You are simplifying issues that Christians vote on, to some degree. You say a Christian will vote to deny a woman their reproductive rights. The way I look at that one is what about the rights of the unborn child? Who protects their rights? I don't think Christians go to the polls saying they have to vote to deny women that right as much as they do to champion the rights of the most innocent. I have struggled with the abortion issue, to be honest. I do not like the idea of the government telling anyone what they can do with their body. I don't like them sanctioning it, either. Ultimately, I do not like the term freedom of choice. We are all adults, and we all know that the choice is made when one decides to have sex (excluding rape and incest). Since a bad choice was made previously, don't hide behind freedom of choice now.
As it pertains to LBGT rights, again, I just don't like calling it marriage. I have no problem with civil unions and believe a partner should be allowed all the rights of a married couple, I just do not like it called marriage. That is between a man and a woman. That is what it was defined as. I don't call a yellow lab a golden retriever.
As it pertains to suppressing of liberty, I am sorry. I am just shy of 50, and in my lifetime, I do not recall an administration that did more things to suppress liberty than this one.
Lastly, there are crazies everywhere. I wish there were youtube videos of everyday Christians who just go to work, try to do the right things, help people when and where they can or otherwise just let them alone. That overwhelmingly describes most of the people I know. I have been disappointed by a few people claiming to be upstanding Christians. That is a tough thing to take, someone strutting around being a show off, and then in their private life doing some vile things. However, I just don't think you can blame God for that. We have been given free will. Therefore, I don't blame God for the mistakes people make, and that helps me to maintain my faith.