based on the data we now have, what we’ve been calling a hack is impossible,” Folden told The Nation.

Further casting doubt on the official narrative is the fact the the DNC’s computer servers were never examined by the FBI. Instead, the agency relied on a report compiled by Crowdstrike, a cybersecurity firm compromised by serious conflicts of interest — the major one being that the firm was paid by the DNC itself to conduct its work. Another is that the firm’s owner is a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council, a think tank known for its hostility toward Russia.

The Intelligence Community Assessment published in January of this year, which claims “high confidence” in the Russian hacking theory, presented no hard evidence. Yet many in the media have relied on it as proof ever since. Ray McGovern, another VIPS member and formerly the chief of the CIA’s Soviet Foreign Policy Branch, called that intelligence assessment a “disgrace” to the profession.

The VIPS report also notes that the timing of events is strangely favorable to Hillary Clinton. It is hard to disagree.

On June 12, 2016, Julian Assange announced that he would publish documents related to Clinton’s campaign on WikiLeaks. Two days later, Crowdstrike, the firm paid by the DNC, suddenly announced the discovery of malware on DNC servers and claimed it had evidence that the Russians were responsible for it. This set in motion the narrative for Russian hacking.

A day after that, Guccifer appeared, took responsibility for the purported June 14 hack and announced that he was a WikiLeaks source, working on behalf of Russia. He then posted the documents which VIPS now claims were altered to make them appear more “Russian.”

On July 5, two weeks later, Guccifer claimed responsibility for another hack — which the VIPS report categorically states can only have been a leak, based on the speed of data transfer.

As Lawrence suggests, this timing was convenient for the Clinton campaign, which could avoid dealing with the contents of the leaks by instead focusing on the sensational story of Russian hacking.

Since we’ve covered what is in the VIPS report, it is equally important to note what this report does not do. It does not claim to know who the leaker was or what his or her motives were. Lawrence is also careful to note that these findings do not prove or disprove any other theories implicating Russia in the 2016 election (such as possible Russian connections to Donald Trump’s family and associates, etc.). This deals purely with the facts surrounding the DNC hack/leak last summer.

Many who have questioned the official version of events have sought to link the murder of Seth Rich to the theory that the DNC suffered a leak, not a hack. Rich, a 27-year-old DNC employee, was shot twice in the back as he walked home from a bar in Washington, five days after the supposed July 5 hack of the DNC’s servers.

Numerous unproven theories have surrounded Rich’s murder. There are those who suggest that Rich had been angered by the DNC’s treatment of Bernie Sanders, decided to leak information which would be damaging to Clinton’s campaign, and was then murdered by Democratic operatives. Others have claimed that perhaps Rich had found evidence of Russian hacking and was murdered by Russian operatives.

There is no evidence for any of these theories — and neither VIPS nor Lawrence in his article attempt to link Rich’s murder to the hack/leak of information from the DNC. (Washington police have said since the night of Rich’s death that he was the victim of an armed robbery attempt that went wrong.) Nonetheless, the emergence of this information may lend credence to those theories for those who want to believe them.

Instead of subjecting the various accounts of what happened last summer to rigorous scrutiny, the media instantly accepted the narrative promoted by the Clinton campaign and U.S. intelligence agencies. It has continued to do so ever since. Now, as new information comes to light, the media has largely acted as if it did not exist.

For the media and mainstream liberals to dismiss the information presented in Lawrence’s article as lacking in evidence would be breathtakingly ironic, given how little evidence they required to build a narrative to suit themselves and absolve Clinton of any responsibility for losing the election.

The authors of this report are highly experienced and well-regarded professionals. That they can be dismissed out of hand or ignored entirely is a sad commentary on the state of the media, which purports to be concerned by the plague of “fake news.”

If these new findings are accurate, those who pushed the Russia hacking narrative with little evidence have a lot to answer for. The Clinton campaign promoted a narrative that has pushed U.S.-Russia relations to the brink at an incredibly dangerous time.

Unlike the cacophony of anonymous sources cited by the media over the past year, these experts are ready to put their names to their assertions. They expect that pundits, politicians and the media will cast doubt on their findings, but say they are “prepared to answer any substantive challenges on their merits.” That is more than any other investigators or intelligence agencies have offered to this point.

Given the seriousness of this new information, the DNC’s official response to The Nation’s story is so lackluster it is almost laughable:

U.S. intelligence agencies have concluded the Russian government hacked the DNC in an attempt to interfere in the election. Any suggestion otherwise is false and is just another conspiracy theory like those pushed by Trump and his administration. It’s unfortunate that The Nation has decided to join the conspiracy theorists to push this narrative.

The clear implication here is that anyone who questions what U.S. intelligence agencies “have concluded” is a conspiracy theorist pushing lies on behalf of Trump or Vladimir Putin. It is clear that the DNC expect the matter to be left at that, with no further inquiry from the media or anyone else.

By the looks of things, that’s exactly what will happen.
Washington is such a corrupt pile of ****, possibly a Noko missle will go off target, and save us from doing it ourselves.
meanwhile, in CROOKED LOSER land

Two Former Wasserman Schultz IT Aides Indicted For Conspiracy Against U.S.

A federal grand jury Thursday indicted two former information technology (IT) aides of Democratic Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz — Pakistani-born Imran Awan and his wife Hina Alvi — on four counts of conspiracy in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia.

The FBI arrested Awan at Dulles International Airport July 24 as he was preparing to board a flight to Pakistan. When his wife Alvi left the U.S. for Pakistan in March, federal authorities found more than $12,000 in cash hidden in a suitcase.

Throwing out Alt Right Rag articles doesn't strengthen this argument. It discredits it.

An actual intelligence agency raided the home of Trump's former campaign manager, and it's a conspiracy? That's not how the intelligence agencies work. They don't raid a home on a whim, they do on hard evidence. There is smoke and it's being investigated. But we're not talking about that. There's Charlottesville and Nuclear war, and Barcelona. Distractions don't stop an investigation, they stop media cycles.

Want to cry foul when an intelligence agency is doing an investigation and finds criminal activity? You can't, because that's how due process and criminal investigations work. If criminal activity is unearthed, in any form, during an investigation, it gets brought to trial.
Throwing out Alt Right Rag articles doesn't strengthen this argument. It discredits it.

An actual intelligence agency raided the home of Trump's former campaign manager, and it's a conspiracy? That's not how the intelligence agencies work. They don't raid a home on a whim, they do on hard evidence. There is smoke and it's being investigated. But we're not talking about that. There's Charlottesville and Nuclear war, and Barcelona. Distractions don't stop an investigation, they stop media cycles.

Want to cry foul when an intelligence agency is doing an investigation and finds criminal activity? You can't, because that's how due process and criminal investigations work. If criminal activity is unearthed, in any form, during an investigation, it gets brought to trial.

You realize that Salon is about as left wing as it gets, right? I don't think abcnews is very right wing either.
You realize that Salon is about as left wing as it gets, right? I don't think abcnews is very right wing either.

Keep grasping for straws Trumptards.


The crux of their argument is that the data taken from the DNC was transferred to a USB stick, meaning that someone would have had to have direct access to the committee’s computers.

They claim the data was transferred at a rate that was far too fast for an internet connection.

But cybersecurity experts say the report is full of holes.

“In short, the theory is flawed,” John Hultquist, director of intelligence analysis at FireEye, a firm that provides forensic analysis, told The Hill.

“The author of the report didn’t consider a number of scenarios and breezed right past others. It completely ignores all the evidence that contradicts its claims.”

Another expert, Rich Barger, director of security research at Splunk, told The Hill that the theory that the data was downloaded onto a USB stick was also flawed.

“This theory assumes that the hacker downloaded the files to a computer and then leaked it from that computer,” he said.

The files might have been copied multiple times before being released.

“A hacker might have downloaded it to one computer, then shared it by USB to an air-gapped [off the internet] network for translation, then copied by a different person for analysis, then brought a new USB to an entirely different air-gapped computer to determine a strategy all before it was packaged for Guccifer 2.0 to leak,” said Barger.
Want some fries with that nothingburger?

Tick...Tock....Tick....Tock....it won't be long now Trumptards.

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