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Another school shooting. 8 dead.

What the hell is going on in our country??

Anger, hatred and divisiveness. We’ve always had young men who confused anger with power, seems the need to feel empowered has never been so great.
Saw that. Glad to hear no fatalities (that I've heard) and the shooter was apprehended quickly. And I hope they don't let out any details of the shooter's identity (this is becoming trendy copy-cat **** for these sick SOBs). Unreal it's happening so often now.

These directionless kids today are simply trying to "one up" each other now at every turn. Kids at that age all of a sudden are fascinated with showing how much worse their lives are than everyone else's. Therefore if a kid I know cuts themselves, I have to cut myself worse and let everyone know about it. If a kid threatens to kill themselves, I have to threaten to kill myself louder and to more people. If I see kids on the news shooting up the school, I can't allow people thinking they are more depressed and bullied than me, therefore I have to shoot up my school too and try to get more people.
Anger, hatred and divisiveness. We’ve always had young men who confused anger with power, seems the need to feel empowered has never been so great.

The everyone gets a trophy generation is coming home to roost. At some point, these kids realize that they are not the center of the universe, and some react in horrible ways. Throw in some nasty psychotropic drugs, and you have a tragedy. Many kids already feel disillusioned, but divisiveness is enhanced by our identity politics environment, where white males are demonized.
Same results occurring as a result of our fatherless family structure. Progress, they tell me.

Oh wait, I take that all back. It really is the result of the white, male patriarchy. What was I thinking?
They’ve had metal detectors for years in the ghetto schools and you never hear about school shootings there. It’s time to put them in suburb schools tool.
I say new law. If you post threats about guns or weapons on Facebook, no warranty is needed for the police or FBI to act. Take away their weapons, and charge them. Simple as that.

Threating people is NOT free speech.

Maybe this is a millennial type of problem?
Maybe this is a millennial type of problem?
We've had guns here for around 300 years. Mass shootings are a fairly new thing. I say it's a people problem and not a gun problem.
We've had guns here for around 300 years. Mass shootings are a fairly new thing. I say it's a people problem and not a gun problem.

And a psychotropic drug problem as well.
How many of these shooters have been on some sort of drugs? Any idea?

Nearly all. Google school shooters and psychotropic drugs. You'll find dating back to Columbine nearly every shooter was on or coming off of these drugs.

Ron B brought up a great point. Guns in this country for 300 years. Mass shootings really started becoming "commonplace" about 30 years ago.

Know what skyrocketed about 30 years ago? Pharmas making massive money peddling Ritalin and other "mind altering" drugs to the medical community who in turn over prescribe them to our kids.
Nearly all. Google school shooters and psychotropic drugs. You'll find dating back to Columbine nearly every shooter was on or coming off of these drugs.

Ron B brought up a great point. Guns in this country for 300 years. Mass shootings really started becoming "commonplace" about 30 years ago.

Know what skyrocketed about 30 years ago? Pharmas making massive money peddling Ritalin and other "mind altering" drugs to the medical community who in turn over prescribe them to our kids.

Everyone is so quick to blame the NRA....but they ignore the big pharma problem.
Here’s the email I got late yesterday afternoon from our school system. We are just South of Noblesville.

Good afternoon,

Today a tragic and senseless act of violence occurred in one of our neighboring communities at Noblesville Community Schools. Today’s events have made students, parents and the community feel a sense of unease, concern and fear. Our hearts go out to the Noblesville community. We want to acknowledge the bravery of the teachers and students involved and the effectiveness of their training.

We would like to take this moment to reiterate the safety and well-being of our students, your children, is our top priority. Carmel Clay Schools works closely with the Carmel Police Department, and our first responders at a county and state level to ensure the safety of all those on our campuses and in our buildings. We continue to make the safety of our students, employees and visitors a top priority.

Counselors and social workers, along with our teachers and student resource officers provide support and care for students who may be feeling fearful or anxious. It’s important to know students have a positive outlet to express these concerns and we ask for your assistance in working together as a community to address these concerns.

The following safety measures are in place at Carmel Clay Schools:

All staff are trained in safety procedures and protocols regularly.
All schools have a certified school safety specialist.
Carmel Clay Schools has a contract with the Carmel Police Department which provides full time, uniformed officers and school resource officers to assist in providing a safe environment.
Carmel Police Department and Carmel Clay Schools collaborate and review each school's safety plans regularly.
All staff and students are familiar with our ALICE training program certification (https://www.alicetraining.com/our-program/alice-training/)
All staff and students participate in safety drills and scenario based drills monthly.
All exterior doors are locked during the school day and all individuals that enter the school must be checked in through our school security software, SchoolGate Guardian.
Carmel Clay Schools offers Anonymous Alert, an electronic reporting system in MyCCS in which students and parents can anonymously report safety concerns.
Safety is a top priority for Carmel Clay Schools. We appreciate your partnership in these efforts.

Thank you,

Dr. Amy Dudley and Mr. Roger McMichael

Co-Interim Superintendents

Carmel Clay Schools
When I was in school there were at least a dozen doors that were all open. Today, and I live three blocks from the same school, it's been locked tighter than a drum for years. Had to go there for my high school transcripts to go to mortuary school in 2013. Only one door you can enter in and there's a security guard and a metal detector and that was as far as they'd let me go, security guard had me fill out a form and give it to him. Also I thought it was stupid that they wanted my high school transcripts when I have two college degrees including an MBA, but it is what it is.
When I was in school there were at least a dozen doors that were all open. Today, and I live three blocks from the same school, it's been locked tighter than a drum for years. Had to go there for my high school transcripts to go to mortuary school in 2013. Only one door you can enter in and there's a security guard and a metal detector and that was as far as they'd let me go, security guard had me fill out a form and give it to him. Also I thought it was stupid that they wanted my high school transcripts when I have two college degrees including an MBA, but it is what it is.

Our school is the same, yet at dismissal time all the doors are open, anyone can walk right in and there is absolutely no security. Probably 75% of the students are still there for sports practices or music rehearsals or something.

And yeah, that is stupid.
I’m all for metal detectors and armed cops who have instant clearance to shoot the warped little ************* right in the face.
I think part of the problem with schools today is the principals mostly have Dr before their names. They go through these programs which teach them how to cater to snowflakes. I think it was better when principals were mostly people who taught for a long time and knew how kids acted and schools ran in the real world and not in books.
I think part of the problem with schools today is the principals mostly have Dr before their names. They go through these programs which teach them how to cater to snowflakes. I think it was better when principals were mostly people who taught for a long time and knew how kids acted and schools ran in the real world and not in books.

We need more Joe Clarks!
Here’s the email I got late yesterday afternoon from our school system. We are just South of Noblesville.

Good afternoon,

Today a tragic and senseless act of violence occurred in one of our neighboring communities at Noblesville Community Schools. Today’s events have made students, parents and the community feel a sense of unease, concern and fear. Our hearts go out to the Noblesville community. We want to acknowledge the bravery of the teachers and students involved and the effectiveness of their training.

We would like to take this moment to reiterate the safety and well-being of our students, your children, is our top priority. Carmel Clay Schools works closely with the Carmel Police Department, and our first responders at a county and state level to ensure the safety of all those on our campuses and in our buildings. We continue to make the safety of our students, employees and visitors a top priority.

Counselors and social workers, along with our teachers and student resource officers provide support and care for students who may be feeling fearful or anxious. It’s important to know students have a positive outlet to express these concerns and we ask for your assistance in working together as a community to address these concerns.

The following safety measures are in place at Carmel Clay Schools:

All staff are trained in safety procedures and protocols regularly.
All schools have a certified school safety specialist.
Carmel Clay Schools has a contract with the Carmel Police Department which provides full time, uniformed officers and school resource officers to assist in providing a safe environment.
Carmel Police Department and Carmel Clay Schools collaborate and review each school's safety plans regularly.
All staff and students are familiar with our ALICE training program certification (https://www.alicetraining.com/our-program/alice-training/)
All staff and students participate in safety drills and scenario based drills monthly.
All exterior doors are locked during the school day and all individuals that enter the school must be checked in through our school security software, SchoolGate Guardian.
Carmel Clay Schools offers Anonymous Alert, an electronic reporting system in MyCCS in which students and parents can anonymously report safety concerns.
Safety is a top priority for Carmel Clay Schools. We appreciate your partnership in these efforts.

Thank you,

Dr. Amy Dudley and Mr. Roger McMichael

Co-Interim Superintendents

Carmel Clay Schools

You know the funny thing Indy is that we have the exact same protocols here in Noblesville. With that said, I don't think you will ever find a protocol that can eliminate totally a persons desire to kill another human being. Look at the federal prison system, one of the most secure facilities there is, and people still find a way to build shanks, start fires...etc.

I have a personal perspective on the Noblesville shooting as that is our district, my son went to West, and now is a Freshman at the High School. I coach football with the teacher that was shot while taking down the shooter. Ella (the girl that was shot repeatedly) is friends with my son as she is also a distance runner and often runs with the High School kids. With that said and without getting into too much detail, I will say that IF they ever release the details on the shooting (right now it won't happen because he the suspect is a juvenile and all records are sealed) everyone will find out that this all occurred over a rejection. The boy asked the girl out and the girl said no. The shooter had been suspended previously for making threats, and apparently this time he chose to act on them. I may be alone in thinking this way, but I do feel bad for the boy that did the shooting. How bad did his parents, school, relatives, friends...etc fail this boy that he thinks this is an acceptable solution to rejection? It has not been released where he got the 2 handguns from that were used in the shooting, but if he got them from his home and/or parents, when are parents held accountable for their negligence? We as a society have done a wonderful job setting our kids up to fail in life. The every child gets a participation trophy generation will go thru most of their youth having no concept of how to handle or deal with rejection. Why is it that most of the high schools around here have 150 kids on the football roster, have 4-5 baseball teams at the high school because we cannot cut a kid if he is not good enough to participate. Every time a kid is not selected to a travel baseball team dads start a new team up so that junior can say he plays travel ball, hence why we have 400+ travel baseball teams in central Indiana. Finally, we have a bunch of parents that would rather be best friends with their kids rather than be their parents. Parents that won't allow their kids to be disciplined or even given decent instruction because it might hurt their fragile psyche. True story, last year, while coaching the Freshman summer baseball team, I had a player that got picked off twice in the same game because he was not watching the pitcher while leading off. After the second time, I put my arm around the kid and told him if he gets picked off again for not watching the pitcher, he is going to watch the rest of the game from the bench. The next day before our game, the players dad approaches me in the parking lot and proceeds to rip me a new ******* that I can't threaten kids like that and that kids don't respond to being threatened like that. These are the kids that society as a whole is raising, and we wonder why there are school shootings? We wonder why there are more mental health issues today than 20 or 30 years ago? When you shield a child from learning to process an emotion or how to receive instruction, be coachable, or accept that failure is a part of life and how you learn from it and move forward is what makes you a better person you create mental disorders. I really am afraid for my future grandchildren and great grandchildren for the world that they are going to see and live in...hell the change over the last 20 years is downright scary and I don't see it getting any better anytime soon.
You guys are making a very good case why kids today aren't mature enough to buy a firearm until their 21.

Really? How so? I see posts discussing 12 and 13 years olds, not 18, 19, 20. And even if there were, it's irrelevant. How do you get past the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment?
I say new law. If you post threats about guns or weapons on Facebook, no warranty is needed for the police or FBI to act. Take away their weapons, and charge them. Simple as that.

Threating people is NOT free speech.

Maybe this is a millennial type of problem?

So you're advocating for illegal search and seizure? There's damn good reasons why warrants are necessary.
So you're advocating for illegal search and seizure? There's damn good reasons why warrants are necessary.

Students have less right to privacy and freedom from search on school property than do adults in their home and office. School officials can search lockers or the students themselves if they have an "articulable suspicion" that the student is hiding contraband. That means that the school officials must be able to state a reasonable, fact-based suspicion, including comments by the student, prior behavior by the student, comments from other students, the odor of alcohol or marijuana on the student, etc.
There is an inherent problem with terrorism and "lone wolf" mass shootings that America will always struggle with.

That is partly because the way we have always solved "social" ills in the past is to OVER examine and shine light after light after light on the problem thinking this will "fix it". We have a problem with racism? Let's talk about it ALL THE TIME. We have a problem with the tobacco industry? Pull the curtain back as far as it will go. Environment issues, pollution? Expose it. Report about it. Talk about at round tables and with "experts".

But when it comes to Terrorism and "Lone Wolf" violence, the more you talk about it, the worse it potentially could get. Because the goal IS the attention. It's not about death. It's not about head count. It's about the TALKING that comes after that generates the reason to do it in the first place.

Terrorists and mass murderers don't care if they get 3-4 more victims, only that it's big enough to generate NEWS. Only that it's big enough to have America do it's same song and dance routine, over-report about it, divide each other on "social solution" debates.

The reality is the chance of either terrorism or a "lone wolf" mass shooter REALLY impacting you is less than so many other social ills that the amount of time we spend on it as a media/society is not proportional to the risk.

The reality is these events are incredible money-makers for the News Industry because of the very fact they are infrequent, rare and incredibly difficult to just "stop" by some easy solution, thus the media can create the sense of an "unfixable" problem. And Americans love the random, "that could happen to me and there's nothing I could do to stop it" tragedy. And the media loves to play on those emotions.

And has been proven time and time again, these events are not happening MORE FREQUENTLY, only more deadly. And that might be completely a result of media coverage and the "one up" attempt at these crazy people to make sure what they do gets on the news in the first place.

To me, this is a News and Social Media issue. Not a gun issue. Not a child raising issue. Not a school issue. Not a "level of protection" issue. Not a police issue. Not a religious issue.

If we keep acting like the sky is falling every time something like this happens. If we talk about the killer ad naseum. If we "humanize" the victims and continue to play on the heartstrings of Americans to generate clicks and eyeballs, it's only going to get worse. And no law is going to change that.