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Atheist kills 3 innocent college students

$1,000 says you and I in the same situation would be hoping that a helicopter full of soldiers sent by someone in the Pentagon who received information from a drone, routed through satellites, then maybe fiber optic cable would show up. All things brought to you by science.

Yeah, we were hoping for all that science stuff too...
$1,000 says you and I in the same situation would be hoping that a helicopter full of soldiers sent by someone in the Pentagon who received information from a drone, routed through satellites, then maybe fiber optic cable would show up. All things brought to you by science.

You can also pray to the magical hippie or whatever character resides in your particular delusion if you want, he ain't helping. He/she/it/they never does.

Don't you think all the other victims tried that? How did it work out?

Science and all things related to it, emanate from God. God created science, you dipshit
No the point was that after it came out that this nutter was a big government neo-socialist fellow traveler and an atheist to boot the MSM moved of with a quickness to other stories. The MSM would still be talking about this if he had fit the template they like to portray. The double standard in reportage is the point.

Bingo. People forget the point. As soon as the story came out, in the hours that followed, the MSM tried like hell to pin this as a hate crime on the guy, saying he was white and Christian and this led to the attack of the Muslims. It was raging like a forest fire, until it was found out he was in fact an atheist. They packed up their cameras and went back to other stories.

This is the point. I don't speak for everyone here, but I don't give a rats *** that the guy was atheist or not. I do give a rats *** that the MSM once again tried to paint good, conservative Christians as terrorists.
It's okay dwarfie....you can use my site name......not that difficult to spell. I demand attribution! And to be fair, the attributes listed belong to you. Again, subtlety and sarcasm seem to be wasted on the obtuse.

Good for you!
Science and all things related to it, emanate from God. God created science, you dipshit

I bet you're a grandmaster at tic tac toe. The Russians must shudder at the thought of facing you......

Did your god create evil like he created science? If so then maybe he wants us in that cage, maybe he endorses what ISIL does....let's check:

I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things. —Isaiah 45:7

Why YES! Yes he does! So when you pray in the cage he actually must answer with " Don't worry he'll strike that match soon..you know that match tipped with phosphorus that some Chinese scientist created long ago using the science I gave him, enjoy dipshit"

Yeah it seems that by your standard he created and endorses ISIL, good luck with that.
Yeah, we were hoping for all that science stuff too...

How do you know they didn't pray? It wouldn't have mattered for the one on the far left because god hated him anyway for the way that god himself made him...huh?

I think that's like god sending his son who is really himself to die for the sins of the world only to be walking around not dead 3 days later showing off his nail holes...huh?
Right, because (the collective) you object to the "male, white supremacist, bible thumper template" on the grounds that your Christian faith is threatened or attacked. So in response, the point of the OP is, "So now we have to deal with radical atheists on top of everything else." Suggesting that atheists are religious extremists in a class with muslim terrorists because one guy who has rage issues also happens to be a confirmed atheist, despite the fact that there's no evidence that the events in the story had anything to do with religion or atheism but was the culmination of an ongoing fight over a parking space.

It would have been different if the thread had started out by saying "wow, the MSM are such ******** for trying to turn this into a racial or religious issue." Instead it was "look at the violent atheist, on top of all the ******* muslims we already have to deal with!"

Outstanding post. If you'll also notice that at the beginning of the thread for some it's something to joke about.

I love North Carolina Rednecks....atheist or not. I can almost guarantee after the third of his victims hit the ground he muttered to himself "park in my spot now *************". ---Hineswardkickedurpanzyass

And just prior was "Hold mah beer and watch 'is"......------Rod Farve

If it had been young white Christian men and women killed it would not be nearly so open for humor, if it was you or I making such comments in that scenario we would be told how disgusting and disrespectful we are, and then one of them would send a whining PM to a fellow angry white male/female mod resulting in us being banned.

Since these are Muslim "religion of peace" (euphemism for every Muslim is a terrorist) young people, who cares?

The killer had defended the right of Muslims to build the mosque in NYC on Facebook so apparently he was not anti-Muslim. Yet the article in the right wing Koch Bro. financed web site(yes ijreview.com is financed by Koch) tried to define him by putting a tag on him that fits their agenda: " radical atheist".

This is what right wing money does. While the interest of the Koch Bros. may not extend to atheism, abortion, gay rights, etc. they learned through the Straussians long ago which buttons have to be pushed to get the right wing low level zombies(voters) to march in step with their interests. If you don't believe me go into any thread on here concerning climate change.

There are a few intelligent posters on here who along with the numerous idiots actually believe because of Koch financed web sites and Fox News that climate change is a world wide conspiracy involving every scientist in the world, except for the 3 or 4 in disagreement that not only put up laughable "science" but can all be traced to fossil fuel money.

They do not understand or care to understand the forces that steer them
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I bet you're a grandmaster at tic tac toe. The Russians must shudder at the thought of facing you......

Did your god create evil like he created science? If so then maybe he wants us in that cage, maybe he endorses what ISIL does....let's check:

I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things. —Isaiah 45:7

Why YES! Yes he does! So when you pray in the cage he actually must answer with " Don't worry he'll strike that match soon..you know that match tipped with phosphorus that some Chinese scientist created long ago using the science I gave him, enjoy dipshit"

Yeah it seems that by your standard he created and endorses ISIL, good luck with that.

I pray for you, Elfie. Maybe one day you wont be so bitter about life
You are simplifying issues that Christians vote on, to some degree. You say a Christian will vote to deny a woman their reproductive rights. The way I look at that one is what about the rights of the unborn child? Who protects their rights? I don't think Christians go to the polls saying they have to vote to deny women that right as much as they do to champion the rights of the most innocent. I have struggled with the abortion issue, to be honest. I do not like the idea of the government telling anyone what they can do with their body. I don't like them sanctioning it, either. Ultimately, I do not like the term freedom of choice. We are all adults, and we all know that the choice is made when one decides to have sex (excluding rape and incest). Since a bad choice was made previously, don't hide behind freedom of choice now.

As it pertains to LBGT rights, again, I just don't like calling it marriage. I have no problem with civil unions and believe a partner should be allowed all the rights of a married couple, I just do not like it called marriage. That is between a man and a woman. That is what it was defined as. I don't call a yellow lab a golden retriever.

As it pertains to suppressing of liberty, I am sorry. I am just shy of 50, and in my lifetime, I do not recall an administration that did more things to suppress liberty than this one.

Lastly, there are crazies everywhere. I wish there were youtube videos of everyday Christians who just go to work, try to do the right things, help people when and where they can or otherwise just let them alone. That overwhelmingly describes most of the people I know. I have been disappointed by a few people claiming to be upstanding Christians. That is a tough thing to take, someone strutting around being a show off, and then in their private life doing some vile things. However, I just don't think you can blame God for that. We have been given free will. Therefore, I don't blame God for the mistakes people make, and that helps me to maintain my faith.

It's not up to Christians to worry about the unborn, let your all powerful god worry about that. That is the arrogance I speak of.

Do you forget that it's your own god who killed innocent babies in the millions during the flood? He seems to like that stuff, remember the 'first born of Egypt'?

Not that I am in agreement with late term abortion either, it's murky as to when a human is a human. That's why every form of contraception and abortion should be made available and easily accessible to women so they can get it taken care of early.

Marriage is an institution for societal and individual convenience as well as individual rights. What you or anybody else thinks about which two humans can seek to engage in marriage should not matter. Again; the arrogance is stunning.
Don't waste your prayers on that piece of ****.

Lol! An even better answer than the other guy. "I'll pray for you" is just another way to try to force you into the cult anyway when they have been disarmed.
Don't waste your prayers on that piece of ****.

Its just a shame to know there are those like her, who arrogantly cling to their bitterness toward God....i admit when i read her posts I feel all the more fortunate for my upbringing, my outlook on life...living day-in day-out angry towards God has to be pure hell.
Its just a shame to know there are those like her, who arrogantly cling to their bitterness toward God....i admit when i read her posts I feel all the more fortunate for my upbringing, my outlook on life...living day-in day-out angry towards God has to be pure hell.

How can you be angry at something that you don't believe exists? Does logic elude you guys at even the most fundamental level?

Hey I'm going to start a new thread on diversity and love REAL LOVE not the stuff you guys talk about. Some other guy in the Leanord Nimoy thread just told me my dad should have killed me, of course he loves god.
It's not up to Christians to worry about the unborn, let your all powerful god worry about that. That is the arrogance I speak of.

Do you forget that it's your own god who killed innocent babies in the millions during the flood? He seems to like that stuff, remember the 'first born of Egypt'?

Not that I am in agreement with late term abortion either, it's murky as to when a human is a human. That's why every form of contraception and abortion should be made available and easily accessible to women so they can get it taken care of early.

Marriage is an institution for societal and individual convenience as well as individual rights. What you or anybody else thinks about which two humans can seek to engage in marriage should not matter. Again; the arrogance is stunning.

Arrogance? I don't get the word arrogance.

I worry about paying my bills, so I go to work. I can't just sit around and let God worry about that. I have to do something about it. God didn't put us on earth just to lay around waiting for Him to do something. What is arrogant about that?

Your argument about abortion and birth control is BS. Contraception IS available to any woman who wants it. Even with that being the case, people still screw it up. We run around acting like one the possibilities of sex isn't a child. So what people want is an option to get out of a situation they had two opportunities to avoid previously. One, they didn't need to have sex if they were not ready for the possibility of having a child, secondly, if they had to have sex, they could have used "easily" and "readily" available contraception. To advance the idea that contraception isn't easily or readily available is just a flat out lie. So is abortion, for that matter. You guys won that one.

I am allowed to think what I want about marriage. You are allowed to think what you want about a multitude of topics, as you so well express. Why am I more arrogant than you?
How can you be angry at something that you don't believe exists? Does logic elude you guys at even the most fundamental level?

Hey I'm going to start a new thread on diversity and love REAL LOVE not the stuff you guys talk about. Some other guy in the Leanord Nimoy thread just told me my dad should have killed me, of course he loves god.

Ah yes, your thread which calls john lennon a prophet. I found it to be utter garbage, which isnt surprising.
Did your god create evil like he created science? If so then maybe he wants us in that cage, maybe he endorses what ISIL does....let's check:

I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things. —Isaiah 45:7


Free will.......it is a *****.

Don't waste your prayers on that piece of ****.

He/she's exactly the type that needs prayers most.......distasteful as it may seem.

Not that I am in agreement with late term abortion either, it's murky as to when a human is a human. Again; the arrogance is stunning.

So despite the fact that you admittedly don't know when a "human is a human" you are still okay with killing one. Stunning arrogance indeed.

Lol! An even better answer than the other guy. "I'll pray for you" is just another way to try to force you into the cult anyway when they have been disarmed.

There's that "stunning arrogance" again.....no one has ever been disarmed by you in any debate here (nor probably anywhere else). Ever.
Still waiting on that example Jupiter......or an apology.

You'll wait until you learn to read then. Your example was given, and undeniable. You labeled atheists (and don't think you'll just spin this to say you were only talking about one person) with a number of different disparaging descriptors. I pointed it out to you. End of story, you're an *******.
End of story, you're an *******.

Dude, really?

Lighten up Francis. Many of us have thought the same of you on countless occasions, but kept the opinions to ourselves. Can you as well?

I disagree with nearly every position you've put forward in this thread, but I'm not calling you a **** waffle, for instance. Relax.
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Dude, really?

Lighten up Francis. Many of us have thought the same of you on countless occasions, but kept the opinions to ourselves. Can you as well?

I disagree with nearly every position you've put forward in this thread, but I'm not calling you a **** waffle, for instance. Relax.

Couldn't agree more; it's funny how an individual's true character comes out when they're anonymous, isn't it?
However, it's nice to see that the most intolerant individuals on the board are still trying to preach tolerance to the rest of us.
Free will.......it is a *****.

No it's not. We have free will because we don't have a choice....can you grasp that?

Where did the Pharaohs free will go here:

Exodus 4:21 King James Version (KJV)

21 And the Lord said unto Moses, When thou goest to return into Egypt, see that thou do all those wonders before Pharaoh, which I have put in thine hand: but I will harden his heart, that he shall not let the people go.

He does love killing babies though and how could he do that without getting Pharaoh to play along?

He/she's exactly the type that needs prayers most.......distasteful as it may seem.

I don't need that which has been scientifically proven to not work.

Before you ask: They've done studies where people dying in hospitals had prayer groups pray for them and had others as control who were not prayed for. The results?

Those who were prayed for died at a higher rate than those who were not prayed for. They think it's because of some anti-placebo effect where those people felt they were not worthy and did not please their imaginary sky dadd

So despite the fact that you admittedly don't know when a "human is a human" you are still okay with killing one. Stunning arrogance indeed.

No I don't that's why I said I was against late term abortion. Goo is goo though.

There's that "stunning arrogance" again.....no one has ever been disarmed by you in any debate here (nor probably anywhere else). Ever.

You haven't been paying attention then...but hey at least you have your own 'disarming' experience here and now. Enjoy.
Some other guy in the Leanord Nimoy thread just told me my dad should have killed me.

Well yeah, cause him tossing you into a dumpster clearly has left you with some psycho problems.
How can you be angry at something that you don't believe exists?

Lol...I bet that's what your mom said to herself every time she looked at you.

So why are you so bitter toward those that believe in a god Elfie? Could it be because since you were a kid all you ever heard was "god damn you Elfie"....or "Jesus Christ Elfie" from your angry father as he was putting out his cigarette butt on your forearm?

Bitter that a Christian stole your best boyfriend perhaps?

Since the emergence of ISIS with all its atrocities perhaps you like so many liberal dim wits are frustrated that it's becoming more and more difficult to play the "Christians do bad stuff too" card in your defense of Islam.
Is that it Elfie? Frustration turning to anger?

Cmon Elfie....
