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Anyone watching Impeachment circus?

That is an inappropriate response. Tibs has his right to his opinions and I don’t find responses like that becoming of anyone or any side. We are all still Steeler Fans here.

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Pipe down.
The "opinion" you are referring to has been posted COUNTLESS times. His repeated despair laden artificial hyperbolic visions of doom and gloom for this country has earned him the appropriate response.

An exaggeration begat an exaggeration. Get it?
Pipe down.
The "opinion" you are referring to has been posted COUNTLESS times. His repeated despair laden artificial hyperbolic visions of doom and gloom for this country has earned him the appropriate response.

An exaggeration begat an exaggeration. Get it?

You went full retard on Tibs. You never go full retard.

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Congrats! America has been brought to her knees, without a shot being fired. Thanks to Trump & the shameful, complicit GOP, the Constitution has been shredded, the executive branch elevated to something akin to a monarchy. Job well done MAGA!

Sorry Tibs, whatever someone may feel about Trump this is EXACTLY the way our Constitution is supposed to work. The framers set a very high, bipartisan bar for impeachment for good reason. They did not want one party to be able to overturn a presidential election.

Democracy has been saved.
Like one of the Trump disliking Libertarians I spoke to last night said, “Don’t push a partisan impeachment then get mad when it gets dismissed on partisan lines...

This was like the Clinton impeachment... with even less crimes involved... it was stupid...

It was a last chance attempt to drum up some interest in the party for the elections... apathy is at an all time high and the factions are almost ready to let it die... Dem overlords needed a rallying cry distraction and this was it
Really Stewey? Glad it was deleted. That is way over the line.

Tibs gets the short stick here too often... he is a hardcore liberal but really overall he isn’t one of the extreme nutjobs that is out of control. Exposure to alternative mindsets is healthy for everyone here... even If they think they are wrong
He was never getting removed from office.

All of this was "reality TV" at its finest (yet somehow Trump is the reality TV president). All hot air and buffing out chests and smear campaigns hoping to "influence" the 2020 election.

I'm glad its done. Bad time in our history. One of the most partisan **** shows ever. **** Congress. Corrupt ********.
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Sorry Tibs, whatever someone may feel about Trump this is EXACTLY the way our Constitution is supposed to work.
Not at all. What trial or impeachment hearing has no witnesses or evidence submitted? None. It’s never happened before in history, making this trial a sham.

This was Trump’s glorious opportunity to prove - once and for all - this was nothing but a partisan hack job by the Dems. Bring in the 3-4 key people in his cabinet that were there every step of the way re Ukraine. Provide first hand-witnesses to back his story and tell the American people the truth. Provide subpoened documents and set the record straight. Trump’s stated from the beginning it was a ‘perfect call,’ that he did nothing wrong, this whole impeachment was a sham and a wild goose chase. Great. Then why in the world would Trump lawyers & the GOP - for the first and only time in history - block witnesses and evidence? To what end?

None of this was Constitutional in the slightest. All it does is fuel the fire and give the Dems even more ammo heading into November that Trump & the GOP are corrupt to the bone. By not allowing witnesses and evidence they ****** this up real bad. Their choice, I don’t feel bad for them, nor did it come as a surprise. No innocent person would ever not want witnesses and evidence that would prove their innocence.

You can put 2 and 2 together...you don’t need me for that.
Oh its not over, its just begun, saddle up buckeroos, we got us a shootin' war

I don't know. I think it's done for now. After tomorrow morning's Sunday news shows, where the sky will be falling on our republic, the work week will be more about the State of the Union address and liberals crying over their lattes about the inevitable vote.

Liberals have to regroup. This attack is done.

All signs point to a very optimistic State of the Union address so Liberals will rally around the Iowa winner in the primaries (even though none of them will pull 30% of the vote) and lie about how that shows such a "strong field of candidates". When in reality it should be terribly depressing to democrats that none of their candidates can pull 30% of the vote yet.

There is some very optimistic times coming ahead for Republicans over the next couple of months. The Supreme court rulings over the spring session are going to shape conservative politics for the next year. The DACA decision will give Trump all his chips back to negotiate a potential immigration reform law. If House democrats stall until the election, DACA will die and millions of "dreamers" they love will start to get deported. Not sure they can afford to let that happen. If they agree to an immigration law, Trump will basically enter election day fulfilling almost every promise he made in 2016: better economy (check), wall (check), better trade deals (check), new immigration law (check), huge changes from Obama on foreign relations (check).

Trump has shifted the right-left pendulum faster and more than any President in my lifetime except for Reagan in 1980-1984 (maybe even more). Considering where we were in summer 2016 after Obama's "apology for being American tour" and his horrendous pandering foreign policies and lackluster economy, I am just ecstatic where we are today.

I'm sure liberals will find another "sky is falling" story in the next couple of months. But the Ukraine story is dead (except for Hunter Biden).
Not at all. What trial or impeachment hearing has no witnesses or evidence submitted? None. It’s never happened before in history, making this trial a sham.

The House is supposed to gather the evidence and present the case to the Senate. They're not supposed to say "Here's our case, now do all the work of proving it for us."

It's a joke that any Dem is complaining about a "fair trial" when they would not allow any of their witnesses to be cross-examined, and were poised to try and block witnesses the defense wanted to call. All so that they can drag this out as long as possible.

No sorry, there was no way this was ever going to bear any resemblance to a fair trial. It's been a sham from day one.

This was Trump’s glorious opportunity to prove - once and for all - this was nothing but a partisan hack job by the Dems.

Except the accused doesn't have to prove their innocence. You've got that backwards.
All it does is fuel the fire and give the Dems even more ammo heading into November that Trump & the GOP are corrupt to the bone. By not allowing witnesses and evidence they ****** this up real bad.

Actually it's the Dems who ****** up real bad. Had they subpoenaed witnesses and documents and gone through the proper channels to fight the executive privilege claims, they may have A) uncovered enough information to sway anyone and B) maybe had a leg to stand on in their "obstruction of Congress" article which is a joke as it stands. Perhaps they could have charged him with some kind of actual crime instead of the vague, too broad non criminal things they did charge him with. Maybe they wouldn't have lost all credibility by spending hours talking about bribery extortion and cheating in an election when they didn't even charge him with any of those things in the articles of impeachment. But they didn't want to do that, who knows why, I guess they were afraid it might go on past the election after the people of this country had spoken-again.

They couldn't have handled this any worse if they were trying.
Go back in history and check how many witnesses were called to testify in Senate impeachment hearings, including numerous cases of first-time witnesses who never gave testimony in the House. What the GOP just did - in unison w Trump - is unprecedented. Those are the facts.
Actually it's the Dems who ****** up real bad. Had they subpoenaed witnesses and documents and gone through the proper channels to fight the executive privilege claims, they may have A) uncovered enough information to sway anyone and B) maybe had a leg to stand on in their "obstruction of Congress" article which is a joke as it stands. ...

C) been fighting in court well past the next election.
Go back in history and check how many witnesses were called to testify in Senate impeachment hearings, including numerous cases of first-time witnesses who never gave testimony in the House. What the GOP just did - in unison w Trump - is unprecedented. Those are the facts.

Your understanding of the facts and of what happened is not rooted in reality. It's a side effect of watching too much CNN.
I was actually hoping there would be witnesses.

As an American, I want to know how our Vice President's unqualified, drug addict, **** up son, got put on the board of Ukraine's largest energy company while his Daddy was in charge of Ukraine policy. I want to know how Burisma got his name, who made the calls, what did the emails say. I want to know if Joe Biden was in charge of doling out aid to Ukraine or looking into corruption while his son was getting paid 50,000/month to do nothing for a Ukrainian company that has been accused of corruption. I'm sick of hearing everyone say "There's no evidence they did anything wrong." What? There is evidence is right in front of the face of anyone who's not a complete moron.

I wanted the whistleblower questioned about his ties to the Democrat party and to Biden in particular and what his feelings are on Trump as a President. It would seem someone who has ties to one of Trump's political rivals might have a wee bit of conflict of interest here, no? But we're not allowed to ask that either.
I was actually hoping there would be witnesses.

As an American, I want to know how our Vice President's unqualified, drug addict, **** up son, got put on the board of Ukraine's largest energy company while his Daddy was in charge of Ukraine policy

Short answer- Political patronage. Only been going on in our government for a couple hundred years. BTW- Our Ukrainian Ambassador scored his position in the Trump administration with a cool million dollar campaign contribution. Historically there are gub'mint positions that are basically spoils of victory that the President doles out at his pleasure. One good example is all the customary letters of resignation when a new Administration comes into office. They may be accepted or not.
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Go back in history and check how many witnesses were called to testify in Senate impeachment hearings, including numerous cases of first-time witnesses who never gave testimony in the House. What the GOP just did - in unison w Trump - is unprecedented. Those are the facts.

You keep pointing your finger at the GOP -- yet you consistently fail to call out the Democrats, who had planned for impeachment since day 1 of Trump's Presidency and just waited until the opportune time to pull the trigger to influence the 2020 election. Their manipulations of the Russia collusion hoax was enough to win them the house in 2018 -- this was just the next attempt for them to impact another national election. So spare me your lamentations about how our Democracy has been ravaged by a corrupt GOP when the fact of the matter is it's the Democrats who have been corrupt in trying to oust a duly elected President because "Orange man bad".
Go back in history and check how many witnesses were called to testify in Senate impeachment hearings, including numerous cases of first-time witnesses who never gave testimony in the House. What the GOP just did - in unison w Trump - is unprecedented. Those are the facts.

Tibs what the Democrats in the House did was unprecedented. Why do you ignore that fact. Impeachment was completely and utterly partisan. No defense witnesses were approved not all documents were turned over to the defense and the initiator of this entire farce was not called. How can anyone blame the Senate for a partisan reaction to something that was totally partisan to begin with. No impeachment ever should be totally one sided.

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Although I am unaware of any hoaxes perpetrated by poster 'Tibs', I am aware of ""hoaxes" that have quite a bit of merit. You can view them and judge for yourself at:


The above bolding is mine- I was unaware that Tibs spoke for the entire "liberal" opposition to this President's actions. Who knew?

tibbie has been full retard posting how all hoaxes are going to bring down President Trump, so they have become his hoaxes also.

if you registered last month you don't know the history of the posters here....if you've been here longer under another name you should make it known....either way piss off
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Short answer- Political patronage. Only been going on in our government for a couple hundred years. BTW- Our Ukrainian Ambassador scored his position in the Trump administration with a cool million dollar campaign contribution. Historically there are gub'mint positions that are basically spoils of victory that the President doles out at his pleasure. One good example is all the customary letters of resignation when a new Administration comes into office. They may be accepted or not.

President's handing out Ambassador positions is not the same as corrupt companies hiring relatives of the Vice President or high ranking Congressional members
Go back in history and check how many witnesses were called to testify in Senate impeachment hearings, including numerous cases of first-time witnesses who never gave testimony in the House. What the GOP just did - in unison w Trump - is unprecedented. Those are the facts.

Go back in history and look Tibs. How many articles of impeachment were passed on completely partisan votes? Do you know how many Republicans joined the House Dems in voting to impeach Trump? 0. In fact 3 Dems voted against it. Unprecedented indeed.