The Burnie debacle has nothing to do with the investigation into Trump's people dealing with the Russians. .
97 pages of garbage later.....
TRUMP's name STILL hasn't been mentioned ONCE anywhere during this RUSSIAN "investigation"
A year and 97 pages of garbage later.....
97 pages of garbage later.....
Rich Lowry ✔@RichLowry
Dianne Feinstein told Jake Tapper she hasn't seen any evidence of Trump campaign/Russia collusion on hacked emails
Do you know how long it took to impeach Nixon? Of course you don't because you are another know nothing just like your president the Criminal in Chief.
Breaking news from 40 minutes ago: Mueller will charge Flynn Trumps former national security advisor. to see here, it's not like White House officials are being charged........BOOM!
97 pages of garbage later.....
TRUMP's name STILL hasn't been mentioned ONCE anywhere during this RUSSIAN "investigation"
A year and 97 pages of garbage later.....
97 pages of garbage later.....
Rich Lowry ✔@RichLowry
Dianne Feinstein told Jake Tapper she hasn't seen any evidence of Trump campaign/Russia collusion on hacked emails
Trump's name is being often, just not directly. Thus far, it's just the relation that the former staff have to Trump that rates mentioning.
Though saying look over there at Bernie and Hillary, is not a defense to Trump or the people that worked for him. Both need to be investigated independently. Otherwise, what is the Rep narrative? See they're doing something illegal, so we should be able to do illegal things too? Or don't worry about our illegal things because the Dems are criminals too?
Have you completely lost your mind?
You're right, you've never mentioned your skill as an attorney on this forum. I apologize for suggesting you did. It was clearly a figment of my imagination.
Do you know how long it took to impeach Nixon? Of course you don't because you are another know nothing just like your president the Criminal in Chief.
97 pages of garbage later.....
TRUMP's name STILL hasn't been mentioned ONCE anywhere during this RUSSIAN "investigation"
A year and 97 pages of garbage later.....
97 pages of garbage later.....
Rich Lowry ✔@RichLowry
Dianne Feinstein told Jake Tapper she hasn't seen any evidence of Trump campaign/Russia collusion on hacked emails
Tibs greets his master
Ah, the Obama card, in November of 2017 in the Trump Dynasty. I understand the ship is sinking and you're desperately looking for a life vest. Obama is not that life vest. Hillary is not that life vest. Melania Trump in a slinky dress and high heels is not that life vest. Trump is a bumbling idiot, a court jester, a laughing stock of a president. The bar has been lowered like never before. You and the Trump rat pack own this ****. No amount of splash images you post here will legitimize this ******* child of a president. Many here act like Trump is ho hum just another knuckle dragging politican and are missing the point. Trump is a uniquely American embarrasement. Home grown and home made. The best and the brightest the golfing and hotel industry was able to offer up. Hey, it took balls on his part to take the job. No doubt about that.
He's in deep, stormy waters with no paddle and has been since the inauguration. Nothing Trump has done, in the slightest, has indicated he is capable of the job or competent enough to run the country.
But that's big picture stuff. Most of you are too neck deep into partisan politics you simply don't see - or refuse to see - Trump for what he is. It's a sad, low point in American politics. Certainly the lowest in my lifetime.
Most of you are too neck deep into partisan politics you simply don't see - or refuse to see - Trump for what he is.